Lord of Fire: #1 The Fire Chronicles

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Lord of Fire: #1 The Fire Chronicles Page 23

by Susi Wright

  Even though he knew the answer, Lumi spoke first, asking, ‘How are you feeling, Fralii?’

  Appreciating his effort at conversation, she smiled as she put down her empty bowl. ‘So much better!’ Her cheeks were rosy, her eyes were bright and clear, exuding happiness. ‘Now I am with you!’ she added, dropping her gaze shyly. Luminor’s heart beat faster, wondering at the effect words could have, even on one whose perceptions were so sharp. He doubted he would ever tire of the myriad possibilities of expression that being in her company promised. He regarded her intently. ‘We will never again be parted!’ he assured her.

  Sighing contentedly, she crooked her arm in his and laid her head against his shoulder, for the last few moments by the fire.

  Ana, seeing Lumi and Fralii absorbed in each other, and surprisingly perceptive for a human child, had latched on to Simban as she would an older brother. He missed his own family and had never had a little sister, so he did not object to the distraction of her lively company, as he glanced wistfully over at Fralii, gazing adoringly into the other man’s eyes. Besides, with the maturity that reality brings, he had become resigned to looking elsewhere than in this company for eventual romance.

  Soon, the four weary travellers had hunkered down amongst the furs in the wagon for a few hours of overdue sleep. Luminor, taking first guard to listen for sounds of danger, as he lay very close to Fralii, could not resist recalling the vivid memory of their time in the hideout tree. He was looking forward to when he would have the right to ask her to be his bride, with a lifetime to explore the Link, spiritually and physically.

  Some hours later, when he heard Simban stirring to take his shift, Luminor allowed himself to drift into slumber with Fralii’s presence stirring his senses, marvelling at how the Link sharpened everything, and how wondrous this feeling became, reflected as it was in another being. The beginning of true love.

  Chapter Forty-seven

  Winter’s early and sinister attempt at marching south seemed to take pause with the end of the previous afternoon’s storm, giving way to a southerly change and a comparatively warm breeze. A watery sun had made a praiseworthy appearance in the pale-blue sky for the entire day’s travel, the drier road enabling the samblars to pick up pace to a ground-covering trot for the greater part of it. Luminor had informed the others, at the brief midday stop, that they would spend this night at Camp One, hoping there would be space in a tent for Fralii and Ana, and secretly anticipating the pleasure of introducing Fralii to his mother and sister.

  Well after dark, they caught the welcoming sight of the campfires, and approaching as they were from the north, with the lake lying on the southern side, the distance was covered in less than an hour. The watchman’s signal went up that someone approached, and Luminor took to the air for the last furlong to inform him they were friendly.

  The guard, recognising the customary Gaian method of travel, called out a greeting in the appropriate dialect, proud to have recently picked up some phrases working alongside the Gaian nurses. He had developed a real soft spot for one of these beautiful, caring women. Her name was Reena. He respected greatly these people and their abilities.

  As Luminor landed lightly in front of him, throwing off his hood, the man instantly guessed his identity, though they had never met, from the vivid description of the Gaian lord and his accomplishments, the major topic of conversation around the camp recently. And he was especially proud to meet the hero-lord in person! He called out jovially, ‘Lord Luminor! Welcome! Please enter with your companions.’

  Luminor thanked him and beckoned to Simban to bring the wagon forth, and within seconds, a joyful Aleana and Rihann made an appearance at the gate, embracing him warmly as Simban drove the wagon further into the camp compound. Aleana watched it pass and smiled eagerly into her son’s eyes, ‘She is here with you?’

  Luminor nodded, glancing back at the wagon. ‘She has been ill.’

  ‘We will give her a pallet in our tent,’ his mother offered.

  ‘Thank you… there is also a child in need,’ Luminor added, to which Aleana simply smiled her full co-operation, and hastened away to make the necessary arrangements, calling over her shoulder, ‘Bring them soon!’

  Luminor carried a dozing Fralii, pleased she accepted his help. Simban had Ana fast asleep in his arms, for the short distance to Aleana’s tent, where they deposited their charges on fur-covered pallets. There was a severe shortage of beds in the camps, so when Luminor noticed the other furs laid on the ground where his mother and sister would sleep, he thanked them sincerely for their sacrifice.

