Demuth, Charles 211
Dench, Judi 70
Dewell, Michael 498
Dews, Peter 12n
Dexamyl/Dexedrine (antidepressants) 177, 458, 564, 568, 662, 663, 720–21
Dharmadas (earlier Jon Monday) 490, 499, 602n, 721
di Capua, Michael 503, 509, 577, 606, 609, 625, 626, 628, 638, 721
Diamond, Louise (Moody) 30
Diary of a Lost Girl (film) 536, 538
“Dick Cavett Show” (television program) 221, 605
Dickens, Charles 143, 553, 638; A Tale of Two Cities 439
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes 20
Didion, Joan 271, 272, 359, 376, 402–3, 519, 570, 601, 657, 676, 721
Diebenkorn, Richard 358, 460, 461, 497n, 721
Diehl, Digby 501, 721–2
Dieter, Newt 495
Dietrich, Marlene 68, 241, 485
Dietz, Derek (pseud.) 417
Dill, Guy 283, 370–71, 590, 598, 656–7, 722
Dill, Laddie John 583, 590, 656–7, 722
Dipika 454, 455
Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The (film) 311
Disley, Cheshire, England 13–15, 33–34, 52–53, 104, 105, 194, 327, 332
Disraeli, Benjamin 318
Divine (Harris Glenn Milstead) 573, 574, 599, 606, 722
Dixon, Jeane 150
DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) 355, 356, 722
Dobrin, Jeanne 503, 507
Dobyns, Dick 271, 463, 722
Doel, Frances (Kimbrough) 356
Dog Beneath the Skin, The (C.I. with Auden; proposed musical; “Dogskin”) 3, 133–4, 262
Dolce Vita, La (film) 535
dollar, value of 194, 195, 339, 345
Donadio, Candida 503, 506, 507, 509, 542, 545, 638, 644, 722
Donne, John 71
Donoghue, Mary Agnes 135, 216, 233, 292, 302, 364, 427, 723
Don’t Bother Me, I Can’t Cope (musical revue) 297–8
Doone, Rupert 10, 56, 723
Dootson, Bob 496
Dostoevsky, Fyodor 289, 399; The Brothers Karamazov 136, 141, 158; A Gentle Creature and Other Stories 157, 158; The Idiot 291, 311
Dougill, David 73, 511
Down There on a Visit (C.I.) 256n; see also “Paul”
“Downer, The” see Franklin, Bill
Dr. Strangelove (film) 250
Dreiser, Theodore, Sister Carrie 592
Drennon, Bob 664
Drew, David 58
Dreyfuss, Richard 252, 506
Driberg, Tom 677n
Druks, Renate 118, 187, 309, 494, 496, 723
Drummond, John 87
Drury, Allen 114, 167, 299
Drutman, Irving 309
Dublin, Ireland 444; bombings (1974) 435
Duel in the Sun (film) 628
Duke, Daryl 434
Dunaway, Faye 343, 348, 349
Dunlop, Mary 514
Dunne, Dominick 429
Dunne, Ellen Griffin 601
Dunne, John Gregory 271, 272, 359, 402–3, 519, 657, 676, 723
Dunne, Patrick 432
Dunphy, Jack 235, 555, 723
Dupuytren’s Contracture (disease of hand) xix, 86, 113, 545, 546, 551, 723–4; operation for 177, 197, 199, 200–202, 203, 204, 205, 212, 214–15, 236
Duquette, Elizabeth 69, 724
Duquette, Tony 69, 104, 113n, 244, 724
Durant, Tim 444
Durant, Will, The Story of Civilization 267–8
Durham, England 512
Durrell, Lawrence 170
Dymally, Mervyn 478, 599
Dynia, Philip 432–3
Eagleton, Thomas 246
earthquakes: in California xi, 111, 139–41, 142, 148, 150–51, 155, 343, 442, 586, 608, 625; C.I. dreams of 23; in Aleutians 138; in Italy 138; predictions and scares 142, 143, 148, 150, 153, 182, 196, 453, 530–31, 556, 585; in Peru 435; in Mexico 603, 604; off Australia 637
Eckstein, Tony see Abedha
eclipse, solar (1973) 310, 360
economy see dollar, value of; inflation; recessions
