Love After Dark, McCarthys of Gansett Island, Book 13

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Love After Dark, McCarthys of Gansett Island, Book 13 Page 26

by Marie Force

  “Indeed,” Seamus said with a chuckle.

  “I’m a big believer in things happening for a reason. There’s a reason you ended up in this house next door to those boys.”

  “I thought that reason was Caro.”

  “She wasn’t the only reason. They’re part of the master plan, too.”

  Seamus took a swig from his beer. “Yes, I guess they are.”

  “You aren’t having regrets about taking them in, are you?”

  “No. God, no. Nothing like that.”

  “Then what is it? Something’s nagging at you.”

  “It’s the enormity of the responsibility.” He rested a hand on his chest. “I feel like there’s an elephant sitting right here when I think about how it’s my job now to protect them and keep them safe. They like to be outside and to run wild, and when I think about all the ways they can get hurt… Are you laughing at me?”

  Big Mac had tried to hold it back, but the laughter wouldn’t be contained. “You think you’re different from any other man who gets handed a little bundle of joy? We all feel that way, Seamus. Every one of us. It’s called parenthood. The good news is the panic passes in time. You realize they aren’t as breakable as you think they are at first.”

  “These guys aren’t babies.”

  “No, they aren’t, and you’ll need to keep a close eye on them so they don’t get hurt or find trouble. But that’s the easy part. Wait until someone breaks their heart, or they leave home and don’t come back for a good long while. That’s worse.” He put his hand on Seamus’s shoulder. “One thing I know for sure, knowing you as I do, is that they’ll get one hundred fifty percent from you, and one day they’ll look back with gratitude at the incredible stroke of luck that brought you into their lives.”

  “You think so?” Seamus asked, seeming to battle his emotions.

  “I know so. Right now, the task before you seems monumental, and it is in many ways. But it’ll also be the most fun you’ll ever have in your life. And when they grow up and become your friends as well as your sons…” Big Mac’s voice broke. “That’s the ultimate joy.”

  “Thanks for this. Means a lot to me coming from you.”

  “You’re not in this alone, Seamus. You and Caro have an entire island full of people who want to help make sure those boys are well loved. I love having kids over to the marina to go crabbing and out on the boat and lots of other fun stuff. You’ll teach them how to drive the ferries and the best Irish swear words. You’ve got a lifetime worth of wisdom to share with them. It’ll all be okay.”

  “I’m going to take your word for it.”

  “I’m rarely wrong about anything. Just ask my family.”

  “And they say I’m full of blarney,” Seamus said with a laugh as he extended his hand to Big Mac. “Thank you.”

  Big Mac shook his hand. “My pleasure.”

  “You and I are in the biggest fight we’ve ever been in,” Mac said to Maddie as he drove them home.

  She covered her mouth to keep from laughing, because she knew he wouldn’t appreciate that when he sounded genuinely pissed.

  “If you laugh at me, I swear to God, Madeline…”

  “What’ll happen?”

  “I’ll take you to bed and spank your ass until it’s hot pink.”

  “Mmm, can we do that even if I don’t laugh at you?”

  When his head spun around to look at her, he nearly drove off the road.


  He swerved the truck back into the lane and didn’t say anything more as they drove the rest of the way home. When he took a fast right turn onto Sweet Meadow Farm Road, Maddie began to worry that he might be serious about that spanking. And why did her entire body go hot at the thought of it?

  “I can’t believe you let me think there were going to be strippers there when all along it was nothing but a prank.”

  “It was a good prank. You have to admit it.”

  “I’ll admit no such thing. That’ll just encourage you.”

  “Why are you really mad? Because I pulled one over on you, or because you think I’m interested in male strippers?”

  Her adorable husband, who had an answer for everything, had nothing to say to that.

  “Ah-ha! You don’t even know why you’re mad. And PS, you cost us two hundred bucks for being the first alpha beast to roar through the door tonight.”

