Naked Ambition

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Naked Ambition Page 3

by Sean O'Kane

  She hadn’t bothered with wearing knickers and was now standing in only her high heeled shoes. Before these large and clothed men, she began to feel uncomfortably vulnerable. She wished she had brought Angel with her – or even let her take the gang bang that was so surely coming – but she banished the thought. Angel had some real problems with men; she didn’t. She could take cock quite happily, it was just that this afternoon it looked as though she was going to take a lot more cock than she had for a very long time. She had passed the bodyguards in the corridor outside, some fifteen or sixteen, big men.

  “Your choice, Mr President,” the general secretary offered with a sardonic smile.

  “Thank you, Leonid. I shall take the cunt I think. I hope that won’t inhibit your choice of hole?”

  “No. I am quite happy with the arse and after that I don’t think the boys will be bothered about her being a bit sloppy.”

  Sadia had been backed up against the desk by this time and could feel the edge digging into her buttocks. All her life she had been a sexual predator, desired by others and using it to her advantage. They came as grateful supplicants when she deigned to allow them use of her body. Never had she been talked about as though she was one of her own slaves. She knew slaves’ cunts got wet when they were abused in this way but her own felt ominously dry. It was time to take a lead and make sure she didn’t suffer any more than she had to. She parted her legs and put her hands between them. One rubbed frantically at her clitoris, the other delved up inside her to try and stimulate her inner tissues.

  The men began to strip off their jackets as they watched her with blatant lust. Sadia saw that her action had instantly hardened them into full erection and the sight came to her rescue. She felt herself begin to respond and knew that she could cope easily enough from then on.

  The president had her from behind, bent over the desk. His big hands mauled her buttocks and hips as he thrust in and out. It was the most impersonal and somehow the most scornful fuck she had ever had. For once she felt worthless and shamed by the sperm that oozed from her as he withdrew. She bit her lip however and determined to endure. Her stable’s future was depending on this afternoon’s work, but when she got back, she would make one of her slaves’ life a living hell. She felt the men change places behind her and then the secretary’s fingers were scooping out the juices from her cunt and spreading them around her anus. Then she felt him lodge himself at that entrance and begin to push. That wasn’t so bad. She was partial to anal penetration by cock or dildo and she even managed to enjoy the buggery a little bit. While she was being taken however, she could hear the president summoning the bodyguards and explaining the forfeit she was paying. She heard them approach the desk as she tried to concentrate on the pleasant sensations in her rectum and the piles of paper in front of her eyes. But suddenly her hair was grabbed and she was swung round - even while the secretary continued to bugger her – until she was across a corner of the desk. And then in front of her reared up another cock. A big one. Sadia was proud of her skill as a fellatrice – and it was that cold a feeling, just pride; she didn’t take a passionate pleasure in it – she was aware that most men were putty in the hands of a good cocksucker and in the past she had sealed many a deal with a deep throat. Here, however, her mouth was just being used as a convenient place to offload some spunk. But just at the moment she had to deal with it somehow.

  She tried to close her mind down and just open her mouth. But the violence of the invasion took her by surprise and she almost choked as the massive thing plunged into her, seeking the soft caress of her throat. Sadia tried to hang onto her pride at being good at this and held the man back by pushing him away with her hands before allowing him deeper entry, but at a speed that suited her. It worked.

  Behind her the secretary finished and pulled out; she assumed he had come inside her, she had been too busy at the other end to notice. She felt another cock slide into her cunt, she had no idea of whether or not she was wet or whether his ease of entry was due entirely to the amount of sperm she was leaking down there. But the entry rammed her forwards onto the cock in her mouth and was she rewarded by feeling it swell and begin to jerk. She grabbed the thick shaft to try and ease the vigour of the mouth fucking the cock’s owner wanted to give her and managed to contain him. He pulled away abruptly and she was only just able to draw breath before another man was there, getting applause and laughter from his colleagues by slapping her face with his cock. She was distracted by the man behind her coming and slamming her backwards and forwards in his ecstasy. She desperately reached for the cock in front of her face and began to masturbate it. He wasn’t having that however and her hand was slapped away and the head presented to her mouth. She swallowed and took him in, although her eyes bulged as she felt another buggery commence.

  Eventually it seemed to her that as she became more and more inert and supine, the more that attracted them. Sometimes they didn’t bother to penetrate her, just masturbated over her as she lay sprawled across the desk. She vaguely felt spatterings on her back and in her hair as the use of her two nether entrances continued until eventually they were all finished with her. For a long time there was quiet and then she heard them leave and tried to push herself up. Her hands were sticky with sperm and slipped on the polished wood that was itself spattered with the stuff. She tried again and made it this time; shakily pushing herself upright and brushing hair out of her eyes. The office was empty apart from the president, sitting calmly beside her in his chair.

  “We…….we have a deal then?”

  “Indeed we do, Countess. We will keep our side of it, please ensure that you keep your side of it.”

  He looked at her and suddenly she saw the full ruthlessness of him. What she had just been through was nothing more than a warning shot across the bows. If she didn’t have her team fully up to strength and ready to go in eight weeks, she and plenty others of her female staff could face far worse. A vision of Angel’s face swam across her mind’s eye and she determined that she would never see it looking as hers must just now.

