Bruce Chatwin

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Bruce Chatwin Page 76

by Nicholas Shakespeare

  Bruce continues to . . . EC to GC, 29.2.68

  She is a big . . . BC to EC, 30.11.66

  Sometimes during Lent . . . Tamara Talbot Rice, Tamara: memoirs of St Petersburg, Paris, Oxford and Byzantium (John Murray, 1996), 25

  The prehistoric Animal . . . From “A Nomad Collector”

  an odd young . . . 7.7.68

  a lady Marxist . . . WAIDH, 59

  I now dread . . . 11.5.68

  who is running . . . 3.7.68

  Could you try . . . BC to EC, July 5

  may well be . . . BC to EC, ND

  Every plan was . . . BC to Peter Levi, 15.10.68

  Reading Chatwin . . . With Chatwin, 42

  reciting a Shakespeare . . . BC to PL

  Liver pains and . . . BC to Joan Leigh Fermor, 30.11.71

  Although Ruth . . . 16.7.68

  I got very depressed . . . 9.7.68

  Bruce & George went . . . 9.7.68

  Nearly half way through . . . 10.7.68

  When one speculated . . . AOR, 178

  Moscow is an . . . 16.7.68

  Most archaeologists interpret . . . Box 31

  If an archaeologist has . . . Box 31

  I began to feel . . . BC to NS

  two supermale ladies . . . BC to JI, 8.12.69

  Emmy is fine . . . BC to EC, ND

  He is dreading . . . EC to GC, 14.7.68

  His mounting contemept . . . Tatler, October 1982

  XVIII: That Wretched Book

  Wild horses . . . EC to GC, 21.3.69

  Bruce went mad . . . 6.11.68

  What you really . . . ABC, 25.1.83

  Following their passion . . . AOR, 91

  other forms of . . . BC to CW, 8.12.69

  Mr Chatwin, an anthropologist . . . Foreword to Art from East to West, Bruce Chatwin, Emma Bunker, Ann Farkas (Asia Society, 1970)

  pretty pretentious, but not bad . . . BC to NS, June 1987

  He seemed to . . . my roots . . . Box 11

  At present I . . . BC to CW, 1.2.69

  the whole basis . . . AOR, 83

  The idea is emerging . . . DR to TM, 26.2.69

  I do just want . . . TM to BC, 13.3.69

  What exactly is . . . DM to TM, ND April 1969

  The first will . . . BC to TM, 12.5.69

  As I said . . . TM to DR, 2.5.69

  The argument, roughly . . . AOR, 12

  a nebulous no-man . . . Box 31

  It was so much . . . BC to NS

  It was so much . . . BC to NS

  His interest became . . . Ifan Kyrle Fletcher, “Ronald Firbank: A Memoir’, London 1930, reprinted as pp. 3–56 of Mervyn Horder (ed.) Ronald Firbank: Memoirs and Critiques (Duckworth, 1977)

  the kind of topographical . . . PL proposal, ND, Burns Library

  Peter Levi is . . . EC to GC, 4.6.69

  I’ve never felt . . . BC to GC, 4.10.67

  Christie’s are crazy . . . EC to GC, 6.11.68

  He found the pair . . . 25.9.67

  for which he . . . 30.6.68

  I hate having . . . 21.4.68

  Where is the face . . . BC to CT

  They are, if the . . . Box 35

  The Times . . . 5.8.71

  No spectacle . . . BC to JI, 12.8.71

  odd little incident . . . The Light Garden of the Angel King (Collins, 1972), 36

  A refreshing spot . . . 7.7.69, Box 35

  We looked and . . . LGAK, 63

  the moment of sitting . . . Box 35

  A Crested lark . . . Box 35

  It will be obvious . . . LGAK, 15

  drove me wild . . . BC to EC, 14.9.72

  Peter is being . . . Box 35

  It was one . . . BC to NS

  I declared loftily . . . LGAK, 133

  Bruce had miled . . . LGAK, 72

  small, elfin, mischievous . . . Box 35

  I am always moved . . . Box 30

  Officer in Charge . . . Box 35

  an ecstatic dance . . . Box 35

  One cannot adequately . . . Box 30

  Bruce has been . . . PL journal

  The main question . . . Box 35

  The book would . . . Box 30

  I am in a mood . . . Box 35

  PL is really . . . BC to EC, 14.9.72

  in high dugeon . . . BC to JI, 12.8.71

  There comes a point . . . Box 35

  Anyone who thinks . . . LGAK, 133

  Better a quail . . . LGAK, 158

  Elizabeth and I . . . Box 35

  XIX: Distractions

  HOME IS A PERVERSION . . . BC notebooks, Box 41

  He hates this place . . . EC to GC, 3.1.73

  the most beautiful . . . BC to JI, 21.5.70

  Lunch in Llandovery . . . 14.12.69, Box 34

  When it miawoed . . . VOO

  What do you do? . . . BC to EC, 1.12.70

  Last night we . . . BC to EC, ND, December 1970

  I’ve never seen . . . EC to GC,

  One’s thirtieth year . . . BC to EC, ND [December?] 1970

  Some fatuous person . . . BC to CT

  12 Dec 1969 . . . Box 34

  I have always . . . WAIDH, 366

  It’s like the . . . SL, 310

  They are the greatest storytellers . . . Box 41

  a people obsessed . . . Box 41.

