Escaping The Beast: A Darkhills Romance (The Darkhills Series Book 2)

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Escaping The Beast: A Darkhills Romance (The Darkhills Series Book 2) Page 2

by Elizabeth Greene

  She climbed out of the booth and hurried out of the bar. Despite her first impressions of the place, it had turned out to be a charming establishment. Although, that might’ve been down to the people working there rather than the place itself.

  Katherine cursed the weather as she climbed into her rental car once again, shaking out the rain from her hair. She had straightened the long blond locks before heading off on her journey but thanks to the rain and the stressful drive she was now looking more surfer chick with the soft waves flowing over her shoulders, than a slick lawyer.

  Oh well, time to embrace the curls.

  She hastily tied it up into a knot on top of her head, she’d loosen it again before she got to Tumbricane to meet with her father and this Lucian guy. At least she had a name. She knew something about her enemy, it was a small advantage admittedly, but it was something. It was almost enough to bolster her confidence. Almost.

  She checked her phone once more for the directions and with a deep breath, pulled out of the parking lot and headed out into the hills, mentally preparing herself for whatever shit storm lay ahead of her.

  Chapter Two


  Lord Lucian Nightingale looked out of the french doors that led onto the balcony of his private suite and wondered at the rain. It seemed to fall in heavy slow motion this evening. Each drop against the glass panes punctuation for something. He was used to seeing things move slowly around him. Slowing his pace to fit with the rhythm of everything else, had long since become second nature to him, and yet sometimes when he became lost in his own thoughts, moments like this would catch him off guard. The rain was particularly heavy and plentiful. Perhaps it was just a mere optical illusion that he, being what he was, was more prone to notice.

  His phone vibrated in the inside pocket of his tailored suit jacket, drawing his focus back to the present. He absently reached inside the silk lining and slid the shining screen out. It was a message from his associate, or rather he supposed, he should say, friend.

  Cayden: There is a young woman on her way to Tumbricane. You expecting her?

  Lucian sighed. Indeed he was expecting her.

  Lucian: She has been requested by a man with whom I have business. All is well Mr. Greystone.

  He was about to return his phone to its resting place when it vibrated again in his hand.

  Cayden: Alright then. By the way, Rose wants to know if you’re planning on coming to our mating ceremony?

  He smirked at that and slid his phone back in his pocket. He would send a formal reply within the next week or so. He was undecided as to whether he would attend. While he liked the Alpha and Luna of the Darkhills pack and he would enjoy being amongst others for a night, he knew there would be a bittersweetness to the whole affair that would likely send him into a downward spiral.

  He would never be able to have what Cayden and his mate Rose had. Someone to love and to cherish and put above all others. Someone to raise a family and grow old with. He was playing a dangerous enough game as it was by courting a friendship with the Alpha. He would have to watch as the wolf shifter grew old and eventually withered and died. But he couldn’t stop himself from wanting something of an interaction with another living being. Cayden was a good man. He was dutiful, honest, trustworthy, and loyal. He was exactly how Lucian himself had been. How he had tried to remain for so long before he had woken up to the reality of what he truly was.

  It would be better if he avoided contact with others for a while. Perhaps a period of solitude might suit him well. It would likely be considered rude but it was probably for the best that he left Cayden and Rose to celebrate their nuptials with those who could live and grow with them. He wouldn’t flatter himself to think that the Alpha would be upset by his absence, but it would likely put his keen nose out of joint.

  He returned his gaze to the rain once again. The sound of it on the panes of glass lulling him into a calm and contemplative state. He was never sure which was better for his mood. To spend time within the city so he could observe the virility of life at a detached distance or remain in the quiet solitude of his estate in the foothills of the mountains. It seemed as though wherever he resided he was becoming more prone to bouts of loneliness. Perhaps after the nasty business with Mr. Daxton was finished he would look to emigrate elsewhere. He hadn’t visited his British homeland since he left centuries ago, and yet he still couldn’t bring himself to return. Perhaps a tour of Europe would enliven him enough to keep the darkness at bay?

