Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two)

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Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two) Page 21

by Lisa Gerkey

  “Let the women go. It’s over, O’Hare. You’re not walking out of here.”

  Shots ring out. I turn my head just in time to see Grant on the floor struggling with another man. Blood pools beneath them as they fight on the dirty concrete.

  “Grant!” I call out his name, but there’s so much racket and chaos, no one hears me. I dig deep to find every ounce of strength to shove my elbow back into Devlin’s ribs as hard as I can. Kennedy picks up on my assault and scratches and swings her small fists. The next thing I know, I’m pushed to the floor. “Let go of me! Get your filthy hands off me!” A pair of handcuffs connects quickly to each wrist.

  “Calm down, Miss. We’re doing this for your protection. We’ll take you down to the station and get everything settled.”

  The hot sticky air nearly suffocates me when two officers pull me outside the building. “You’re making a mistake. I can prove it! I…I’m a private investigator out of Tennessee, here to find my sister! She’s in there. Please! I can’t leave her.”

  “Don’t worry. She’ll be right behind you. We’ll get everything sorted down at the station.” They lead me to the back of a van. Already, a few occupy the space. It looks like I’m left with no choice but to join them.

  I wait as the officer flips through his notebook. I’ve been sitting in the plain room that has nothing but a table with a few chairs; alone mostly, until the officer came.

  “How long do you plan to keep me here? What about my sister? Kennedy?”

  “Someone will be here, Ms. Jennings. We’re just keeping you here for safe keeping.”

  “So, I can go? You’ve kept me here all this time for nothing.”

  “No. Not for nothing. You’re here so the rest can get their jobs done.”

  Someone knocks at the door. The officer, Officer Murphy, gets up to open it. I can’t see who’s on the other side, but they exchange words. He opens the door wider, my heart jumps out of my chest when I see him standing there.

  “Grant!” I run to him and wrap my arms around his waist, rest my face against his broad chest that sports a fresh clean shirt different from the one he wore when I last saw him.

  “Easy now, sweetheart.” He walks us into the room. I see he didn’t come alone. His brother steps in behind him, a tired, weary look on his face.

  “You two need to get your shit together. There’s so much goddamn friction between you, I’m starting to chafe just from being around you.”

  “What about Kennedy? They told me they’d bring her, but I’ve heard nothing more since I got here.”

  “Jaycee, your sister is carrying around a lot of baggage. I can’t promise it will do any good, but she’s on her way to a treatment facility. It was that or a prison cell. I pulled every string I could find to make this happen. It’s up to Kennedy now what she wants to do with her life. Kennedy. Not you. It’s up to your sister to fix her shit now. Do you understand?”

  So thankful for Jon’s help, I nod my head. I leave Grant’s side to walk over and rise on my tiptoes so I can place a quick kiss on his brother’s cheek. “Thank you so much. For everything. I…” I glance over to see Grant’s watching, listening. “I think Grant and I need a little time together to figure our shit out too. What we decide between us will help me decide if I want to continue working for you.”

  The flight back to Tennessee is uneventful. I sleep the entire time, exhausted from everything that took place the last few days. Things still aren’t right between Grant and me. I can’t put my finger on our biggest issue, but I have my work cut out for me if I expect to get back everything I threw away months ago when I walked out on him.

  “We have a car waiting to take you home, Jaycee. Rest and relax when you get home. Don’t worry about coming into work for a few days.” I want to ask Jon where his brother’s run off to, but I fear I won’t like the answer.

  “Sure. Yeah, I’ll see you in a day or two.”

  After a glass of wine and a long, hot bubble bath accompanied by a few of my favorite country songs pouring through the speakers, I feel like a brand new woman. Thomas Rhett and Maren Morris sing Craving You while I slather lotion over my freshly cleaned skin. I look at the clock on the table beside the bed. 8 PM. I still have time.

  The perfect plan forms in my head. I run to my closet and shift through my clothes until I find the perfect dress. After I’ve found everything I need, I shoot a message to Madison because I must succeed with my plans tonight.

