Mission Primal (Men of the Pack Book 1)

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Mission Primal (Men of the Pack Book 1) Page 7

by Parker Skye

  Jolting in alarm, Adam fumbled for his phone to answer its frantic ringing. He had to partially remove the plastic bag to activate the touch screen, taking so long he almost missed the call. His fingers could barely feel the screen as he slid them across the green bar over and over again. Finally his phone connected, “Hello?” Adam’s voice quavered as he held the phone to his ear.

  “Where are you?” a deep voice growled.

  Adam looked at the screen, confirming the identity of his caller. “Ben? Is that you?” Adam’s words were broken by his teeth uncontrollably chattering.

  “Yes, it’s me,” Ben answered, his voice sounding more normal. “Where are you? I’m coming to get you.”

  Adam looked around at his surroundings, not really sure anymore. His brain felt numb from the cold and he knew he was no longer thinking properly. He couldn’t even imagine how Ben had known he was in trouble, but he found he was too worried to care. He was just happy help would be coming soon.

  “Um, I think I’m on 5th street over on the south side of town.”

  “Can you see any landmarks? Any buildings with names or anything?”

  “Um, I can see Stanford’s Storage and Rios Tires just up ahead,” Adam replied, water cascaded off his eyelashes, blurring his vision.

  “Ok, I’m on my way. Keep moving unless you can see something to use for cover. I’ll find you,” Ben said as the phone disconnected.

  Adam rewrapped his phone and tried to shove it back in his front pants pocket. It took three attempts before he managed to push it past the clinging denim into the pocket. Dipping his face to help protect it from the worst of the rain, he did as instructed and kept moving forward. An unknown period of time later, his zombie-like walk had deteriorated to shuffling, his feet barely leaving the pavement. His toe kicked a break in the asphalt, causing him to fall to his hands and knees.

  Adam decided staying on the ground was easier than walking anymore. He was literally soaked to the bone and too tired to get back up again. He pulled his knees to his chest and pulled his hands inside his wet hoodie, taking any protection he could offer to his freezing hands. He dropped his forehead to his knees, doing his best to protect his face from the cold rain. As he drifted off into peaceful unconsciousness, he could have sworn he heard the dogs howling nearby.

  Chapter 14


  Ben had woken at dawn as he usual, his wolf unperturbed at the sparse few hours of sleep he had gotten the night before. Truth be known, he could go for days without sleeping, but he slept because he liked to. He liked the feeling that he could close his eyes and the day would jump forward. He didn’t have to find something else to occupy him while he waited for everyone else to get up.

  In reality, he was only waiting for Adam to get up, but he wasn’t ready to admit that to himself yet. He admitted it was pathetic, but he didn’t seem to have any control over it. Ben spent the morning researching Adam and his family. He supposed if Adam knew, he would think he was a stalker or something, but Ben couldn’t stop himself. He still felt he was missing something. He had been sent with almost no information and he felt he was running blind. He’d been given only a name, age, and address along with a photo of Adam, obviously taken at school a few years ago. The fake smile was a dead giveaway as in most school photos. Adam was just lucky there wasn’t a big pimple in between his eyes. That always seemed to happen in any of Ben’s previous school photos.

  He’d been searching for hours and was finding some success, but not much. He’d discovered more information about Adam’s parents – Charles and Lucy Harris. Charles was a disabled blue collar worker, having held odd jobs at plants and such over the years until his back injury a few years back. He hadn’t worked since. Information on Lucy was a little harder to come by. It seemed she had given up working when Adam was born, but before that she had waited tables at a local diner that didn’t exist anymore. It seemed Lucy had flown the coop about six years ago, which would have made Adam about twelve at the time. Ben figured it explained a lot of Adam’s trust issues, having a deadbeat mom like that.

  Ben couldn’t imagine a wolf mother up and leaving her cubs. It was just unheard of in his world. And, knowing how bad Adam’s relationship was with his father, he guessed Adam had not had a pleasant childhood. Inside his wolf paced, growing increasingly angry for its mate to have had to suffer through that all these years.

