A Tiger's Claim

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A Tiger's Claim Page 6

by Lia Davis

  That meant if she was pregnant, Travis was right about being mates.

  He covered her hand with his. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  She sighed and turned her head toward him. His forehead creased with worry, making her feel worse. “Look. You have a daughter to take care of, and I don’t want you feeling obligated to me because I might be carrying your child.”

  He sat back and crossed his arms. ‘You are my mate whether your pregnant or not.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “You don’t love me. You don’t even know me. How can you just accept it?”

  One side of his mouth lifted and she clenched her jaw. Before she could shoot out a response, he held up a hand and shook his head. “I know that you are a stubborn, but caring person.”

  She bit back a growl. “I’m also not a very good morning person. I’m a neat freak. And I have issues with following direction.”

  He picked up his coffee and took a sip, most likely hiding his smile from her. But, she saw it. When he sat the cup down, he said, “Sounds like you’ll get along with Josie very well.”

  Blah. What an irritating male. “So that’s it. You are reverting to back to the caveman days? I’m your mate and that’s it.”

  The amusement left his eyes. “You know as well as I do that the female has the final say.”

  Yes, she did know that. However, it didn’t always work that way among wolves. “For cats it does. Did you forget I grew up with wolves as well?”

  A tic formed in his jaw and she raised her eyebrows in challenge. He leaned in and spoke quietly. “I’m trying to play things by your rules. I could take you off, mark you, and pleasure you until the only thing you know is me.”

  She swallowed. A wave of desire rippled over her. Damn him. “I don’t know how to play this game. I’ve never considered having a mate. I always thought it would be years, maybe centuries before I had to worry about it.”

  He relaxed and stabbed a couple of pancakes and put them on her plate. “I want to get to know you. Have a chance to court you.”

  Okay, that didn’t sound too bad. I fact it sounded great. This male and his wolf intrigued her tiger, and Shay liked the idea of being mated. She also wanted to love the male she gave herself to. Travis may very well be that male. She watched him for another moment before saying, “I’d like that.”

  He gave her a gentle smile. “Thank you.”


  Later that afternoon, Travis leaned against the railing of the back porch watching Shay and Josie try to get butterflies to land on their fingers. Shay’s laughter was like music, soothing and beautiful. Relieved by how quickly Shay healed from the bullet wound, put him and his wolf at ease.

  Even though Mara wasn’t his true mate, her lose still cut deep. It fueled his need to seek out the enemy and make them pay. He told himself he’d never seek out a new mate only to have her taken from him.

  Then Shay came into his life. A true mate. One his wolf wanted, raising an over powering need to protect and claim. Shay’s resistance only fueled the need and pushed him to pursue her even harder.

  If he had to woe her into the mating, so be it. She was his, and he would have her. His wolf wouldn’t allow any other options.

  He felt his mother come to stand next to him. She was silent and he waited, knowing she would speak her mind when she was ready. “Are you sure she’s yours?”

  Without looking at her, he answered, “Yes.”

  “And the possibility of her being pregnant didn’t make this decision?”

  He fisted his hands. “You know as well as I do the only reason she could be pregnant without a bond is by being my true mate.”

  From the corner of his eye, he saw her should raise in a shrug. “Just checking. Her father will not be pleased. Adopted or not, the Alpha of Ashwood is very protective of his own.”

  Travis watched as Shay and Josie sat in the middle of some wild flowers. Josie chatted about her garden. He smiled. “Josie loves her.”

  His mother laughed softly. “Josie loves everyone, but I see it to. Shay has a maternal nature. She will be a great mother.”

  Travis felt his lips twitch at his mother’s subtle acceptance. He pushed away from the railing and descended the three steps to the backyard. Shay lifted her gaze to his and she smiled. A flash of silver appeared in her blue eyes almost too quick. If he hadn’t been so fixed on her, he might have missed it. Her tiger watched him behind her human eyes, telling him the cat knew who he was.

  All he had to do was convince the woman she was his.

