Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two)

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Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two) Page 5

by Lisa Gerkey

  “Why don’t you go to my office, sugar, and get yourself together. I’ll get people settled… and, Jaycee, don’t over think things. Okay?”

  “I… It shouldn’t have happened.”

  She’s barely out of sight before more people arrive. They’re smart. I’m sure one look and they’ll know why I’m a wreck. The half-cocked tent going on in my jeans will confirm it.

  Chapter Seven


  I run my finger across my lips, still damp from where he kissed me. Everything is spinning out of control, all because of the spell Grant has somehow put on me.

  In my head all I can hear are his words, telling me he wants to help me find myself. Before today, I never thought I’d find happiness again, but after I’ve felt his lips on mine and the way my body responds to him, it changes everything.

  After a few minutes in his office, I go to the bathroom to find a mirror so I can make sure my appearance gives nothing away. I can’t resist spending time with my friends if they show up, but the last thing I want them to know is I not only let Grant kiss me, I also returned it, and I liked it.

  I’m not ashamed of it, but I don’t want to discuss it yet.

  It looks like Jeff is letting Kat off her leash for a while tonight. He says nothing when she meets me right before I enter the circle of sofas where they’re all seated.

  “I’m surprised to see you here, Jaycee.”

  “Grant’s helping me with something. I stopped in so we could talk and then he asked me to stay for a drink.”

  A knowing look grows on her face, her eyes sparkle with things I’m sure are on her mind, questions she wants to ask, but she knows to tread lightly.

  “Helping you? Like, what does this mean? He’s helping you do what?”

  I realize how it must sound since we’re standing in a sex club.

  “No! No, Kat, it’s… it’s nothing like that! I swear. It has nothing to do with… sex, or the club. I won’t be having sex with Grant or anyone else, so don’t even go there. Although, if anyone could make me consider the possibility, it might be him, but … no, it won’t happen.”

  When Kat’s eyes wander behind me and a half-smirk tugs at her lips, I know someone’s there.

  I hear Grant chuckle softly behind me. He’s heard every word I’ve said to Kat. The sexy man, who just turned my world upside down with a single kiss, actually heard me telling my friend I’d consider having sex with him.

  I feel the static between us when he moves closer. He reaches his arm around me, brushing against me lightly as he slips a fresh drink in my hand. I’m sure his touching me looks like an accident from where Kat’s standing, but I know better.

  “Your glass was empty, sugar. I thought you could use another one. Remember, take it slow. It’s your second one tonight.”

  I pretend his gravelly voice doesn’t affect me when he leans in close to my ear, or his warm breath against my skin does absolutely nothing, but I can’t hide the heat on my face or the goose bumps running down both arms.

  Thankfully, he goes back to the bar.

  “Damn, Jaycee! I just got burned from the sparks flying between you two. He’s into you bad, and you’re just as hot for him whether you want to admit it or not.”

  “Please stop, Kat. You know I can’t be like that with a man, not after… you know. I just can’t.”

  “You think you can’t, but he seems like a smart man along with his good looks. I bet before long he’ll have you doing a lot of things you didn’t think you could do again. Perhaps even a few things you haven’t done before. I always thought it would be you and Josh, but maybe I was wrong. You should give Grant a chance.”

  I look to where Grant’s standing, behind the bar, talking to Troy. The weird dark-haired girl I saw him with the first time I came to the club is close to them. If looks could kill, I’d be flat on my back from the daggers she’s throwing at me. Looks like Grant might need to deal with an old flame before he starts a new one.

  When he turns his attention to her, I get angry, and I’m pissed because I don’t know why I care. Still, it annoys me. He told me he’d spend the evening with me.

  “Let’s go hang out with the guys.”

  I take Kat’s wrist and tug her to the sofas where our friends sit.

  Josh has a blonde girl with him. In all the time we’ve been friends, I haven’t seen this side of him. She’s straddling him. He has her shimmery gold dress pushed up so her bare ass is on display. I can see handprints from where he’s gripped her so tight.