  Finally breaking for lunch, Ben plowed through two BLT’s followed by a glass of whole milk. He had started unwrapping a chocolate cupcake, totally thrilled with his werewolf metabolism, when a chill ran up his spine. Ben felt the urgency in the moment and knew instantly something was wrong. Adam was in danger somewhere, but he didn’t know anything more. He prayed as he dialed that Adam would answer. If he didn’t, he worried about being able to keep his wolf under control. He could already feel the urgent pacing and fear growing inside.

  The weak ‘Hello? Ben? Is that you?’ almost had his wolf breaking free. He pushed it down, knowing he needed opposable thumbs right now. As his mate described his location, Ben was pulling up a mapping program on his computer. Once it was locked in his mind, he was running for the door, shedding clothes on the way.

  Ben stayed in wolf form, running back alleys and side streets until he came across Adam’s prone form lying in the rain. His wolf howled upon seeing the sad state of his mate and started to shake anxiously. Pull it together. Adam needs us. Ben covered Adam’s body with his own as he searched the surrounding area for anything to help them out of this. About two blocks away he spied a beat up VW Beetle parked on the curb. He prayed to every God he could think of that the car still ran.

  Ben hated to leave Adam behind, but didn’t think he would appreciate being dragged along the wet asphalt, adding severe abrasions to his case of hypothermia. He reached the car and realized there was no way he could do this in wolf form. He looked around and saw nothing but decrepit buildings. He hoped they were all as abandoned as they seemed. He didn’t have time to do this somewhere more private and he would still be naked regardless. Ben found his center and shifted, flinching when he felt the level of cold on his more sensitive skin. Damn, Adam must be freezing.

  He had to grab for the door handle a few times before he could make his hand work properly. He was always a little clumsy after a rushed shift. The door popped open, surprisingly unlocked. Adam jumped in and tried to think back to hot wiring basics, thankful his education hadn’t been in human school. He was pretty sure that wasn’t on the curriculum at Lakeland High.

  Just before he ducked under the steering column, he looked up, eying the sun visor. There’s no way it’s going to be this easy. He flipped the visor down and a set of keys rained into his lap, complete with a pink lucky rabbit’s foot keychain. “Thank you thank you thank you,” he chanted out loud to whichever deity had listened to his prayers.

  After the car was running and turned around, rescuing Adam was a no-brainer. He pulled his sodden mate into the backseat and covered him with the old wool blanket he found shoved on the back floor board. It was dirty, but he didn’t figure Adam would complain right then. He got back in the car and floored it for home, praying not to get pulled over for his lack of attire.

  Chapter 15


  Adam woke up warm and toasty and…confused. Where was he? More importantly, where were his clothes? Adam sat up, startled to find himself on a pallet of blankets, lying in front of a roaring fire. He was naked except for the several heavy quilts that had apparently been wrapped around him. He looked around the room in confusion, not recognizing anything familiar in this space.

  “Oh, hey, you finally woke up,” said Ben, entering the room hold two steaming mugs of something that smelled heavenly. “I was starting to worry I should have taken you to the hospital. “

  Ben came closer and sat the mugs on the nearby coffee table. Sitting on the other side of the table, Ben pushed one of the mugs closer to Adam as he began blowing the steam from the top of his own.
r />   “Go on, you need to get something warm into you. You can get worse if we warm up your outsides too much before your insides have time to catch up,” Ben said, again nudging the coffee mug in his direction. Adam carefully grasped the mug in both hands, groaning at the sight of hot chocolate complete with mini marshmallows. He slowly blew away the steam from the top and took a sip. A low hum rose from his chest unbidden. Adam continued to drink as quickly as could without burning his mouth and throat. Ben was still working on the top third of his drink, when Adam had upended his mug, retrieving the last swallow. Ben watched with a knowing smirk as Adam placed his mug down and wiped his hand across his mouth, catching the last of the foam dotting his upper lip.