  Chapter 8

  Shay wrung her hands in front of her as Travis packed up the mini-van with suitcases and a plastic storage box filled with some of Josie’s favorite things. Shay felt her lips lift in a smile and her worry about facing her father melted away a little. Travis’s daughter had stolen a place in her heart over the past couple of days.

  “I swear Josie has more stuff than the rest of us,” Travis said as closed the back door.

  Shay laughed. “Of course she does. She’s the princess.”

  Travis rolled his eyes then snaked an arm around her waist, drawing her into his hard chest. She gasped and rested her hands on his shoulders. His golden eyes held laughter. She’d discovered over the past two days that she loved to see the happiness in those eyes.

  He pressed his nose to hers and said, “I think you’re spoiling her.”

  Shay laughed. “She was already spoiled when I got here.”

  He pressed his lips to hers, drawing a soft moan from her. The clearing of a throat broke them apart. Shay flushed as she turned to Robyn, who held Josie. Reaching out, Shay brushed the hair from Josie’s face and frowned. “She’s burning up.”

  “What?” Travis advanced forward to place his hands on his daughter’s back, forehead, and then hands.

  Robyn placed a hand on one of his. “It’s just a fever. I have given her something to reduce it and help her sleep.”

  Shay wasn’t so sure. Worry churned inside her. As far as she knew, it was unusual for their young to catch colds. Josie was a sweetheart, and the thought of her being ill made Shay’s chest hurt. “We can wait to travel. I’ll call my father and tell him we’ll leave when Josie is well.”

  Robyn shook her head and moved to the passenger side of the van to place Josie in the car seat. “No. She’s strong. The fever will pass.”

  Trusting the little girl’s grandmother, Shay nodded and climbed into the front seat.

  A few moments later, they were on the road, heading toward Ashwood Falls. They rode in silence at first. Shay’s stomach was in knots that seemed to tighten with each passing mile toward home. Worry for Josie only made her antsy. She couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that something was wrong, very wrong.

  Spearing a glance in the back seat, she gave a small sigh of relief at see the little girl peacefully sleeping in her car seat. But, the relief was short lived as she met Robyn’s tension-filled gaze. There was something the elder wolf wasn’t sharing. Robyn shook her head, telling Shay to keep silent. Frowning, Shay looked back at Josie again before turning to peer out the windshield.

  So, as Shay expected, Josie wasn’t just running a fever. Fear raised its ugly head and wormed its way into her heart. The tiny child that Shay had grown so fond of in the short period of a few days was ill. Oh, God, she hoped the Ashwood wolf Healer could help Josie.

  She rested her head back on the seat and tried to squash her worry. Josie would be okay. She had to be.

  Josie was so lucky to have her nana. The only mother figure Shay had was Luna, the wolves’ Alpha female. Then again, Luna was like a mother to everyone in the den. Even Keegan. A giggle bubbled out of her, and she felt Travis peer over at her. She shook her head.

  Sighing, she closed her eyes while thumbing her pinky ring. It had been a gift from her father when she refused to shift in front of the others. At the time, she’d wanted to keep her modesty. Plus, she felt ill at the thought of the boys seeing the mark of their e
nemy etched into her skin.

  Finally, after her third time of being caught ditching training, Keegan gave her the ring, explaining it had been his mate’s before she died. He told Shay that Cate would have wanted her to have it, and that the ring was passed down from mother to daughter for centuries.

  The small blue opal glistened in the sunlight that streamed in through the window. She remembered the first time she slipped the ring on her finger. At the time, it fit on her ring finger, but as she got older, taller, and gained the curves of womanhood, she had to wear it on her pinky. One day, she’d find out how to make another and pass this one down to her own daughter.

  The warmth of Travis’s hand as he rested it on hers seeped into her skin in a way that had become so familiar. Meeting his gaze, she smiled.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “My father. Home.” She didn’t realize until that moment how much she’d missed everyone at the den. So much had happened in the past few days.

  He gave her hand a little squeeze before pulling it back to place back on the steering wheel. “We’re almost there. Why don’t you get some sleep?”

