A Shadow of Light

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A Shadow of Light Page 11

by Bella Forrest

  “You see…that’s just it.”

  I turned my head to the side wondering what Ashley was getting at. “What?”

  “You’re not the same person apart from her than when you’re with her. With Sofia, you’re a better man. There was a time when you couldn’t have given a damn if it was wrong or right. As long as a woman gives you her consent—and in your darkest moments, even when she doesn’t—you don’t have any qualms about sucking blood out of a woman. Why then are you so resistant to the idea of having Sofia’s blood when she so willingly offers it to you?”

  “Were you not listening to me?” I slammed my palms over the steering wheel in frustration. “I love her! I can’t keep doing that to her!”

  Ashley straightened up on her seat and slightly twisted her slim body on the passenger seat so she could face me. “If there’s anyone who’s stood witness to the kind of love you two have for each other, it’s me. Sofia took a wooden stake for you, Derek—one that I tried to stab you with. You went against your own father and took countless lashes on her behalf. It’s hard for me to believe that this is what’s going to tear the two of you apart. It’s just plain insanity. Bring this place back to some semblance of sanity, get back control of the port and find a way to get Sofia back here. I’m sure if we put our heads together, we could somehow narrow down the search and find the hunter territory.”

  “She’s not coming back. We should just accept that.” Even as I said the words, I found it hard to swallow. “Besides, what kind of a life would she live if she returned? What if I end up destroying her?”

  “What if the love you have for each other is powerful enough to keep that from happening?” Ashley shot right back at me. “Don’t be a fool, Derek. Whether you admit it or not, you can’t really survive without her, so you might as well stop acting like a pathetic sap and get her back.”

  I swallowed hard. To that, I didn’t have a response. I knew what Ashley was saying was true.

  “Let’s go back.”

  “We’re no longer going for a drive?” Ashley asked, tapping her palms over the dashboard.

  “No.” I shook my head. “We have a riot to stop and a port to retake. Get ready for a fight, baby vamp.”

  Her face lit up in a wide grin. “That’s what I’m talking about!” she exclaimed.

  At that very moment, I remembered a promise I gave Sofia not too long ago, the promise that came with the heart-shaped diamond pendant I had given to her as a gift. Take it as a promise from me—a promise that I will find a way to be with you.

  I wondered if this really would be a promise I had to break.

  Chapter 23: Sofia

  “Sofia…” Tears began rushing down Vivienne’s face. She stumbled forward as I stood up from the bed to embrace her. When we hugged, I realized how thin she was, how emaciated. Her skin was deathly pale and lacking all luster. Her lips were chapped and dry and she had scars all over her arms.

  “What have they done to you?” I whispered.

  She shook her head. “Nothing. They’ve been good to me, Sofia. I’m really glad to see you again. Have they been treating you well?”

  We pulled apart from each other and I gave my father a suspicious look. “Yes, Viv. I’m fine. We thought you were dead, Vivienne. We had a ceremony for you at the Vale and everything.”

  She stared blankly at me almost as if she had no idea what I was talking about. “Dead? Me? Of course not… I just… Well, it doesn’t matter. You’re here now.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward a set of two couches with a round coffee table in between located near the windows of my bedroom. “Let’s catch up. Tell me everything that’s been going on since you came here to headquarters.”

  I sat uncomfortably on my seat, wondering what was wrong with Vivienne. I looked at my father and found him nodding my way.

  “I’ll leave you two to catch up?” he asked cordially.

  I couldn’t help but frown as he left without waiting for my consent. I once again shifted my attention to Vivienne who seemed oddly perky—something she was never known to be back at The Shade. Vivienne was mysterious, serious and serene. She was calm and collected in a way no one I knew was. This Vivienne sitting across me was antsy and anxious. My stomach knotted at the suspicions rising up in my mind. What have they done to you, Vivienne?

  “Derek was a mess after he found out that you died. He almost killed Ashley because of how the darkness took over him. What’s happened to you?”