  “More?” Ben asked.

  “Please?” Adam responded almost guiltily, staring over Ben’s left shoulder instead of making eye contact.

  “Sure,” Ben replied. Adam took in what he assumed was Ben’s home. The space was small but more cozy than cramped. The living room where he currently lay seemed to technically be the same space as the dining area and kitchen, but the arrangement was efficient, making the area seem larger than it really was. The undersized furniture further served this purpose. He noticed the dining room table only sat two. Adam figured that explained why he was on a pallet on the floor instead of on the sofa. While it looked functional for a sitting space, there was no way even his shorter frame would have been able to lie down on it without his feet hanging off the end.

  Hearing the clink of a metal spoon stirring against the porcelain, Adam turned to watched Ben putter around the stove making him another cup of cocoa. It all seemed so domestic. Ben returned and handed over the steaming mug. Resuming his own seat on the couch, Ben seemed to consider Adam for a moment before speaking again. The feel of Ben’s gaze made a blush start to creep up Adam’s neck at the thought of how naked he currently was. Yes, he had several layers of quilts in between himself and the world, but he was still technically totally starkers otherwise.

  “Are you getting hot or are you blushing?” The blushing progressed, causing Ben to chuckle. “Well, that answers that question.”

  “Shut up, you ass! How would you react if you woke up naked in front of a romantic fire?” Adam said, putting down his empty mug and crossing both arms over his chest. Ben slid down from the couch to sit cross-legged on the floor next to Adam, still smiling at Adam’s obvious discomfort. Adam fought one leg free from the blankets and kicked Ben in the shins lightly, trying not to laugh. Ben grabbed the offending foot and held it in both hands, massaging gently to try to bring some warmth back into the still cold flesh.

  “While I’m glad you think the fire is romantic Adam, this is hypothermia 101. Boy scouts finally did me some good today. If you think this is embarrassing, be glad I didn’t feel you were cold enough that I had to get naked and share my body heat,” Ben said. His smile faded as he went on speaking.

  “Don’t worry me like that again, Adam. You could have died out in that weather today. You weren’t even wearing a proper coat.”

  “I honestly didn’t know the weather was going to turn like that. It was a beautiful day when I left the house. I guess that will teach me to check the weather more closely,” Adam replied, looking down at the surface of the coffee table his arms were now resting on.

  “How did you know I was in trouble today?” Adam asked, meeting Ben’s gaze. He waited for the lie he felt sure was coming.

  “I don’t know, honestly, I just did. It was like my skin was on fire and I just knew something bad was happening to you. Don’t make me try to explain it, because I really don’t know how that happened. I’ve never heard of anything like that before.”

  Adam watched Ben’s face for moments more, reading his body language and he knew the truth when he saw it. The blatant honesty in Ben’s expression couldn’t be faked, at least he hoped not. Adam hoped he could trust Ben as much as his body told him he could. The quilts had fallen from his shoulders and lay pooled in his lap. A shiver ran down Adam’s spine, instantly setting Ben on high alert again.

  “You’re still cold, Adam. Lay back down and I’ll tuck you back in.”

  Adam looked over his shoulder shyly. “I think you’re right. I am cold,” he said, slowly lying back down on the pallet of blankets. “But, I think I need you to help warm me up after all. Boy Scouts 101, remember?”

  Ben’s mouth opened and closed, Adam having startled him speechless. “What happened to taking it slow?” Ben asked, finally finding his ability to speak again. His obvious nervousness made Adam feel brave like he’d never felt before.

  “I guess I trust you.”

  Adam was shocked at the speed Ben had his shirt and pants off. It was like they popped into nothingness, leaving Ben naked except for tight navy boxer briefs that left almost nothing to the imagination. Adam turned on his side and pulled the edge of the blanket back, letting Ben slide under the covers with him. As Adam felt the heat pouring off Ben’s body, his nerves made another appearance, causing a shiver to run down his spine. Goosebumps covered his flesh. Adam was pleased to see than Ben looked to be just as nervous, keeping a good six inches between them. Adam placed his hand on Ben’s chest, feeling his heart beating fast and strong.