  I’ve waited weeks for Grant to come around, but I’ve learned that waiting and giving things time to change won’t work. If I want to see results, I must force changes, force myself to step out of my comfort zone. I mean, I’ve been doing that a lot lately, for a long time really, but this time is different. Tonight, I’ll work to secure my future. I love Grant Masters. I love everything about him and I…trust him…with everything. My heart, my soul…and my body.

  I don’t know how I’ve gone my whole life settling for things that never made me happy, people who didn’t make me happy…Well, probably because I never knew the fantasies I’ve always had could become my reality…but, I’m done with settling. After tonight, Grant will have no doubts how I feel about him, about everything.

  Chapter Forty-Six


  “I figured you’d take time off before getting back into the swing of things.”

  “Nah. That’s why I took the job when I took off to Tampa. Hell, I guess I found out there’s no running from her.”

  “Jaycee? I thought it had more to do with your sis…ter… Sorry, man, I guess I shouldn’t bring that up now.”

  I could get angry and lash out at my best friend, but I can’t fault Jensen because he knows me so well. Hell, I was all over his ass when he was having his fair share of problems with Madison.

  “Losing Em ripped a hole in my chest. It’ll take a long time to get over it, and I’m sure just like my parents, I’ll never be over her dying, and the stupid decision she made, but…reading the letter she left helped. I…She thought she was doing the right thing and as stupid and wrong as it was, I have to accept it was her choice to make, not mine.”

  “Yeah, no offense, but the stubborn streak must run in your family,” Jensen smirks. He knows damn well he’s lucky to be my friend because no one else would get by with talking like he does. He’s a straight shooter and not one bit afraid to tackle the complicated shit.

  “Let’s talk about something else for a minute. What the hell are you doing here at The Grind instead of at home with Jenny and Madison? It’s almost 9 o’clock. Shouldn’t you be at home tying her ass to the bed or something?”

  “Nope. Jenny’s with the sitter.” Jensen glances down at his watch for a brief second or two. “Madison should be here soon.”

  “So, you all are playing tonight, huh? Private room? Or, have you convinced her to give the dungeon a shot?”

  Jensen chuckles. “Well, I think Maddy wants to be a little voyeur tonight.”

  Our conversation gets interrupted by a knock on my door. Jeremiah doesn’t wait for me to answer before he’s busting in like there’s a fire and he needs to get everyone’s attention.

  “Boss, we’ve got a little problem in the dungeon. You need to come quick before things get out of hand.”

  “On my way.”

  Shit. There’s no telling what’s going on tonight. The way things have gone these last few months, I’m tempted to close the damn doors and give up on everything. I haven’t had a major problem since Jonas took things a little too far one night with his sub.

  “I’ll let you get to work, man. Maddy should be here by now. I need to go find her before another cocksucker has time to mess with her. I hope whatever you’ve got to deal with isn’t a big deal.”

  “Nah. Probably an unruly sub out of control, if I have to guess.”

  I walk through the club. Everything seems in order, a few nods from members and a scene or two already underway in the main room. The new guy I hired, Marcus is behind the bar. W
e needed another set of eyes and hands around here because now that Troy and Kendra are together, he wants more time to play.

  As soon as I walk into the dungeon, my eyes land on a scene in the back. Jeremiah is monitoring tonight, he, along with two other Doms, stand with two subs.

  “What’s going on, Jeremiah?”

  When he steps to the side, I swear, I forget to breathe. “Jaycee, what the hell are you doing here?”

  Jeremiah squares his shoulders and looks at her.

  “I…I wanted someone to teach me more about this stuff. I…Well…I’ve been thinking. A lot. I mean, you’ve…we…you know the things you and I did when our lives were in danger. I…I liked it, and well, you said The Grind is a safe place to explore, and I want to explore. You know…when there is no danger.”

  Her body language does nothing to match the words coming out of her little mouth, but the rosy tint highlighting her pretty face and just the fact she’s standing here makes my cock jump and expand when I consider all the possibilities.