  He suddenly became aware of tingling at the back of his neck and turned his head slightly towards the source of his interruption. Lucian sensed the lost soul of his manservant before he knocked quietly on the door to his chambers. The poor man had once been so torn apart by grief at losing his family, that he had come to Lucian to beg for them to be returned to him.

  Many wrongly thought he was capable of raising the dead. But alas, he was no necromancer. He had felt pity for the man whose mind, heart and soul were utterly destroyed. He’d offered him peace instead and existence without pain. The butler lived permanently under Lucian’s thrall. Living comfortably at Tumbricane, and attending to Lucian with small duties to keep his mind from rotting.

  “My Lord, Mr. Pines and your guest Mr. Daxton are assembled in the Hall. It is nearly midnight.” The monosyllabic voice spoke softly behind him.

  “Very good. I will join them shortly. Thank you, Mr. Jones.”

  The shuffling of the man’s feet grew quieter as he retreated down the hallway.

  Lucian sighed. Time to see if the despicable Mr. Daxton really would have his only daughter take his place, while he tried to find the finances required to settle his debt.

  When the man had first requested Lucian’s assistance with the notoriously sadistic mob overlords to whom he was indebted, he had felt pity for the man. He had played a fine fiddle and Lucian had paid off his debts and consolidated them into one. When it became apparent that Kyle Daxton was avoiding making any repayments, Lucian had requested they meet to re-negotiate terms. It had taken weeks for the man to be persuaded to face Lucian again. When he had arrived four months ago, he had been desperate and had tried to demand an increased loan so he could invest it in a ‘sure thing’ and make them both rich men.

  Lucian didn’t need to be made a rich man. He already was one. He refused the man’s offer and suggested he pay out his debt through servitude to him. For the past few months, Kyle Daxton had lived at Tumbricane in comfort while he considered the proposition. Lucian understood that the man felt that this was unfair imprisonment, but he had been provided with a comfortable room, within which he could move about freely. He was given three good meals a day and if he at any point wished to accept Lucian’s offer, he would be allowed to have contact with others.

  When he had requested a meeting the previous night, Lucian thought he was finally going to agree to undertake employment. What he didn’t expect was the man to negotiate, offering Lucian his adult daughter to stay at Tumbricane in his stead, while he got Lucian his money. Intrigued as to whether he would truly go through with such a plan, Lucian had agreed. Perhaps the incentive of returning for his daughter would be what was required to get the man to square his finances once and for all.

  Lucian strode from his chambers and in a flash swept down the hidden stairwell that led to the great hall below. He appeared as a blur of movement as he slid out from behind the heavy tapestry that covered the wall and graciously sat in his chair that formed the centrepiece of the room. He watched as the nervous-looking Mr. Daxton had visibly paled at his sudden appearance.

  The man must’ve had an inkling as to what Lucian was, but was most likely too frightened to say it out loud. Frightened of sounding like a madman and frightened that it was true. Beside him stood the man whom Lucian had hired as a guard for Mr. Daxton. Lucian suspected he had no idea that he’d been under guard while staying at Tumbricane, but Lucian had ensured he was kept abreast of the man’s fruitless attempts to escape during th
e day.

  Mr. Benson Pines had never had to intervene, but he remained ready to act should it be required. Lucian had originally thought to hire the new Darkhills Alpha for the task, but it hadn’t worked out that way. Instead, the brutally capable bear shifter had proved to be a worthy replacement.

  Lucian raised his hand and silently beckoned the two men forward. The difference between their gaits almost comical as the man hurried forward as though his coattails were on fire, whereas the bear shifter simply ate up the ground in long confident strides.

  “Good evening gentlemen.” Lucian began. “You both understand why you are here. Mr. Pines, please may I extend to you my thanks thus far. I am certain you will continue to prove useful to me. Please keep me informed as to how matters progress, as previously discussed.”