  “Derek…” The name seemed to register something in her mind. She shook her head slowly. “He’s my brother. I was wrong about him, Sofia. I thought he was some sort of savior. I was convinced that he was a hero, but I was wrong. I never should’ve helped you return to The Shade.” Agitation marred her lovely face even as she gripped both my hands. “I’m so sorry, Sofia. I’m sorry for anything he might’ve put you through after you returned.”

  “Vivienne, Derek has been good to me. He loves me. You know that.”

  She nodded and for a moment, I actually thought that she was about to make sense, but she just looked at me with a knowing expression on her face—almost as if she held pity for me. “I understand. It’s going to take a while before you can recover from the trauma he’s put you through. The denial is completely natural.”

  I was trying my hardest not to slap her across the face so she would start making sense. What has gotten into you? “We’re talking about Derek, Vivienne. Your twin. The same man who rescued you from Borys Maslen.”

  Horror showed in her eyes at the mention of Borys. “They told me that Borys got to you too. That’s why we need to stay here, Sofia. We’re safer here. Borys can’t get to us if we stay here. Sofia, you can’t leave this place. If Borys gets his hands on you, it’s going to be so much worse than what you had to go through with Derek.”

  I leaned back on the couch, my eyes fixed on Vivienne. “What have they done to you? It’s like you’ve been brainwashed…”

  At that, Vivienne chuckled like it was the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard of. Her brilliant blue eyes settled on me with so much compassion. She brushed a hand over the back of my hand. “No, Sofia, it’s you who’s been brainwashed.”

  The idea was so hilarious I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Is that what my father thinks, Vivienne? That I was brainwashed at The Shade so I would love Derek?” I couldn’t hold back the snickers escaping through my lips. It was like I was defending against the frustration I felt inside. I found myself deeply concerned for Vivienne. This isn’t her. This is just a shell spouting out words placed there by other people.

  “You look tired, Vivienne.”

  She heaved a sigh and nodded. “That’s because I am.”

  “Would you like to lie down and rest?” I waved an arm toward the bed.

  She looked at the bed longingly. “Yes please, and if I could have more blood… I’m thirsty.”

  “I’ll make sure they bring you some. Is there anything else you need?”

  She shook her head as she stood up and dragged herself to the bed. Without another word, she laid her head on the pillow. Within a couple of minutes, she was fast asleep.

  She slept for hours.

  Zinnia entered to bring me breakfast just as I pulled the drapes over the windows to protect Vivienne from the sunlight.

  Zinnia stared with disdain at Vivienne.

  “What have you guys been doing to her? She’s not the Vivienne I knew back at The Shade…”

  Zinnia shrugged. “I thought she was dead. Even Ben thought she was dead. He was the last one to interrogate and torture her before what was supposed to be her execution.”

  I gulped at the idea of Ben torturing Vivienne. As much as I wanted not to believe it, I knew how much he hated vampires after what Claudia had put him through at The Shade. It was the reason he became a hunter in the first place.

  “So you admit it… She was tortured.”

  Zinnia smirked. “What do you think vampires go through here, Sofia? They are i
nterrogated and tortured for any information about their respective covens and once we get as much as we can from them, we have them executed—the exact same thing your mother is going through right now.”

  My face paled. “Ingrid?”

  “After the stunt she pulled helping you escape, she fell from Reuben’s good graces.”

  “May I see her?”

  Zinnia shrugged. “Reuben’s calling all the shots, but if he goes on keeping all these vamps alive, I doubt the higher authorities will tolerate it much longer.”

  The idea that my father wasn’t some sort of untouchable big shot with the hunters was something new. It never dawned on me that he could actually get in trouble for what he was doing. I also knew that the only real reason these vampires were still alive was because of me.

  “Zinnia…” I called out just as she was about to leave. “Could you have some blood brought in for Vivienne please?”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because if you don’t, I just might have to feed her mine. Look at her… She looks awful.”

