Our Happily Ever After: BWWM Interracial Romance Black Women White Men (That Forbidden Love Book 3)

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Our Happily Ever After: BWWM Interracial Romance Black Women White Men (That Forbidden Love Book 3) Page 19

by Ellie Etienne

  Chapter 5

  Adele went to sleep soon after she reached the bed. She was tired and hurt, even though she would’ve never admitted it. So she slept, and woke up just after eleven in the evening, thirsty and hungry. She changed out of the dress, this time putting on jeans and a shirt and not forgetting a bra. She buttoned the shirt up to the top.

  The house was quiet, and Adele tiptoed down the staircase, wishing she wouldn’t find Dan in the kitchen.

  He wasn’t there. He was in the living room, sitting in front of the fireplace, leafing through the file. Adele sneaked into the kitchen, not looking in his direction, and grateful that he wasn’t paying her attention, either. She threw together a bowl of salad and drank some water. She took the food upstairs, ate there, and had to return for more.

  This time, Dan was in the kitchen, making the salad himself.

  “I saw what you made. Looked yummy.”

  She didn’t reply, just sat at the counter and watched him.


  “Don’t worry about it. Like they say, sex stops after marriage.”

  He offered a smile, and Adele had to return it, albeit faintly. She couldn’t fight it, not just then and not after what had happened between them. She still felt hurt and embarrassed, but Dan seemed to have forgotten all about it.

  “Come on,” he said. “Let’s eat and go to bed. The first session is tomorrow.” He took the salad bowl and went to the couch.

  “Are you kidding?” she asked, going after him.

  “Nope. While some of us slept, I called Johnson and explained our situation. I said we were new around here and heard he was a specialist and so on and so forth. He bought it, just as planned.”

  “Well, that’s good, right?”

  They sat down opposite each other at the coffee table and started on the salad.

  “That’s plenty good,” Dan said. After a pause for a bite, he continued, “Regarding what happened-”

  “Please, don’t.”

  “No, listen. It’s a good thing.” He touched her hand, and Adele went with it. “I know you’re not into this, but we have to be convincing as a couple, okay? It wasn’t our proudest moment, but let’s try to turn it in our favor.”

  He was right, she knew. It wasn’t pleasant to think about, but ice had been broken between them. They agreed to never talk about it again, and focus on the assignment instead.

  “I’ve read the file again, namely the descriptions of other couples’ session, and I think we’ll be fine. We’ve definitely been over-thinking the back story part of it. I doubt he’ll run a background check.”

  “Great. Everything as we’ve discussed, then?”


  They ate, and slowly Adele calmed down. The fire was warm and soothing, crackling in the silence. With time, she was able to look up at Dan, and he looked back at her. He was… understanding. She expected him to tease her even more, to make her time at the cottage completely insufferable, but he said nothing.

  Adele’s phone was ringing in the bedroom. She excused herself and ran upstairs, closing the door behind her. It was Neil.

  Adele went cold for a moment, waited for a few seconds until her heartbeat slowed down, and then answered the call.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey, Adi! How are you holding up? Any trouble from Krakowski?”

  She was surprised and grateful for the late night call, and she replied accordingly.

  “No, Dan’s alright. We’re having the first session tomorrow. Neil,” she said quietly, almost whispering, “we gotta rent out a house like this some time. It’s amazing.”

  Neil had a house, but it was an hour’s drive from Manhattan, in a suburban in Queens, so it didn’t really count.

  “Sure, we’ll do that. I miss you, Adi.”

  “It’s been a day! I’ll probably come over on the weekend, so we can come up with something interesting to do.” She imagined his hands on her and smiled. It would’ve been much better if he were here instead of Dan.

  “Anyway, just checking up on you. Can’t wait to hold you again, Adi. It’s not the same here without you.”

  “Of course it isn't, it’s me!”

  “True. Alright, baby, sleep tight. Hope you have separate bedrooms!”

  Neil joked, but Adele paused, and then said, “Um, yeah, of course they are.”