  Fralii stirred, surprised to recognise the Gaian woman with her daughter by her side. Lumi knew they had crossed paths in their work at the other camp, though had never spoken. He introduced them. ‘Fralii. This is my mother… Aleana, and my sister, Rihann.’

  Aleana’s open smile was welcoming as she spoke for both of them, in simple but perfect Baramese, ‘We are very pleased to meet you, Fralii!’

  Fralii, recovering from her surprise that this was Lumi’s mother and sister, realised now why she had been drawn to them. ‘I am pleased to meet you… properly, at last.’ She noticed how similar Lumi’s eyes were to his mother’s. Rihann’s were different, a vivid aqua-blue, Fralii guessed maybe more like the father’s.

  ‘Please take some tea.’ Aleana offered them a warm drink. ‘Then rest,’ she suggested, looking over at Ana fast asleep. ‘And that one?’ she inquired of Fralii. ‘I saw her with you as you worked… she is not yours?’ Aleana could not detect a familial link, but she was curious.

  ‘No… an orphan. Her parents were lost in the fires,’ replied Fralii, smiling fondly at the sleeping child. ‘She wants to be a nurse.’

  ‘You are both welcome… please take your rest,’ urged the older woman as she left, ushering her son and daughter ahead of her to let them sleep. Gaians were not in the habit of retiring until much later, giving them a little more time together with Luminor, before the final night’s rounds. Settling on a huge log beside the roaring campfire, she studied her son affectionately. ‘I will meet your friend… tomorrow?’ Simban had not surfaced after tending to the animals, assumed to be in an exhausted sleep by now.

  Luminor nodded. ‘Simban. He is very loyal.’ Simple but high praise in Gaian terms.

  ‘You have had differences… Do I detect forgiveness… amongst other things?’ Aleana looked knowingly at her son.

  Belatedly, Luminor replaced his embarrassment at past feelings of jealousy, with respect and sincerely developing friendship, delivering a succinct reply that barred further prying on that score. ‘Yes, Mother.’

  Unperturbed by the mental block, and never one to beat about the bush, she broached the subject uppermost in her mind. ‘So. She is your soulmate?’

  Luminor sighed and grinned, ‘You already know that, Mother!’

  Rihann piped up, ‘Lovely! When is the wedding?’ She, like women of all races, loved a good wedding. She could already imagine how beautiful it would be. She had guessed something good was in the air. It was about time!

  Luminor answered, ‘Of that, I am not certain. I have problems in the Capital to deal with… and Fralii insists on going with me!’ He looked plaintively at his mother. ‘I must find somewhere safe to hide her. She is not yet strong!’

  Aleana immediately suggested Rihann accompany them to care for Fralii, leaving Luminor free to do his duty. Rihann agreed, and the three enjoyed each other’s company for a while longer, needing to exchange few words, before Aleana stood. ‘We must do our rounds.’ Rihann put in, giggling guiltily, ‘It is very easy here… very little chewing!’ They left the campfire to do their duties, and Luminor wearily joined a snoring Simban in the wagon, to sleep.

  Chapter Forty-eight

  A still and dark predawn fog hung over the camp as Simban waited with the samblars and wagon ready to depart. A sheen of moisture covered everything, and every breath of man or animal was a cloud of steam. Most of the volunteers, even early risers, w
ere still abed; the campfires had burned down to steady embers, but were easily banked in a short while. Only Aleana and Rihann were up as yet, at this very early hour, helping Luminor with Fralii and Ana.

  On waking this morning, Luminor had introduced his mother and sister to Simban, informing him of the plan to have Rihann with them as Fralii’s handmaiden. Simban had taken an immediate liking to Rihann’s bubbly smile, so he found no objection to the idea. He looked forward to getting to know another Gaian; everything about the race quite fascinated him. It would pass the time in a pleasurable way, even if it was only to the crossroads, and they could not understand each other’s language.

