Escaping The Beast: A Darkhills Romance (The Darkhills Series Book 2)

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Escaping The Beast: A Darkhills Romance (The Darkhills Series Book 2) Page 14

by Elizabeth Greene

  “Fuck Katherine. God, do that again.”

  She repeated the action over and over again, gradually picking up the pace.

  Fuck she could take him deep.

  Each repetition had him groaning and fighting with the need to hold her head between his hands and thrust himself into her waiting mouth. The granite beneath his hands cracked and Katherine abruptly stopped, pulling her mouth away from him.

  “Please, again,” he spoke hurriedly.

  He was begging. Lord Lucian Nightingale, centuries-old vampire and man known for his tight control was begging her to give him pleasure. He needed it like he needed her heart to beat for him.

  She grinned wickedly and took him into her mouth again, his cry of relief echoed in the sparse room. Her tongue rubbed against him as she sucked and the wet friction drove his need spiralling higher. Her hand continued to stroke him into her mouth while the other lightly cupped his balls, rolling them gently. His fangs grew in his mouth and he saw her eyes light with desire at the sight. She moaned long and low in her throat as she sucked him, her eyes looking up at him with molten intensity. His hands flew from the counter and tangled in her hair as he gave in to the need to pump his hips into her hungry little mouth.

  He held back his strength as much as he could but his climax came racing towards him with every bump of his thick head against her throat. Katherine gripped his waist and held him tightly as he roared out his climax. His eyes held hers as he continued to loudly give her his release. She swallowed his pleasure and gently lapped at his length. His grip on her hair relaxed and he stroked his fingers through it as she languidly, sucked, and teased out the last of his orgasm, while he panted heavily.

  “I need you in my bed. Now,” Lucian ground out. He wasn’t nearly done with her yet. He would never be done with her.

  A knock sounded on the door. Lucian’s head snapped in the direction and a heavy sideboard flew across the room, blocking the door from opening.

  “Your delivery, Mr. Nightingale.” A muffled and started voice called out from the other side.

  “Leave,” Lucian growled out fiercely.

  No one would ever see his Katherine like this. No one would ever hear what happened between them. Their passion was theirs alone.

  A small giggle drew his attention. Katherine beamed at him from where she had stood and nestled herself against his side.

  “I think he got the picture.”

  “Sorry. I’m feeling protective,” Lucian muttered moodily as he rearranged himself and did up his fly.

  “Don’t apologise. I quite like seeing your feathers get ruffled,” she smiled at him again and kissed him on the cheek, before unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Careful darling, I might just take you over this counter if you carry on what you're doing?” Lucian warned, his cock already stirring again at the prospect.

  “Or,” Katherine began, as she took his shirt and wrapped it around herself, “you could magic the sideboard away from the door and bring me my dinner?” She smiled coquettishly as she buttoned the shirt and went to hop up onto the cracked and damaged countertop.

  Lucian frowned and placed his hands on her waist, lifting her and placing her further along the work surface.

  “The stone will be sharp. You might hurt yourself,” he kissed her hungrily and ran his hands up under the shirt and cupped her breasts. They truly were magnificent. Warm, heavy, and soft in his hands. He loved how easily he could tease her nipples into tight little peaks with the slightest touch or stroke of his tongue.

  Katherine broke from their kiss and laughed, “Go. Dinner. Now. You might have eaten tonight but I am starving!” She dismissed him playfully, not before peppering him with a few soft, playful kisses.

  The reminder of him having fed from her caused conflicted emotions. Guilt and shame at what he had done warred with the undeniable tremor of pleasure that he felt at just the thought of tasting her. He shoved down his unease and reminded himself of his vow never to drink from her again. He would protect her and ensure her happiness.

  “Of course. Forgive me,” he smiled and bowed towards her, before sweeping the sideboard aside with an ease that surprised even him.

  Katherine clapped her hands and bounced where she sat perched in his kitchen.

  “That is seriously cool, you know that right?”

  “You don’t find it unnerving?” Lucian called over his shoulder to her as he opened the door to pick up the delivery bag.

  “Maybe at first I was a little shocked, but now I know it's just part of who you are. A very cool part. What else could you move? Could you move me?” She asked, cocking her head to one side thoughtfully.

  “Potentially,” Lucian shrugged as he returned to the kitchen. He fixed her with a quick look and her legs popped wide open on his silent command.

  “Lucian!” She gasped and then laughed. “Dinner. Remember?” She beamed at him as he stepped in between her legs and dropped the food down on the counter.

  “I will cook for you I promise, my darling,” he smiled and kissed her nose.


  “But first allow me one more indulgence,” he asked before his hand reached between them and instantly found her sweet spot.

  Katherine’s breath hitched and her teeth bit down on her bottom lip. He watched her squirm silently against him while his fingers strummed her.

  “If you must,” she breathed as she opened her legs wider to give him better access.

  “Oh, I must,” he replied and dipped his fingers into her hot channel. So tight and wet, she was already soaked for him. He couldn’t wait to take her. But the kitchen was not the place for that. He clamped down on his own desire and focused on making his fierce beauty come for him.

