Warm, Yummy, Wet & Salty: Black Star Canyon: Book 2 (Black Star Canyon Mystery Novel)

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Warm, Yummy, Wet & Salty: Black Star Canyon: Book 2 (Black Star Canyon Mystery Novel) Page 2

by C. C. Wall

  “Sure,” she said.

  “How…” Sue said and was cut off immediately.

  “Eric is fine other than the fracture on the collarbone. Minor scraps and bruising.” Dr. Clive said.

  “Thank God,” Sue said. “Why are there no guards watching these kids?”

  Dr. Clive tilted her head, “I’m not sure I know why we would…”

  “They were attacked,” Sue said. “You should have s deputy here.”

  Dr. Clive was a little offended. “Well, you’re here now, deputy.”

  “I’m not a deputy any more.” Sue left the doctor in the hallway and walked back to the room. “Eric, why did you ask about Lukas?”

  Eric and Bekka shared an awkward stare. He turned and looked at his mother. He thought for sure that she would have heard something about what happened. “He shot Michelle, mom. I thought you would’ve known.”

  Sue was taken aback. Her face twitched. “What are you talking about?”

  “She dead,” Bekka said. “He fucking killed her.” The tears started up all over again for Bekka.

  Sue was speechless. She was white as a ghost.

  “We didn’t find out until this morning,” Eric said. “Is he okay? Do yo know why he did it?” Eric saw how shocked his mother was. He got out of bed and put his good arm around her. “Please sit mom, let me get you some water.”

  Sue began to snap out of it. Her eyes were locked off in distant place, but instinct kicked in and made words come out. “No honey, you get back in bed. I need to check on some things. Are you going to be okay here for a while?”

  Eric shared a glance of confusion with Bekka. “Yeah, mom. I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay,” Sue said. “I’m gonna get a deputy here to make sure.” She hugged Eric lightly and gently placed her hand on Bekka’s head. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Sue walked out of the room and got on her phone. “Dyer, I need you at the hospital. You have to stand guard on Eric and Bekka. In fact, isn’t someone supposed to be here watching Elizabeth anyway?”

  Sue pulled the phone from her head when Dyer answered her excitedly. “Sue! Reagan is looking for you! Is Lukas with you? You guys have to get down here fast.”

  “On my way,” Sue said. She was a little distracted by Jonathan leaning up against the wall. He had his arms crossed and a smug smile on his face.

  “How’s your first day of unemployment going?” Jonathan said with a smile.

  Sue didn’t even stop walking. She swung as hard as she could and punched him clean on chin with a right hook. Jonathan dropped like a sack of potatoes. “Can’t talk. I’m busy.”

  3 - Ignoramuses

  A few minutes later, Jonathan awoke from the floor with the help of smelling salt, courtesy of Nurse Janet. She helped him to his feet even though he still seemed to be out of it. Once he realized what was happening, he pulled his arm from her quickly.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he snapped at her.

  “Sorry sir,” Nurse Janet said, “I was just trying to help…”

  “Well, don’t!” he said. “I’m fine.”

  Francine looked like she couldn’t take much more. “Jonathan please,” she pleaded.

  “I’m fine!” he said. “I don’t need any help. I’m the freaking mayor.” He dusted himself off even though he wasn’t dusty. “If I can’t handle a bit of rough and tumble, why did I get into this kind of life? Am I right?”

  “Well…” Francine couldn’t think of anything to say back to that without coming off as rude. “I need to go back to the house and let Harry out. Will you promise me that you will be all right, dear?”

  “What part of I’m fine, did you not understand?” He shunned her advance of comfort “Really? I never have been subjected to such ignoramuses! Go, walk the precious prince. Leave me.”

  Francine kissed his head and he pulled away quickly.

  Once he was alone in the room with Elizabeth, he realized how peaceful she looked as she slept. His frown cracked into a slight grin. He took his finger and grazed her hairline. He took a closer look and saw that her skin was pealing. “Doctor?” he shouted to no one.

  He turned and went to the hallway, “Nurse Janet?”

