Werewolf Me

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Werewolf Me Page 11

by Amarinda Jones

  Joan felt the weight of Elspeth’s dagger at her side. Here I am off chasing evil on the word of a woman who drank neat gin like water in the afternoons. That her grandma even had a dagger floored Joan. It was the first thing that was handed to her after Elspeth died. “The crazy old coot said to give it to you,” Barney, the next door neighbor said. There was also a letter.

  My dear Joan

  Someone will come to you and change your life. The dagger is your protection from the darkness. Always wear it. When you meet him, his light will counteract the darkness within.

  Lovingly yours,


  Of course now Joan knew that was a total load of crap. But back then she believed everything her grandma told her and even wanted to restart the same agency Elspeth had failed at. Ostensibly, it had been a storefront where palms were read and cards were turned in search of answers. Tired of boring office work, Joan had taken the plunge. And tried to make it into something more than just a passing parade of freaks who spent too much time staring at the I want to believe poster. And here I am with a naked woman, a bunch of possible werewolves and some guy with a limp who wants revenge. Joan wasn’t even sure what she was supposed to do with a werewolf if she caught one anyway. It was not like she would kill them. She had trouble with mice and mouse traps. But Absolon had offered her something she desperately needed. Money. A lot of it. Until he walked in her door with his creepy sidekick, Joan had been ready to quit.

  As Joan came upon the caravan park, she got her shirt back and left Truro to go change her clothes. She wondered why someone like Truro Simpson was stuck in the backwater of Ludlum. Joan stiffened as she felt a presence suddenly behind her. She knew who it was. Absolon. Only he made her skin crawl. Joan turned to face him.

  “So what’s the story here? You tell me about werewolves terrorizing a town and clearly they’re not.”

  “Have you seen them?”

  “Have you?” Joan was not about to share any knowledge until she knew more about what he wanted. The offer of vast sums of money to find werewolves was one thing. Why Absolon wanted to know and how he planned to use that information was another. And why the hell were they meeting in a dingy caravan park? Joan had heard he was staying there. Why? This man had money. Why did he send her to do a job, only to show up himself?

  “Yes. It was a long time ago.” Absolon’s eyes were hard on hers.

  Even in the darkness the pale blue of his orbs was chilling. “So why aren’t you chasing them?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  Yeah it always was. They were interrupted by a sudden coughing behind them. Oh what now? Joan turned and saw him. Damn. I do not need this now.

  “Hello.” Gil Montague greeted her with a nod. “Who’s your friend?”

  Joan stiffened as she always did when this man appeared. There was something about him that made her breathe harder and feel a warm rush of heat through her body.

  “What do you want?” Absolon made no attempt to hide his impatience.

  “I’m checking the lights for Truro.”

  Absolon waved his hand. “Everything is fine here.”

  “Yes it is.” Gil only had eyes for Joan.

  She jumped slightly under his scrutiny, much to her annoyance. Her hand went to her dagger. Why? Joan wasn’t sure. She just felt safer with it.

  Gil smiled “Nice dagger.”

  “Daggers aren’t nice.” And why am I suddenly breathless?

  “No? It must be the way you wear it then.”

  Oh no, I’m blushing. I haven’t blushed in years and yet I’m blushing.

  “Um—I er—” What am I trying to say? Joan looked from one man to the other. “I have things to do.” It was too late at night to deal with hot guys and weirdos. I need hot chocolate.

  “Me too.” Gil stepped aside to let her pass.

  “You know what I require of you.” Absolon called after her then left.

  “Yes—you fruitcake,” Joan added under her breath.

  “You’re making him fruitcake?”

  Joan suppressed the crazy urge to giggle. She didn’t want him knowing she found him amusing. In fact, I do not want him at all. Joan knew his name was Gil and that was all she needed to know. There was something about him that made her instantly defensive. “No, he’s a fruitcake.”

  Gil took her arm. “I need to talk to you.”

