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The Sinner Unleashed (L.A. Sinners MC Book 2)

Page 11

by J. L. Leslie

  I hold out a shovel to Reid, and he takes it without question, digging into the dirt so Marla will have a grave. I hold another one out to Suggs, and he laughs in response.

  “This isn’t my fucking shit show,” he comments. “I don’t do grunt work, and as you fucking pointed out, I’m not a Sinner.”

  I start digging, not replying to him. If he wants to sit back and watch two men work their asses off, be my fucking guest. We could have come here without him.

  “I wish I would have found her before she got offed,” he murmurs, lifting the tarp and peeking underneath. “She has a nice rack and those lips, damn, they sure are fuckable.”

  Reid makes a face. “You realize you’re fantasizing about fucking a dead chick, right?”

  “Have you ever tried it?” Suggs asks, his tone somewhat serious. “Watched the life drain out of a woman as you rammed her cunt? And when she stops breathing, you don’t stop? Just keep fucking her limp body?”

  “You are a seriously fucked up human being if you’ve done shit like that,” Reid remarks, still digging and picking up speed. He wants to get away from this asshole as badly as I do.

  “I’m only fucking around,” Suggs grins, playing his comments off as a sick joke. “My old lady is far from dead in the sack.”

  “Old lady?” Reid smirks. “Didn’t think you were a member of no club.”

  Suggs’ eyes narrow at him as he says this, but he continues bragging on Mackenzie, nonetheless. “She’s a damn nympho. Always on my cock.”

  He rattles on about how Mackenzie loves to fuck all the time and how she blows him after until I’m ready to fucking explode. I put my focus on getting this hole dug so I can get the hell out of here. I’ll fucking walk back to the clubhouse before I’ll ride with him again.

  “This deep enough?” Reid asks me, and I nod. “Good, there’s a party at a frat house on campus, and I’d like to get to it before it’s too late.”

  I climb out and gather Marla in my arms, not asking him why he’s taken an interest in college parties all of a sudden. I can guarantee these college chicks have no idea what a sick fuck he is.

  I walk back over to the hole that Reid is still standing in and lower Marla down to him. We both make sure her body is completely covered by the tarp and double check to ensure we haven’t left any evidence behind.

  Reid and I make quick work of covering Marla, tossing the dirt back in the hole with our shovels until there’s only a smooth mound left. She was laid to rest, which is what Lucien wanted. He’ll break the news to Harper and one day, we’ll figure out a way to tell Donia without her blaming us.


  I lean closer to the mirror, wiping the blood from my lip. Donia may have that sweet mom look down pat, but she hits like a damn man. I toss the bloody tissue into the garbage and leave my bathroom.

  After finding out what we’ve been doing, I’m too wired to settle in for the night. I wind up doing a good spring cleaning of my house. It’s the middle of the night, but it seems like a damn good time to scrub my toilet. Knowing Hell’s Fury was behind the raping and murdering of those men has me wanting to scrub my insides.

  We can’t continue with that. Can’t keep killing people in the name of this war we’re in with the Sinners. I plan to try and convince Donia there’s another way. We can take down their trucks again. Put the DEA on their trail. Anything is better than what we’re doing.

  I finish up my bathroom and then put a load of clothes in the wash before I go out my backdoor to my garage. I know a drive will clear my head, help me come up with a plan to present to Donia.

  “Going somewhere?” Suggs’ voice makes me jump.

  “Yeah, for a ride.” I climb onto my bike and glare down at his outstretched hand. I’m not sure why I’m annoyed with him, but I am. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  He drops his hand to his side. “Why are you always running away from me?”

  “Running?” I ask him. “Suggs, I’m not running. I have a lot on my mind, and I want to clear my head.”

  “Let me guess,” he sighs. “Club business?”

  “What are you ‒”

  “Don’t play stupid with me, Macks,” he scolds.

  “How long did you know?” I question him. “How long did you know who I was?”