  The bear shifter nodded silently and turned and left. Lucian would receive updates regarding how Kyle Daxton was progressing with his plans to settle his debts. He would be followed and watched from afar by the hired man and, if at any point Lucian felt it were necessary, Mr. Pines would be instructed to apprehend him.

  “What about me? Am I free to go now?” The obnoxious voice of Kyle Daxton broke through the silence.

  Lucian wondered how someone who appeared so nervous and on edge, could manage to sound so entitled.

  “Not yet, Mr. Daxton. We are awaiting your daughter’s arrival, are we not?”

  “Of course, of course.” He nodded, “You’re gonna really love her. You’ll be pleased to know she gets her looks from her mother.” Kyle laughed, as though they were on friendly terms.

  Lucian ignored him. The way the young woman looked was of no consequence to him. She would be well cared for while in his home, he was a gentleman and did not believe in punishing others for the actions of their kin. He would not prolong the young lady’s visit here for any longer than necessary. Lucian had already decided upon a timescale in his mind. Mr. Daxton had three months to repay his debt, or he would be returning to Tumbricane once more.

  “I mean she’s real pretty, got a big pair of titties on her. Just like her mother did.”

  Lucian fixed the man with a withering look that told him to stop talking. Unfortunately, the idiotic man didn’t seem to know how to shut up.

  “You know my ex-wife used to dance on the strip in Vegas. That’s where we met you know, I was the high roller and she was the prettiest piece of eye candy you ever saw. My kitty-kat could be just as good if she let loose a little bit. Not that she’s not fun, but you know she’s-”

  “Mr. Daxton, I believe now would be a good time to desist.”

  “OK, OK. Sure, sure. I mean it’s getting close to midnight and I’m thinking maybe she’s gotten lost or something, so perhaps I should head outside and see if I can’t find her,”

  “Enough.” Lucian held up a hand and summoned his will to command Kyle to fall silent. He didn’t like to use his abilities unnecessarily, but there were times when he would make an exception.

  The silence that hung in the air was golden and Lucian breathed it in deeply. It didn’t last long, however, as the low rumble of an engine could be heard as it approached.

  Kyle looked over his shoulder at the sound and winked at Lucian. Not for the first time while having been subjected to Mr Daxton’s company, did Lucian consider whether it would have been better for him to be the beast most people thought him to be. He wondered whether it would be easier and better for everyone involved if he were to just kill the man where he stood. Alas, he preferred to avoid violence wherever possible.

  The slow shuffling steps of the butler approached the door and Lucian sat back in his chair. Kyle had said that his daughter got her looks from her mother, Lucian found himself hoping she had also avoided inheriting her father’s personality. The sound of the engine cutting off and a quiet thud of a car door being shut, made Lucian’s eyes track to the entrance. With slight apprehension, he awaited the arrival of the much-promised Miss. Daxton.

  Chapter Three


  Katherine checked her reflection in the rearview mirror. She’d loosened her hair from its knot and it now hung in slightly thicker waves. Not ideal, but at least the frizz seemed to have been contained. She held out her hand in front of her, watching in dismay as it trembled noticeably. That wouldn’t do. She needed every ounce of confidence she could muster before heading into the building. Who was she kidding? Haunted house more like. Or better yet haunted castle. Her father really had exceeded all expectations with this particular gambit.

  She rooted around in her purse and pulled out her secret weapon. Her mother might’ve been a failure when it came to parenting but at least she had taught Katherine the importance of applying her make-up to fit any occasion. She popped the lid on her lipstick with a click and began tracing the colour across her lips. Katherine smiled with false bravado as she looked at her reflection. There was nothing quite like ruby red lips to make you feel bold, fierce, and commanding. She had this. She stashed her war paint back into her purse and took a deep breath before holding her hand out again. Steady as a rock.

