Violence & Variations

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Violence & Variations Page 5

by Thomas Shaw

  David looked confused and squinted, "We're not 'doing' anything?"

  "But your powers, you broke your friend out of prison?" Richards said, almost shocked.

  Laura had rolled her eyes at the word 'friend', "We just want to live our lives"

  "But aren't you following up on the bank robberies?" Richards said. Silence again.

  David stood up slowly, "How do you kno-"

  "They've been spying on you David" Sam interjected, "I heard my guards talking about it outside my cell"

  Richards rubbed his beard, "Yes, that is true. We saw the CCTV footage from the bank, when Anthony attacked. And we've been watching you through various sources all yesterday"

  "Which is how they knew to come and get me" Sam explained.

  "Wait" David stopped them both a raised hand, "Anthony? Who's Anthony?"

  Richards sighed and sat back down, "Anthony Forster. He was one of our scientists back when we were part of the government. His work with robotics was incredible but unfortunately, he was bought out by another company after he was offered his own team and a lot more money. We wished him the best, and that's the last contact we had with him"

  "I read about him the other day" Laura said, "He's still missing, isn't he?"

  Richards shook his head, "No, not missing. He's hiding. We have full details on what happened with him, but we're still trying to locate him"

  "Well, not full sir" Joseph quickly inserted.

  "Most details" Richard said, giving a glare to Joseph. He turned back to David, "We'll give you full access to our information regarding Anthony, so you can apprehend him. And in return, you bring him back to us"

  David sat back in his chair. He weighed up the options, "If we help you" the others looked at him with anticipation, "You leave us alone after this is done"

  "Well come now, I'm sure we can-"

  "No. We are not weapons or things to be studied. We will help you with this guy, but that's it"

  Richards fidgeted with his moss green tie, "Fine" he said quickly and stood up, "Joseph, give them a dossier on Anthony" He opened the door and stormed out. The man that was sat by his side followed and Joseph closed the door once they had left, turning back to face the table. He tapped a few times on the tablet and started explaining.

  "So. Anthony Forster. Age 31. Very intelligent individual. Qualifications in robotics, bio engineering, and a high degree in mathematics. He was hired by DarkWatch back in 2095. He developed a peace keeping robot, which we hoped to use in the army, hoping to replace humans. However, he couldn't get the artificial intelligence to work. They could be programmed but that was it, they wouldn't follow orders"

  Joseph turned the tablet around so that the others could see. On the screen was a very detailed drawn picture of a white robot, with a green band going around its cylindrical head. It was thin in build and was missing an arm. David recognized it, it was the same as the ones he had encountered in the bank.

  "Well he's got them working now" David said, folding his arms.

  "Indeed" Joseph said, he turned the tablet around, "He was offered a job with much better pay at RoBack, the robotics company for consumer based products"

  "Why would he leave DarkWatch?" Laura asked, "What did they offer that DarkWatch couldn't?"

  "All I heard was they offered him a lot of money and a full team. Whilst he was here he worked alone. And from what I could gather, they were hiring all the people who were experts in robotics. I'm guessing you all know about the new neural limbs he designed? The ones that all athletes and victims of war use?"

  They all nodded. RoBack was famous for their design in how the artificial arm or leg would be connected to the brain using artificial cells to simulate movement and sense.

  "As far as we can gather from our inside sources, he had an altercation with someone on his team. They had argued and then he went missing. Everything else is what has been leaked to the news: He was last seen exiting a club, someone had mentioned they had seen him near the RoBack research facility but nothing had been confirmed. We had information come to us on the bank heists, but nothing concrete. As soon as you made contact, we knew. And the rest you know"

  David rubbed the side of his head. It was a lot of information but nothing that could indicate anything, "What about the woman he was working with? The one who was found killed?"

  Joseph shrugged, "We have no recorded information of him being near Mrs. Cox's apartment. He doesn't show up at all. And apparently, they were very good friends, we have no reason to believe he was involved"

  "Would you expect him to rob a bank?" Sam asked from across the room.

  Joseph looked at him but didn't speak.

  "Any idea as to where he is now?" Amy asked.

  "None. Look..." Joseph sat down across from Laura, "…I'm sorry about Mr. Richards. He's been waiting to meet someone like you four for a long time. The whole reason DarkWatch got dumped by the government is because we couldn't provide any evidence of anything we were investigating. Our R&D department was flourishing but nothing else"

  "How's he managed to fund it all by himself then?" Sam asked, now joining the others at the table.

  Joseph smiled, "Pure luck. It's quite unbelievable if you ask me"

  "What's the big deal with this Anthony guy?" Laura asked, pretty much ignoring what James had just said, "Why do you want him so badly"

  "Well, he's robbing banks and-"

  "No no, I get that. But what he's doing doesn't sound like something you'd get involved in. Robbery is dealt with by the police. And even then, you don't want him arrested. Richards wants him"

  Joseph remained silent, he was looking for something to say, "Well....we...we...the thing is-"

  David held his hand up, "Don't. We'll get the guy. But there's going to have to be a lot more transparency if we're going to work together" David stood up, "We're going now. I'd give you my number, but I have a funny feeling you already have it" Joseph didn't look at him. David walked around the table and opened the door, he looked at the others as they followed his lead. They walked out into the hallway. The corridors were now full of life. People in smart clothes, mostly the same suit, walking up and down, carrying files and talking to one another.