  Moving slowly and painfully she began to dress again and walked stiffly back to her car.

  It was a blessing that Angel wasn’t there to see the state of her when she got back to the stable. In fact she managed to get back to her quarters, shower and change before anyone saw her. Angel was in England for a few days with what money the stable had and Sadia still had another job to do before she returned.

  She went to the office and eased her tender bottom onto her chair before reaching for the phone. From outside, down on the training ground came the sounds of a punishment beating being counted out. Smiling she listened, picturing the victim stretched out in one of the big frames; the squad all lined up to witness the punishment and the lashes being called.

  She raised her eyebrows as the total passed thirty lashes and kept going. Someone had really been shirking!

  At forty the punishment ceased and Sadia pictured the long lash being coiled away neatly for next time. It encouraged her. Discipline was good and the squad was well trained. She had had a tougher afternoon of it than she had expected but she had got what she wanted. Men followed their cocks – always had done; always would. And a sensible woman could ensure they went the way she wanted them to. She would win through and so would the Girl Squad.

  She dialled a number and sat back, wincing just slightly.

  “Eric dahhhling!” she cooed as the call was answered. “Can I drop around and see you some time this week? What? Well, it’s a bit of a favour I need. No! No! Everything’s fine! …..Yes! Friday will be perfect. I’ll fly in Thursday night and stay at the Imperial. It’ll be simply lovely to see you again, dahling! Mwah!”

  She sat back and relaxed. At least she knew she had Eric wrapped around her little finger. Angel had been quite right, just a fuck every now and then to keep him happy and he would stump up the cash. For another twenty slaves she might have to consider a blow job – she rolled her tongue round her mouth,
recalling the taste of sperm – but that was nothing she couldn’t handle either; just so long as Angel didn’t have to watch!

  Chapter Three

  Angel gunned her hired car along another mile of boundary road. Beside her the high stone wall of The Lodge ran, topped with razor wire and backed by dense woodland. She had ignored her sat nav once she had reached the main gate, late on a fine summer afternoon, and had instead set out to try and get an impression of the size of the estate. Of course everyone with any connection to the world of SM knew of The Lodge, but even she had not realised just how big it was. For mile after mile the wall stretched with the tall trees behind it allowing not the slightest glimpse of what went on within.

  It was the UK’s premier SM club, and specifically for male doms. Angel of course had no problem with submissive females, she adored them as much as the next Master or Mistress, but she wasn’t sure how the members would react to her. The world of The Lodge and the arenas was about as male dominated as it was possible to get – as recent events attested to vividly. But there was no help for it. The CSL stable that was contained within The Lodge’s parklands, was the only quick source of fresh blood. Someone had beaten them to it but there was still talent for hire and she needed all she could get her hands on.

  She came to a crossroads and took the road to her right, keeping the wall on her right and eventually came back to the massive gates. She wound her window down and sounded the intercom buzzer. A girl answered almost instantly.

  “Angela Smythe for Carlo Suarez,” she said curtly.

  “Please use the main car park in front of the house and you’ll find the check in desk in the main hall, just up the steps and through the lobby.”

  The gates began to swing ponderously open and Angel drove through, finding herself on a drive lined with stately lime trees. She followed it for over a mile before coming to a rise and, breaking out from under the tree covering, she found herself at The Lodge proper. The car park stretched away to her left once she driven past the imposing frontage of the house itself, and she found a space, took her bag out of the boot and looked around. The parkland swept down and out to all sides, surrounding the house’s commanding position on its hill. A golf course had been laid out immediately below the slope. Over to her right she caught a glint of sunlight off water and could just make out a lake beyond some stands of trees. It could all be nothing more than a very select country house hotel, she thought as she turned to face the house. But then you saw the ponies and traps outside the front door.

  Angel smiled as she took in the bridled and restrained ponies with scarlet plumes nodding above their heads and the beautifully tooled blinkers. One pony had silver cones on her nipples, the other had an ornate, steel necklace on that hung down over her chest and between her breasts. They were tethered, still harnessed between the shafts of their traps, to a rail that was mounted on the wall beside a sweeping staircase that led up to the enormous front doors.

  As she approached the house, Angel could see the ponies were sweating and they stamped and shook their heads irritably as the flies bothered them. She also noted approvingly that both carried criss crossing pink stripes across their backs and buttocks from the driving whips that now stood in their rests beside the drivers’ seats.

  One of the front doors opened and a girl came out. Angel had of course heard of The Lodge’s Housegirls but had not seen one before and she had to admit, she did look stunning. The girl was a blonde wearing a long, old fashioned, full length dress in sky blue satin. She was clearly practised in wearing it because she held the full skirt up just enough to allow her to run down the stairs. The very low cut bodice allowed Angel to see the delectable mounds of breastflesh shake and ripple as she did so.

  “Hello, Madam! May I help you at all?” If the girl was startled to see a woman at The Lodge who wasn’t a Housegirl, she hid it well.