  “I’m sure they won’t mind if you join them.” Jeff, with a smug look on his face, offers.

  Josh breaks the kiss and looks at me. The attractive young woman looks back over her shoulder. She’s beautiful. It’s easy to see why Josh is into her.

  I wish the floor would just swallow me up. I can’t believe my friends caught me watching.

  “I like girls too.” I can tell she’s being serious. Everyone inside the tiny space laughs, except Josh.

  I don’t know what’s going on with Josh, but he isn’t acting like himself tonight. “Staci, I’d like you to meet my best friend. Maybe you two can get to know each other, preferably while I watch.” He winks at me.

  “She’s with me. We discussed that earlier, didn’t we, Jaycee?”

  I didn’t hear him walk up behind me. The possessive way he speaks dominates the whole room. Everyone stops talking and gives him their full attention.

  That also means I have their attention.

  I listen while Grant and Josh talk back and forth about what I’m doing tonight. After a minute or two, I decide to settle it for everyone.

  “I think I’ll go home. I’ve been telling every fucking one of you I don’t want to be here! Not like this. You all can have your pissing contest over something else. I won’t be a part of it or this stupid club.”

  “Jaycee! I’m sorry! Stop!”

  I ignore Josh when he calls out.

  “Let her go. She’s not ready, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  Jeff might be the smartest one in the crowd.

  All eyes are on me as I hurry through. I left my purse and keys in Grant’s office. I need to grab my shit and get out before either of them catch up with me.

  “You can’t go in there!”

  I whirl around to face whoever thinks they can stop me from collecting my things from the office.

  It’s the woman I’ve seen Grant talking to a few times. She has this strange little Wednesday Addams’s look going.

  “I need to get my purse and keys so I can leave.” I turn around to open the door.

  “You can’t do that! You can’t go into his office!”

  I snap when she grabs my arm.

  I whirl around without warning and shove her against the wall. Her head snaps back, probably giving her a slight concussion.

  “Don’t put your fucking hands on me again! And don’t think you, or anyone else, can tell me what the fuck I can and can’t do.” I let go of her and step back.

  “I know you’re into Grant. He might make you think he wants you, but his heart already belongs to someone. You’ll mean nothing to him. A little fuck toy is all you’ll ever be. Leave him alone.”

  “Look, I don’t know who you are, or care, but I promise you, I’m twice the bitch you think you are. You need to leave me the hell alone!”

  People gather around to see what’s happening. I do my best to ignore the stares and gasps coming from a few people.

  “What’s going on here?”

  “She attacked me, Master G!”

  The whole place starts spinning and it feels like everything is crumbling around me.

  It’s not the first time I’ve heard that name...

  Master G…

  The name echoes in my head every night.

  Rusty metal doors opening and closing, whips cracking, my body ripped apart and bleeding… Is he connected to all that?

  After I find my belongings, I push past everyone a
nd run.

  “Jaycee! Stop!”

  Rain is pouring hard. It feels like tiny pinpricks hitting my skin.

  The parking lot is full of cars. I can’t remember where I parked, so I keep running until I’m past the gravel lot and into an overgrown grassy area. I snag my foot on a tree branch and land on the ground and something heavy crashes down on me.

  Chapter Eight


  When she stomps away angry at Josh and me, I try to stay calm because I don’t want to make it obvious Jaycee affects me so much. When I get to my office, I’m surprised to find she’s having an altercation with Kendra.

  “You can’t let her get away with it! She attacked me!” Kendra screams the second her eyes find me. Jaycee seems to panic even further and takes off running.

  Until I hear what she has to say, I move Kendra to the side, so I can go after Jaycee.

  When I get outside, Jaycee’s already halfway across the parking lot. My pulse quickens when I watch a man jump from a truck that’s parked a few spaces over from where her car sits, and he runs after her.