  “I’ve always known,” he answers. “I make it a priority to know the women I fuck.”

  He knew from the beginning. That knowledge has me feeling like the biggest fucking idiot in the world. I put on a mask for him, portrayed myself as the normal woman who works a nine to five job. I behaved as though I had no clue that he was a hired hand. That he killed people for a living.

  He wore his mask too, never letting on that he knew about Hell’s Fury. Never giving me any indication that he’s more than a simple man.

  I saw what I wanted to see. What he wanted me to believe.

  “And you know who I am,” he states. “What I do, don’t you?”

  I nod. “Yes, but I can’t deal with this right now.”

  “You act like this knowledge changes things for some reason,” he muses.

  “I think it does.”

  I can see that my answer annoys him. His jaw clenches, and he spits onto the ground. “We’re the same, Macks.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not like you.”

  His crosses his arms. “So, when we were pretending, it was alright to stay in that little bubble. We could act like some normal fucking couple, both working day jobs, and our nights were like everyone else’s. But when the truth comes out, you want to bolt.”

  “It isn’t like that,” I assure him. The fact that he’s a contract killer has nothing to do with why I want to bolt.

  He leans forward, snaking his fingers around my throat. “Did you really think I couldn’t smell him on you? Your fucking pussy reeked of him.”

  I shove him back away from me. “Don’t ever touch me like that again.”

  I’ve had Warren’s hands around my neck before, but Suggs’ is different. His grip was full of malice, an underlying threat evident. I’m not sure what happened to the sweet guy who looked at me with love in his eyes because that’s not who’s standing in front of me.

  “I wonder what Hell’s Fury would do if they found out you were fucking the enemy. Stealing away with him when your members were dying.”

  “That’s not true!” I deny. “I have never turned my back on Hell’s Fury!”

  “What I know is that one day you were gone, and now that you’re back, you’re a different woman.”

  “People change,” I say, my tone nonchalant.

  He laughs as he takes a step back. “And some of us don’t.”

  I pull my helmet on and start my bike, backing away from him. I have changed. I can see that, but maybe it’s time to change.

  I drive, a plan formulating in my mind. One I never thought I would consider. But there’s only one way to end this war, and I’m tired of fighting.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I turn on Mackenzie’s street just in time to see her pulling out of her driveway. Her bike screams down the road. I shift a little on my seat and then gun it, catching up to her in a matter of seconds.

  She glances over at me, the black shine of her helmet glimmering underneath the moonlight. She slows down a little, and I do the same, coming to a stop at a red light.

  I lift my helmet up enough to show her it’s me, just in case she didn’t know. She lifts her helmet, and I frown at the sight of her busted lip.

  “Can we go to our place?” she asks me, yelling over the sound of our engines.

  Our place.

  I fucking like the sound of that. I nod my head and tug the helmet back down. The light turns green, and I whip in front of her so she can follow me.

  When we arrive at my parents’ house, I kill my engine first. I already have my helmet off and flung to the ground before she even parks.

  I make my way to her, watching her remove her helmet and
run a hand through her hair. She climbs off her bike as I reach her.

  Without a word, I crash my lips to hers. I hear her whimper, and I pull back, running my thumb over her lip.

  “Did he do that to you?” I ask her, my brow furrowed.

  She shakes her head and grabs my cut, jerking me to her. She doesn’t kiss me but lowers her other hand to my jeans and unbuttons them, taking my dick in her hand.

  I spin her around, wrapping my arms around her waist as I unbutton her pants and shove them down. I bend her over her bike, ripping her thong from her perfect ass.

  “This time when you scream, it’ll be my fucking name,” I tell her and position my cock at her slippery entrance.

  I slide inside her, the warmth of her body the most incredible fucking sensation I’ve ever experienced. I fuck her right there in the backyard with her leaning over her bike, her hands gripping the leather of the seat.