Ecuador 437
Edinburgh, Scotland 512
Edison Theater, New York 297–298
Edward VIII, King (later Duke of Windsor) 330
Edwards, Vaughan 509
Egypt 559
Ehly, Jean 181
Eija (Vehka-Aho) 19
Eisenstein, Sam 243
Ekman, Rolf 443
Elan, Joan 276, 724
elections see California State Assembly elections; Los Angeles mayoral election; presidential elections; referendums Eliot, George 163
Eliot, T.S. 56, 647; “Four Quartets” 43; Murder in the Cathedral 56
Ellerbeck, Rosemary 12
Elliot, Jeffrey 467
Ellis, Osian 487
Ellsberg, Daniel 359
Emery, Len 504
End of Summer, The (film) 245
energy crisis (1973-1974) 405, 416, 418, 546n, 724
Engel, Charlie 162
England: C.I.’s trips to: (1970) xvi, 7–30, 38–77; (1973) 309, 312, 314–36; (1976) 510–516; (1977) 540, 542–3; (1980) 635, 643, 645; C.I.’s views on xxiv, xxxii, 52, 398; postal strike 145, 155; see also London
England, Barry, Conduct Unbecoming 46–7
Ennis, Bob (Exotica) 183, 185–6, 242–3, 724–5
Epstein, Barbara 509, 510, 725
Erdmann, Charles 394
Esquire (magazine) 89, 102, 104, 295, 297
Essentials of Vedanta (C.I.) 429
Essert, Gary 286, 297, 302
Evans, Edith 11
Evans, Gregory: and Nicholas Wilder 347, 361, 362; relationship with David Hockney 352, 362; stopped from entering Britain 362; Don Bachardy’s drawing of 374; socializing with C.I. and Bachardy 495, 497, 498, 502, 505, 506, 523, 599–600, 626; trip to Australia with Hockney 502, 505; 725
Evans, Meta see Mokshada Evans, Oliver 110, 231
Evans, Rex 221
Exhumations (C.I.) 666
Exotica see Ennis, Bob
Eyre, Ronald 44
Façade (ballet) 50
Fairfax, James 504, 725
Falk, Eric 516, 725
Falkland Islands conflict (1981) 681, 682
Family Plot (film) 503
Fanny (film) 488
Fantastic Voyage (film) 143
Fareed, Donald (neighbor) 250
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (publishers) 509, 612, 630, 644
Fat City (film) 311
Faught, Billy 664
Faure, Jacques 248n, 253
Faure, Pat 248, 253
Faye, Alice 397, 402, 403, 421, 458–9, 645, 725
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 275, 360, 435
Feiffer, Jules, Knock Knock 510
Feinberg, Dr. Seymour (dentist) 422
Feldman, Jean see Santoro, Jean
Fellegi, Margit 430
Fellini, Federico 140, 205; Casanova 535; La Dolce Vita 535; Roma 311; Satyricon 139, 535
Feydeau, Georges, 13 Rue de l’Amour 471
Fez, Morocco 517
Fiander, Lewis 318
Fichman, Dr. 678
Field, Ron 549
Fike, Vera (cleaner) 399, 461
Filler, Dr. Blair 562–3
Filmex (Los Angeles Film Festival) 286, 290, 297
Financial Times 45, 208
Finch, Eletha 508
Finch, Peter 508
Finkelstein, Seth 125
Finney, Albert 80, 134, 160, 321, 725–6
Finney, Brian 519, 520, 726; Christopher Isherwood: A Critical Biography 485, 488, 561
Finney, Marlene 519
Firth, Peter 511, 512, 726
Fisher, Marilyn 560
Fitts, George see Krishna Fitzgerald, F. Scott: Crazy Sundays: F. Scott Fitzgerald in Hollywood (Latham) 157; The Beautiful and Damned 471, 477, 478, 479, 481
Fizdale, Robert 661; The Life of Misia Sert 646
Flam, Wilbur (pseud.) 185
Flamini, Roland and Janet 493, 726
p; Flaubert, Gustave, Flaubert in Egypt 358, 556
Flecker, James Elroy, Hassan 24
Fleischmann, Ernest 379, 385, 386
Fletcher, Louise 528
