Project Dandelion

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Project Dandelion Page 7

by Heather Carson

  “Wonder if a nuclear winter only lasts for six weeks?” James laughed too. Dreya turned around and playfully gave them a “shush” with her finger across her lips before turning back to the screen. Katrina saw how engaged Dreya was with the lesson. She bet her notebook would be filled by now if Dreya was able to take notes. She will do okay, Katrina thought, she really wants to learn everything she can. James scooted closer to Katrina so that he could whisper without being scolded again. “Did you figure out if that maybe would be a yes yet?”

  Katrina rolled her eyes but was still smiling. “Why does that even matter right now? What if the doors open and everything is fine with our parents out there waiting for us? Or what if the doors don’t even open like you said this morning?” She held her breath after the last question realizing that was the scenario that actually scared her.

  “It matters because I like to have a plan,” James whispered. “And because I’d like to know where I stand with you.” He playfully winked at her.

  Katrina sighed. She hadn’t realized how difficult it must be for him, for all of them, to not have a clue as to what they were going to do once they were set free. She felt as though she couldn’t be the only one with some sort of preparation but no one else was letting on that they had any idea what to do when the doors opened. “Can we talk later? Tonight, when we don’t have a crowd around us.” James nodded and sat back to finish watching the show.


  The physical exercise session started at its normal time. Only some people from each room came out except for Room 6, all of Room 6 was there. Ethan and Willow didn’t show up. Those who were there followed the guidance that Nanny gave on the screen. Towards the end, as they were winding down and stretching, Katrina looked up and saw that all those who had skipped the session had now gathered in the common room to sit on the bleachers behind her. She stretched her arms behind her back as she went over to sit down too. James and Mia followed her. Jayden gave Dreya a questioning look, but she smiled at him, so he went to sit down.

  Mia was chewing her lip as Dreya addressed the crowd. “It has been brought to my attention that we all have different ideas on what to do when the doors open. I was under the impression that we would all part ways and go off to find what is left of our lives if the doors open and no one is there to greet us.” Katrina glanced around the room and saw the looks of fear on some faces and the relief of others as they agreed with Dreya.

  She continued, “But it seems like some of you would like to stay here until the food supply runs out, maybe even use the area on the surface to farm or build some kind of shelter where everyone can live. I was thinking that it might be a good idea to split into groups with some people staying here to keep the doors locked from the inside and some people going out to see what is happening in the world. They could bring back what they learned to those who stay. Of course, those who want to go off on your own can do so too. Does this sound like a good plan?”

  There were murmurs of consent around the room until Lark called out, “It doesn’t sound like much of a plan at all.”

  Everyone went silent. Dreya raised her eyebrow in his direction. “Do you have a better one?”

  Lark stood up from his seat. “As a matter of fact, I do.” He walked out onto the gym floor to stand in front of the room. “What Dreya is saying makes sense if what is left of the world isn’t chaotic or dangerous when those doors open. Except it probably will be. Why would the government go through all this trouble if they didn’t expect it to be that serious?”

  “We have a valuable resource here with Nanny delivering food and clean water daily,” Lark continued. “If we don’t want to lose that then the best plan is to stick together here to protect it. There is safety in numbers and we don’t know what kind of threats are out there yet. It would be better to dig out just to see if our parents are there, but to also stay here close to the area. Or even down here, as a group, if the world is as bad as Nanny says it could be.”

  Dreya was watching him intently, waiting for him to finish. “What about those who don’t want to stay?” she asked.

  “It would be selfish of them to leave. We would need the numbers to protect this base and to protect those not strong enough to stand on their own.” Lark’s gaze briefly lit onto Mia before returning to Dreya. He gave her a sympathetic smile.

  Dreya stood up straighter. “You’d have more food if some people left you know,” she tried to reason with him. “Plus, the party that heads out could bring back information and more supplies. Which I personally feel is better then sitting here in the dark.”