  She was sitting at the station playing her sudoku. “Yes?” she said.

  “Can you come look at something on my Elizabeth?”

  Nurse Janet came in the room not sure what she would find.

  “Her skin is peeling up by her hairline. Is that good? Does that mean these… things are going to come off?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure,” she said. She grabbed a washcloth out of the bathroom and dampened it. She gently rubbed it along her forehead. “Oh my God!” The boils and dead boiled skin were coming off like make-up. “Let me get the doctor!” she said excitedly.

  Jonathan felt good. He breathed a sigh of relief and smirked. He kissed his little girl on the clean, fresh part of her forehead, something he hasn’t been able to do in some time. He then took his phone out of his pocket and walked into the hall.

  “Sheriff Reagan? It’s your boss,” Jonathan said.

  “I know who this is,” Reagan said on the other end of the phone. “What is it Jon, I’m very busy today.”

  “I just wanted to make sure that that little trollop that you call a deputy gave you a letter today,” Jonathan said.

  “She did,” Reagan said through gritted teeth.

  “Good,” Jonathan said. “When you see her, do me a favor and lock her up. She just assaulted my person.”

  “Is that all, Mayor?” Reagan asked.

  “That should do it,” Jonathan said with a huge smile. He hung up the phone and saw that Dr. Clive was in with Elizabeth. “How is she? This is good right?”

  Once he made it in the room, he saw that they had wiped all of the boils and dead skin from her face and she looked like an angel Jonathan thought. Tears welled up in his eyes. “My baby.” Nervous laughter fighting with cries of joy battled their way from Jonathan’s mouth. “Thank you Doctor.”

  “Don’t thank me,” she said. “I have no idea what is going on with her. The dead skin is coming off and there doesn’t seem to be any damage underneath. I think at least superficially, your daughter is going to be just fine.”

  “What do you mean by superficially?” he asked.

  Dr. Clive looked at him strangely. “Mr. Kensingston, your daughter has been through a very traumatic ordeal and might not be the same for some time, if ever. She is going to need all of the support that she can get these next few weeks.”

  Jonathan took Elizabeth’s hand and looked confused. “But she’s better.”

  “She is getting better Mr. Kensington.” Dr. Clive looked at him sympathetically. “She is getting better, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I don’t want to give you any false hope. Once she wakes up and stays awake and we can talk to her, we will know a lot more.”

  Dr. Clive left the room and Jonathan sat down next to Elizabeth. His stare was lost in confusion. “Baby girl, I will find out who did this to you and I will make him pay. I just want you back. I want you ignoring me and not cleaning your room. I want you throwing tantrums and slamming doors and stomping around upstairs. I want you running down the stairs for breakfast. But darling, I want you the way you were. I want you better. You have to try to get better. You have to fight to come out of this. I need you home. Please darling.”

  4 - Hart Attack

  The phones were still ringing off the hook. Dyer and Reed were doing their best to track all the calls. Reagan walked out of his office and got their attention.

  “On hold,” he said. “Put them on hold.”

  Reed and Dyer did what was asked.

  “Have you guys found Lukas yet?” Reagan asked.

  “He hasn’t answered,” Reed said.

  “Well, one of you get down there to his place and find out if he is okay,” Reagan said. “People don’t always answer the phone.” He turned to head back to his office. “I need to speak to
Sue the second any of you hear from her.” His door slammed behind him.

  “So, who is gonna go?” Reed asked.

  “I’ll go,” Dyer said. “You seem to be doing great with the phones.” He laughed.

  “You better hurry, man.” Reed said. “I can’t do the phones and the front desk. People have been coming in filling out missing person reports. Just hurry.”

  “I’ll bring you back a burger,” Dyer said as he made his way to the door. “You got company.” As Dyer walked out, he held the door open for Donald Roth and his wife Connie.

  Reed stood up and ran to the front desk as soon as he saw who it was. “Donald, Connie, how are you guys holding up?”

  Connie looked like she had been crying all night. Donald looked as professional as he always did in a nicely pressed suit with his hair combed. The only way you would be able to tell that he hadn’t slept was that his eyes had slight dark circles under them. Only those close to him would even be able to tell that something was wrong.