  “Good. G’night.”

  She hung up and sat on the bed for a while, thinking. Had she cheated on him? Frankly, yes. On the other hand, their relationship had never been agreed upon as exclusive. It was a lie, she knew. Nobody ever just hooked up, and if they did, they weren’t calling to check up on each other. Were they friends with benefits? Probably, but it seemed like Neil saw it as more than that. But then there was the fact that he wouldn't let her sleep in his bed. What was up with that? Surely, anyone who took the relationship seriously would like to sleep with the girl after having fucked her.

  It was decided then. They were still an item (of sorts), but Adele refused to feel guilty about what had happened between her and Dan. Nobody had to know about that, least of all Neil.

  Dan knocked on the door.

  “I’m turning in for the night, Simpson. See you in the morning.”

  “Good night!” Adele called.

  Once the noise behind the door ceased and Dan went to bed, Adele relaxed, as well. She discovered she was tired and in need of a break. The first few days turned out to be challenging, and sleep was a sweet escape.


  At ten in the morning Dan knocked on her door again to wake her up. Adele had been awake for an hour by that time, just lying in bed, getting ready for the day. Events of the previous day were all but forgotten – she was starting fresh here. They were really on the mission now, about to go into action.

  “I’ll be right there!”

  “Dress nicely, alright?”

  “How else?” she replied.

  She did get dressed nicely, in a skirt and a matching shirt. She put on flats with bows on them, something she would've never worn otherwise, but it fit the character. She looked exactly like the new Dan’s wife would look.

  Downstairs, he was in costume, too, clean-shaven and dorky. Perfect.

  “Why, good morning, hubby!” Adele said with a smile.

  “Hey, at least you still look lovely, hon.”

  They were good together, Adele thought, not sure whether she meant the characters or not.

  “How about catching a breakfast in town? Unless you feel like cooking.”

  “Sounds good.”

  They decided to test drive the roadster this time, because the weather was fine, and the Mercedes had managed to get hot in the morning sun. There was some awkwardness as Adele adjusted the seat back into place, but Dan made no comments about that, thankfully. The top was already down, and Dan had opened the garage door once they’d stepped in, so Adele put it into reverse and backed out. The car purred quietly, but was quick down the driveway. They drove past all their neighbors’ houses and saw no one. Dan pointed out Johnson’s cottage, saying that was where he had his practice. From what Adele could see of it, it was a three-story house, and would easily fit a doctor’s office. She imagined a large library-like room with leather couches and armchairs, with a wide window with the curtains drawn. She dreaded the place, for some reason, and was curious at the same time. She’d only seen family therapists on TV and didn’t know how it actually worked.

  Bolton turned out to be less than a town. There was a dozen crossroads with an assortment of two-story buildings taken up by small businesses and probably apartments. There was an off-brand gas station and an obscure coffee shop. There were mostly old cars around, but there were a few newer makes, as well, likely driven by vacationers from New York and Albany.

  They were lucky enough to find a grease-spoon diner at the edge of urban area, and took up one of the ten parking spaces in front of it. There were two battered pickup trucks already there.

  “We’ll fit
right in,” Dan said.

  “Let’s make it quick.”

  They ate pancakes with maple syrup and cheap convenience store whipped cream, and drank some bad coffee. The truckers gave them mocking looks, but Adele paid them no attention. Were they to start messing with them, she was sure Dan would kick their ass. Not that they would, anyway.

  Adele and Dan went over a few details once again, making sure they had it straight.

  “Ready?” Dan asked, finishing his coffee. “The appointment is in twenty.”

  “Let’s go.”

  They hopped back into the car, and Adele drove back, fast. She slowed down when they turned onto their lane and crawled to Johnson’s house. According to Dan, Johnson was expecting them, so she turned right into the driveway and stopped next to an SUV. It was a Cadillac, clearly a late-model, pitch-black with big chrome wheels. The house itself wasn’t just a cottage, either. Unlike their rental, this one was stone and steel, with huge windows and exterior lights (currently off). By the looks of it, Johnson was doing pretty well for himself.