  “And what if they get captured?” Lark interrupted her. “They could give away where we are and put everyone that stays here in danger. We are talking about safety first. Once we establish some sort of stronghold on the surface then we can venture out. The most important thing is to build and foster a safe community that we can protect. Plus, if our families ever come back they will know where to find us. We may not have a clue where they are. Heck, we don’t even know where we are.” People began to clap as he finished. Dreya clenched her teeth. “Why don’t we take a vote?” Lark asked. “Everyone in favor of my plan, raise your hand.”

  The room broke out into conversation as some of the kids began to raise their hands. Dreya laughed. “This is great. Who is going to be the leader of this new community? You? Will Anna be okay taking orders from you?”

  Everyone looked to Anna who dropped her head down in embarrassment. She muttered in a barely audible voice, “If it is for the good of all of us then I will do whatever needs to be done.” Anna raised her hand. There were more claps and more hands went up. Anna lifted her eyes up to look first at Dreya and then to James. James shook his head in disbelief and turned to face the front.

  Lark continued, “Well, there you have it. It is better to put aside our differences and come together as a team instead of being picked off one by one on your own.” Dreya tensed as Lark put his arm around her. “Should we see how many people vote for Dreya’s plan?” Katrina raised her hand and turned to count six other hands up. Lark smiled at Dreya as she pushed his arm off her. “Looks like my plan wins.” He gave her a wink. The crowd cheered.

  Dreya shrugged her shoulders. “Do whatever you want. It’s not like you can keep us here if we don’t want to stay.”

  Lark’s grin spread across his face. “I think we can figure something out,” he whispered. “We wouldn’t want the idea of self-serving attitudes to spread.” Dreya glared at Lark as Nanny made the announcement for dinner.

  “I’m starving,” Lark called out. “Let’s all go eat our cardboard crackers.” The room erupted with laughter.

  Chapter 14

  “What the heck just happened?” Mia yelled to Dreya as soon as they reached their room. “Like seriously, what is going on? Did everyone just elect Lark as president or something? Why didn’t you just keep your mouth shut Dreya?” Mia was starting to shake. Dreya had a distant look in her eyes as she sat on the bed, but she shushed her sister and began to separate out food to save from the pouch.

  Jayden answered for her. “It was going to happen that way anyways, Mia. It is better that it is now out in the open. Dreya was just trying to start the conversation. Too many people are scared, and the idea of safety seems like the best plan to them.”

  Mia lowered her voice as she asked, “Can he really keep us here if we want to leave?”

  Katrina and Dreya locked eyes. Katrina bit her lip before addressing Mia. “He can try,” she said as she opened her food packet. She had seen this coming, knew that someone was going to step up and try to gain control. She had been hoping it would be Dreya who had the qualities of a good leader. Plus, she would stay out of her way, but Lark wanted it more and was able to play on the group’s fears. Whatever, Katrina thought. Not my monkeys, not my circus. Still, there was James to think about.

  Willow grabbed her food as she started to leave. “Mia,” she said stopping at the door, “I think it is a great idea. We
can focus on building up something really nice. A place better than the world was before. We will take care of each other here. You will see.” Willow left with her dinner.

  James came back into the room with his meal. He smiled at Katrina and she let go of the breath that she didn’t realize she was holding in.

  “What did they say?” Jayden asked with his mouth full of food.

  “They asked if I was going to stay and help.” James sat on his mattress and Jayden stopped chewing while he waited for the answer. “I told them I’d think about it. I figured it wouldn’t be smart to stir them up just yet.” He smiled as he opened his packet.

  Dreya, Jayden, and Ethan went to see the movie. Mia didn’t want to go and Dreya tried to convince her that the best plan was to keep acting normal for now.

  “Tell them I’m sick.” Mia buried herself under the blankets. After they left, Katrina and James slid into the bathroom and closed the door.

  “Well, what do you make of all this?” James said leaning his head back against the wall and resting his hands on top of his knees.

  “Stupidity,” Katrina said shifting her legs around while trying to get comfortable sitting on the floor. “They won’t make it here if there is anyone hostile that survived in the area.”