  “Okay. That still doesn’t explain why Jeremiah rushed to my office a moment ago…”

  “I can explain.” Daryl, a longtime acquaintance and member of the club steps forward. “She came into the dungeon, interrupted two scenes and asked if someone would show her the ropes.” Daryl, amused, smirks, but I can tell he’s frustrated Jaycee’s appearance ruined his time with his wife. “Maybe you need to have someone show her the ropes and let her know what happens when someone interrupts a scene. She’s a member, correct?”

  Fuck. He’s right. I gave her the membership because I wanted no excuse for her not to stay close, back when she was dealing with her ex-husband. I’m certain she’s paid little attention to the rules even though she signed on the dotted line. One rule being what happens when someone interrupts a scene in progress.

  “Jaycee, is this true? Did you come in here and cause trouble?”

  “No! Well, yeah, I guess, but I didn’t think it would be a problem. I mean, look at what people do here. I thought it shouldn’t be such a big deal if I want to find someone to help me.”

  “Alright, gentlemen, I apologize for the interruption. I assure you Ms. Jennings will have no choice but to deal with the consequences of her actions. She’s…a little green, and not yet familiar with the lifestyle. I’ll go over the rules and bring her up to speed on a few things then we’ll take care of her…punishment.”

  Jaycee wrings her little hands together and shuffles nervously from foot to foot, yet she stands straight and keeps her cool in every other way. She’s anything but cool though, and I’m about to heat that little ass of hers up a few more degrees.

  I’d hoped to have a little time to figure out how to approach this thing between us.

  I wanted to keep a little distance after we came back to Tampa for a while. Seems like all our time together has been under duress. The threats are still out there. Jayson’s still on the run and who knows where he’ll end up since the Feds flushed out the little business down in Florida. Still, he’s less of a problem for Jaycee to worry about than for Lindsey, perhaps. Lindsey can be someone else’s damsel to take care of though. Even though it’s come a little sooner than I’d like, I’ve got the only woman I need to concern myself with standing right here.

  “Come with me, sugar. We’ve got a few things we need to discuss.”

  “I…I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause trouble, Grant. It felt like a good idea, but I can see I messed up, and I shouldn’t have come, so I’ll just go, and leave you alone.”

  And I could let her go. But, I won’t. It’s time we both stopped running. It’s time we faced what’s between us head on.

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  Madison tried to tell me this was a bad idea. She told me I should just talk to Grant because coming here could blow up in my face, and boy, now I wish I’d listened. These guys are really creepy. Not because they’ll hurt me, but they’re huge, and maybe I’ve made a couple of them a little angry.

  I avoid looking at Grant’s face. Before I looked away, I saw that smirk. It’s the same one he uses when he’s amused. I think he gets off when he sees me embarrassed. I need to get my ass out of here and go home.

  “You want to go home? Didn’t you just get here, sweetheart? You know the fun doesn’t really start around here until late. Let’s go somewhere we can talk. We need to figure out how to handle this little situation.”

  He takes my hand and leads me to the door. “Where are you taking me?”

  “We’re going to go to my office and go over the paperwork, sugar.”

  Shit. Damn. Fuck. I remember the stupid paperwork I filled out and everything I signed the first time I came to The Grind. I didn’t read a single line because I had no plans to come back. But, shit!

  Safe. Sane. Consensual. I remember those three words. I mean, he can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do, can he? No. No. He most certainly cannot!

  “I can hear the wheels turning, Jaycee. Relax. You handled Memphis and Tampa like a pro, baby. Your punishment tonight will be a piece of cake.”

  “Stop! Wait! Why do you want to punish me? I don’t understand. You punish people who come to your sex club because they want sex? That’s crazy!”

  “No, Jaycee! We punish brats who don’t know how to follow the rules or when to shut up, and at the moment, you fit both. Now, stay quiet until I tell you to talk. Do you understand?”