  Soon the small group arrived, Ana quite smitten with Rihann and bouncing along, holding her hand, Fralii supported by Luminor and Aleana, looking refreshed and somewhat stronger. Simban hurried to assist first Fralii then Rihann aboard the wagon, while Luminor boosted the little scrap Ana up after them, then himself. Rihann took to her role as Fralii’s carer immediately, fussing over her comfort like a mother wood-hen. The chivalrous Simban was ready to attend to the miscellaneous needs of all three girls, in addition to his normal chores. With so much caring going on, Luminor almost felt redundant. Almost. Except perhaps, he thought smugly, for his unique and invaluable ability to light a fire under any circumstances!

  The fog lifted during the morning as they progressed southwards, revealing a rare and glorious sunny day, which reflected the happy mood of the group of friends, all the way until they reached the crossroads. Suddenly sad to be going separate ways, they rested, lingering for a while beside the road by making a small fire to share some tea and hard biscuits.

  Then Simban saddled up the big black samblar, and reluctantly set about his farewell. Ana started crying, devastated to be leaving both her female idols at once, until Simban managed to cajole her from clinging first to one then the other, by promising she could ride Fralii’s own samblar, just a short way by herself. He fully intended to keep hold of the reins safely behind his back.

  He bade fond farewell to Fralii, satisfied they would remain friends. He then respectfully addressed Rihann, asking Luminor to translate, who obliged with only a small roll of his eyes, ‘I hope… to see you again… very soon!’ Her radiant smile was the only response he needed to send him off with a lighter heart.

  Simban let Ana think she was riding alone for a short way, before leaping up behind her in the saddle and setting Spirit to a comfortable jog, turning back to wave as they disappeared along the road to Splendo. The others set off in the opposite direction, keen to reach the outskirts of the Capital before nightfall, and while the weather remained clement.

  In the late afternoon, they reached the forest where a number of Luminor’s men were camped. They hailed their leader by his title, reminding Fralii sharply of his true status. Fralii and Rihann were accorded due respect, and provided with a tent complete with copper bath, soon full of steaming water from a nearby hot spring which the talented Gaians had coaxed forth.

  An elder warrior gave report: ‘All is not well… the council do not respect Altor as they do you!’ Luminor knew that Altor was by no means weak, being well-versed in all the other skills, both combat and mental, but the unique Supreme Power gave Luminor the real and secret advantage over the humans, particularly in matters of state, and his status as lord naturally carried more weight. Altor was very green in such matters of state and the responsibility that Luminor had delegated to him weighed heavy. He had always been used to his elder brother’s guidance, particularly in new things. Luminor nodded in acknowledgement to the elder, turning to Fralii. ‘I must leave. When I find a place… I will fetch you.’ He lightly caressed her cheek, meeting her gaze. ‘I promise.’

  So spontaneously it took even Lumi by surprise, she flung her arms around his neck, lifting herself to kiss him fully on the lips, then pressed her face into his chest, squeezing him tightly. A little stunned but much pleased, he returned her embrace, remembering when they had stood together this way outside the walls of a city, once before, missing sorely the chance to return her kiss this time. They were not alone.

  Dragging himself from her arms, he deposited Fralii into Rihann’s able care, and took off toward the ramparts, knowing just where the guards had a habit of leaving their posts to throw dice and get warm in the gatekeeper’s room. He wanted his presence in the city to take the council by surprise, so he hopped from roof to roof, entering Altor’s chamber by the window, already open since his brother had expected his arrival from furlongs away.

  ‘Praise the Ancestors! You are here!’ Relief was obvious on Altor’s face. ‘What took so long?’

  Luminor put his hand on his brother’s shoulder, exchanging a sad glance of acknowledgement for their fallen brothers, both innately knowing which individuals were now no longer with them. Deep anxiety still remained in the younger man’s mind. Luminor was very concerned. ‘Tell me, brother, what has happened? I know there is something serious!’

  In hushed tones, Altor informed Luminor that now things had worsened, because it was not difficult to know the governor was actually on the verge of agreeing to Commander Stavis’ petition. Luminor’s full authority was needed to reverse his changing opinion and that of several other councillors. Altor had already sent some men to the southern borders to verify the situation, only to discover Stavis had fabricated his main argument; there was no invading force. And worse still, only yesterday he had smelled poison in his food, foiling an obvious attempt on his life, though he had no proof as yet that the perpetrator had been Stavis, so he had not notified the authorities. He had wanted to first consult with Luminor, knowing he would devise a plan to uncover the truth.