  “Let’s talk about you gambling on top of all your other sins. Here I thought I’d married such a nice girl, and it turns out she’s a mean, prank-perpetrating gambler who drinks, too.”

  Maddie hiccupped loudly, which sent her into fits of laughter. “Those cosmos were gooooood.”

  “I couldn’t even have fun with my friends tonight because I was so worried about strange men touching my wife. I hope you’re happy.”

  She began to giggle again and couldn’t stop.

  “You’re getting so spanked, it’s not even funny.”

  “Oh please. You wouldn’t dare.”

  “You don’t think so?”

  He brought the truck to a skidding stop and was out the driver’s-side door before she could begin to process what he’d said. The passenger door flew open, and he reached for her, unbuckling her seat belt and hauling her over his shoulder.

  “Mac! Stop it! You’re going to make me puke!”

  His hand came down on her ass with a sharp crack, sending heat scorching through her that gathered in a tight knot between her legs. Whoa…

  “You did not just do that.”

  He did it again, and she had the same reaction. Wow, this is going to be hot. But of course she couldn’t actually let him know she liked it when he went alpha on her. He’d be even more unlivable than he already was. He climbed the stairs to the deck, where he unlocked the door, walked inside, locked up and went straight upstairs to their room. The kids were spending the night with her mother and Ned, so they had the house all to themselves. Normally, that was something she looked forward to.

  “Mac…” She landed on the bed with a bounce.

  Easing her skirt up to her waist, he flipped her over and pushed a couple of pillows under her hips. He dragged her panties down to just under her cheeks and laid his hands on her bottom. “Say no.”


  “If you don’t want this, say no. Tell me not to, and I won’t.”

  “I’m not saying no.” She was too hot and bothered—and curious—to say anything other than yes.

  His hand came down on her ass, making a loud cracking sound that echoed through the room. Then he rubbed the spot, sending heat from her bottom straight to her clit. Holy moly. He did it again and again and again, striking a different place each time, until she was on the verge of begging him to make her come.

  “Tell me why you’re getting a spanking,” he said, his voice thick with desire.

  “I was very naughty and lied to you about the strippers.”

  “That’s right.” Another spank.

  Maddie’s back bowed as she thrust her ass upward, hoping he’d take the hint and move things along. But he was in no rush.

  His hand came down again, and the heat was nearly unbearable. “Don’t forget how you also laughed at me.”

  “That, too.”

  “Are you sorry?”

  “So, so sorry.”

  “You are not.”

  She began to laugh again, even though she burned for him. When she heard his zipper, she knew relief was on the way. She grasped handfuls of the comforter while she waited in breathless anticipation to see what he would do next.

  He ran his finger from her backbone down to the crevice between her cheeks, stopping only when he encountered the evidence of her arousal. “Fuck,” he growled. “Someone likes being spanked.”

  “Mmmm, I’ll have to be bad more often.”

  “Don’t you dare,” he said as he pushed into her from behind, his fingers digging into her hips as he went at her hard and fast and so deep.

  Maddie was already about t
o explode when he reached around to caress her clit, sending her screaming into an orgasm for the ages.

  “Holy shit,” he muttered, driving into her again before he let himself join her. “Just when I think it can’t get any hotter…”

  “It does. It’s crazy. You’re crazy.”

  “You make me that way.”

  “I can’t believe you spanked me.”

  “I can’t believe you liked it so much.”

  She grasped his hand, which was flat against her belly. “Only because it was you, and I knew you’d never really hurt me, even if it was the biggest fight ever.”

  “I wasn’t really mad at you, Maddie. If I had been, I never would’ve touched you.”

  “I know,” she said with a happy sigh. In her wildest dreams, she’d never imagined a love like this would happen to her. “I trust you more than anyone in this entire world.”

  “And I trust you, which is why I knew you’d never let strange men touch what’s mine.”

  “No, I wouldn’t, but it was fun to torture you a little.”