  His tone was soft, but there was a command hidden in his words. She’d heard it many times from her father. It came with being Alpha of a Pack.

  Any other time she would have argued, but today she was too tired. She nodded and laid her head back and welcomed sleep.


  A half hour later, Travis turned onto the road that led into the heart of Ashwood Falls’ den. After about a quarter of a mile, he came to a stop at a gate. Two males emerged immediately, palming the Glocks strapped to their belts. Travis knew by their scents one was a wolf and the other a leopard. Biting back a curse, Travis put the van in park and raised his hands to the top of the steering wheel, in view of the males.

  The leopard-shifter scented the air and ran to the passenger side, swinging open the door. Travis reacted like an overprotective mate by reaching for Shay, forgetting about the wolf to his left until the barrel of the 9 mm pressed painfully into his side.

  “I wouldn’t move if I were you.”

  The leopard carefully stroked Shay cheek, rousing her from sleep. Travis’s wolf paced under his skin as the other male touched what belonged to them. The wolf pressed the gun into Travis’s side a little harder, drawing a grunt from him.

  “My four-year-old daughter and mother are in the back. Could you put that thing away?”

  “When she,” the male nodded to Shay, “says to.”

  Of course. The Alpha’s princess.

  “Alec?” Shay asked sleepily.

  The leopard nodded and smiled while gathering up Travis’s mate in his arms for a tight hug. Travis growled as Shay wrapped her arms around the male. The Glock jammed into his side again, pulling another growl from him.

  The next moment, the wolf was yanked away. Travis looked to see Shay nose-to-nose with the enforcer, giving him a tongue-lashing.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Shay growled, backing the male up against the wall of the gatehouse.

  With raised hands, the male shook his head. “We have orders, Shay.”

  “Yeah? You know what you can do with those orders.”

  Travis sensed the fury stirring inside her. He went to open his car door but stopped when he saw Luna Raines walking toward them with a not-so-pleased expression.

  “Dane, go cool off,” the Alpha female said before coming to a stop next to Shay.

  Dane growled softly right before he turned to go back inside the small building.

  Shay faced Luna and pulled her into a hug. Travis noticed how Luna stiffened a second before returning the hug. After a moment, Luna pulled back, cupped Shay’s face, and smiled. “It is so good to have you back, baby girl.”

  Luna turned to Travis and nodded. “It’s nice to see you again, Travis.”

  Travis blinked and focused on her. She had her long, curly red hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her dark green eyes held more light in them than the last time they’d met. Damn, how long ago had it been? “Yes. It’s been awhile.”

  “Almost a hundred years. I heard you lost your Pack.”

  He clenched his jaw at the accusation in her undertone. Whatever. He was used to being accused of feeding his people to the rogues. “Everyone except my mother and daughter, whom are both with me.”

  Luna moved to get a better look inside the back of the van. A warm smile lifted her lips. “Hello, Robyn. I do apologize for my son, Dane.” Luna looked back at Travis, meeting his gaze. “We’ve all been on edge lately. Take Shay and your family to Keegan’s. I’ll be there in a bit, and we’ll discuss things then.”

  Travis nodded as she disappeared inside the gatehouse, not at all surprised that Luna picked up on his scent on Shay.

  Shay climbed back in the van. “Oh, Alec?” When the male looked at her, she continued. “Call Sasha and have her meet us at home.”

  Alec gave a short nod and pulled out his cell phone.

  Travis shifted the vehicle into drive and rolled through the now open gate.

  “Who’s that?”

  Shay laughed. “That is one of my brothers and the Beta of the leopard Pack.”

  “Who’s Sasha?”

  “The wolf Pack Healer.”

  He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Thanks.”

  She placed her hand on his arm. “Children are very special little beings. Hell, Josie’s already settled into my heart. I’ll help you and her any way I can.”

  His heart swelled with pride for the female next to him. “That vow goes both ways.” He took her hand and brought it to his mouth to place a kiss in her palm.