  Before she lost her nerve, she climbed out of the car and walked towards the entrance, holding her purse over her head as she went to cover herself from the rain. She supposed the rain helped somewhat. It at least stopped her from looking up at the huge, dark mansion that loomed against the night sky. In her mind, she was just walking into another sky scrapper in the city. She stood under the covered porch and straightened her dress and jacket. One more deep breath and she raised her hand to knock.

  The door was promptly opened by an older man in a smart servant’s attire. She smiled politely at him but received nothing in return.

  “Good evening, Miss. Daxton. Lord Nightingale is expecting you. Right this way.”

  Katherine nodded at the eerily emotionless voice and stepped inside. Lord Nightingale. Lord Lucian Nightingale. She was dealing with someone with a title and used to holding a position of authority. This was helpful information. He would most likely be an older gentleman, with polite manners and an expectation of getting what he wanted. Life had probably been easy for him from birth, so he would have little sympathy for anyone who was down on their luck. Rich people had a tendency to want to keep hold of their money, so she guessed he would be less willing to negotiate on terms or extensions.

  However, Katherine had another secret weapon up her sleeve. She knew her father would not have given this man a great impression, and he would most likely be expecting some clueless, blonde bimbo for his daughter. Katherine was blonde, but she was by no means a bimbo. She was smart, organised, well-spoken, and if she could impress him with her attitude to conducting business, she might just be able to get her father out of whatever hot water he was in. She was nothing like her father; she never would be anything like her father and by proving it, she would be taken seriously by the old codger.

  So bring it on Lord Snootipants, I’ve got your number.

  With her internal pep talk finished with, Katherine turned her attention back to her surroundings, hopeful of gleaning more information about her adversary. The entranceway was large and sparse, the grey stone floors and walls couldn’t have been more unwelcoming if they tried. There were no portraits on the walls or any pieces of furniture. Much like the servant who had welcomed her, the place was a cold, empty shell. That wasn’t encouraging. Nerves fluttered in her stomach as the butler shuffled towards another set of large wooden doors and opened them to reveal a vast room beyond. OK, so the place had a creepy abandoned castle feel to it. No point gawking at it, it was time to get into the zone and firmly slide the poker face into place. No matter what, she couldn’t give away any sign of weakness.

  Red lipstick. Katherine reminded herself.

  She squared her shoulders and stepped through the doorway. At the end of a huge hall stood her father next to a man sitting comfortably in a large, high-backed chair. OK, so he wasn’t some old codger. Didn’t mean he wasn’t just as entitled. Katherine power-
walked into the room with her head held high, her heels were cushioned by the long stretch of red carpet otherwise her entrance would’ve been punctuated with firm clicks. She ignored her father as he called out his obnoxious greeting to her, keeping her eyes focused on the intense gaze of the man with whom she had to negotiate with.

  “There’s my little Kitty-Kat, right on time.”

  Katherine reached the edge of the carpet and stepped up onto the dais in front of the striking man, who hadn’t taken his eyes off her for an instant.

  “Lord Lucian Nightingale, I presume?” She held out her hand, “Katherine Daxton. Thank you for meeting with me to discuss the terms of my father’s contractual arrangement.”

  The man held her gaze for a long moment, before casting his eyes to the side to consider her father briefly. His dark eyes gave nothing away. Katherine was about to retract her hand when he refocused his attention and lightly closed his hand around hers. She shook it swiftly, ignoring the slight tingle that danced across her skin at the contact. Smooth hands. He didn’t engage in any physical work or hobbies.

  “Miss. Daxton, you are most welcome. However, it appears you have been misinformed.” A cleanly cut British accent spoke resolutely.

  “In what sense, Lord Nightingale?” She asked.

  The man’s eyes bored into hers and she fought against the powerful urge to look away. His eyes were so fathomlessly dark, she wondered if they held any colour at all.

  “Now, baby doll, I may have-”

  “Mr. Daxton, what exactly did you tell your daughter?” The man’s commanding tone cut across her father’s voice. He kept his eyes on Katherine’s as he spoke giving her the impression that she was being watched by a predator, determined to find its prey’s weakness.


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