  “It was a good prank,” he said begrudgingly.

  Maddie laughed. “Best prank ever.”

  “You know what this means, though, don’t you?”


  “Revenge, my sweet, is a dish best served cold.” He nibbled on her shoulder and made her squirm.

  “Will I get to spank you when you prank me?”

  “We’ll have to see about that.”

  “Ha! I knew it. Double-standard McCarthy strikes again.”

  Pushing his hips into her, he reminded her he was still embedded deep inside her, as if she needed the reminder. “You liked it.”

  “I loved it.”

  After a long, quiet moment, he said, “I’ve been thinking…”


  “The custody situation.”

  She nudged him. “Let me up so I can see you if we’re going to talk serious stuff.”

  He withdrew from her, removed the pillows and helped her turn over.

  Stretched out next to him on top of the bed, she slid her leg between his and put her arm around him. “What’re you thinking?”

  “They should go to Tiffany. Other than you and me and the grandparents, they spend the most time with her, and they’re most comfortable with her.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He nodded. “As long as we stipulate that my family gets full access, I’d be okay with them going to Tiffany and Blaine.”

  “They would be my first choice, too. Thank you for understanding.”

  “This isn’t about me getting my way or picking my family over yours. It’s about doing what’s best for Thomas and Hailey. And this is what’s best if the worst thing should happen.”

  “I hate to say this in light of very recent events, but I think you might be growing up, Mac.”

  “Shut up,” he said, laughing. “That’ll never happen.”

  She pushed herself up on an elbow and leaned in to kiss him. “Are we still in the biggest fight ever?”

  “Ever. It’s so big, it’s epic.” He shook his head. “Male strippers… And from what I hear, it was your idea to wind us up like puppets all week.”

  Maddie caressed his face, loving the scrape of his whiskers under her palm. “You’re so easily wounded.”

  “The thought of you so much as looking at another guy makes me insane. I’m almost ashamed to admit how jealous I was.”

  “From the day you pushed me off my bike, I haven’t so much as looked at anyone else. How could I when all I see is you?”

  “Awww, that’s very sweet.” He cupped her tingling ass and pulled her over until she was on top of him. “But you’re still in big trouble.”

  “Good,” she said, smiling down at him. “I love your kind of trouble.”

  “And I love you, even when you’re mean to me.”

  She was still laughing when he kissed her.

  Chapter 25

  As one of Jenny’s bridesmaids, Erin insisted on helping Sydney clean up after the party.

  “Luke will give you a ride home,” Sydney said when they were finished.

  “No need. I already called a cab.”

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Luke said. “I would’ve taken you.”

  “None of us should be driving tonight, so stay here with your lovely pregnant wife and enjoy the rest of your evening. It was a great party, Syd. Jenny loved it.”

  Sydney hugged her. “Thanks again for all your help.”

  A toot sounded outside as Erin gathered up her sweater, purse and the platter she’d brought. “My pleasure. I’ll see you at the wedding, if not before.”

  “See you then.”

  Erin gave Sydney’s dog, Buddy, a pat on the head as she went out the door to the waiting cab in the driveway. She smiled when she realized it was Ned Saunders, whom she’d met several times at gatherings with the McCarthy family.

  “Hi, Ned,” she said as she got into the backseat of the old woody station wagon. “You’re working late tonight.”

  “Wanted to make sure everyone got home from the parties okay,” he said. “Heard you gals pulled one over on the fellas.”

  “It was pretty funny. They were a hot mess.”

  Ned chuckled. “I can only imagine. Heard Mac was the worst.”

  “He was the first one through the door, so Maddie had to pay two hundred bucks to the pot.”

  “What pot?”

  “Um, we might’ve bet on what time they’d crash.”

  Ned’s laughter echoed through the small space. “That’s downright mean a y’all.”

  “I know,” Erin said with a sigh. “But it was so damned funny.”

  “Bet it was. Been thinkin’ bout’cha last coupla days.”