  When we’re done, I stuff my dick in my pants and buckle them back up. She shimmies her jeans up, my cum dripping down her leg.

  “Thanks,” she tells me with a wink. “I didn’t have to fake that one.”

  I laugh and take her hand, leading her inside the house and not down to the basement. There’s not much left in here since my parents moved, but there’s still a sofa and recliner in the living room and a few dishes in the kitchen. I try to keep some nonperishables in the cabinets too.

  I leave her for a moment and return with some fresh clothes for her, figuring she might want to clean up.

  “These from one of the other women you kidnapped and kept here?” she teases.

  “They’re my mom’s actually.”

  She holds up the pants and shrugs. “Kudos to her for not wearing mom jeans. Bathroom?”

  “Down the hall on the left,” I answer her and watch her as she walks back there.

  I prop myself against the kitchen counter and wait for Mackenzie to come back. She only takes a few minutes to clean herself up and change into the jeans I gave her. When she emerges, hers are folded over her arm.

  “Why’d you want to come here?” I question her, and she arches an eyebrow.

  “Why were you coming to my house?”

  “I was just out for a ride. Did you get what you were after?” I ask, and she smiles.


  “Can you tell me what that was?”

  She shrugs. “Answers. I have a dilemma and was trying to figure out how to solve it. I think I have, but I’m not sure. It won’t be easy.”

  “Nothing is ever easy, Mackenzie.”

  She approaches me, placing a finger on my bottom lip and tugging it down. I part my lips as she rises on her tiptoes to kiss me.

  “Will you promise me something?” she asks against my lips and I nod. “Promise me that regardless of how this war ends, what we have do to each other, that you’ll forgive me.”

  I take a step back from her, unsure what this dilemma is and how she plans to resolve it, but it obviously affects me and most likely the Sinners too.

  “As long as you promise me that you’ll forgive me too.”

  She nods, and our silent promise to each other is sealed. I only hope I can find it in myself not to break it.


  I sit on the counter, watching Warren as he takes two cans of soup from the cupboard and finds two bowls as well. The house is pretty much empty but there’s some old furniture and obviously still some food left.

  He dumps the contents of the cans in each bowl and puts one in the microwave before opening a drawer and getting out two spoons.

  “Do you live here?” I ask him. “I mean, instead of at the clubhouse.”

  He shakes his head. “I only come here when I need to be alone.”

  “Do the Sinners know about this place?”

  “Only you,” he replies, and it makes me feel good that he trusts me with this, even if the way I found out about it wasn’t under normal circumstances.

  The microwave beeps and Warren gets the bowl of soup out. He puts a spoon in it and hands it to me before putting his bowl in to warm up.

  “Thank you,” I say quietly and take a bite.

  “How come you didn’t tell Hell’s Fury about what I did to you?” he turns and faces me, leaning against the counter. “Or your boyfriend.”

  “We have enough to worry about. Telling them you kidnapped me, held me prisoner, would only add to those worries. They would’ve wanted to retaliate, and I didn’t see the point.”

  “You could have let Suggs handle it.”

  I smile at him, tilting my head to the side a little. “Are you wanting to be killed?”

  He laughs a little. “Not exactly, but I also don’t want to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.”

  “I’m not going to tell anyone what happened,” I assure him. “If you’re looking over your shoulder, it’s because you’re in a club that has enemies.”

  “Yeah, the Sicarios, the cartel, and let’s not forget Hell’s Fury.”

  I shrug. “Maybe one day we won’t be enemies.”

  He frowns a little at this. “Unless you overthrow your president, that’s not going to happen. She’s out for blood, and regardless of the arrangement her and Lucien made for peace, we both know she isn’t holding up her end of the deal on that.”

  “It’s hard to let go of something you’ve wanted for so long,” I tell him and take another bite of my soup while he gets his bowl. “The deaths of our family members are wounds that won’t heal.”

