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Gold Page 16

by K. A. Linde

  “You should see yourself right now,” Eric got out between laughing. “My ribs. Christ, it hurts.”

  “I don’t want to hear it. I’m the one soaking wet.”

  “You look like a drowned rat.”

  “How flattering,” she said. She shook her head, and more laughter pealed out of her. She didn’t even know why it was so funny. She was freezing and wet, but she couldn’t stop laughing. She tried to pull herself together. “Well, here’s your reality check, Cowboy. I’m not afraid of a little water.”

  She reached behind herself and grabbed the zipper on the back of her dress. She dragged it to the base of her spine. The material was sticky and hugged her frame. She pulled it off her shoulders and over her breasts. She wiggled it over her hips and then let it land with a wet squish on the floor. That left her in nothing but a soaked sheer white La Perla bra and thong set.

  She spread her arms wide. “I’m not afraid, and you’ve now ruined a four-hundred-dollar dress. Let’s play.”

  He swallowed and averted his eyes. “I’m not getting in that water.”

  “You can dish it out, but you can’t take it?”

  His eyes shot back to hers, and for a second, it was as if he were checking her out. But she knew he wasn’t. He was probably embarrassed that she wasn’t embarrassed. She knew she had a rocking body. Nothing to be ashamed of.

  “I’ll go get you some dry clothes.”

  “Oh, come on, E. They’re just boobs!”

  He rolled his eyes and then walked inside. All the humor of the moment was gone. What a buzzkill.

  She grabbed her dress, downed her margarita, and then followed him inside a minute later. She walked right into the kitchen and refilled her glass. Eric was upstairs long enough that she finished half of another margarita before he returned.

  He offered up a pair of sweats and an oversized T-shirt. “Best I could find.”

  “Thanks. I’ll swim in these, too,” she joked.

  He didn’t look at her once when she hopped off the kitchen counter and tugged on his clothes. Man, she would never have guessed that he was a prude. All the time, he was around sweaty football players who changed clothes in the locker room. This couldn’t be half as bad. Maybe it was the Texan in him.

  He laughed when he saw her in his clothes. “You look ridiculous.”

  “This is all your fault.”

  “You’re right. I did not think this through.”

  “Plus, now, I’m cold and tipsy.” She held up her half-finished glass. “I don’t think the margarita is helping with my body temperature.”

  “Probably not.” He stood stiffly and shrugged.

  She had given him the perfect opportunity to offer to warm her up, and he hadn’t taken it. Clearly, she was losing it if she’d thought for a second that he was acting this way because he was interested. Any other guy would have jumped all over her.

  “Anyway, I’m throwing a party once I get the house furnished. A big kegger. We’ll invite the whole team.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” he said. He leaned against the kitchen counter and seemed to relax more now that she had changed the subject. “We’re going to need a lot of booze to get them all drunk.”

  “I think we can handle that,” she said with a smirk.

  “THIS PLACE IS KILLER,” Trihn said.

  Bryna smiled brightly. Yes, her new house had turned out to be incredible. She absolutely had to agree. She had spent the last couple of weeks furnishing the house until it was absolutely the most beautiful, elegant, and perfectly lived-in place she had ever seen. Hugh had even surprised her last weekend with a stunning Swarovski crystal chandelier.

  Of course, she didn’t think people could tell quite how lavish it really was with nearly a hundred football players and the entire cheer team crowding into the house and her backyard.

  “Yeah, I’m mad jealous,” Stacia agreed.

  “As you should be,” Bryna said.

  She was happy the weather was holding. They were supposed to have storms, but not a lick of water had hit the earth in more than a month. That meant the weather was gorgeous. It also equated to an even worse drought for the desert.

  At least they got to benefit by using the awesome pool, which required wearing swimsuits. Bryna’s was a strappy blue-and-white color block that made her look exceptionally tan. Her hair was pulled off her shoulders and into a messy bun on the top of her head. She had a drink in her hand and was ready to party.