  "They had the place cleared out for us" Amy realized, "Guess they had planned everything"

  David caught the attention of a young woman. He asked for directions so they could leave. She walked them to the end of the corridor on the left and directed them down another corridor. They eventually found themselves in what seemed like a reception like area.

  There were two large double doors opposite what seemed like a reception desk. A woman sat behind taking phone calls. She smiled at them and covered her mouth piece with one hand, "Thank you for visiting. We hope to see you again" she said in a chipper tone and went back to the call she was on.

  Sam rolled his eyes, "Not likely" he muttered.

  The doors automatically slid open and they exited the building and stepped out into the cold. The doors closed behind them with a click. The four of them stood, looking out across the gravel pathway to the valley in front of the building. The rain had stopped but the sky was still covered in dark grey clouds.

  They started walking up the path, not talking to one another. They passed the security booth. The guard inside gave them one look and went back to playing a game on his phone. When they were some distance from the security booth Laura walked ahead and stood in front of David, stopping him, "Ok, what was that back there?"

  "What was what?" David asked innocently.

  "You, taking charge of that conversation, like you're charge here"

  "I didn't hear any of you stepping up" David said and sighed, "Someone had to deal with them. Not to mention this was my idea"

  "Your idea or not, doesn't put you in charge" She pointed a finger at his chest.

  "Never said it did. But I know that you two" he pointed at Sam and Laura, "don't exactly want your powers out on show. So we help them, we get them this guy,
then we're done"

  Laura shook her head, "And they've been spying on us. All because of Amy being a reckless teenager"

  "How was I to know that the government would be interested because I can set fires at will?" Amy said.

  "Maybe because I told you?" David said frustrated, "I said those exact words!"

  "David, look, I'm out. I'm not up for any of this. I need to focus on work right now, I'm behind on my rent and my gas bills is huge this month"

  "Laura-" David started.

  Laura cut him off, "Not to mention I'm still not comfortable being around you", Everything went silent. David stared at Laura. Amy and Sam exchanged a glance. Laura took a breath, "David, you don't know how much you hurt me, do you?"

  "I do" David muttered.

  "No you don't" She said with an exasperated chuckle.

  "I do because I hurt myself by leaving you!" David retorted loudly.

  "Then why go?"

  David looked at Amy and Sam who were pretending not to listen, "Guys"

  "We'll go wait in the car" Amy suggested, seeming to read David’s mind.

  After they had gone, David looked at Laura in her eyes. He could see the hurt in her but it was masked by her hard stare. David started squeezing his thumb, "Look, I was told that no matter what, I wasn't to share my...abilities...with anyone. I wanted to tell you, but assumed you'd run a mile. When I found out about your...ability, I wondered why you hadn't told me and maybe you didn't want to tell me. I didn't want to hurt you. I can have limited control over my electricity at certain times, at times of passion..." David cleared his throat, he found conversations like this really difficult, "…and I didn't think electricity and water were the best mix. So I didn't think and I ran. And I have hated myself every day since for doing so"

  Laura didn't change expression, "Why didn't you just talk to me" she said coldly.

  "Because I'm an idiot!" He shouted, "Because I thought you'd think the same"

  "David, you're not a virgin, so clearly, unless you've fried every girl you've slept with, it's not fatal"

  "I am"

  Laura looked confused, "I thought you said you was waiting-"

  "Until we got married? Yeah, just an excuse to hold off, till I had full control of this...thing"

  "Well it's not like I've got water running through my body" Laura said, "I'm just pissed that you didn't talk to me, you ran and I couldn't get hold of you for days. Then when I finally do, you just say it's over? I thought I'd scared you off for other reasons, I thought you got bored. You leaving with no explanation fucked me up so much! Even now, with that excuse, I still don't know if I can forgive you"

  David hung his head, "Laura I-"

  "Don't. Don't you dare say it. If you did, you wouldn't have left"

  "I left because I'm stupid. Yeah, I should've talked to you, but like I said, I panicked. You might have left me, and that was more terrifying, the fact that you could just stop loving me like that..."

  "Like how I feel now?"

  Neither said anything. The wind blew between them, kicking up the leaves at their feet. They were both trying to control their emotions but one of them was going to break.

  After what felt like an eternity of silence Laura asked quietly for a lift home. David nodded and they went back to the car. Amy and Sam were in the back seat talking and laughing. When they both saw David and Laura approaching and their faces they went quiet. David and Laura got in and they drove off, heading for home. No one spoke a word for the entire hours’ drive.


  The next day at David’s apartment, Sam stood in the kitchen area making toast whilst David searched through the DarkWatch files that had been sent to him on an email. The day before, David had taken Laura straight home. Amy offered to stay with her but she declined, saying she had to work as the restaurant had called her in for an extra shift. David had then dropped Amy off at her place.

