Sin Eater: Complete First Season

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Sin Eater: Complete First Season Page 35

by P. K. Tyler

  "You're an impossibility. The bible says—" He looked back and forth between Nik and Vai. The two of them represented everything he’d been taught was wrong with the world. If anything they represented the reasons why the demons were able to come through to this reality, and yet, they were his only allies in the fight against evil. Nik almost felt sorry for him.

  Vai interrupted, her patience evaporating as she leapt to Nik’s defense. They could have been twins the way their emotions fed off of one another.

  "Oh, you can shove that line right up your ass." She motioned to the exit with her head, tugging on Nik's arm. "Come on. We came here for answers, for help. I think it's pretty clear we aren't going to get that." Her voice softened. "I'm sorry about Father Losado, Nik, but without him—" She glared at Jacek, then turned her heated gaze back to Nik. "There's nothing here for us."

  "I will help you, it is my calling." Jacek stilled his pacing and stared at the ground.

  "You can shove that up your ass too," Vai called over her shoulder and walked out of the room. Nik stayed close on her heels and, surprisingly, Jacek followed.

  When Nik raised his eyebrows in question, Jacek shrugged. "This is what I'm meant to do, aid the Sin Eater in his," he paused and looked at Vai, "or her, task. I don't understand how things have gotten so...complicated, but I will do what I must, to rid the world of evil." It was like he was reciting a line from a play, but Nik believed that Jacek would keep his word.

  "We can use the manpower, but listen, we’re on the same side. If this is going to work, we have to be able to fight side by side and not worry that you’re going to turn on us once the demons are taken care of."

  Jacek looked like Nik had punched him in the gut. “I would never... I could never harm a Child of Christ.”

  Nik scowled and Vai seemed to release a breath she had been holding.

  The holy warrior continued, “Especially one who I...” his words faded and he stared at his feet. Vai’s cheeks burned a blazing crimson and Nik chocked back a chuckle. This was something else they needed to talk about, how had she healed? Only one thing made sense after everything he'd seen the last few days, but that just wasn't possible. But it seemed like they were thinking the same thing, at least Jacek was. For now though, they needed to make a plan on how to fight Belial, and fast.

  "Find whatever weapons you can that might help. I'll be right back."

  Nik turned his back on them and scoured the halls for Zeph and Sister Francis Marie. He made his way through the back halls, the ones he'd paced growing up. He ran his hands along the stones remembering all the time he had spent here, sometimes because he had nowhere else to go crying, except within the circle of Father Losado's arms.

  Finally, he found Zeph back in the chapel where he had retreated to when they first came downstairs.

  "Are you coming with us?" Nik asked and Zeph whipped his head around, his eyes rimmed with red and bleary with tears.

  "Of course I'm coming with you," the priest snorted and stood up. "I'm always here to help you, Nik."

  "Don't do me any favors." Nik’s defenses shot up without him meaning to, but Zeph was the one person who could hurt him, and he didn’t think he could take any more right now.

  Zeph ran a hand through his hair and pulled on the shaggy locks that were just getting long enough to curl at the ends. "That's not what I meant."

  "What did you mean then?" Nik stepped forward, trying to keep his temper and his overwhelming desire to pull Zeph into his arms in check. He wanted to kiss him, to hold him, keep him safe and make all of this go away. If God had ever fucked someone over, it was Zeph; from his father, to the priest who made him think staying away from Nik was not only right but was saving Nik's soul, and now Adel.

  "I have to see this through for myself. I don't know what I mean about after all this," Zeph gestured between them, "but if my sister can be saved, I have to try."

  "I don't want you to watch me kill her," Nik confessed.

  "Maybe I won't have to." Zeph came closer and pressed a hand against Nik's chest. "Maybe she's in there."

  "I'm sorry, Zeph." He pulled the man he loved more than anything in the world into his arms, gripping him tight. "I'm so sorry."

  Zeph nodded into Nik's chest and Nik held him so tight he worried it might be suffocating. But the tighter he gripped him, the calmer Zeph seemed to become. His shoulders relaxed and his breathing slowed.