Flood, Jess 244
Florida 544
“flower-children” 215, 263; see also hippies
Flowers, Wayland 495
flu, “London” 312
Foch, Nina 497–8, 726
Follies (musical) 171
Fonda, Jane 270, 277, 376, 726–7
Fontan, Jack: Don Bachardy visits at Laguna Beach 96, 99–100, 109, 279–80; astrology 99–100, 101, 102, 113, 122, 379, 401, 416; C.I. visits with Bachardy 101, 102, 354, 506–7; Bachardy visits at San Bernardino 178; and Lance Loud 379; and Paul Anderson 401; role in South Pacific 443n; C.I.’s concern for during land slides 585; 727
Foot, Philippa 495–6
Forbes, Bryan 253, 256, 288, 312, 727; The Distant Laughter 257; The Stepford Wives 439, 441
Ford, David 512
Ford, Ford Madox, The Fifth Queen 174
Ford, Gerald 452n, 527
Ford, Glenn 376, 727–8
Forest Lawn cemetery, Los Angeles 539
Forster, E.M. (Morgan): influence on C.I. x, xxiii, xxxvi; relationship with Bob Buckingham x, 22; literary technique xxxvi; C.I. visits in Cambridge 18, 20–22, 71–2, 74–5, 190; appearance 20; health 21, 22, 74; Order of Merit 21; correspondence with C.I. 22–3; Furbank’s biography 22–3, 46, 124; homosexuality 23; praises William Golding 43; and Spanish Civil War 72–3; and Auden 73; death 83–4, 85–6, 160; BBC film on 87, 89; his will 92n; C.I. contemplates memoir of 119; and Bill Roerick 432; C.I. writes about in Christopher and His Kind 462; anniversary of death 569; and William Caskey 637; on mortality 643; C.I.’s memories of 686; 728
“Dr. Woolacott” 23; Howards End 75; Maurice 22, 23, 124, 199; “The Other Boat” 23n, 72, 75, 117; A Passage to India 92
Fort William, Scotland 512
Foster, James M. 239–40, 241, 242
Foster, Phillip 19
Foucault, Michel xi Fouts, Denham (Denny) 243, 284, 614, 615, 644, 728
Fowles, John, The French Lieutenant’s Woman 11
Fox, James (Jimmy/Willie) 47, 163–4, 728–9
Fox, Lyle 628, 678, 729
France: C.I. visits 26, 27, 28, 30–38, 43, 56; C.I.’s Francophobia 335, 339, 534, 596
Francis, Arlene 221
Francis, Sam 494, 621
Franju, Georges: The Sin of Father Mouret 513; Thomas the Imposter 248, 311
Frankenheimer, John 544, 545, 551, 729
“Frankenstein: The True Story” (C.I. and Don Bachardy; television film): critical reception xvii, xviii, 406, 466; as reflection of C.I.’s and Bachardy’s life together xvii–xix; their reaction to final production xvii, xviii, 380–81, 406; commissioning 106, 107, 114, 115, 118, 130, 132, 133; casting 115, 134, 160–61, 187, 211, 213, 214, 242, 286, 312, 316, 318, 319, 347; writing and revising 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 143, 144, 145, 149, 151–2, 153, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 175, 176, 177, 178, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 192–3, 195–6, 198, 199, 207, 213, 221, 233, 235, 236, 293, 295, 317, 323; negotiations and pre-production 179, 199, 206, 211, 213, 214, 221, 222, 227, 228, 231, 233, 237, 242, 247, 256, 286, 288, 290, 291, 292–3, 293–4, 309, 312, 316–17, 347; filming 347; music for 356–7; broadcast 372, 381, 406; publication of screenplay 397, 399, 404, 406
Frankfort, Henri, Ancient Egyptian Religion 288
Franklin, Andrew (British Consul) 146