  “No, it’s okay thanks. I’m just going to check in,” Angel told her and began to climb the stairs.

  The girl curtsied prettily and went to the ponies. She pushed her way between them and unhitched their reins, then clicking her tongue she backed them up a little. One of the ponies, with black hair, cavilled and tried to wrench her reins from the girl’s hand. Angel was about to put her case down and go and help but saw the girl gather both ponies’ reins into one hand swiftly and skilfully, then use her free hand to deliver three ringing smacks to the skittish pony’s bottom.

  “Settle down Amber!” she scolded and took the reins again, jerking them harshly. The pony settled at once and the girl resumed leading the pair round towards the back of the house, where Angel assumed, the stables were. She was impressed, the girl was obviously not just a pretty face.

  Inside the front door, the illusion of a country house hotel took hold again and Angel looked around the lobby at the golf bags and golf shoes, the fishing rods – the day’s catch laid out on the tiles floor in front of them – a hotel with a very masculine clientele, she corrected herself, and tensing in readiness for whatever reaction she might get she pushed on, opening a further door into the main hall.

  Although it was still only late afternoon, the chandeliers were already lit and across the seeming acres of rich, crimson carpet, the light fell on girls dressed similarly to the one she had already seen as they hurried back and forth carrying trays of drinks to and from the lounges over on her left. To her right she glimpsed through an open door, a large dining room with tables laid with crisp, white, linen cloths. Girls, again in those curious dresses, were busily laying out cutlery and placing glasses on each table. Beyond that door and a couple more, a wide staircase swept up to meet a mirror image one from the other side of the hall at a landing. Portraits of men and women in eighteenth and nineteenth century clothes, stared down from the walls.

  “Can I help you…..Miss Smythe, isn’t it?”

  Angrily Angel realised she’d been standing and gawping like a peasant invited up to the Big House. From behind a desk by the left hand staircase, another Housegirl was smiling over at her.

  Angel went across and wordlessly signed herself in.

  “Thank you,” the girl said, when she had filled in her card. “Room 254, in the East Wing.” She handed across a room key whose fob was a figure of a naked woman, hanging by her wrists, which were joined around the metal of the key ring. Angel couldn’t help smiling at the attention to detail.

  The girl rang a bell.

  “I’ll have your bags taken up to your room. Mr Suarez asked me to say he’ll meet you at dinner, when you’ve had a chance to shower and change. Doctor Sands will come to your room in about an hour and will be pleased to show you around.”

  Another of the Housegirls, a brunette this time whose bodice could hardly contain her breasts, had appeared and picked up her bag.

  “If Madam would follow me?” Again there was no hint of curiosity about a woman guest. The training and discipline was obviously very good.

  They climbed the stairs and as Angel followed the girl she noticed something odd about her dress. It seemed that under the wide pleats of the full skirt that were sewn onto a deep waist band, there was one pleat that wasn’t exactly a pleat – it looked as if, although the material overlapped quite widely, there was a split in the skirt, right between the buttocks.

  As Angel followed the girl along corridor after corridor and up another staircase, she became more and more certain. And also she became more and more determined to try a bit of dominance and see if she was accepted as a domme.

  “Stop!” she said at last. The girl did as she was told.

  Angel came up behind her and took hold of the skirt, parting it where she thought it was split and sure enough, under an overlap of satin, the skirt opened. The girl’s stocking clad thighs were revealed and her naked buttocks. Angel smiled when she saw them. They bore the unmistakable traces of a recent caning. And a good one as well, she judged, by the yellowing bruises.

  The girl looked over her shoulder at her, a little nervously.

/>   “That’s a good caning! And the skirt opens so you can be groped or fucked, I take it?”

  The girl seemed relieved, as if she was used to this – and Angel supposed she was!

  “Thank you, Madam. Monsieur Poillerat does deliver a very hard caning! And yes, we can be grope……um…..enjoyed by any of the members at any time. However, if we’re found out, we get punished.”

  Angel gestured the girl on and followed, smiling broadly. She approved of a rule that stipulated that the submissive was at fault for her superior breaking the said rule. Very right and proper.

  Her room had superb views over the lake and the woods and hills beyond – all still within the perimeter walls. It also had a four poster double bed with, and Angel checked straight away, chains hanging from each post.

  She decided on a bath and was still only wrapped in her short, towelling robe and was drying her hair when there was a knock on the door. She considered asking the person to wait but then shrugged. Whoever it was, in this place they were hardly likely to be thrown by female undress.

  At the door stood a neat, trim figured woman, slightly shorter than herself with cropped fair hair. She was wearing a strapless, full length evening dress in beige and although she wasn’t big breasted, her nipples peaked the material very obviously. She had the sort of athletic figure that Angel liked on other women.

  “Carlo asked me to drop by and help you settle in,” the woman said.

  Angel draped one arm over the top of the door and cocked her hip, giving the woman a slow up and down look.

  “That was kind of him,” she said after a few seconds.

  “Whoa!” the woman said holding up a hand, palm outwards. “I’m Doctor Sands. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of subby playthings to go around, believe me! But I’m just here to show you round and help you understand how it all works.”


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