  Sam was offered a place at David’s until he could get himself back on track. Once they had got home they spent the night drinking and playing games. David was upset about himself and Laura and Sam was still angry over Emma and overwhelmed by his mother’s death. The night had ended with both Sam and David asleep, glasses in hand, on the sofa.

  David’s research online on DarkWatch proved fruitless. They were never mentioned by name by any news sources or in the media. He had read comments in forums from people saying they had had contact with a division of the government that seemed very Men in Black like.

  Reading through the files he had been sent showed they were a very busy company.

  Mike Richards, a very charismatic man, managed to get himself into a position in the government, and founded the DarkWatch sector. After their separation from the government, Richards then started the DarkWatch company, funding it on lottery winnings he had won twice in a row! He kept the company private and well hidden. They had three headquarters, one in England (the one Sam had been imprisoned at), one based on the island of New London and a further base in Australia, however this was purely a contact center. Their inventions and resources hadn't gone unnoticed however. The current chip that was used in modern mobile phones, The A+668 chip, which eliminated static and distortion in every phone call, was implemented in every mobile phone in the world since 2106. They had helped the development of the second man-made island, Neoniti back in 2091 (when they were still tied with the government). And finally, they had helped the country during the floods of 2098, 2103 and again in 2107.

  David was currently reviewing the reports on Anthony's absence and watching CCTV footage of that night,

  "Hey, check this out" David called to Sam. He walked over carrying a plate with a stack of eight slices of buttered toast. He offered some to David who held his hand up to decline, "So that night when Anthony went to the club, the night he disappeared? DarkWatch was very thorough and managed to get a scan from the CCTV and somehow was able to get every person that was there that night on a manifest right here, it lists all their personal details"

  "Right?" Sam said with a mouth full, "And?"

  "One of the people there was a former DarkWatch agent. Jake Menzies. Bit coincidental, don't you think?"

  Sam swallowed, "Surely DarkWatch have followed that up though?"

  "Yeah, says here they brought him in for questioning but he said he never saw him there. Not to mention that they didn't really know each other"

  Sam shrugged his shoulders, "I'm still not getting why this is news?"

  "This Jake was part of a large walkout by large number of DarkWatch agents. According to their records, about forty Agents got up and left in one day. They didn't give a reason" Sam remained silent, waiting for David to get to his point, "Look, Anthony left DarkWatch, and so did this guy. Both were in the same club just before Anthony disappeared from the public. They must've talked"

  "So let’s go find this guy then" Sam said, shoving another slice in his mouth.

  David watched him and looked at his tower of toast, "You know, when I said make yourself at home..."

  "I'll replace the loaf, don't worry" Sam said though a mouth of toast as he stood. David rolled his eyes and checked his phone screen. Sam peered over to look, "Still not called you?" David shook his head. He wasn't expecting her to. He replied to the email from DarkWatch to get Jake Menzies address. Within seconds he had a reply.

  They were heading to the door when it swung open and Amy brushed past them.

  "What's wrong?" David called after her. She was turning on his television and loading up the news. David and Sam stood at either side of her. They watched as images taken from a helicopter showed an airport. One of the hangers was crawling with the robots that David had encountered at the bank. A police barricade was lined up at the entrance to the airport. All planes had been grounded and apparently a task force was being made up.

  "What's he doing there?" Sam asked.

  "I've phoned Laura, I said we'd get her on the way" Amy said, turning off the TV. David nodded and they ran out of t
he building.

  David, driving as fast as he could, arrived at Laura's place. She was stood on the path, arms folded. David pulled up and she got in the passenger’s side. He immediately set off for the airport.

  There was an awkward silence, just like the night before.

  Amy coughed, trying to break the tension, "So, what's the plan then?"

  Laura shrugged her shoulders, "Ask our leader" she remarked sarcastically.

  David glanced at her, "Look, we need to work together right now. Especially with what we're about to do"

  "And after that, I'm done with this" Laura said bluntly. Amy started protesting but Laura stopped her, "No Amy. The fact I have to work with Sam is one thing, but working with David? No, it won't work"

  Amy looked at Sam, who shrugged his shoulders at the mentioning of his name. Laura and Sam were never going to get on. Every time that they had met up in the past through David, they had never agreed with anything. Sam used to try for David’s sake and Laura had done the same. Now there was no need to do so, both were honest with each other.

  David cleared his throat, "Look, I don't know what Anthony's doing at the airport, but it won't be good. We need to stop him and bring him in. That means, Sam, don't knock his head off his shoulders"

  Half an hour had passed and they pulled up next to the police fencing that had been placed around the entrance way to the airport check in doorway. A huge gathering of people had turned up, along with news crews. Various reporters stood in front of cameras, explaining the situation to the viewing public. David parked across the road and the four of them got out of the car. They headed to the police who were lined up guarding the entrance. They immediately started marching towards them, hands raised, to hold them back.

  David held his hands up, "Woah, we've come to sort out this mess"

  One of the police grabbed a hold of David’s shoulder, "I'm sorry sir, you're all going to have to stand back behind the fence"

  "No, look, we're working with DarkWatch, we're here to stop Anthony"


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