  Slowly, Zeph pulled away and looked up at Nik. Without saying anything he placed a hand on the Sin Eater's face, his thumb stroking the line of his cheekbone. "I love you, Nik. I know I've said it before, but with what we're about to face, I want to make sure you know it. I want to make sure you know that I've loved you for my entire life, that knowing you was enough because I loved you that much, but the idea of having you, of being with you, it makes my heart stop. I never imagined we could actually be together, I never let myself even dream it."

  Nik cut him off with his lips. Their mouths opened and their arms wound around each other and their kiss was desperate and hard. Full of all the things they never said, and full of the fear they may never get to.

  A few days of stubble from Zeph's chin scratched against Nik. He held on tightly, tasting Zeph's mouth with his tongue, drinking him in like he may never get a chance to again. Because depending on what happened over the next few hours, he may not.

  Soon the kiss ended and they stood silently in each other's arms. Too much on the mind for romance, Nik just wanted to hold and be held. The love that flowed between them felt tangible, like a current of electricity passing through them in a loop, amping up the charge and replenishing them both.

  A cough from the door interrupted the moment. Nik turned to find an amused Vai and a scowling Jacek.

  "We should all get some sleep.” Vai said. “Jacek thinks the demons are more likely to attack at night and apparently tonight is a meteor shower."

  "So what?” Nik asked, keeping one arm wrapped tight around Zeph's waist and ignoring the indignant fire coming from Jacek.

  "Tonight's meteor shower isn't one that happens very often. There's lore about it being a schism in the portal between worlds." Jacek's voice was deep and commanding, and when discussing something within his comfort zone, he took on an air of confidence that made him, well, fucking sexy if Nik was honest. His broad shoulders weren't from a gym, but from training and fighting, things Nik knew far too well. But where Nik and Vai had the advantage of their calling as a Sin Eater, Jacek simply fought. A pale scar down the right side of his face seemed to flicker in the candlelight, accenting Nik's thoughts.

  "A schism? Like between another universe or something?"

  "No," Jacek frowned, but it wasn't at Nik. It created a line of worry and deep thought between his dark eyes. "Between Heaven and Hell, between humanity and demons."

  "And Belial is here, on Earth. Jacek thinks he's going to try to knock down the gates of Hell, open them forever," Vai said. She snuck a look up at Jacek, one Nik was sure he wasn’t meant to see, because in that brief moment, he witnessed the respect and attraction she held for the holy warrior. It was just a flash, but Nik saw the overlay of her aura reaching out for his. And, amazingly, his aura reaching out to hers. She turned her eyes away instantly, but his gaze flickered over to her anyway. They reminded him of teenagers hell-bent on not being the first to cave.

  "Hell on Earth," Zeph said under his breath.

  Jacek nodded. "But we can't stop him if we're all exhausted. Sister Francis Marie has rooms set up for everyone, we'll sleep for a few hours then make our move.

  Nik nodded and pulled Zeph even closer. No way in Hell was he sleeping anywhere but next to Zeph. If he couldn't protect Adel or Father Losado, he sure as shit was going to keep the man he loved safe, no matter the cost.


  Zeph lay on his back, staring up at the stone ceiling above him, Nik softly snoring at his side. The two men had held each other in the small bed until finally Nik succumbed to sleep, neither up for any
overture of romance. The deep, even breathing eased him into sleep.

  Nik swiped the blade across Adel's middle and black ichor flung out in an arc but stayed attached to his blade as it stretched.

  Zeph expected it to retract, like a rubber band. It stretched and jiggled as though it would bounce back onto the blade.

  Instead, Nik's blade lit up like a sparkler on the fourth of July, red sparks igniting everywhere the black goo-stained its length. Like a wildfire, the sparkles spread rapidly and sought every drop of evil straining to flee from harm. Each tiny red explosion dissipated and revealed not even a hint of the evil blood he'd drawn.

  Nik swung the blade around as Adel was falling to her knees. He sliced upwards, towards her neck, grim determination set in his stony features.

  Zeph was powerless to stop the love of his life from killing his sister. He'd never forgive himself for failing her again.

  He woke with a start, heart thundering in his chest.

  "Hey," Nik's voice coming from the bathroom door startled him. "It's okay." He sank onto the mattress next to Zeph. His weight was as much a comfort as his long, slim fingers running through Zeph's hair. "It's okay, you were just dreaming."