  “You have? Why?”

  “Happened to hear a little rumor ’bout a weddin’ the other day. Thought it might be hittin’ ya kinda hard, in light of everythin’.”

  “It’s very kind of you to think of me,” Erin said softly, touched by his thoughtfulness.

  “Tough thing you and Jenny went through. Can’t even imagine. Our Adam was in the city that day. Longest day a my life. Probably gonna be a tough week till the weddin’. Maybe a case of the blues after, but yer gonna be okay.”

  “That’s good to know.” She closed her eyes against the burn of tears. She’d about had it with the tears at this point.

  “This island is known for its healin’ powers.” Ned smiled at her in the mirror. “Worked its wonders on Jenny. Bet it will fer you, too.”

  “It’s already been very good for me. The people here are just the best people I’ve ever met. Yourself included.”

  “Aww, thanks, honey. Nice a ya ta say so.” He pulled into the long driveway that led to the lighthouse.

  Erin had left the gate unlocked so she could get back in, and he wouldn’t let her get it for him. So she stayed put while he took care of the gate and then bounded back to the car.

  “Looks like ya got a visitor,” Ned said, driving slowly.

  Erin’s heart did a backflip when she realized Slim must’ve come by and had waited for her. “I think I might know who it is.”

  “Anyone I know?”

  “Can you keep a secret?”

  “Bartenders and cab drivers,” Ned said, making her laugh when she remembered Slim saying the same thing about pilots and bartenders. “We’re vaults.”

  “It’s Slim Jackson. We’ve become friends, I guess you could say.”

  “Good guy. Ya couldn’t ask fer better.”

  “I’ll take that as a ringing endorsement, coming from you.”

  Ned pulled up to the lighthouse and put the car in park. “You take care of yerself these next few weeks. ’Tis okay to be a bit melancholy, but don’t let it go too far. Ya hear?”

  “I do,” she said, smiling at him. “And I appreciate your kind words.” With a twenty-dollar bill in hand, she reached over the seat.

  “Yer money t’ain’t no good
here, honey.”

  “Thank you, Ned, for the ride and the words of wisdom.” She leaned over the seat to kiss his cheek, leaving him flustered as she got out of the car, dragging her crutches behind her. She was about as over them as she was the tears.

  Ned turned the cab around and left with a toot of the horn.

  Waving to him, Erin dropped the crutches on the grass and hobbled over to the fire pit, where Slim had made himself right at home. “Fancy meeting you here,” she said.

  He got up to give her the chair and took a seat on the cooler, reaching for her injured foot to prop it up next to him. “Heard the festivities didn’t turn out quite as planned tonight. Sorry to miss it. I had a late flight and just got back to the island half an hour ago.”

  “And you came right here?”


  “How come?”

  “Other than the fact that a very, very cute lighthouse keeper lives here?”

  It had been a long time since any man had called her cute. The compliment made Erin’s face heat up, which, thankfully, he couldn’t see. The glow of the fire made them both look hot—particularly him. “Other than that.”

  “I figured tonight might be another of those tough nights for you. Thought I’d come by to check on you.”

  “That’s exceptionally nice of you.”

  “I’m an exceptionally nice guy.”

  She laughed at that even as she suspected it was true. “Who doesn’t lack for self-confidence.”

  “Only where you’re concerned. Never quite certain where I stand with you.”

  “Your approval ratings are higher than ever right now.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, his face lighting up with glee.

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t let one victory get you all full of yourself.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He tossed another log onto the fire and stoked it. “So was it a tough night?”

  “It wasn’t too bad, all things considered.” She told him about the prank the girls had perpetrated, and enjoyed his ringing laughter at her description of the guys reacting to having been had. “Jenny is glowing with happiness, and the prank sort of took over the night when the guys crashed looking for strippers. Lots of laughs, good music, good food, good friends. It was fun.”

  “I’m glad you had a nice time.”


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