  Joan pulled away easily. If she had been held there it would have been due to her own free will. “I’m flattered but I’m not interested in dating anyone.”

  “Of course you’re not.”

  Huh? “What do you mean by that?”

  “There’s only one man for you.”

  The sea green eyes that held hers made her tremble. “I—er…” Suddenly she was at the door of a pickup truck and getting in before Joan had time to think. As her butt hit upholstery, with one booted boot she kicked at the car door before it had time to shut. “Where are you taking me?”

  “I would love to take you but not yet.” Gil grinned as Joan stammered. “And you blush. Most charming.” He shut the door and rounded the car to take his seat beside her. “I need you to come see a friend of mine. He has the answers you seek.”


  “Hello.” Murphy walked into Truro’s van and leaned against the wall.

  “Hello?” Truro wasn’t sure whether to hug him or punch him. “Is that all you can say? Hello? I’ve been so worried.” She charged up to him and slugged him in the arm. “Are you okay?”

  Murphy pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her body. “Yes—but are you?”

  Truro sighed as a rush of tension was released from her body. “I have no idea. I really don’t. First I was dazed, confused and then I was as angry as hell.”

  “Because you fainted?”

  “Yes.” It was a pretty wussy move that surprised Truro. She liked to believe she was stronger than that. “But also because you left me.”

  Murphy kissed the top of her head and sighed. “I couldn’t stay. I thought it would confuse you more.”

  “More than waking up naked to Lara Croft and her dagger?”

  “What?” Murphy leaned back from her and touched her face. “Are you hurt? Did you sustain a head injury?”

  Truro pushed back from him and threw her hands up in the air. “You know, I have no idea what to think.”

  “I know it’s a shock.”

  “Well yeah.” Truro started pacing the small expanse of her van, only stopping when she ran into the corner of her bed. She swore and turned on Murphy. “My boyfriend’s an actual werewolf. That’s high up there on the shock scale.”

  Murphy looked pleased. “I’m your boyfriend?”

  “You know what I mean, wolf man.” Now I understand the tattoo. Duh.

  He sat down on the bed and looked up at her. “I’m sorry I scared you, petal.” Murphy’s voice was full of remorse.

  “I wasn’t scared. I was more—” Truro stopped and looked at the man she loved. “Did I really see what I thought I saw?”


  “You changed into a wolf?”


  “So the wolves howling around here are—”

  “My clan.”

  His words were simple and his face was honest. “Right.” Truro began pacing once more. “Bess. She knows about you?” All the werewolf stuff was clearly not some out-of-the-blue conversation. It had been about preparing her for what was to come.

  Murphy nodded and watched Truro’s movement. “Oh yeah, she and William, our leader, have been together for fifty years.”

  This was all starting to make sense to Truro. “That’s why Bess lives at her homestead in the bush all alone.”

  “No, not alone. William is with her,” Murphy explained as he caught hold of one of her hands and pulled Truro down beside him on the bed. “They chose to live out there. It’s something they want to do.”

  “Well, I’m glad she’s not alone.” The whole thing was weir
d but Truro liked Bess. “That worried me.” Why didn’t I work out she had a man? Why have I fallen in love with a werewolf? These and other questions…

  “What about you?” Murphy’s fingers linked with hers. “You’re taking this better than I thought, petal. You didn’t scream or run.”

  Truro snorted. “I would never run naked, wolf man. Too much drag.” His eyes were so sweet and soulful on hers. Truro wanted this man but she needed to know so much more. “Why are you in Ludlum? Why now?”

  “I’m here for you. You’re my soul mate. I was called to your side.”

  Uh-huh. Bess had mentioned soul mates but Truro had considered it greeting card philosophy. Clearly not. She drew a deep breath. “Wolf man, I like you a lot but I’m scared of starting a relationship with you.” Technically they were well passed “starting” but Truro had a feeling Murphy knew what she meant. That’s what she liked about him. He understood every dumb thought she blurted out.