  "Fubar." A shudder passed deep within his body, and Nik's eyes widened.

  "What are you talking about?" He pressed his wrist against Zeph's forehead. "You're not running a fever. What about Fubar?"

  Zeph flung the covers off and entered the small powder room in the suite usually reserved for visiting priests of the Old Order. "That's where they went, I'm sure of it. We have to get the others and go."

  When it was clear Zeph wasn't in need of privacy, Nik followed and propped himself against the doorframe. Zeph wanted to lean into his arms and forget the rest of the world existed. If he was being completely honest with himself, he wanted to make love to Nik and then die. He could let go of the world and all its miseries, God forgive him. If he could just have Nik all to himself for one perfect moment.

  "So, what ... you're psychic now?"

  Zeph drained a full glass of water then met Nik's ice blue gaze. "Last time, he brought me there to torment you, but he's moved beyond that now. He's got Adel. She's trapped in her own body, and completely at his mercy. So what does he want?"

  "Uh, aside from helping the anti-Christ take over the world?"

  "Asmodeus is tormenting me, for whatever reason." Zeph slammed his fist against the bathroom wall, his frustration welling up into fury. "Get Vai. Get Jacek. We have to go." He pushed his way past Nik and grabbed one of his shoes. Wait, clothes, I need clothes first.

  Zeph's mind was in a tailspin. He had to get to Adel. That buzzing in his ears returned and he shook his head. The next thing he knew, Nik had his arms wrapped around him, pulling him tight against his bare chest. Oh God, Nik's skin felt so good. He was warm and safe here. If it wasn't for Adel he'd ignore the whole thing and never leave Nik's embrace.

  "You really should lock your door," Vai said as she strolled into their room, eyebrow raised. She wore the same jeans as yesterday, still stained with dirt and blood, and a t-shirt she must have borrowed from Jacek. It hung loosely around her petite frame, but it was clean and definitely an improvement over the last time Zeph saw her.

  Jacek stood in the doorway, arms crossed over his broad chest in a way that Zeph couldn't help appreciating. He had on tight black pants and a black t-shirt tucked in at the waist. Except for the missing pastoral collar, he looked every bit the priest, including the worry line that grooved his forehead.

  Zeph pulled away from Nik, who scowled back at the holy warrior. "What are you doing here?" He scrambled to pull pants on over his boxers as Vai smirked.

  "Vai and I have been gathering weapons while you slept in. We texted Nik." Jacek made a quick movement of his thumb, miming the action.

  Zeph's hands paused over his fly as he looked at Nik who nodded.

  "Why are you so frantic?" Vai asked, coming further in and standing next to Nik. Side by side, you could almost see a resemblance. The cool blue eyes that could turn frigid and distant in a flash, the compact strength and confident bearing that came with knowing you could take down anyone who came at you. Even their dark hair and face shape were similar. If you didn’t know better, you’d think them cousins or relatives of some sort. Which, when Zeph thought about all he’d learned, they actually were. Cousins through Christ. The idea hurt his head.

  "Dream," Zeph said as he pulled on a black button up shirt. "Let's go."

  "Wait." Nik reached out and put a hand on his arm, those cold eyes melting. He turned to Vai and Jacek without removing his hand. A small show of possession that Zeph hadn't expected but found he liked. "Zeph had a dream about Asmodeus. He thinks the demon and Belial are at Fubar."

  "Then we go there," Vai said without a trace of doubt in her voice.

  "Why would the priest have a dream about their location?"

  "They're trying to draw him out," Nik said. "Probably to get us all there."

  "No, it's me she wants." Zeph sighed and ran a hand through his short hair. "I just don't know why."

  "I can think of one very good reason he wants you," Vai said. “Nik, just how willing to battle evil would you be if they killed Zeph? They know he's your weakness, your other."

  "I think I'd be ready to kill the Pope if he hurt Zeph," Nik snapped.

  "No, really, what better way to weaken you than to take away your source of strength? Your tie to Zeph is more than just emotional, he's your other. He sustains you."

  Jacek snorted and shook his head.