  James nodded his head. “Yeah. Also, if anyone finds out or knows about these shelters then they won’t be able to protect this place. I don’t understand this group think mentality.” He shook his head. “Anyways, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?”

  Katrina sighed. “I have my own plan on what to do if the doors open and no one is there. My dad told me not to take the pill until I got here. I know where we are and how to get out of here.” James eyes opened wide, but he sat silently waiting for her to finish. “It should take two weeks for the worst of the fallout to clear. If my dad isn’t there by then, I’m going straight to the mountains to our old camp. The camp is loaded with supplies that give me the best odds of survival. Plus, my dad will meet me there when he gets done with whatever he needs to do.” She waited for James to process what she said.

  He smiled a little. “So, you knew this was coming all along?”

  “Not this. I didn’t expect this, but my dad has always known that something would happen and was prepared.” Katrina looked at the floor.

  James chuckled. “He sounds like a smart guy. I keep wondering why my dad didn’t do the same. Well at least why didn’t we just run to the mountains and stay in one of his buddy’s hunting cabins up there. I don’t think there was enough time to plan. Just enough time to react. When Morgan said this place was here and she could get me in, dad jumped at the opportunity.”

  “Wait,” Katrina held up her hand. “Morgan is your dad’s girlfriend, right?” James nodded. “How did she get you in? You were supposed to have a parent do something that benefited society for your spot in here.”

  “Guess you aren’t the only one with secrets, eh?” James winked at her. Katrina felt the heat rising into her cheeks. “I don’t know. She must have pulled some strings fast. I still can’t believe that she did that. Or even understand why I am here.”

  “Your dad just wanted the best for you,” said Katrina sighing again. “He is giving you the best odds.”

  “I know,” James changed the subject. “So, you are telling me that you want to go all alone to the mountains even though there is this lucky, good looking guy who wants to come along with you?”

  Katrina laughed. “Well how can I say no to that? Except, you might have to meet my dad.”

  James gulped. “How bad can he be?”

  She just smiled. It felt good to let James in on her plans. Her dad may not agree with her telling anyone, but she would figure that out later. After a few moments, she leaned her head back against the wall and relaxed. “What are we going to do about Lark?”

  James didn’t hesitate. “Screw that guy. When the time comes, we dig out. Simple as that. What is he going to be able to do?”

  Katrina’s smile faded. “I have a feeling that life is going to get much more dramatic very soon,” she said.

  Chapter 15

  Day 8. All of Room 3 had started to get ready to head to the lesson for the morning. Katrina could feel the tension between them all.

  Willow apparently felt it too. “So, you guys are going to stay now, right?” she asked while getting up from her bed. “We are all in this together?”

  Mia made a huffing sound. Dreya shot her a quick look which silenced her little sister before responding. “I think that might be a good idea.” Dreya smiled at Willow. “We are figuring it all out.”

  Willow’s smile spread from ear to ear as she grabbed her food and left the room. Mia’s jaw dropped open as her sister spoke, but she quickly closed it when Dreya glared at her again.

  Ethan got his food packet. “I know you guys don’t want to stick around but it really is the safest plan. You said it yourself, James, that we can’t defend this place without the man power. If all of us stay, then we stand a chance.” He was trying to sound reassuring, but his voice was laced with nervousness.

  Jayden patted Ethan on the back. “We will figure it out bro. Don’t worry about it, okay?” Ethan nodded his head and began to eat his breakfast. James and Katrina exchanged a long look.

  After they had eaten, the rest of Room 3 headed to the common room. Lark was already there with Becca standing in front of the bleachers. Becca gave them a wave and yelled out, “Good morning!”

  Dreya smiled at her. “Nice to see you out of bed at this hour,” she called back as they took their seats.

  Once everyone else had piled into the room, Lark began to speak. “We were talking a lot last night and want to share what we came up with.” He scanned the room with a beaming politician’s smile. Katrina’s stomach rolled, and she unconsciously scooted closer to James. Lark continued, “We have so many ideas and want input from the rest of you on how to make this place even better.” Dreya crossed her arms.

