Callie's Gift

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Callie's Gift Page 13

by T. J. Jones

  "You'll have that Jen. If anybody deserves to get what they want, it's you." Callie's heart sank just a little, but then she knew she didn't deserve Jenny. Hopefully Greg, or that bitch Fate, would let Jenny be happy, that was the most important thing. Callie was surprised when Jenny insisted she spend the night. Callie drifted off to sleep with her back to Jenny, encased in her arms and enveloped in the scent of apple shampoo. She knew it was time to let go a little and hope that Jenny could find her plowboy and three kids.

  Chapter 14

  Monday afternoon she went right to the food court after her last class. She ordered a small sub and something to drink and spent an hour and a half, reading for her classes. Danielle appeared suddenly, walking from behind the small building and ordering immediately. As she waited for her food she turned and scanned the area, almost cautiously. Callie watched her, not sure she'd been seen, and not sure the woman even wanted to talk to her. She was prepared to pursue her if she left, but the tall woman turned and walked directly to her table.

  "Can I join you, Callie?" Without waiting for a reply, she put her tray down and eased onto the bench. She didn't look up at first. She spread out the three large hotdogs and French fries she had purchased and covered them with relish and ketchup, then glanced up again. Callie smiled at her.

  "Do you always eat that much? I had two of those dogs the other day and I could barely walk. I've been having the chicken wrap the last few days."

  "You've been coming here every day. Stalking me?"

  "Girl's got to eat. If you know I've been here every day, who's stalking who?"

  "So, you must have figured out your girlfriend situation, decided on school, huh?"

  "Yeah. I think the girlfriend just wants to stay friends."

  "Friend zone, hate that shit. Let's not do that okay?"

  "What is it you would like to do?" Danielle had already managed to inhale two of the hotdogs while carrying on the conversation.

  "I'm guessing we're going to be great friends Callie, but we can have some fun, right? I think we can enjoy each other's company, and get some important things done, too."

  "Yeah, I'm all for enjoying your company. But I'm sure lost about whatever else you're talking about."

  "I thought maybe that's why you've been looking for me, for some answers. Or are you really just crushing on me?" Callie reached out and stole a couple fries. Danielle tossed a few of her fries on a napkin and slid it over to the blonde. "I hate when people steal shit, just ask, I'll give you anything you want."

  "Sounds like you're flirting again. But you look like you could break me in two if I piss you off, so I'll leave your food alone from now on. Do you see them too?"

  "When they wish." Danielle looked cautiously into Callie's blue eyes. "They seem extremely interested in you. Like you're something special. Are you?"

  "Can't imagine why. I dream shit that happens thousands of miles away. I have vague, fucked up premonitions that I don't understand, but always seem to come true. I paint things that don't make sense. Sometimes I dream about you, and there's always trouble, what is that all about?"

  "I'm not sure honestly. I don't have your gifts."

  "Gifts? It doesn't seem like any of this is a gift. I've seen some horrible shit, and so far, nothing good has come out of any of it." Danielle crumpled up her wrappers and Callie knew she was about to bolt again. "Are you running off? We need to talk about this shit!"

  "We'll see each other soon, and a lot more often, that I can tell you. Just relax Callie and live your life. The Sisters think you're very important, I can feel that, and they're never wrong. Don't try to keep them out, it's not possible anyway. I'll track you down soon, okay?"

  "I really want to thank you for being so damn much help." Callie said sarcastically.

  "Baby steps, Callie." The woman winked and stood up. "Baby steps."

  When Callie returned to her room the door stood open. She peered around the corner and saw that her new roommate had arrived. The girl was bent over her bed, pulling a fitted sheet over the mattress. Several boxes of clothes and personal items were stacked haphazardly on the floor. The girl's legs were long and shapely. She wore a pair of skimpy boxer shorts and a tank top, and Callie could see her long blonde hair hanging almost to the bed she was working on. Callie felt a growing interest as her eyes lingered on the other girl. She coughed softly, so as not to startle the new girl. The girl turned and looked down at Callie, stepping closer and extending a hand. Callie recognized her instantly.

  "Holy crap," The tall blonde said smiling. "Small world huh Sugar? The last time I saw you, you were all messed up. I kind of thought you were crushing on me." Callie blushed.

  "Yeah, that was about the last time I got that liquored up. And I probably was crushing on you a little, long legs and blond hair are kind of my thing. Callie Fisher, remember?"

  "Oh yeah, my cousin's party. So, you're a little dyke, huh?" Callie was new to being out, but that didn't seem like a compliment.

  "Hey, what the fuck, I don't---" Her new roommate cut her off.

  "Jesus, I'm sorry, that's not the right word, is it? But hey, I've been with a lady or two, and I was all over that, so don’t get mad. I didn't mean anything bad by it. I'm all about just doing what feels good, you know?"

  "Okay. I just kind of started telling people, and I guess I'm touchy. I get pissed pretty easy anyway."

  "So, you've never had any dick?" Callie made a faceand shook her head, laughing. "Wow. Oh, I'm Natalie by the way, don't know if you remember. You were really drunk the night I met you. Natalie Clark. I'm from Saint Cloud. I have to hurry up and put my shit away, Ozzy's picking me up. Ozzy's my boyfriend."

  "Ozzy? That's different."