  “Where is the Sheriff?” Donald said.

  Reed answered, “He’s in his office. I could go…”

  “Did you lock him up yet?” Connie said through tears.

  “Lock him up, Connie?” Reed asked.

  Connie slapped Reed across the face.

  “That bastard that murdered my little girl!” Connie yelled.

  Donald grabbed her arms and pulled them down to her side. “Connie, please, calm yourself.”

  “Calm myself?” she asked. “How dare you, Donald! That psycho is one of them! They killed our little girl!”

  “We will handle it with them, the right way dear.” Donald said.

  Reed was already half way to Reagan’s office and said, “I’ll get Reagan.” He opened Reagan’s door, holding his face from where he was slapped. “The Roth’s are here to see you sir.”

  He knew this wasn’t going to be a good conversation. He knew he had to have it though. Reagan walked out to the lobby. The walk seemed longer than normal. He saw Donald and Connie stand there, looking torn apart. He could remember times when he would be glad to see the Roth’s. This wasn’t that time. “Donald, Connie, I can’t express to you how sorry I am for your loss.”

  “Screw your sympathy,” Connie said. “I just need to know that animal that works here is locked up.”

  Donald was about to show his anger with his wife’s abrasiveness but held it in with a deep breath. “Connie dear, please allow me.” He sat Connie down on the bench behind him. He turned and looked at Reagan and put on his lawyer face.

  “Do you two want to step in my office?” Reagan asked.

  “This obviously isn’t a social call Reagan,” Donald said. “Is that detective of yours in custody?”

  Reagan knew what they wanted to hear, but he also knew what he had to do. Not just as a member of the community and a friend to everyone involved, but his job as the sheriff. “He is not in custody.”

  “Unbelievable!” Connie blurted out.

  Donald snapped without even looking at her. “Damn it, Connie! Go wait in the car! Now!”

  “At least get those damn pictures of my daughters body off the internet! Do you think you could do that today!” Connie yelled.

  “What are you talking about?” Reagan asked.

  “Connie, now!” Donald demanded.

  Connie gave Reagan eyes of daggers as she left.

  “Jack Hart posted photos from last night with your Detective Lukas hovering over our dead daughter with a gun in his hand. Do you realize what a sight that was for us to see this morning? Could you even understand the pain that this is causing us?”

  “I thought he was fired from the Register? Where did he put pictures?” Reagan asked.

  “He emailed the photos to my wife and told her the story would be posted on his new blog,” Donald said.

  “I have it here, Sheriff,” Reed said.

  The three men looked at the computer screen and saw the new website, The Black Star Canyon Hart Attack. There, on the front page under a title that read ‘Police Brutality and Incompitance’ were picture after picture of Lukas and Michelle Roth’s corpse. Lukas looked like he was in shock.

  “I am so sorry about this Donald,” Reagan said. “You gotta know that there will be an investigation. This will not be swept under the rug. You have my word.”

  “Now Reagan,” Donald said, “Let me explain how this is going to work. Your word doesn’t mean shit to me. My daughter is dead. Your word can’t bring her back.” Donald’s eyes filled with tears. “But, as a lawyer, I can cripple you, this station, that asshole Jack Hart and that murderer that you haven’t arrested yet.”

  Reagan was silent. He knew Donald needed to get it off his chest. He was happy to be the target. He could take it. He just hoped it would be over soon.

  As Donald left, he said, “Twenty-four hours, Sheriff. That site needs to come down and Lukas better be in custody or else I will see you in court personally.”

  Once the door shut, Reagan said, “I need Sue and Lukas in here immediately. Do what you have to do, and the first person that sees that bastard, Jack Hart, better beat that boy’s ass before they bring him in here. I’m making a call.”

  “What about the phones and the front desk sir?” Reed asked.

  Reagan slammed his door. He quickly poured himself another bourbon and got on the phone. “Joan? Hello.” Reagan was strangely awkward suddenly. “I was looking for Tom.”