  ‘I will deal with the assembly tomorrow. And Stavis! Now, I need a place to hide Fralii. They cannot know she is with me!’ Luminor whispered, ‘You know Rihann is here also!’

  Altor suggested the basement of a house that had been given to ten elder warriors to share while they remained in the Capital. ‘They will be safe there. I will send a man to escort them back into the city tomorrow. Rihann can pose as his wife, Fralii as their friend, returning from the medical camps. Many people return every day now. They will not be noticed!’

  ‘I will make my entrance alone tonight… I will go directly to visit Rand.’ He gave thanks to Altor with a look of assurance that said, ‘All will be well!’ With that, he exited the window, and seconds later, alighted just outside the city gate in full view of the watchman and guards, making his official entry alone. The gatekeeper made a move to send a message to the governor. Luminor simply said, ‘No message!’ and leaving no time for missives, protocols, or anything else, took off airborne through the gateway to the governor’s villa, arriving at the front steps seconds later. The guards there recognised him, saluted, and asked for his patience while the doorman was called. The flustered man turned up still buttoning his uniform, having already gone off duty and throwing his receiving jacket on while he scurried to the door. ‘Lord Luminor! Welcome… er… there was no message.’ His expression was outwardly apologetic, inwardly affronted, and curious at the late hour of the impromptu visit, though it really was not his place to have an opinion on that, so he indicated for Luminor to follow him down the marble hallway to Rand’s private quarters. He knocked, giving the only announcement possible under the circumstances, through the closed door, ‘Governor Rand, sir… Lord Luminor is here… now… to see you!’

  The governor appeared at the door in a dressing gown and slippers, looking quite ruffled, completely unprepared for an official visitor. He voiced his discomfiture, stammering, ‘Lord L-Luminor… this is most unorthodox… I hope you will excuse my appearance!’ Looking at the much taller, regally attired Gaian lord standing before him, he felt somewhat small and exposed. The strikingly powerful green gaze trained on him seemed to bore into his very soul, causing Rand to feel a stab of guilt, wondering belatedly if this Gaian could read minds, among his many talents. That possibility was definitely disturbing, with recent

  Luminor still had not spoken, his stare hard and determined, while Rand blustered patronisingly, trying to cover his recent indecision in the company of his long-time military commander, Stavis, ‘D-do come in, Lord Luminor… we have awaited your wise counsel!’ He almost bowed as he beckoned Luminor in.

  The governor’s ingratiating manner infuriated Luminor, who was aware in part of the conspiracy that was afoot, coming straight to the point when he spoke. ‘What is the meaning of the petition I hear about? The agreement of the Alliance was signed and final, was it not?’

  Rand shuffled uncomfortably, fiddling with his belt-tie and folding his arms defensively across his chest; he felt suddenly reluctant to broach the subject with his imposing visitor. ‘Well… er… yes… to a point,’ he said evasively.

  ‘What point?’ demanded Luminor, dangerous power emanating from him, Rand feeling altogether too warm and flustered, suspecting he had been right in his assumption all along that this Gaian lord could not be fooled in any way. He silently cursed Stavis for trying to convince him otherwise! He decided to absolve himself of wrongdoing while there was still a slim chance. He did not want to make enemies, on either side of the Alliance.

  ‘Well… some of my colleagues have been petitioning for a legal change in the law, to allow the conscription of all male citizens, human and Gaian, at the discretion of Commander Stavis… he wants sole control of Baram’s army. We urgently need to defend our borders!’

  Luminor now saw where the loophole was in the treaty, his anger and frustration rising at himself, for missing that, and at the fickle nature of human beings. He tamped it down, fully aware that in a delicate position, the governor was trying not to make enemies from either side. Knowing Rand already had a healthy respect for the capabilities of the Gaian force, small as it was, Luminor was confident the man would do whatever was necessary to avoid reprisals from a strange people with abilities he had not yet fully assessed.


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