  “You’re scared of who I am? Who I become?”

  “No, the werewolf thing is weird—sorry but it is. However this is all about me. Yes, how princess-like, but it is. I’m scared of who I am.” Truro had never told anyone this before. “I’m not sure if I’m latching onto you and having sex because I’m desperate and needy or if I love you.”

  Murphy pulled Truro close and kissed her hard. “You love me?”

  “I said ‘if’.” Truro licked her lips. No one kissed as sweetly as Murphy did.

  “I know that your life has been rough in parts. I know you don’t want to believe or trust anyone. I understand that you even think soul mates are a load of crap. But if for one moment you believed it was true and you had the chance to be happy with the one person in life who is destined for you would you turn it up? No matter what obstacles may be in the way? Would you give up on true love?”

  There was only one answer to that question. “No.”

  “I can make you happy, petal.” Murphy’s hands slipped under her shirt and caressed her breasts.

  “I’m almost positive having sex with a werewolf is a bad thing.” She tugged at the snap of his jeans. Not bad enough to make Truro stop of course.

  “Oh very bad.” Her shirt was up and off her head and Murphy’s hands were on her bra.

  “Lie down.” It was her turn to be in charge.

  Murphy unfastened her bra and pulled the lace from her breasts. “Why?”

  “You and your questions. Just do it.” Truro pushed him backward. It was easy to do as he was letting her do it. Murphy fell flat on his back on the bed. She climbed onto his prone body and pulled down the zipper of his jeans. His cock jumped out in eager anticipation. “I’m pleased to see you too, my friend.” Truro tugged at his trousers so enough of his cock was free to ride. “Excellent. Don’t move.” She then jumped to the floor and made short work of her jeans. Once more Truro climbed on top of Murphy, her hands delved into his front pockets.

  “That tickles.” But Murphy didn’t look like a man who wanted her to stop.

  “I want—”

  “You can have anything you like, petal.”

  “A condom.” Truro squeezed his cock gently. “I always want this big boy.”

  “It’s all yours.”

  Voilà. Truro found the condom she had been searching for. She tore the packet open and then hesitated. Huh.

  Murphy looked puzzled. “What?”

  “I’ve never put one of these on a man.” The round condensed rubber disc in her hand looked too small to cover all that cock.

  “Scared?” Murphy’s words were teasing.

  “Oh hell no.” I am woman.

  “That’s my girl.”

  Truro bit her bottom lip in concentration as she worked the rubber down his shaft. “Stop wriggling so much.”

  “I defy any man to be still at a moment like this.”

  She rolled the last bit of latex in place. It was a shame to cover such a pretty cock and Truro could not say that about the appendages of other men. “Quite amazing.” They could make a condom that could expand under pressure yet wonky shopping cart wheels were still beyond modern science to correct.


  “No—well yeah but this whole cock-into-condom deal.” Truro ran her hand along the encased shaft. “How it doesn’t explode with the whole pounds per square inch thing going on.”

  “It’s magic.”

  “Must be.” Truro jumped as Murphy’s hands went between her legs.

  He smiled. “You’re so wet for me.”

  “I always am with you.” Truro didn’t mind admitting it for it was nice to be with someone she could just say things to without worrying. “You know the expression ‘you had me at hello’? You had me when you first looked at me.”

  “Oh, petal, I love you.”

  Truro looked into Murphy’s eyes and she knew it was true. She fisted his cock as she poised the head at the opening to her body. “So love me some more, wolf man.” Truro sank down on him, her eyes closing as her body swallowed his cock. “Oh,” she murmured as the heat surged through her body. The jeans Murphy still wore rubbed on the back of her thighs making the rise more exciting. Hard and rough versus soft and smooth.

  “You like?” Murphy’s hands caressed her hips as she moved on him.

  “Oh yes.” I love. “So…”


  “Am I weird?”

  Murphy grinned at the unexpected question. “In what way?”