  “Wayne! I’m so glad it’s you,” Joan said in a troubled voice. “You have got to get over here. Tom is beside himself.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Reagan said. He hung the phone up and stared out the window. He finished his bourbon. Sucked what was left out of his mustache, and left the office.

  “Are you still here?” Reagan said as he was walking out.

  “Are you leaving sir?” Reed asked in a panic.

  “Good foresight, Reed. Stay put.” Reagan said. “Keep up the good work.”

  5 - Better Late Than Never

  Deputy Dyer walked the halls of the hospital hoping to find Sue. He knew Eric was there from an altercation the night before but had been too busy with the aftermath at Cook’s and all the calls coming in that morning to be able to get down to the hospital and question him and Bekka.

  Before he went to the hospital, because it was on the way, he stopped by Bekka’s house to look around and see if anything seemed unusual. One of the bedrooms looked destroyed. There was blood all over it and throughout the hallway and into the bathroom. Other than that, nothing really seemed to stick out to Dyer. He wanted to stay and snoop around longer but knew that Reagan wanted Sue and Lukas at the station more than anything else. He figured Sue would be with her son, especially after what happened to him.

  As he went down the halls, he glanced into Elizabeth’s room. He did a double take as he passed and backed up to see Elizabeth looking normal. He saw her just the other day when she looked her worse. In fact, he even told Zoe Wood at the General Store that Elizabeth looked like The Elephant Man on a bad day. Zoe thought that was one of the funniest things that she had ever heard and was more than happy to share that gossip with anyone who came in the store.

  “Mayor?” Dyer said.

  Jonathan looked up slowly at him. “Yes?”

  “She is looking much better,” Dyer said. “Any progress?”

  Jonathan looked blankly at him and then back down at his daughter. “The doctor is very hopeful.”

  Dyer nodded his head. “We are all pulling for you sir.” Dyer walked out of the doorway and headed further down the hall. He popped his head in every room until he found one with Eric and Bekka in it.

  They were sitting on the bed looking away from each other. It seemed that they didn’t want to be alone but didn’t really want to be in the same room with one another.

  “Hey there. You two have a rough night?” Dyer said.

  Bekka looked up at him an gave him the dirtiest look she could with her face bandaged up. “It’s about f
ucking time, asshole.”

  “I got here as soon as I could,” Dyer responded.

  “Bullshit,” Bekka said. “You don’t care about me or my sister. None of you do.”

  Dyer got down on one knee and put his hand on her arm. “Bekka, there have been only two of us working since last night. Neither of us have had any sleep. After the chaos at Cook’s last night…” He trailed off.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Eric said. “You’re here now and that’s what counts. Bekka and I have just had a rough night, like you said. We’re cool.”

  Dyer smiled. “Thanks Eric.” He looked around the room expecting to see Sue sitting in a corner. “Is your mom around?”

  “She just left a few minutes ago,” Eric replied. “Just missed her.”

  Dyer closed his eyes. “I’ll catch up with her sooner or later I guess.” He stood up and pulled out his notepad and pen. “So who wants to go first and tell me what happened?”

  Bekka looked away from both of them and then said quietly, “You should interview us separately. Please.”

  Dyer, with a confused look on his face looked at Eric and Eric’s face verified Bekka’s statement. “All right. However you two want to do it.” He turned to Bekka. “Ladies first.”

  “No,” she said. She got up and stormed out of the room with tears running down the parts of her face that not obstructed.

  “Then I guess that leaves you,” Dyer said to Eric, trying to play it off in a silly way. “What do yo remember about last night?”

  Eric sat up straight and looked down at the bed sternly trying to make sure that all the events he remembered were correct and in the right order. “Okay,” he looked up at Dyer. “After we got out of Cook’s, Jen and I met up with Bekka and Jason…”

  “Harker?” Dyer asked.

  “Yeah,” Eric continued. “His ears were hurting or something. Jen was really emotional so I wasn’t paying much attention to him. We went back to Jen’s house and Bekka took Jason into her room and grabbed some beers, and you know…” Eric had an awkward look on his face. He then started motioning with his hands in a strange way.


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