  “You’re trembling,” Adam said, letting his hand stroke up to Ben’s neck and into his hairline. A groan poured from Ben’s mouth as his eyes rolled back. Adam smiled a crooked smile, pleased with his reaction. Ben’s gaze finally rested on him again and Adam was instantly under his spell. He could see the desire pooling there, Ben’s pupils blown wide, making his eyes look more black than their usual golden hue. Adam felt a hand moving slowly from his waist around to his back, slowly tracing the bones in his spine.

  “Can I kiss you?” Ben asked, softly. Adam could feel Ben’s trembling start up again. Adam realized this wasn’t from nerves, after all. Ben was holding himself back. In that moment, Adam realized how much he trusted Ben and he was no longer afraid. He watched entranced as Ben’s tongue snaked out and licked his own lower lip, leaving it glistening and so temptingly wet. Adam answered by closing the distance between them, covering Ben’s firm lips with his own.

  Chapter 16


  As soon as their lips met, Ben’s self-restraint fled. He found himself rolling Adam onto his back and settling on top of him, the feel of his skin sliding across his own like magic. He touched the tip of his tongue to the seam of Adam’s lips and was unbelievably thankful when Adam opened for him, allowing his tongue room to plunder.

  Ben’s hands couldn’t stop touching, touching Adam everywhere, his strong back, the smooth planes of his hairless chest, the prominent lines of his collarbones, the taut skin of his neck. He found himself entranced by the feel of Adam’s crazy auburn locks clenched in his hands as he devoured his mouth. Adam’s sweet flavor would have knocked him to his knees if he had been standing up.

  He worried momentarily that he was going too fast. Adam had asked for slow in the beginning after all, but Ben wasn’t sure he could stop. Adam just felt so damn good. He had to have him or he might go crazy. Besides, if the hand on his ass was anything to go by, Adam wasn’t fighting him off either.

  Adam lifted his upper body from the pallet and Ben took the hint, rolling over onto his back. He let Adam settle over him, straddling his hips. Adam took hold of Ben’s face, taking control of the kiss. Ben had no need to be in charge, as long as Adam was in this with him. He broke the kiss to groan aloud as Adam’s roaming hand found his right nipple and pinched lightly.

  “Hmm, like that do you?” Adam asked as he replaced his fingers with his sweeping tongue. Ben panted and clenched his hands at his sides. He didn’t want to accidentally pull out any of Adam’s beautiful hair if he lost control. He almost lost the battle with his hands when Adam bit down on the same nipple and followed it with another sweep of his soothing tongue.

  “Holy shit, Adam. You’re going to kill me,” Ben groaned out. Adam sat back, smiling playfully, Ben’s hard cock trapped unde
r his ass.

  “Well, we can’t have that, can we?” Adam said, making to roll off and stop.

  “Oh no you don’t, you tease,” Ben said, as he rolled over, pinning a laughing Adam beneath him. Ben growled aloud at the feel of Adam’s naked form trapped underneath his again. It seemed to please Adam, too, evidenced by his rock hard cock. Ben kissed his mouth hard enough to bruise but Adam only thrust his own tongue deep, swallowing Ben’s moans.

  When Ben’s hand finally closed around Adam’s shaft, Adam pulled his mouth away and practically screamed out Ben’s name. He stroked Adam’s length, collecting the pearlescent drop at the tip with his thumb. He rubbed the moisture around the head, making Adam shudder.

  “Please, Ben,” Adam begged, even though he wasn’t sure what he was begging for.

  Ben stroked him again as he brought his mouth to Adam’s neck, sucking gently just below his ear. Adam went wild, squirming and pleading for more. Adam began bucking his hips up, attempting to thrust faster into Ben’s firm grip. Ben used his other hand to hold Adam’s hips still, attempting to regain control. He never wanted this moment to end. Adam practically whined, punctuating his begging with cries of Ben’s name.


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