  She would recognize the voice of the next person who walked through the door anywhere.

  Eric was standing there with Andrew and a few other guys from the team. They were all in swim trunks. Andrew had already stripped out of his shirt—or maybe he had never worn one—but Eric had on a tight-fitting LV State shirt.

  “Hollywood!” he cried when he saw her.

  Then, he was barreling into her stomach and hoisting her over his shoulder.

  She screamed and sloshed some of her margarita on the hardwood floor, “Eric! Put me down!”

  He laughed even harder and twirled her in a circle. A bunch of people were laughing at them as she was being held helplessly in his arms.

  “Anyone want a take?” he asked, offering her ass for everyone’s view.

  “Oh my God! I will kill you! I will murder you and cut you up into little pieces!” she yelled.

  “All right, all right,” Eric said. “No spankings for you tonight.”

  “She clearly deserves it though,” Trihn joked.

  Bryna was placed back on her feet, and she smacked Eric on the arm. “You ass!”

  “At least I didn’t throw you in the pool.”

  “Again!” she snapped.

  “Right. Again,” he said, heading toward the back door with a big smirk on his face.

  He was out the door with the team a minute later, and she was left there, shaking her head at him.

  “And you think he’s gay?” Stacia asked quietly next to her.

  Bryna gave her a fierce look. “Shh!”

  “Sorry! Sorry!”

  “And yes, I know he is.”

  Trihn intervened, “Let’s go dance! Neal is already in a bad mood about coming to another party.”

  “Why?” Bryna asked.

  She shrugged. “No idea. He would rather be at home, sketching or something. We need to loosen him up with some liquor, and he’ll be fine.”

  Bryna started drinking again when the girls disappeared to go dance. She had hired the DJ from the radio station for the party. Apparently, he did that kind of stuff on the side. So far, so good.

  She was about to go join them when the last person she’d wanted to see breezed through the doorway.


  “Excuse me!” she snapped. “Who said you were invited?”

  Pace smirked. “Hey, sis.”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “Your boyfriend invited the whole team. Last I checked, I’m on the team.”

  He seemed pretty pleased with himself.

  Bryna looked around. “Who here has a boyfriend?”

  “You, of course. Think you can hide that you’re dating Eric?”

  “We’re not dating.”

  “Sure,” he said disbelievingly. “How is it going though, really?”

  “We’re not together, but it’s so cute that you’re clearly jealous.”

  “I mean, at least you picked the complete opposite of the last one,” he said.

  She knew he was referencing Jude, and she shuddered.

  He leaned closer toward her. “Speaking of, does the new man know all of your deep, dark secrets?”

  He looked like he had her there, and she stood her ground.

  “Actually, he does. Not that it’s any of your business”—she pushed him away from her—“but we’re not together, creep.”

  Pace looked genuinely surprise. She was glad she had thrown him off.

  “He knows about Jude?”

  “What? Like it’s a big secret? Yes, he knows.
Now that the interrogation is over, you can leave.”

  “But I’m just getting started,” he said. “How exactly did you get this house?”

  “What does it matter? I’m away from you, and that’s all that’s important to me.”

  Realization seemed to dawn on his face as he took in the luxury so many others had missed. “Slipping into old bad habits, are we?”

  “Fuck off!”

  She knew he loved riling her up, but she couldn’t help from getting upset. His very presence angered her. It made her think about her father marrying that whore who was now fucking pregnant. She hadn’t seen them since they moved Pace in, and she didn’t want to hear shit about the new baby they were having.

  “You know I’m not leaving.”

  “Then, stay the fuck away from me.”

  Pace laughed and walked away. “I’ll find someone else to take home tonight,” he threw over his shoulder.

  Bryna shuddered. Poor girl. Pace was awful. She hated that he was here at LV State. She had been avoiding him at all extremes, spending so little time in her condo, but still, he was around. The whole thing put her in a sour mood.