  While I dash after them, I take my phone from my pocket. I don’t give him time to speak when he answers. “Troy, I need help in the parking lot.”

  The man has Jaycee pinned down on the ground.

  “Hey!” I call out as I hurl toward him.

  The motherfucker jumps up and takes off running before I can get a grasp on him. Since I know Troy and the other guys will be there waiting, instead of going after him, I know I should take care of Jaycee.

  Her clothes are soaking wet and muddy from rolling around on the ground. She dismisses me when I kneel beside her and curls into a fetal position.

  “Let me help you, Jaycee.” She doesn’t pay attention to my words; her breathing irregular and shaky. “He’s gone, sweetheart. There’s nothing to fear now. Let me get you inside, so I can take care of you.”

  “You don’t want to take care of me. All anyone ever wants to do is hurt me. I thought it was over and once that monster was in prison I wouldn’t need to worry anymore. It will never end, will it?”

  “It will end, sweetheart. You just need to let someone help you. Let me take care of you.”

  She doesn’t fight when I scoop her in my arms.

  “Where are you taking her?” Troy meets me to open the door, so I can carry Jaycee inside.

  “I’m taking her up to the apartment. Please tell me you got the motherfucker, Troy.”

  He scratches his head. The look on his face, I know I won’t like what he says.

  “Listen, boss, it’s not what you want to hear. He got to his truck and sped away before we could get him. We got his license plate number. Jon’s calling in a few favors, so I’m sure we’ll have a name soon. You take care of her, and we’ll take care of the club.”

  Jaycee hasn’t made a sound the whole time I’ve had her in my arms until I go down the private hallway to the elevator.

  “No! Where are you taking me? You can’t just… what are you going to do with me?” Frightened eyes, like those of a helpless child, look up at me.

  “I won’t hurt you, Jaycee, I just need to make sure you’re okay, and we need to find you some dry clothes.”

  I ease her down until her feet touch the floor and keep my hands on her until I’m sure she’s steady. Even though she’s a mess with her wet hair sticking everywhere and any sign of makeup almost gone, she’s still the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.

  “I remember.”

  “What do you remember?”

  “I remember…Master G.”

  The elevator door slides open, but I stand paralyzed. I can’t move a muscle.

  What do I say?

  Fuck. She knows. There’s no question. I don’t know how she’s figured it out, but she knows.

  “We can talk about it. I can explain everything. I’ll tell you anything you want to know, but I’d rather do it in private.”

  “What if… What if I go inside there with you and you decide you don’t want to let me go? What if it’s a trap? I… I need to go. I don’t trust you! You worked for that sick bastard. How the hell are you not in prison with the rest of them?”

  Fuck. If she’s that scared of me, there’s no use for me to talk to her right now. Not after everything that’s happened.

  I need to find someone to help her while I figure out a way to make her listen when I tell her about my part in Malcolm Phoenix’s business. I knew the time would come, but why the hell must it be when she needs me most? If it can’t be me who takes care of her now, I hope she’s willing to let my friends help, because she needs someone. She’s a mess.

  “I can’t tell you everything while we’re standing here. When you’re ready to talk, it will take time and a private place without interruption. I don’t want you to be scared of me. I’m not the bad guy, but you’ll need to figure that out for yourself.”

  We’re in a private area that only a few of us can access. Jaycee’s not in any shape to face people in the club. She uses the wall to hold her weak body up while I send a quick text to Troy.

  We wait in silence. Jaycee’s huddled against the wall, staring at the floor. She looks up when we hear footsteps approach.

  Troy notified my brother and best friend first thing about what was happening. I’m glad Jensen brought Madison. Maybe it will give Jaycee someone she can talk to about everything that’s happened, past and present.

  Jensen and I stand back while Madison talks to Jaycee.

  “Jaycee, why don’t you let me take you home? I think you can use a friend, someone besides these cavemen.”

  “I don’t want anyone’s help. Why can’t you all understand that?”