  He pushes my back to the wall, pulls my arms over my head and grips my wrists tight. His knee fits perfectly between my thighs as he looks down at me. That voice he uses when he gets all mean and bossy makes me melt. I pull my lip between my teeth and look up at him. “Uh-huh. I understand.”

  Grants eyes are dark and hooded. He stares right at my lips. When he sweeps his tongue across his bottom lip, my clit sparks. “Is this what you came here for, Jaycee? You’re horny and need someone to fix the problem. Did you come here thinking any fucker here would do, or do you want me to take care of your little issue, sugar?”

  He skims his hot breath over my neck, never quite touching me, but burning a path just the same. I didn’t know it was possible to want a man the way I want Grant. I try to get my hands from his grasp but he holds strong. “Please, let me go.”

  He drops his arms so mine fall to my sides, and he walks. I’ve had every opportunity to run for the door, but I keep reminding myself that I came here because I’m ready to stop running. I remind myself of that fact every step until we reach the office.

  Grant sits down at his desk and shuffles through a drawer until he produces a folder. “Let’s have a seat on the sofa. We’re going to go over this paperwork, darling.”

  “Grant, can we forget the stupid paperwork? Forget safe words and hard limits. Coming here was a crazy idea. I didn’t think it through. It hurts you’ve just forgotten about us. After Tampa, I thought we’d come back here and pick up where we…”

  “Where we left off?” He finishes my sentence.

  I nod my head. “Yeah, exactly.”

  “The way I remember it, baby, we left off when you ran away from me in Memphis. I know you’ve been through a lot of hell, but…shit, Jaycee. I guess Em…Emily’s death fucked with me too much. We both ran, I guess.”

  “I never knew things could be like that between two people. It scares me, but I’m past the terror. Now, I want to move on and find my happy. You make me happy, Grant. I still have nightmares. I don’t think they’ll ever diminish completely, but since I’ve known you, a lot of nights I have good dreams…dreams with you and me…together.”

  “Let’s see if you still feel that way after tonight, sugar.”

  Asshole. I’m pissed off because I came here tonight and I just poured it all out there for him and he’s more worried about the little scene I caused? Well, he can kiss my ass.

  “You know what? Forget it! It was a huge mistake coming here. I shouldn’t have just assumed you’d want to hear anything I say. I don’t know wh
y I bothered trying.”

  He yanks us both down to sit on the sofa. Me in his lap. I can’t think straight this close to him. It’s even more difficult to stay angry, but I have to hold my ground.

  “Not so fast. You know when you get me, you also get this club, right? I run a sex club, darling. Now, I’m not all that concerned if you follow rules or not, but the members out there who pay their money, and it’s a lot of money, Jaycee, but they pay it to have a place to play and enjoy themselves. It’s more about them than me, but the rules are what they are and you broke a big one tonight.”

  “So, if we’re together, you expect me to be a sex slave when we’re here at The Grind?”

  His hand that keeps brushing back and forth over my calf distracts me. He grazes his fingers lightly and little by little he moves his hand higher.

  “No, I don’t want a sex slave. I just want you to show your respect to those who come here. The rules clearly state, if you interrupt a scene in the dungeon, you receive punishment. Now, truthfully, I should leave it up to the Dom you messed with and let him punish you as he sees fit, but since this isn’t something you know, or even understand, I’ll take care of it myself.”

  Oh, joy. This should be fun. The temperature in Grant’s office shoots up another hundred degrees.

  “You like that idea, don’t you, baby? I felt you shudder and your legs clenched. It turns you on when you think about how I’ll punish you, doesn’t it?”


  “Little liar. I know you can’t turn the fantasies off any more than I can turn my cock off and keep him from growing hard every time I see you. Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll go easy on you since this is your first time.”

  I almost remind him this isn’t the first time, but I’m sure nothing he does now will compare to what we had to do those other times in front of strangers.

  “I know what you’re thinking, but let’s not include that in what goes on here. Troy should be behind the bar by now. Go get a drink. When I’m ready, he’ll bring you to me. Let’s get this over with.”


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