  She needed a drink. She definitely needed a drink. She wished she could bleach the thought of Pace with a girl out of her brain. Actually, the thought of Pace at all made her feel like she had bugs crawling under her skin.

  She wandered into the kitchen and poured herself another margarita when a conversation drifted up to her from the open window. She glanced outside and saw Eric was talking to a bunch of the football players he had arrived with.

  “So, you’re banging Bryna,” Greg said as if it were a fact. He hadn’t even questioned it. He’d just assumed it. Greg punched Andrew in the arm and laughed hysterically. “Dude, you guys are pussy brothers now.”

  Andrew looked sullen and made some snide remark that Bryna couldn’t discern.

  Hmm. So, the guys were going to have the same conversation with Eric that her girls had recently had with her. Too bad he couldn’t use the real reason they weren’t fucking rather than having to hedge around the issue.

  Eric chuckled. “Nah, man. We’re just friends.”

  Greg snorted and made some crude pelvic thrust. “With benefits.”

  Ugh! Why does Beth like him?

  “Nope,” Eric responded. He tipped back his beer and seemed totally relaxed.

  “I’ve seen the way you two are together,” Greg said. “Picking her up and offering to spank her ass. I’d be all over that.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not you.”

  Andrew rolled his neck, clearly agitated. “I’ve smacked that ass.”

  Eric and Greg both turned their attention to him.

  “Yeah, before she started making out with everyone in Posse instead of you,” Greg said, laughing maniacally. “I’ve heard she’s fucked half the team since you, dude.”

  Andrew glared at him.

  But it was Eric who spoke up, “I don’t think so. Bryna is pretty picky. She wouldn’t settle for any dipshit.”

  “Picky?” Andrew asked. Even he sounded disbelieving. “I think you have the wrong girl.”

  Eric shrugged. “She has expensive taste. I don’t think she’d slum it with anyone.”

  Greg still looked doubtful. “Either way, dude, you can’t just be friends with a chick like that.”

  “Especially not Bri,” Andrew said.

  Bryna swallowed hard. She knew what people thought about her. She had always known. Honestly, it had only gotten worse since she came to college. But knowing what people thought was different than hearing it. It made her blood boil. It made her want to go down there and demand to know all the people they thought she had slept with. Because the total since last summer was a big whopping two—Andrew and Hugh. That was it.


  At least Eric had stood up for her.

  “Well, I don’t think that’s true. Bryna and I aren’t dating, and we’re not fucking, so I guess we’re friends,” Eric said.

  “So then, who are you fucking?” Greg asked. “Can’t spend all this time with that hot ass and not get your dick wet.”

  How pleasant!

  She couldn’t help but be interested in Eric’s answer though. Not like he was going to tell them the truth.

  Eric hesitated for a few seconds. “No one. I’m too busy with school and coaching. It’s like having two full-time jobs.”

  “No one is that busy,” Greg said.

  Eric shrugged and brushed it off. “I guess I am.”

  The conversation shifted to football talk, and Bryna figured she had eavesdropped enough. She took her margarita outside and migrated toward where Eric was standing with the guys. Greg punched Andrew and then tipped his hat in the opposite direction. They were both long gone before she reached Eric, who was now standing all alone.

  “Wow. Seems like I know how to run them off.”

  “They’re dicks.” Eric took another swig of his beer.

  “That’s true.” She playfully looked up at him. “So, apparently, I’m picky, I have expensive taste, and I wouldn’t slum it with just anyone. I’ve never heard so many compliments come out of your mouth in one go, E.”

  He groaned and rolled his eyes. “I should have known you had somehow been listening in. I never would have defended your honor.”

  “Yes, because I am a damsel in distress and need you to defend my virginal virtue,” she joked.

  “Virginal virtue?” He immediately doubled over and laughed. “Those are two words I’d never use to describe you.”

  Bryna shrugged. “I own it.”

  “You do.”