  “If Grant hadn’t come to your rescue when he did, who knows what might have happened. You might not like hearing it, but you do need help, Jaycee. We all need it from time to time. Look, if you don’t want to talk to any of us, it's fine. At least let us take you home.”

  Madison didn’t suffer the way Jaycee did with Phoenix, but she had her own battle after she got out. Unlike those who think like Jaycee does about therapists, Madison had good luck with one who helped her move past the ordeal. I hope Jaycee gives Madison a chance and talks to her.

  “Baby, leave her alone. I’m sure Troy will find her keys. If she doesn’t want our help, we can’t force it.” Jensen moves to Madison’s side.

  Jaycee steps away from the wall and looks at us all for a minute.

  I have an overwhelming urge to take her in my arms and hold her and make her believe everything will be all right. I hope later when she calms down she’ll let me explain everything. When she’s ready to hear it, I’m prepared to tell her everything about my undercover work and how I got the job working for Phoenix.

  I don’t want her to disappear from my life now that I’ve found her. I’ve lain awake, night after night, for months thinking about Jaycee. Now that I’ve had her close enough to touch, I don’t want to let her go again.

  “I guess it would be okay if someone takes me home. I’m a mess, and I don’t feel like driving. Maybe I can get my car tomorrow.”

  “I’m sure Jensen can bring your car right behind you and Madison. When you’ve had a little time to sort things out, we need to talk, Jaycee.”

  When Madison leads Jaycee away, why does it feel so much like goodbye between us?

  Jensen hangs back to get whatever he’s thinking off his chest.

  “Go ahead and say it. I know something’s on your mind.”

  “Nah, not really. It’s just… I was in your shoes not too long ago, G. I can tell it’s eating you up because you want to take care of her and she won’t let you. Give it time, but keep at it. Don’t let her have too much space. I feel like that’s about all she’s had since the kidnapping.”

  He slaps me on the back and goes after the women.

  Tonight’s left me with a load of shit on my mind. I thought I’d get to spend time with Jaycee, but everything went straight to hell.

nbsp; I hope Jaycee listens to Madison, and maybe she can convince her to find some outside help or to let me help her.

  Chapter Nine


  I feel like a cyclone has crashed into me. I’m cold and shivering. My body aches from rolling around on the ground and fighting with him. I’m beyond confused by everything that’s happened today.

  The shit going through my head is enough to drive me insane.

  All these people think they can help me. It’s almost laughable to see how enthused they are to try.

  “Baby, why don’t you take Jaycee with you? You can drive her home, and I’ll bring her car right behind you?” After he talks to his fiancé, he turns to face me.

  “Grant’s probably told you who we all are, but just in case, I’m Jensen. We’re all here to help you, Jaycee. Anything you need, we’re here. Okay? Don’t argue too much; just accept what we’re trying to do. And… give Grant a chance, too. I’ve known the big guy a long time. You might not believe it, but you can trust him. That’s a fact I stand behind because I’ve had to trust him with my life a few times, and he’s always come through for me.”

  “I just want to go home.”

  I get in the car and wait for Jensen and his fiancé to exchange a few words. He opens the driver’s door so she can get in, the perfect gentleman. When she’s seated and buckled in, he leans in and kisses her.

  I groan a little because they’re getting on my nerves. Jensen chuckles softly and Madison giggles. The way the two are together is enough to make anyone sick, especially if you know you’ll never have a love of your own like that.

  I put my address in the GPS, so there’s no need for talking. I’m not looking for friends. Maybe if I ignore everyone long enough, they’ll give up and leave shit alone.

  No one has worried about me before, and I can’t imagine the concern they’re all showing now is even real.

  On the way to my house, I’m forced to listen to Madison tell me all about how she knows Grant so well, and she talks about her being one of Malcolm’s victims, just like I was. Except, her prince charming showed up on his white horse to rescue her. I understand a little of what she’s trying to tell me, but I stay silent.


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