  “Damn, can I start my own practice, please?” Dan said.

  “Hon, your security firm is doing pretty well.”

  “Good point.” To sell their story, they would have to pretend to be unimpressed by the riches.

  They rang the bell, and the door opened almost immediately.

  Red Johnson stood there smiling at them. “Daniel, Adele, welcome.”

  He invited them in, and they found themselves in the hallway, brightly lit by small spotlights mounted to the floor. The interior design was modern, with flat surfaces and intricate furniture. It wasn’t a comfortable space to be in – Adele felt like she’d walked into an art gallery. The only great thing about it was the back wall, which was entirely made of glass and offered a brilliant panoramic view of the lake.

  “Would you like to drink anything, or shall we get straight to it?”

  In person, Johnson was just a guy in his early forties, a tad overweight, but not unpleasantly so. He was going bald, but owned it, and his glasses saved his face from being unmemorable. There certainly was confidence about him, but it wasn’t imposing. He shook Dan’s hand and touched Adele’s briefly.

  “Let’s get to it,” Dan suggested.

  They followed Red all the way to the third floor, walking up wide stone stairs. The second floor was done in the same style as the first, but the third one was entirely different. There was one door that Red told them led to the bathroom, and behind the other one was a single room. It was large, but it wasn’t a library. There was a nondescript desk with a computer on it, and two couches in the middle. The windows weren’t closed, letting sun shine through. There were diplomas on one wall and a single bookshelf on the other. Johnson pressed a button on the wall and blinds closed slowly, momentarily rendering the room dark, before dimmed lamps turned on. The room was warm, both literally atmosphere-wise, with a wool carpet on the floor and throws on both couches.

  “Please, take a seat.”

  They sat next to each other on one of the couches, hand-in-hand.

  Johnson lit a few candles on the tiny table between the two couches and took a minute to put on quiet music.

  “How’s that?” he asked.

  “Perfect,” Dan said, and Adele nodded.

  Johnson sat down opposite them. “So.”

  “So,” Dan and Adele said at the same time.

  “Let’s start with me.”

  What he told them then corresponded with his website biography and with everything they had found out about him at the firm. Not one lie, as far as Adele could tell. That wasn’t perfect, but she did not expect this to be easy.

  “So, that’s me, Red.” He seemed completely relaxed, and that, combined with the music calmed them down. “What about you?”

  It was a friendly conversation, not a questionnaire – he made no notes. Red was simply getting to know them.

  Dan told his part of the story, and then Adele said her part, leaving out the part about their supposed trouble getting pregnant. Johnson listened attentively, nodding and smiling in all the right places. His eyes sparkled when Dan mentioned their income – that certainly was the most impressive part.

  “I see,” Red said when they fell quiet. “I take it you’ve come to me with a problem? It’s okay if you’re not ready to open up about it just yet.”

  “No, we’re good,” Dan said. “We have a problem, alright.” He was getting assertive.


  Adele said, “We’ve been trying for years, but nothing works. I’m sure you’ve heard it all before, Red. Pills, cocktails, injections…”

  Red raised a hand. “Not a pleasant topic, I’m sure. You don’t have to say it.”

  “No, but we have to,” Dan said. “Somebody has to listen, to understand.”

  Adele nodded approval.

  “Every specialist we’ve tried has either duped us or said he couldn’t help us, and…”

  “…and you’re our last chance.” Adele squeezed Dan’s hand. They had to keep to the script, to start slow.

  Red frowned, looking away. “I know what you’re implying, Daniel. It’s about the lawsuit against me. I assure you, it is nonsense. My methods in the area aren’t revolutionary, but they work.”

  Dan nodded, not convinced. “I see.”

  “Danny, please,” Adele said.

  “Hon, I’m sorry, I just need to make sure we’re in good hands here.”

  Red kept frowning. He was obviously distressed. “I understand your doubt, Daniel, but I know what can help alleviate them.”