  Zinnia stared at me like she usually did when I mentioned vampires feeding on my blood. “What is with you and treating your blood like it’s orange juice?” She frowned and shook her head in exasperation. “She can’t suck your blood. Her fangs have been pulled out.”

  “Well, can’t I just cut myself and make her drink the blood I drain out of myself?”

  “You’re insane. It baffles me still how you could be in any way related to Reuben.” She waved her hand midair. “All we have is animal blood.”

  “That’s fine. Vivienne is used to animal blood.”

  Zinnia rolled her eyes and turned her back on me. I was sure that she wasn’t going to fulfill my request, but when she returned for my breakfast dishes, she had two glasses of blood with her.

  It took another couple of hours before Vivienne began stirring. At first, I ignored her, thinking that she was just having a dream. All of a sudden, however, she began to take erratic, heavy breaths. She started whimpering and it didn’t take long before the whimpers turned into screams, tears running down her cheeks.

  I rushed to her side and began shaking her awake. “Vivienne! Wake up!”

  She jolted up in bed, her eyes wide with terror as she began taking in her surroundings. She set her eyes on me and sighed with relief before she broke out into uncontrollable sobs. “Sofia…you’re here.”

  “Yes… I’m here.” I nodded as I pulled her into a tight embrace.

  Trembling, she whispered directly into my ear. “You still have my memories, don’t you, Sofia? Please…please…”

  She paused and I found myself holding my breath as I awaited her request. “What is it, Vivienne? What do you want from me?”

  “Remind me who I am.”

  Chapter 24: Aiden

  From the Control Center’s surveillance monitor, I watched the two women share an embrace. This isn’t working out the way I wanted it to. Vivienne is supposed to sway Sofia to our side. Instead, it seems Sofia is about to restore her to her old, stubborn self.

  Zinnia stepped beside me as we watched the scene in my daughter’s bedroom.

  “What was that about?” I reprimanded her.

  “What?” she asked, feigning innocence.

  “Why that talk to Sofia about what was done to Ingrid? Don’t ever mention Ingrid to her again, Zinnia. I can see that you’re not a big fan of my daughter, but she’s my daughter. It will do you well not to mess with her.”

  Zinnia rolled her eyes. “I didn’t sign up to become a hunter just so I could babysit your daughter and bring her meals like a butler.”

  “Patience, Zinnia. When this is all over, your next mission will be Derek Novak and The Shade.”

  “How? Vivienne isn’t acting the way she’s supposed to. It’s like there’s something about your daughter that makes people act weird when she’s around.”

  “No one has ever broken through someone who’s been brainwashed by us…” I said, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched my daughter doing exactly that to Vivienne.

  “Well, Sofia seems to be doing a great job at it. Vivienne was acting erratically the moment she was presented to Sofia.”

  “I think I’m going about this the wrong way.” I stared at my daughter’s appearance. I hated to admit it, but there was no sign that she was ever brainwashed by the Novaks. I was just telling myself that, because I couldn’t bring myself to accept the fact that her loyalty and affections toward Derek and The Shade were genuine.

  Perhaps she really does love him. Derek and Sofia are genuinely in love with each other.

  I attempted to focus on the image on the screen, trying to make sense of the words Sofia was uttering to Vivienne to remind her of the past, a past I was surprised Sofia was so well acquainted with.

  There was talk of a shipwreck and first blood, of massacres and cullings and centuries of trying to preserve their own kind against us. Coming from my daughter’s own lips, and the way she was telling story after story to Vivienne, it was almost like we were the villains and the vampires were the victims.

  Of course, the whole time she was talking, Vivienne was a blank slate, not really comprehending what Sofia was saying until my daughter mentioned a greenhouse.

  At this, Vivienne’s eyes lit up with recognition and delight. “Is it still beautiful?” she asked in a hushed whisper, as if she was afraid that saying it too loud would somehow destroy the beauty of it.