  “I think you’re fighting the wrong people,” he says to me. “Your club knows that we had nothing to do with the deaths of the Hades Riders. That was all Ford and his fucked-up dealings.”

  He is right about that, and yes, we know that. But Ford was associated with the Sinners, and as far as Hell’s Fury is concerned, there’s still a debt to be paid, and it has to be paid in blood. I’m not certain how I can get them to see otherwise.

  “He made the decisions for the club, and the club followed orders. Our men were murdered.”

  “That is a casualty of this life, Mackenzie, and we both know that,” he replies.

  Another thing he is right about. When you live this lifestyle, you are fully aware of the possible consequences.

  “What is it that you want me to do?” I question him. “Forget it all happened?”

  “You asked me to forgive you for whatever you do in this war,” he reminds me. “Perhaps I’m not the one who needs to do the forgiving.”

  Why is he right again? I’ve known I needed to forgive those responsible for Matthew’s death a long time ago. I only fear that if I do that, forgive them, I won’t know who I am anymore.

  I can see that I’ve changed but letting go of that is a change I might not be ready for.

  “Mackenzie, this lifestyle is about survival. Finding your allies and being loyal to them so that you can overcome any enemy who sets foot in your way. I don’t know who your allies are, but I know you cannot overcome us and I sure as hell don’t think any of you are prepared for what happens when you accept that.”

  “And if we weren’t at war, would you be loyal to us? Would you call yourself an ally?”

  “That isn’t up to me.”

  No, it isn’t. That falls on Lucien and Donia. If they make an alliance, the members will follow suit. If they don’t, we continue to be on opposite sides.

  I question whether or not we can defeat them. When we think we’re one step ahead of them, they’re two in front of us. I know Lucien has already shown leniency and that was only for Harper.

  She took a beating for betraying us, and Donia let her stay in the club. I’m not even sure if that’s what Harper really wanted, but I know why Donia let her stay. She thinks it protects us, guarantees us that Lucien won’t have the Sinners attack because it would hurt Harper.

  She’s wrong about that, though. Harper is no longer part of Hell’s Fury. If we keep pushing them, trying to take everything they are working for, killing their men
, they will retaliate. Perhaps they already are.

  There can only be one winner in this war, and I’m terrified that if we don’t make some major changes, it won’t be us.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Mackenzie stays with me, not minding how cramped we are sleeping on my old twin bed. It’s nice waking up to her with the sun streaming in through the window.

  I am not normally a sleep-over type of guy. Sabrina stayed overnight sometimes, but we didn’t cuddle and we sure as fuck didn’t spoon.

  But spooning is nice. Might even be my new favorite thing.

  “Are you trying to turn this spooning into forking?” Mackenzie giggles, rubbing her backside against my hardening cock.

  I grin and nuzzle my nose at the curve of her neck. My hands are almost in her panties when my phone buzzes. She tells me to ignore it, but it’s the second call, so I can’t.

  I reluctantly get off the bed and saunter over to where my phone is in the back pocket of my jeans. They were discarded on the floor beside my t-shirt and cut. I listen to the voicemail and struggle not to drop my phone.

  I snatch my jeans up and tug them on, picking up the rest of my clothes. “Get dressed, Mackenzie, hurry.”

  It shocks me that she doesn’t question me but gets up and pulls on her shirt and the jeans I loaned her last night.

  My hands are trembling as I dial Lucien back. I listen to the phone ringing on the other side as I step into my boots. I don’t bother lacing them, letting my jeans bunch at the rim of them.

  “Fuck, Warren, this isn’t happening,” Lucien answers.

  Mackenzie follows me out the door, shutting it behind her. She stands beside her bike, waiting on me to tell her what’s going on.

  “Did she go somewhere with a friend?” I ask him. “You know, with that little girl she’s always asking to stay with? Maybe she left with her.”

  “No, she wouldn’t do that. You know that,” he replies. “Harper went to get her up for school, and she was gone. Her room was empty.”


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