  Truro lightly slapped his chest. “You’re supposed to say, ‘No, of course you’re not’.” Her eyes were on his as she rode his body at a slow, steady pace. “Do most people deal with the whole werewolf thing as easily as this or am I just in this for sex?” That second part of the question was the thing the concerned Truro the most. This has to be more than just sex.

  “What do you think?”

  She blew out a sigh. “A bit of both.”

  “I like that you’re honest.”

  Truro wasn’t completely. While what she was feeling was new and exciting and life-changing, Truro wasn’t sure she was made of the stuff to accept life changes easily. She had been in a rut for such a long time that she was not sure she could or wanted to climb out of it. Ruts were like that. Familiar, well worn paths that required no energy or thought to navigate. She looked down at her Murphy. The need to open up and change for him was something she had never felt like doing before. I will work on that. But first, an orgasm.

  “Uh-oh, I can see you’re thinking.” Murphy rolled his eyes. “That’s a bad habit you have.”

  “Maybe I want to be bad. Truro lifted off him, his cock freed from her body. She rubbed the head of it over her clit enjoying the feeling of freedom.

  “Bad is good.” Murphy pulled her back down against him.

  “Impatient are we?”

  “The thing is any time you’re with me or on me I want to come. Why is that?”

  Truro giggled. “Because you’re horny.”

  Murphy slapped her ass playfully. “And you are adorable, petal.”

  “Correct answer.” As a reward she covered his cock once more.

  Murphy growled his approval. “This will work between us.”

  “I want it to.” But can I? What if I mess it up?


  “Yes, wolf man?”

  “Stop thinking.”

  Yeah, it was a bad habit she had. Truro topped moving and looked at him quizzically. “Not even the thought that I want your cock in my ass?” So, I’m blushing. So what? I know what I want.

  “Oh man, the things you say drive me crazy.”

  Truro smiled. “Women are programmed to do that. So—” Before she could finish her sentence, Murphy lifted her off his body.

  “On your hands and knees.”

  Truro scrambled to do so. “Eager?” Excellent. A lover who matched her needs was sexy in itself.

  “I want to be inside you.” His body covered hers, his breathing warm against her neck. “I need lube.”

nbsp; “Hand cream?” While she wanted to try anal sex, Truro hadn’t thought about the practicalities, only the desire.

  Murphy got up, kicked off his boots and dropped his jeans as he and went to the drawer Truro pointed to. “Guaranteed to soften the hardest skin.” Murphy read the label on the tube. “Hmmm, not sure under the circumstances that’s a good thing.”

  “You have protection.” She doubted much, but a thorough shagging could deflate his cock at that moment. Truro turned her head to watch as he slathered the cream on his penis.

  “Ready?” Murphy asked as he dropped down behind her.

  Truro jumped at the feel of his creamy fingers on her butt cheeks. She moaned as one slippery finger pushed past the tight ring of anal muscle and started moving. While it felt good, I wasn’t what Truro needed. “I want cock.”

  “And you shall have it.” A second finger slid in beside the first.

  Her head dropped forward as she enjoyed the unfamiliar thrust inside her. “When?”

  “When you are ready.”

  “I’m ready now.” Truro whimpered as a third finger joined the others in a slow thrusting motion.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “If you do not come inside me now I will burst into tears.” Maybe not. But Truro felt a wild desperation to be joined with Murphy once more.

  Murphy removed his fingers and mounted his woman. “Whatever my lady wants.”

  “I want y-you.” The last word came out choked as Truro felt the head of his cock at the entrance of her anus pushing at the tight muscle seeking entrance.

  “Relax.” Murphy kissed her neck and stroked her back as he pushed through inside her body.

  A tight burning sensation caught at Truro. It wasn’t bad. It was just different. The passage of his cock was slow and careful as it pushed inside as the entire length stretched her. It was the strangest sensation. But I like it. Truro was full and hot. She enjoyed the hard heat of the man who invaded her body.

  “Okay?” Murphy whispered against her ear.


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