  Sofia’s face broke into a smile as she nodded and brushed Vivienne’s hair away from her face. “Yes, Viv. It’s still gorgeous. Derek took care of it after you disappeared. He made sure it would be as beautiful as it would be if you were there.”

  Vivienne’s next words sealed reality for me. I’d just lost Vivienne to Sofia.

  “I miss Derek so much,” Vivienne confessed, a tear running down her cheek.

  “Well, that was a huge waste of time.” Zinnia smirked.

  I clenched my fists.

  “What are you going to do now, Reuben?”

  “I think I need to take a different approach. I have to accept that Sofia really does love Derek Novak and there’s no way I can sway her from that.”

  “So you’re just going to keep her locked in that room until she gets over him?”

  “No. She’ll hate me forever if I do that. The best thing for me to do right now is to give her exactly what she wants.”

  “You’re giving her to Derek Novak?”

  I shook my head. A plan began to take form in my mind. “No. I’m going to give her a cure to vampirism.”

  Chapter 25: Derek

  When Ashley and I arrived at The Catacombs, it was in total chaos. I’d just walked into one of the levels that lined the circular, seemingly bottomless pit in the middle of the caves when a bottle was thrown my way. I dodged it, but failed to warn Ashley, who was right behind me. Thus, when I turned to check on her, she had blood trickling from her forehead where the bottle had hit her.

  She mouthed a pouty “Ow” as she brushed off any remaining pieces of broken glass from her forehead.

  Despite the newfound friendship I had with Ashley, I still couldn’t help but let out a wry laugh at her misery. “Welcome to The Catacombs, Ash.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Wipe that smirk off your face, Novak.” She then bent over and picked up a shard of glass from the broken bottle and pointed it at me. “I don’t care that you’re most likely a hundred times stronger than me, I can still find a way to cut you.”

  I grinned. “Scary. Let’s end this riot before some other flying object breaks your neck.” I leaned over the wooden banister that overlooked the rest of The Catacombs’ levels. I realized that I still had no idea what they were even fighting over. I looked around and caught sight of Kyle, holding a frightened Anna by the arm, practically dragging her to what I assumed was Sofia’s quarters. Ian was about a hundred meters behind them, trying to keep up with Kyle’s pace. I stared for a moment, wondering how on earth t
his love triangle was going to pan out.

  From the corner of my eye, I could make out Gavin hitting another guy who just lunged at him. Rosa, on the other hand, daintily hit a man in the back of his neck with a glass bottle. The man was about to attack Gavin, who seemed oblivious of Rosa, and seemed intent on finding his family.

  I practically jumped out of my skin when I felt a tap on my back. My immediate reflex was to grab whoever just touched me by the neck.

  “Hey there…” Sam raised both hands up in the air as a sign of surrender. “Relax. It’s me.”

  “What’s going on?” I demanded as I pulled my hand away from his neck. “You were supposed to quell the riot.”

  He pulled Ashley into his arms before shrugging. “It’s not like we have any authority here at The Catacombs or in The Shade. These people aren’t listening to us.”

  “Do you even know why they’re rioting or what they’re demanding?”

  Sam was about to open his mouth to answer me, but someone screamed “Fire!” and I knew there was no time for words. Action had to be taken.

  I looked toward the direction of the voice and sure enough, on the level below ours, where Gavin and Rosa were, a fire had just erupted. Gavin’s eyes grew wide with panic. “Mother!” he screamed. He frantically searched his surroundings in search for Lily and the children. That’s when he caught sight of me.

  His jaw tightened as he gave me a pleading look, one that was asking me to do something. It took all the strength I had to conjure up a voice loud enough to drown out the chaos going on around me.


  The word echoed throughout the entire place and an immediate hush followed as everyone tried to locate the source of the voice. I tightened my lips when all eyes turned toward me.

  In as loud a voice as I could manage, I shouted out my command. “Get water and stop that fire.” I pointed toward the direction of the flames. “If you all don’t do as I say, we don’t need a culling to end all your lives. You will die of suffocation if you don’t murder yourselves first.”


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