  “Anyway, what is this I hear about you being too busy to date?” she teased. Her buzz was starting to hit her, and it felt glorious.

  “Yep. Too busy.” He shrugged. “I’m not interested in anyone anyway.”

  “Oh, I understand that.” It was funny how they were able to have these private conversations in the middle of a crowded party, and no one would think any differently. “Just like the guys giving you a hard time about us not fucking, the girls have been doing the same with me.”

  “Seriously, did you hear everything?”

  “Hard to miss it when you all were so loud.” She poked at him. “Anyway, you don’t have to hide anything from me. I know all your deep, dark secrets. You could tell me if you were dating someone.”

  She fluttered her eyes at him. He didn’t talk about that kind of shit, and she was damn curious.

  “If you know all my secrets, then you know that shit is too complicated.”

  “Suit yourself,” she said. “Everyone needs to get laid.”

  “I think you do that enough for the both of us.”

  “Hardly,” she said.

  She could never have enough sex. She was already horny again and wouldn’t see Hugh for another week.

  “I’m like Scarlett O’Hara. I need to be fucked and often and by someone who knows how.”

  “I believe the quote is kissed,” he said, trying to hide his laughter.

  “Yeah, but I’m modernizing. You know she was just a slutty gold digger and pissed because she couldn’t marry her cousin.”

  “At least she gives me hope that you won’t always be this crazy,” he said.

  “She gives me hope that I’ll always be beautiful. She’s the queen of resting bitch face.”

  Eric shook his head and habitually pushed a stray lock of hair off her forehead. “You already know you’ll always be beautiful, Bri. One day, you might let people see that it’s more than just skin deep.”

  BRYNA FELT A BLUSH CREEP UP to her cheeks. She had no idea why. She never blushed. “Well, I’ve clearly fooled you into thinking so,” she quipped.

  He rolled his eyes and retreated. “Come on, drunkie. Let’s get you back to your girls. I can’t steal you away from your very own party.”

  They retreated back to the center of the party where she did technically belong. Though she hadn’t minded hanging out and talking to
Eric. She pretty much never minded that now.

  The word had gotten out about the party, and soon, it was jam-packed with all sorts of students and not just jocks. Bryna was too far gone to even care at this point. The more, the merrier.

  As night fell and intoxication took over, everyone lost themselves to the party as quickly as they’d lost their inhibitions. People were dancing on the lawn, fondling each other in the pool, making out in corners. All-around debauchery had ensued.

  She grabbed Eric out of the crowd and forced him to dance with her, Trihn, and Stacia. He obliged them after she’d pleaded with him. It was wonderful when he couldn’t refuse her.

  “Is Neal ever coming back?” Bryna asked into Trihn’s ear. She was in the middle of the sandwich of dancers.

  Trihn shrugged with a heavy sigh. “I don’t know. He’s been so weird all night.”

  “What the fuck? It’s a party. Tell him to come party.”

  “I don’t know. He doesn’t really like the scene.”

  “The scene?” Bryna asked in exasperation. “This is college. Welcome to the scene.”

  “I know. He’s so ridiculous. He thinks you and Stacia are bad influences.”

  “What? Is he your mother now?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Trihn stopped dancing in the middle of the lawn. She looked drawn. She always wore all her emotions on her sleeve. Even though she was a strong, powerful woman with success in her own right before she’d even turned eighteen, she still let everyone else’s feelings influence her. Sometimes, Bryna wanted to shake her and tell her not to take that shit, but she could only do so much. So, she would be here to support her friend.

  “Maybe you should talk to him,” Bryna suggested.

  “He’s just sitting over there.” Trihn pointed at a lawn chair.

  “It’ll help.”

  “Come with me?”

  “Of course.”

  Bryna knew she wasn’t the type of person to bring along when a gentle touch was needed. Trihn must be really pissed off.

  Bryna leaned her head back on Eric’s chest and murmured in his ear, “We’re going to talk to Neal.”


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