  “Just think Katherine,” he husked low, “imagine how good it will feel when you are stretched tight over my cock while I fuck you.”

  Her eyes lit up and he felt her insides begin to tremble against his fingers. She liked it when he talked dirty. Especially when he cursed. And in the past week, she had made him curse more often than he had in the last century.

  “And I will fuck you, Katherine. Hard.”

  His name echoed into the room on a hoarse cry as she came, and Lucian grinned.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Katherine tiptoed out of the bedroom, leaving Lucian still sleeping. She expected him to wake considering how highly tuned his senses were compared to her own, yet as she glanced back over her shoulder he lay deadly still, his chest barely rising. He looked dangerous even in his sleep. His dark, handsome features called to her. She had already spent the best part of an hour watching him as he slept beside her, her fingers ghosting over his perfectly toned skin. Every part of him was enticing. Katherine wondered if it was just a vampire thing, and they were all like that or whether it was purely her reaction to Lucian the man.

  Forcing her feet to move, she continued out of the room and went in search of some kind of caffeine. His kitchen had seemed pretty sparse last night but she remained hopeful that one of the cupboards would contain a can of instant coffee. She pulled his shirt around her shoulders once more and buttoned it as she lightly stepped down the stairs and into the huge open-plan living space. Sure her clothes were available, while he had refused to let her get dressed again last night, Lucian had insisted he hang her clothes next to his so that they wouldn’t become creased. But she figured, why put on her clothes when his were readily available. She liked the feel of them against her skin and as she breathed deeply she smiled at the scent that was uniquely Lucian that greeted her.

  She skipped down the last step and sashayed over to the kitchen. Katherine had to admit, despite its extreme minimalism, she loved his apartment. It didn’t feel as cold and aloof as it had the previous evening. It was exactly the kind of place she would have dreamed of for herself one day if she had even been able to imagine such a place. Sure, she’d add a few more home comforts, maybe a houseplant or two, a couple of soft blankets
for the leather couch, and maybe some splashes of colourful artwork on the sterile, white walls. But she already felt at home.

  Even if there was no coffee to be had in the kitchen.

  Katherine fetched herself a glass of water instead and paced over to the large tinted windows. The view of the city was just as impressive by day, although the mostly overcast sky wasn’t anything spectacular. The weak autumn sun was trying to pierce through the clouds but she could tell it wasn’t going to be a bright day. She wondered why Lucian had chosen an apartment with a wall of glass that would let in so much light during the day. She scanned the area around the huge windows, looking for whether there was some kind of shutter that she should activate to protect him from the sun's rays. She couldn’t believe that considering how thoughtful and careful he was about pretty much everything, that he had forgotten to close the blinds. Perhaps the glass was special somehow.

  She shook her head in amused disbelief. There she was, stood in a luxury penthouse considering how to protect the owner from the sun, because he was, of course, a vampire. Vampires existed. Dragons existed. Goodness knows what else existed and yet she was seemingly fine about the whole thing. More than fine, if she was honest. Lucian had shown her worlds of pleasure that she hadn’t even known were possible. She had let him drink her blood.

  She shook her head again. Truth be told, she hadn’t let him: she had suggested it. Demanded it, if she remembered their heated moment in the shower together correctly. Her cheeks flamed. Should she feel embarrassed about how she had behaved? She had spoken to a centuries-old vampire as if she owned him. A wicked grin lit up her face.

  He didn’t seem to mind, so why should she?

  It seemed like he had tried hard to resist biting her, although when pushed, it looked and felt like he was in pure heaven when he had eventually pierced her vein and suckled on her thigh. The memory made her shiver all over. It had felt incredibly good, she had felt powerful and desired and like she was the centre of his universe at that moment.

  And yet, he hadn’t done it again since. They had indulged each other in countless bouts of foreplay long into the night and finally fallen asleep in each other's arms, exhausted and sated. But not once had he tried to bite her again. His fangs hadn’t popped out and if she was honest with herself, she felt a little disappointed that they hadn’t.

  Maybe it was just a hunger thing. Perhaps he was full and just didn’t want or need her in that way after that one bite earlier. She really didn’t know enough about it. But it felt like it was a bit of a delicate subject to just come on out and ask him directly about his feeding habits. Also, she didn’t want to act like some needy, sulking girlfriend already asking him if he was still into her.

  Girlfriend? Was that what she was now? Were they like that? Did vampires even have ‘girlfriends’?

  It sounded a little ridiculous even to her own ears. Lovers felt more appropriate but the phrase felt so intimate.

  Perhaps he was bored now that he’d had one taste, he’d satisfied his curiosity and would quickly lose interest. This was likely just some fun to him. She had stated in the terms of their contract that she wouldn’t be required to perform any acts of a sexual nature. Had this all been a play on his part so he could have her: seduce her enough so that she would give herself over to him willingly?

  She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes.

  It wasn’t like that. She reassured herself.

  Lucian had shown her more kindness, support, and respect than she could ever remember anyone else having done in her entire life. He had said he cared for her and he had promised her honesty. Furthermore, nothing between them had felt fake. Transparency had opened up between them, for the first time since her childhood she had given someone her trust and it felt as though Lucian knew the significance of that. It was frightening, but there was a soothing relief that came with letting him wrap his strength around her.