Franklin, Bill (“The Downer”): relationship with Don Bachardy 412n, 579–80, 594, 602, 606, 607, 608, 609–610, 612, 624, 648; socializing with C.I. and Bachardy 575, 587, 593, 593–4, 596, 599, 651; appearance and character 579–80, 587, 608, 609; in San Francisco 601, 606; trip to Mexico with Bachardy 602, 603, 604, 605–6; acting career 606; trip to New Orleans with Bachardy 609, 610; at Bachardy’s Robert Miller Gallery show in New York 651; 729
Frechette, Mark 24
Free Press (newspaper) 83, 349
freeway construction 117–18
Fremantle, Anne, The Protestant Mystics xxxvn
French, Jessie 211–12, 236, 427, 494
French, Robin: and possible productions of A Meeting by the River 79, 91, 206, 345; and film script for Cabaret 93; views on economy 115; and “Frankenstein” television film 132, 193, 211, 236, 256, 312, 381; C.I. seeks financial advice from 195, 633; C.I.’s friendship and socializing with 211–12, 427, 494; family life 211–12, 236; and script of Galsworthy’s The Apple Tree 260, 274; ideas for possible television projects 265; leaves agency business and joins Paramount 387, 427, 434; 729
Frenzy (film) 492
Freud, Lucian 319, 510, 513, 729
Freud, Sigmund xiii
Friebus, Florida 229, 230, 232, 306, 730
Friedrich, Otto, Before the Deluge 59
Frimley, Surrey, England 84, 86
From Waking Sleep (ballet) 58
Fry, Basil 146, 730
Fry, Christopher 604
Fry, Francis 490
Fry, Morris “Chick” 115
Fryer, Jonathan 483, 484–5, 521, 522; Christopher Isherwood 485, 488, 533, 551
Fuller, Brad 492
Fuller, Roy 208
Fullerton State University see California State University, Fullerton
Furbank, P.N. (Nicholas, Nick) 22–3, 26, 46, 72–3, 74, 124, 514, 730; E.M. Forster: A Life 22–23, 46, 124
Fusco, Cindy 495
Gage, Margaret 198–9, 730
Gain, Richard (Dick) 263, 730
Gallegly, David 501
Galsworthy, John, The Apple Tree 260, 274, 276
Gambhirananda, Swami 124, 344, 482, 730
Gandhi, Indira 155
Garbo, Greta 68, 111, 170, 173
Garcia, Alex (gardener) 495
Gardena, California 112
Gardner, Ava 68
Garibaldi, Giuseppe 574
Garland, Judy 111
Garnett, Constance, Chekhov translations 133, 145
Garrett, Stephen and Jean 493, 567, 730
Gary, James 44, 45
Gates, Jim: C.I.’s friendship with and views on 3, 5, 84–5, 95, 125, 220, 437, 462, 483–4, 489, 506, 604; operation on neck 4–5, 6; friendship with Peter Schneider 5, 85, 108, 167, 248, 273–4, 437, 487; house-sits for C.I. and Bachardy 5, 45, 161, 167, 174, 508, 516; initial involvement in Vedanta 5, 94, 108, 152, 161, 167, 210, 219, 222, 225, 233; conscientious objector 18, 39, 222; works at Goodwill as alternative to military service 39, 45, 94–5, 108, 167; and Jim Bridges and Jack Larson 45, 47–8; and Gilbert Peters 94; monk at Vedanta Center 233, 237, 273–4, 305, 346, 353, 364, 369, 401, 428, 436–7, 456, 463; at Shiva Ratri celebrations 346, 428; relationship with Allyn Nelson 353; and Larry Miller 454–5, 463, 468–9, 470, 473, 483; swollen lymph glands 463; leaves monastery 483–4; subsequent sex life 484, 486, 487, 489; job nursing Rudolf Sieber 485, 487, 489; at USC Gay Week 505; and Warren Neal 508, 518, 520, 562, 591, 593, 594; and Prabhavananda’s final illness 510; calls with news of Prabhavananda’s death 517, 525; and Krishna’s ill-health 535–6; visits Montecito temple with C.I. 547; pneumonia 548; plans trip to Morocco 591; real estate job 593, 629; and Kenny Howards 605; drinking 629; 730–31