  He stood up, went to his desk and rummaged through a stack of papers. He returned to them and handed them a thin pamphlet.

  “Here’s the description of what I do. I think it is best you read through it before we continue, and hopefully make up your mind whether you require my services at all.”

  Johnson was hiding it, but Adele saw he was upset by the turn the session had taken.

  Dan said, “ I’m sorry if I said something wrong-”

  But Red raised a hand again. “No need. I see you are good people going through a hard time. I understand. Please, read this and let me know if you’d like to proceed with the treatment.”

  He stood up and headed for the door, signaling that the appointment was over. Downstairs he opened the front door without another word. Dan and Adele had no choice but to get out – they’d blown it. Not critically, but this first attempt at learning anything at all failed spectacularly.

  “Hope to see you soon,” Johnson said and shut the door.

  Adele led Dan straight to the car and when they drove off said, “Good job, Krakowski.”

  He didn’t reply.

  “What’s gotten into you? We had a good plan, Dan, we had to build trust, not harass the man. Now he’ll definitely run a background check. I’m surprised he hasn’t figured us out right away!”

  Dan sighed. “Relax, we’re fine. I pushed just to test him, and now we have a point of reference.”

  “Great,” she replied, but had to admit he had a point.

  Had Red figured them out he’d have called them out on it, probably called his lawyers right away to report the incident. It was also possible he was sly and played them right back, but Adele decided Dan’s comment about their financial situation softened his response.

  She parked the car in the same spot in the garage and killed the engine. They sat quiet for a long moment, both deciding what to do next. Adele listened to Dan’s breathing. Back at Johnson’s place, holding his hand, she had felt something real between them. Now, back in the garage, memories of yesterday washed over her.

  They turned to look at each other at the same time and stared into each other’s eyes. Then, in the silence, she heard buzzing, and saw Dan’s seat slowly move back. It was as if a starter pistol had just fired.

  Biting her lower lip, Adele sprung from her seat and climbed on top of Dan. They kissed, once again as passionate as the day before, once ag
ain feeling inside each other’s mouths. Slowly, he unbuttoned her shirt as she shifted on him. The car was small and it wasn’t convenient, but the lack of the steering wheel helped. Her bra unstrapped in the front, and Dan all but ripped it off together with the shirt. He tossed it out the window, both his hands on her breasts, his tongue playing between them. She held his head tight. No words were spoken between them this time – there was no need for that.

  Adele swung the door open and got out. She leaned in and undid Dan’s pants and pulled them down, crumpling them in the foot well. He was hard; his penis was barely held back by his boxers – they went next. She spread his legs and got on her knees, taking him into her mouth. She moved slowly as Dan pulled off his sweater and the shirt. He was getting hot. The fingernails on her right hand dug into his thigh and he moaned. His right hand unzipped Adele’s skirt, and it fell to the floor freely, leaving her in her panties. His other hand was in her hair, moving her head up and down as she sucked. Dan was big, and tears of pleasure swelled in her eyes.

  “Come here,” he whispered.

  He kissed her as she got up and pulled her close. The next moment she was on top of him. She pulled her panties to the side, and his fingers once again went down the landing strip and to her clit. He pinched and rubbed, making her wiggle. Then he slipped inside her, and she couldn’t keep from moaning. Their lips met, and his hands held her face as he kissed her. She moved back and forth, slowly, feeling his penis move inside her, going hard and deep. The rest of the world ceased to exist in that moment. They were moving as one, Dan’s hands on her ass, his face between her breasts. She reached down then and reclined the back of the seat.


  He held her down for a moment longer, snatching a few more thrusts, and then Adele got up and pushed him out of the car. As he stood there, confused and horny, Adele put one knee on the central armrest and put her hands on the back of the seat. Dan lost no time getting right behind her. He put one hand on her shoulder and entered her, fast. Adele rocked back and forth, too, biting into the fine leather of the seat. Dan leaned in close, one hand holding her belly, the other on her breast, and he hugged her while sucking on her neck.


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