  But they had a contract. She was being held as a guarantee for her father’s debt. Katherine's heart ached when she considered what might happen when the two months were up, or if her father somehow managed to come up with the money sooner. She would be free to go and there would be no reason for her to ever see Lucian again. For him to bother with her anymore. A few passionate days with someone was not enough to warrant anything more than that. Who was to say the feelings that they had developed during their time together would translate to anything substantial or long-lasting?

  Long-lasting. Katherine had no idea how anything could work with Lucian long term. She was human and had planned on living a normal, albeit hopefully successful, human life. Her dreams and aspirations most likely appeared so trivial to him. Lucian was already centuries old. He would continue to outlive her and stay just as vibrant and strong and capable when she would inevitably age, wither and die. There was no possible way that they could have any kind of a future together. Not without her sacrificing everything she had worked towards so far and becoming a vampire herself. And that was assuming he would want to share his long existence with her.

  She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. She was giving herself a headache and her heart rate was back up to near panic levels.

  What on earth had she been thinking, falling for him?

  “Darling, are you well?” Lucian spoke softly from behind her.

  “Lucian, what are you doing?” She spun instantly at the sound of his voice and threw herself at him, trying to push him back, away from the windows.

  “I’m enquiring after your wellbeing,” Lucian stilled her and brought her face up to his, his dark eyes shining a lighter shade of deep brown in the light. She had never seen his eyes look anything other than black, they were so enthralling.

  “But it's daytime, why aren’t you burning up?” She frowned, her hand skirting over his face in a cherishing caress.

  Lucian chuckled softly.

  “Tinted glass. There is a UV reflective film that keeps the worst of the sun's rays at bay. But you were concerned for me?” He smiled at her warmly.

  “Yes of course I was concerned! How was I to know the windows were vampire friendly?” Katherine frowned.

  Lucian’s head tipped back and he laughed freely. It was both infuriating and distractingly attractive.

  “Vampire friendly? I might suggest to the installation company that should become their new marketing slogan.”

  “Well, I don’t think it’s funny,” Katherine pouted and smacked his bare chest.

  “Sorry, darling; I don’t mean to make light of your concern. I’m touched, truly. Please be assured that I am safe and well. If it were the height of summer and the sun was at its strongest then I would likely still struggle to see and would experience some skin irritation but, things being as they are, I am unharmed,” He smiled at her, holding her hands firmly against his chest.

  Katherine huffed in response.

  “Perhaps you need a little demonstration of precisely how strong and able I remain?” Lucian raised a suggestive brow and in a blur of movement, Katherine found herself spread out upon the couch, the cool leather against her legs and Lucian’s lips trailing kisses down her body.

  “You’re insatiable,” she breathed, unable to resist his seduction, not when it felt like her entire being came alive whenever he touched her.

  “Especially when it comes to you, I find I am unable to resist you, my beautiful darling,” he murmured against her skin as he kissed and nibbled at her stomach, which chose that moment to rumble loudly.

  “Hungry?” Lucian laughed, looking up at her with an amused and light expression. The lightness there filled Katherine up with inexplicable joy.

  She giggled and nodded her head. “Are you?” She asked squirming beneath his touch, the thought of his bite making her pulse hammer in her veins.

  The sun suddenly went down behind his eyes and his gaze became shuttered and guarded once more. It happened so quickly Katherine felt as though she’d been emotionally slapped. The wicked grin that wor
ked across his lips did nothing to placate the hurt she felt.

  “I’m hungry for something,” he teased before continuing to nuzzle his way down her body, his mouth brushing against her sensitive nub.

  A tempting shiver of pleasure danced over her at the contact and a gasp escaped her lips.

  Damn him.

  Lucian hummed his appreciation before rolling his tongue over and around her, making her whimper as she fought her body’s reaction to him.

  “I’ll ensure you’re fed soon enough, but first there are other needs that must be satisfied.”

  “Lucian, please,” Katherine tried to protest but as he ran his tongue up between her folds all her rational thought left her and she decided to give herself over to his unrelenting seduction.

  “Keep your hands above your head and hold on to the leather,” he ordered quietly.

  “Yes, Lucian.”

  “Call me Lord Nightingale.”

  “I thought you preferred 'Lucian'?” Katherine questioned, her eyes shuttering closed as his tongue worked her pleasure higher.

  “I find I don’t mind the title when you’re like this,” Lucian gripped her hips and pulled her further down towards him, stretching her arms out as she dutifully held on tight to the arm of the sofa,“now, will you do as you’re told?” He purred,

  “Yes, Lord Nightingale,” Katherine responded, the anticipation of his dominance causing a thrill to tingle down her spine.

  “Then you shall be rewarded,” he husked.

  Her back bowed off the sofa and all of Katherine’s earlier reservations left her as he licked her into sweet oblivion.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Lucian finally tore himself away from Katherine, allowing her to shower in peace while he prepared for their departure. The sun had set and it was time to return to Tumbricane. He would be driving them in his favourite sports car, proving to her once and for all that the journey was shorter than she continued to protest it to be.


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