Gauguin, Paul 569
Gauriprana 369
Gavin, Mike 17n
Gay Academic Union 538
Gay Community Services Center 299–300
gay liberation: C.I.’s interest and involvement in xi, xxv, xxviii–xxix, xxxviii, 97, 111–12, 161–2, 299–300, 432, 433, 485, 498, 538, 571, 590, 611, 666–7; National Students Gay Liberation Conference (1970) xxv, 97; One, Incorporated 47, 115–16, 299–300, 780; Gay-in at Griffith Park 82–3; Society of David 111–12, 161; Gay Pride parades 161–2, 611; Whitman-Radclyffe Foundation 240, 241, 242; university gay groups and gay pride events 485, 498, 505, 538; National Gay Archives 634–5; Mariposa Foundation 650–51; and Reagan presidency 657; see also homosexuality
Gay Liberation Book, The (Richmond and Noguera
) 583, 590
Gay Report, The (Jay and Young) 592
Gay Rights Advocates 618, 631, 666–7
Gay Sunshine (newspaper) 372, 583
Gaynor, Chris 498
Gaynor, Janet 502, 731
Gee, Mrs. (London cleaner) 59–60, 70
Geherin, David 226
Geldzahler, Henry 12, 496, 497, 508, 731
Gellis, Henry 213
Gemini Graphic Editions Limited 311, 499, 501
“Gems of Belgian Architecture” (C.I.) 51
General Belgrano (Argentinian warship) 682
George, Collins 643–4
Gerhart, Mary 506
Germany: Nazism viii, xxv, 270, 285, 522, 555; C.I.’s life in Berlin (1930s) xxiv–xxv, 398, 400, 408, 409, 437, 446, 447, 522, 668
Gernreich, Rudi 253
Gerren, Gregg 604, 605
Get to Know Your Rabbit (film) 311
Getty, John Paul, III 597–8
Ghosh, Girish 436
Gibbs, Christopher 29
Gielgud, John: television version of Hassan 24; New York production of Tiny Alice 40n; and proposed production of C.I.’s A Meeting by the River 55; C.I. socializes with in London 59, 514; Julius Caesar 120n, 542–3; anecdote about Mae West 235; fear of death 238; and Martin Hensler 238, 244, 245; and Truman Capote 238; in California 244, 245; Lost Horizon 244; Irene 259, 306; and Christopher Wood 365; “Frankenstein: The True Story” 381; 731–2
Giler, David 557
Gilgamesh (ballet) 75–6
Gill, Peter 24
Gilliat, Penelope 640, 641, 732
Ginsberg, Allen xxv, 97, 398, 732
Giorgi, Dr. Elsie: treats C.I. 526–7, 528, 539, 546, 558, 561, 562, 569, 572, 590, 601, 612, 624, 630–31, 634, 648, 663, 672, 673, 674, 676, 680; treats Don Bachardy 606, 643, 648
Giroux, Robert 509
Giselle (ballet) 73
Gladstone, William Ewart 632
Glaesner, Ole 29, 49, 732
Glencoe, Scotland 512
Glenn, Scott 2
Goddard, Paulette 306, 510, 732–3
Godfather, The (film) 350
Goff, Martyn 280
Gold, Arthur 661; The Life of Misia Sert 646
Gold, Louis 98, 124, 138
Golden West College, Huntington Beach, California 406
Goldin, Marilyn 657, 660, 733
Golding, John 61
Golding, William 11, 42–3; The Lord of the Flies 42, 43
Goldoni, Carlo, The Servant of Two Masters 328
Goleta, California 355
Gollub, Christian-Albrecht 491
Gone with the Wind (film) 253, 257
Gonzales, Larry 534, 535
Goodbye to Berlin (C.I.) 125n, 410, 446, 668n; see also van Druten, John, I Am a Camera
Liberation Page 115