  A few moments later, they pulled into a drive leading to a large two-story house. It was a modern-style red brick home with white trim. The front door opened, and a larger version of Alec walked out with a stern look on his face.

  Beside him, Shay sighed. “That’s my other brother, Blaine. He likes to growl a lot, so don’t take anything he says or does personally.”

  Travis laughed. He couldn’t help it. Her expression told him this brother was her favorite despite the go-to-hell vibe he threw off. Travis watched as Shay got out of the van and allowed Blaine to envelop her in a hug.

  His chest tightened. Damn, he missed his Pack. Wolves weren’t as touchy-feely as the felines, but they did depend on touch to strengthen the bond between them.

  Shaking off the unwanted emotions, he got out and opened the back door to take Josie out of her car seat. “Shoot, Ma. She’s burning up.”

  His mother’s gaze fell to her hands in her lap. “It’s gotten worse. I don’t know what it is.”

  “Sorry. I know.” He cradled his daughter to his chest and carried her to where Shay stood talking to Blaine.

  The male glared at Travis as though debating on whether to let him live. Shay noticed too. She placed a hand on Blaine’s chest and narrowed her eyes at him. Her brother studied her for a moment then turned to go inside.

  When they reached the door, Keegan stood in the doorway. Travis knew who he was by his power. As the Alpha of the Pack, he carried the Pack magick and strength in him. Something Travis used to possess.

  Shay let out a squeak and flew into the Alpha’s arms. Keegan hugged her tight while shifting his gaze to Travis. “Your power is still there. Just remember that we don’t have room for another Alpha in the den.”

  Shay smacked at Keegan’s arm. “Dad, stop. Luna is a great Alpha.”

  Keegan laughed and released his daughter. “I didn’t say she wasn’t. I just don’t need or want a third. Come on in. Sasha is on her way. She was taking care of a broken arm and terrified pup.”

  Shay gasped. “Who?”

  “Jon shifted for the first time today. He broke his mother’s arm when she tried to help him control it.”

  Travis frowned, stepped aside to let his mother enter before him, and then followed them inside. “Is it getting worse?” Keegan raised a brow. “The new shifts? Are the
kids resisting?”

  “No, but they are starting to shift earlier, taking everyone by surprise.” Keegan looked tired for a brief second before his expression closed again. “That’s just one of the many issues we’re facing, but we’ll talk more when Luna gets here.”

  Travis shook his head. “Oh, Keegan, this is my mother, Robyn. And the bundle in my arms is Josie.”

  Shay smiled and brushed the hair from Josie’s face. “She’s getting worse.” Fear paled her beautiful face.

  Travis cupped her face. “She’ll be okay.”

  God. Let him be right. He couldn’t lose Josie.

  Chapter 9

  “So…” Shay prompted as she stood behind Sasha and waited to see what the Healer would find wrong with Josie.

  Shay had led Travis to her room so he could lay his daughter down without the foot traffic and noise in the main rooms of the house.

  Apparently, Shay’s father had called a meeting.

  Sasha straightened, drawing Shay’s attention. “I was able to soothe her discomfort and bring her fever down.”

  She paused and looked a little too sad for Shay’s liking. “And?”

  Sasha turned toward Travis, so Shay moved closer to him. “I fear it’s in her blood. I’d like to take a sample and consult with Dani.”

  Shay whispered to Travis that Dani was the leopard Healer, and he nodded absently and replied to Sasha. “Sure. Can you do it tomorrow? If she’s sleeping peacefully, I’d like to keep her that way.”

  “Very well. I’ll have Dani come by in the morning. She can take the blood then. If you need me, just call.” Sasha leaned in and kissed Shay on the cheek. “Nice to have you back home. We were worried about you.”

  “Thanks, hon.”

  After Sasha left, Robyn got up from the chair where she’d been sitting quietly, to lie next to Josie. Her eyes filled, and Shay’s heart broke. “Robyn and Josie can sleep in here tonight. Alec is on duty at the gatehouse, so you can have his room.”


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