  Nomads of today . . . NA, Box 12

  It’s a very great . . . SH, Adelaide, March 1984

  Oh God, when . . . BC to EC

  Very interesting the . . . BC to PL, December 1969

  I must write that . . . Box 35

  that wretched book . . . EC to GC, 1.9.72

  Penelope seems to . . . BC to EC, 16.11.70

  Also you’d better . . . BC to EC, 30.6.70

  Offer finally accepted . . . BC to PLF, 1.10.70

  I make no promises . . . BC to EC, 22.10.70

  The winter was hard . . . OTBH, 31

  It lay on a sunless . . . OTBH, 16

  the wide staring . . . Diary, Box 34, 13.12.69

  Frankly, I thought . . . BC to EC, 22.10.70

  I am going to exercise . . . BC to EC, 6.11.70

  The anniversary of your . . . BC to EC, 15.11.70

  It has caught the nerve . . . BC to EC, 2.1.71

  a slightly guilty complex . . . BC to EC, 2.1.71

  I don’t know what . . . BC to EC, 3.12.70

  long-eared bats . . . BC to EC, 22.10.70

  professional snivellers . . . BC to EC, 22.10.70

  She really is quite awful . . . BC to EC, 11.12.70

  We simply cannot . . . BC to EC, 28.10.70

  Imagine my horror . . . BC to EC, 5.11.70

  In spite of my screamings . . . BC to EC, 2.1.71

  very nearly finished . . . BC to EC, 11.12.70

  I have caught worms . . . BC to EC, 28.10.70

  I couldn’t sit . . . BC to EC, 2.1.71

  Linda and I both . . . BC to EC, 24.11.70

  I am quite decided . . . BC to EC, 2.1.71

  Doors slam for no reason . . . Box 34

  this is the nadir of our fortunes . . . BC to EC, 2.1.71

  I am afraid I simply . . . BC to EC, 2.1.71

  Miranda has found . . . BC to EC, ND [December?] 1970

  It may sound . . . EC to GC, 9.4.71

  He has decided . . . EC to GC, 22.3.71

  They are supposed . . . EC to GC, 2.4.71

  I hope he’ll be . . . 2.4.71

  Saw the Qashgais . . . BC to CW, 17.5.71

  But with very truble . . . Akbar to EC, 4.5. 71

  Miranda is really . . . EC to GC, 28.5.71

  Rang up Miranda . . . EC to GC, 5.7.71

  Elizabeth’s young Pakistani . . . BC to CW, 17.5.71

  You must try . . . BC to IF, October 1966

  quite broken . . . BC to JI, ND, May 1971

  The weather is so . . . BC to CW, 11.6.71

  It’s quite beautiful . . . BC to EC, 22.6.71

  I do badly . . . BC to JI, 12.7.71

  Also on the path . . . CW to BC, 28.5.66

  to try and finish . . . EC to GC, 5.7.71

  Never never never . . . BC to JI, 2.8.71

  I have in the rough . . . 12.7.71

  That Andrew story . . . ND, 1972

  That really is worth a filum . . . 12.8.71

  Once I’m through . . . 15.9.71

  ACTION in film . . . ND, 1971

  Perhaps I could go . . . 12.7.71

  with a car plus another typewriter . . . BC to EC, ND, June 1971

  a great expert on birdsong . . . BC to JI, 12.7.71

  Very unusual for . . . 12.7.71

  XX: Deliverance

  Bruce came in . . . James Lees-Milne, A Mingled Measure: Diaries, 1953–72 (John Murray, 1994), 135