  Becca spoke next. “First things first. When, or if, the doors open, we think that only one room should dig out. That way we only have one tunnel to worry about defending if the world is crazy up there. This is just to see what the surface is like directly above us and to see if any of our families are waiting. We can have a team of our strongest volunteers check it out before coming back to discuss what they find.” Becca smiled at the rest of Room 6 who were all sitting close together dead center in the front row.

  Katrina was biting her lip as Dreya immediately yelled, “We volunteer to dig the tunnel from our room and check everything out for you guys.”

  Lark smiled from the corner of his mouth. “I figured that you would, but this is something that we will all vote on. Plus, we already know that you wanted to leave us before, so it might be safer for the community if the tunnel went out of someone else’s room. I’m not sure if we could trust that you would come back because it doesn’t seem like you care about the rest of us.”

  Dreya’s eyes opened wide as she stared at Lark. A low murmur spread throughout the room with whispers directed toward her. He smiled at her as Becca continued talking. Mia scooted closer to her sister and Katrina could see the heat forming red blotches on Dreya’s skin. The vote was made that the tunnel would go from Room 6. They would dig out just to see what was on the surface while everyone else stayed inside waiting with the door locked. Lark acted as if he and his bunkmates were martyrs for volunteering to be the first to face the dangers outside. His smile made Katrina want to puke.


  James came back into the room with his lunch to find Mia yelling at her sister in a loud whisper. Jayden sat quietly on his bed eating. Ethan and Willow were gone. He went to sit next to Katrina on the floor.

  “What did they say to you?” she asked over a mouthful of dry peanut butter and jelly.

  James shook his head. “That guy is really full of himself. He honestly thinks that he is performing some great public service by saving everyone the effort of hav
ing to dig out.”

  Katrina thought for a moment and then interrupted Mia’s tirade by saying to her, “See if anyone is out there and then close the door.” Mia stopped mid-sentence and then ran to the entrance. She looked back while shaking her head as she pulled the door shut. Everyone turned to look at Katrina who tore her gaze away from James. She took a deep breath. “Once we get the okay and the doors unlock, we are digging out no matter what. Don’t worry about it anymore. Just play along with this whole utopian society idea until the time comes. They can’t stop us, especially if we lock the door from the inside.” Mia sighed in relief.

  Dreya kept looking at her hands. “What do we do about Willow and Ethan? We can’t lock them out of their own room. We have to tell them at least.”

  “We don’t have to do anything for anyone,” Katrina said. “I don’t trust them not to say anything and, right now, they don’t trust us. Worst case, we will tell them right before we start digging.”

  “I can’t believe how fast everyone turned on me, on us,” Dreya said finally looking up. “I was just trying to help, and he painted me as some selfish monster.”

  “It is group think mentality.” Katrina smiled at her sympathetically. “You can’t help anyone but yourself and I’m definitely not getting stuck here under Lark’s rule. When the doors open, we leave. Simple as that. Just remember to play their game until the time comes no matter how stupid it is.”

  “Agreed,” Mia, James, and Jayden said. Dreya slowly nodded her head.

  “Wait. What do we do if we see them on the surface?” Mia said pushing the door half open and then stopping it.

  “Let’s hope we can dig faster than them.” Katrina winked and Dreya finally smiled.

  Chapter 16

  Katrina was awake before the lights came on. She could hear the soft sounds of her roommates breathing punctuated by Ethan’s gargling snores. Stretching her feet out from under the blankets she touched the cold metal railing of the bed post with her toes. The sensation jarred her, and she became fully alert. Turning quietly onto her back, she let the events of the past week roll through her mind. Katrina realized that she had somehow started to care about the people around her and she was worried about them getting hurt. Especially James, she thought involuntarily. She quickly pushed the thought away. Her dad wouldn’t be happy that she was focusing on other people, but her dad wasn’t the one in the situation. Plus, he would understand that she couldn’t leave her team behind. Her dad would get over it.


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