  "Do you think the demons know about that?" Nik stepped away from Zeph and he felt the absence of his warmth. "Isn't the whole 'other' concept a gypsy thing?"

  "It is," she nodded, "but it's something that transcends religious beliefs. Like I said, we Roma have a longer history than the church."

  Surprisingly, Jacek nodded. "The idea of an other half, a soul mate, if you will, is something that can be sensed and, consequently, proven to exist by demons. The concept goes all the way back to Jesus and Mary. Farther when you read the ancient texts, but the first absolute record is between Christ and his wife. Like Sin Eaters, demons and angels don't believe in anything, their reality is solid. Ideas like faith and belief mean nothing to them because they see what's really there, underneath. Humans can only speculate on such ideas, but if Nik and Vai say you are his other,” Jacek turns to Zeph, “then I believe you are, because they have the ability to divine such things as absolutes, whereas we are limited by words and ideas.”

  Zeph finished buttoning his black shirt and stuck his hands in his pockets. "Normally, I love to talk theology, and this is all exactly the kind of thing I spent all my time in seminary studying, but right now, we need to get back to the real world. If I'm right, then this demon has shifted its focus from Nik to me. If you're right, Vai, if it's to weaken Nik, then Fubar is the perfect place to hurt us both."

  "Wait, Zeph, if you're suggesting—" Nik said.

  "We go to Fubar and I confront Adel."

  "No, absolutely fucking not. You are not bait."

  "She won't let the demon kill me, he's had plenty of chances already, Nik."

  Vai and Jacek held their tongues, but neither seemed like they'd object to the plan. They simply stared at Nik, waiting for him to be convinced.

  "God damn it, Zeph, I just got you back! I can't just let you march up to the fucking anti-Christ and Asmodeus." His voice lowered to a whisper that stole Zeph's breath. "I can't lose you like that. These demons, this calling, have taken everything from me, even you. I can't lose you again."

  "You won't. You three just focus on Belial when we get there."

  Nik shook his head before Zeph could even finish speaking, but it was too late. Even Sister Francis Marie stood silently, waiting for Nik to accept what he couldn't change. Zeph had already made up his mind. He followed Vai and Jacek up, through the church, and out into the dark sky of Manhattan at night.

  Chapter Three

sp; Nik and Zeph followed Vai and Jacek through the church and out to the car, but Vai stopped before climbing in. Even at night, the city's lights cast everything in a surreal, fluorescent glow. Nik waited patiently, hoping she'd thought of a better idea than using Zeph as bait. He couldn't believe she'd gone along with that shit in the first place.

  "This is a terrible plan, you know," Nik muttered, refusing to look up.

  Zeph sighed, "It's the only plan we have. We know where they are and we know what they want."

  "What they want is you. And I still don't understand how you know all this."

  Zeph shrugged. "Maybe it's because of Asmodeus, maybe it's because Adel is trying to reach out to me somehow. Maybe it's just a hunch. I don't know, but when have we needed reasons for the things that happen in your world? The things you do, I don't understand that either, but I believe in it. I need you to believe in me now."

  "I do, it's just..."

  Vai spoke in a low, quiet voice, almost like she was thinking aloud. "Jacek, do you know anything about the Blood of Christ? About these?" Reaching into a sheath on her belt, she pulled a curved dagger with a handle shaped like a dragon, its wings tucked against its sides as though it were diving. Red flecks dotted the length of the blade.

  Jacek inhaled sharply. "Is that what I think it is?"

  Vai nodded. "It's made with the Blood of Christ."

  He gently took the blade from her and stared at it, his mouth open in unabashed reverence and awe. "A true Weapon of Christ. The Order has searched all these years for even a hint of what one might look like. Have the Romani had these all along? Have you been keeping these weapons from the Holy Church?"

  She snorted. "Up until about 100 years ago, they looked like dust. Without us, they’d be lost in the wind."

  Jacek gave her a quizzical glance.

  "Never mind that now, if we survive, I have things to show you that would blow the Old Order’s mind, but right now take this and use it. There’s power here."

  “I have no doubt of that,” Jacek said reverently, looking first at the blade and then up at Vai with a look of such openness, Nik had to look away. The man was kind of beautiful when he wasn’t spouting asinine prejudice bullshit.


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