  the husband who . . . Box 31

  I spend the week . . . BC to JI, 21.5.70

  Found myself lecturing . . . Unpublished diary, 1.8.80

  I’m so broke . . . EC to GC, 29.1.72

  Dear Max, well here . . . EC to BC, 4.7.75

  I have just read . . . BC to JI, ND, autumn 1971

  Bruce Chatwyn [sic] is . . . 23.3.70

  Yesterday the phone . . . BC to JI, ND

  At the moment . . . EC to GC, 4.11.71

  rather disgruntled . . . BC to CW, December 1971

  I am at my lowest ebb . . . December 1971

  Feeling very Beau Geste . . . BC to EC, ND, January 1972

  At the moment . . . BC to EC, 5.2.72

  Bruce has been talking . . . EC to GC, 3.6.72

  Most aesthetic market . . . BC to EC, ND

  a language which . . . BC to JI, ND, 1972

  Jeudi, Tahoua, Niger . . . Box 34

  Have just returned . . . BC to EC, 2.2.72

  I have started writing . . . 2.2.72

  Don’t know why . . . BC to EC, ND

  I have a moustache . . . BC to JI, ND [March?] 1972

  I always think . . . BC to parents, 30.8.72

  I have been mouldering . . . BC to JI, 8.4.72

  I’m sorry I left . . . 30.8.72

  There is a canoe . . . 30.8.72

  The Book is . . . BC to EC, 28.8.72

  I hope he’ll get . . . EC to GC, 1.9.72

  one of the most unpleasant . . . BC to EC, 14.9.72

  I am convinced . . . 13.3.69

  The best travellers . . . NA, Box 12

  The style alone . . . SL, 266

  XXI: The Journalist

  PHONE HOPELESS . . . 1973, Box 35

  The idea of a job . . . BC to EC, 28.8.72

  a colossal inspiration . . . ABC, 11.5.83

  I felt that for writing . . . BC to CT

  The Sunday Times things . . . EC to GC, 29.10.72

  Journalism does help . . . ABC, 11.5.83

  The feeling as one . . . Philip Norman, unpublished article

  articulated pipe-cleaners . . . Everyone’s Gone to the Moon (Hutchinson, 1995), 15

  If a thing’s worth doing . . . EGTTM, 59

  We have frequently . . . Sunday Times magazine, 26.8.72

  They’ve lost all . . . EGTTM, 205

  le corset, c’est une . . . WAIDH, 89

  The interior is as . . . WAIDH, 87

  in a bedroom which . . . Sunday Times magazine, 4.3.73

  There was never any . . . BC to CT

  a man of about 40 . . . EGTTM, 68

  barbed observation . . . Philip Norman, op. cit.

  We soon forgot . . . AOR, 13

  The Sunday Times still . . . EC to GC, 28.12.72

  the mad Greek . . . WAIDH, 154

  I fear I intended . . . Box 34

  encouraged, criticised, edited . . . AOR, 13

  I’m always seeing things . . . BC to CT

  No whinches, thats and whos . . . Box 35

  The rumours were true . . . Utz, 24

  His eyes are a . . . WAIDH, 297

  He writes a hard . . . 300

  No one but . . . 301

  An observed detail . . . New Yorker, 23.6.87

  In interview, he . . . WAIDH, 261

  the interview was . . . WAIDH, 323

  In answer to questions . . . WAIDH, 314

  He was extremely nasty . . . BC to SS, 26.7.78

  Personally, I would . . . PN, op. cit.

  one of the most . . . WAIDH, 114

  Malraux was there . . . February 1970, Box 34

  In Lawrence’s career . . . WAIDH, 122

  adventurers of . . . TLS, 16.6.89

  I do not want to . . . BC to EC, 6.9.78

  I go through . . . WAIDH, 329

  Bruce, you have . . . BC to CT

  the 23-yr-old whizz-kid . . . BC to Nigel Acheson, 25.8.78

  an exhilarating companion . . . WAIDH, 333

  A bitch to write . . . BC to parents, ND, 1978

  She’s far worse . . . BC to CW, 21.5.78

  The copy came back . . . BC to SS, 18.6.78

  Resolution of the month . . . 18.6.78

  Quotation of the Month . . . 18.6.78

  XXII: “Gone to Patagonia”

  I have done . . . BC to FW, 11.12.74

  the most enjoyable . . . BC to Eileen Gray, 21.12.72

  Allez-y pour moi . . . Peter Adam, Not Drowning but Waving (André Deutsch, 1995), 353

  anyone would be . . . BC to CT

  She said that Bruce . . . MC to EC, 4.2.75

  Charles Milward’s life . . . Box 35

  I like my cousins . . . BC to EC, 12.12.74

  It was like . . . ABC, 14.3.84

  In all their minds . . . Box 35

  Buenos Aires is . . . BC to EC, December 1974, ND

  Here am I . . . Box 31

  Last night dreamt. . . In museum, Trelew

  Whether it is the. . . Tom Jones, A Patagonian Panorama (The Outspoken Press, 1961)

  The further one. . . Box 31

  I always try. . . The South Bank Show, September 1982

  absolute constant. . . BC to Uki Goni, 1980

  His lack of roots . . . Notice in Harberton

  My business was . . . BC to Millicent Jane Saunders, 27.9.79

  I’m not interested . . . ABC, 14.3.84

  you could imagine . . . IP, 28

  rolled off her tongue . . . IP, 60

  England in full . . . Box 35

  spending nights in . . . Box 6

  Dying of tiredness . . . BC to EC, 21.1.74

  Difficulties of Patagonia . . . Box 35

  Basically, God is . . . Box 35

  Tourists always wave . . . Box 35

  Day of disasters . . . Box 35

  the tragedy of . . . Box 35

  N.G. sounded . . . Box 35

  live in a . . . Box 35

  Mother remained on . . . MB to BC, 28.11.77, Box 6

  He was German . . . BC to CC, 15.3.75

  a foppish man . . . Box 31

  Said they were . . . Box 35


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