  "Oswald P Marsh. His old man is filthy stinking rich, wants Oz to take over the firm. Ozzy's great, he's a party animal, but so am I. Oh, he'll like you, he's going to want to screw you the minute he sees you. My God, you are one beautiful piece of ass. Those fucking eyes of yours! He's going to want a three way. He's always trying to go there. We've done it a few times. Of course, it's always with another girl. He's okay with me getting some strange, but he doesn't want to be in the room when it's happening. Are you into it? I'd go for that."

  "No, I better pass, but thanks. You are nothing like my old roommate, that's for sure." Callie said, a little shocked and skeptical. "I've never known anybody that actually had a threesome before. Have you really, or are you just talking shit."

  "No way, I'm totally serious. I went to an orgy once too, swingers really. Everybody kind of swapped, you know, it wasn't like in the movies where twenty people are all laying around doing it, but it was hot. Honestly, I can't remember a lot, I was pretty stoned." Callie wasn't sure what to think. Natalie was certainly more entertaining than Daphne had been, even if she didn't believe half of her stories. And she did have those nice long legs.

  "Oz is coming to get me in an hour or so. He lives with his parents, but he has his own door and they don't give a shit what he does. We're going to tip a few, probably get smoked up, if you want to come with."

  "I don't think so. Probably have to pass on that one too. I have an early class, but I'll take a raincheck. I'm not a big partier, but maybe we can hang out over the weekend. If I get wasted during the week, I won't get up for class."

  "Alright, but Oz always has good smoke. He finished law school last year. Where should we put all my shit?"

  Callie helped Natalie organize her things. The room was tiny, two beds, two desks, and a toilet and sink. The shower was down the hall and they shared with three other rooms. Natalie wasn't the least bit self-conscious, and Callie started wondering if maybe all those stories were true. Once her clothes were unpacked, Natalie flipped her tank top off and pulled on a heavier shirt. Callie did her best to appear uninterested. Natalie smirked at her.

  "You can look at the goods if you want roomie, it's a small space and I'm not shy."

  "I noticed." Callie rolled her eyes. "You do have nice goods, that's fo
r sure."

  "Thanks. You and I might just have to take a walk on the wild side some night. I think I kind of let you down at that party, and I really hate to disappoint."


  "Chester, I'm telling you, my new roommate is one crazy assed bitch. All she does is drink and smoke weed, and jump on her rich boyfriend. I've seen her for about half an hour all week. I don't know if she's at Ozzy's house or if she's really a streetwalker and just doesn't want to tell me. She'd be a good one. She's so hot it's unbelievable, and she talks like she screws around a lot on her boyfriend. He's doing it too, so whatever I guess."

  "So, does she like girls too? Are you two doing any bed hopping?" Travis had driven up from his school to have a late lunch with Callie. They sat at the lunch counter where Callie had met Danielle, talking about their first weeks of school. Callie threw a pickle at him.

  "You'd like that wouldn't you. Should I take some pictures?"

  "Would you? That would really be great, we're talking every guy's dream here. But since we're supposed to just be buddies and all, that might be kind of weird, right?"

  "Like I would do that, you nimrod. Any girls looking good over at the bible college?"

  "You wouldn't believe it, it's like heaven. But nobody that would go out with me."

  "What? That's bullshit. I'd date you in a heartbeat, if I liked guys." Travis suddenly leaned to the side, peering at someone at the lunch counter. He raised his hand.

  "Hey, Alexandra. Alexandra!" Callie turned in her chair in time to see Danielle, striding quickly away from them. She must have left without her sandwich, because the vendor was looking around curiously, obviously wondering what had become of her. Callie walked up to the counter quickly.

  "Hey, Max. Wasn't that Danielle, that friend of mine?"

  "Yeah, what the hell, she just took off all of a sudden." Callie offered to buy the sandwich but Max waved her away. "I'll just eat it later myself, no big deal. That girl's always in a hurry to get somewhere."

  "Chester," Callie sat back down. "Why'd you call her Alexandra?"

  "Well, that's her name. I know that was her. There aren't that many Amazons running around. She must be six foot tall, and I know I couldn't beat her at arm wrestling. It was her, she's in two of my classes, and she's one of the few people who actually talk to me."

  "So, what does she talk to you about?"

  "Callie, what the hell? She just says hi, where you from, what'd you get for number four in the quiz. Just stupid shit. Do you know her?"

  "That was Danielle, I see her here all the time, Max said so too."

  "Well, then she has a twin sister, because that was Alexandra."

  "Weird. Oh well, how're you doing in school?"

  "Easy so far. I only have a couple engineering classes this semester. How about you?"

  "Yeah, easy stuff too. I'm staying in town this weekend. Want to go to a party? Natalie wants me to hang with her and go to a party with her and her boyfriend, probably be crazy."

  "Do I have to pretend to be your boyfriend again? If I meet some hot girl, I'm ditching you, you're on your own."

  "Okay Casanova. Want to bet on who finds a girlfriend first?"

  "That wouldn't be fair. I look like this and you're a frigging goddess. I still think you should just try a little Texas one time, you might really like it." Callie laughed and tossed another pickle.

  Callie had stopped believing in coincidences. The fact that Danielle was in two of Travis's classes seemed too odd. It was remotely possible that some girl named Alexandra looked exactly like Danielle. But Danielle had hurried away when Travis called her, and Callie was sure that wasn't innocent. She didn't want Callie to know that she knew Travis. What reason could she have for seeking out Travis? And how were the voices in her head involved?

  Danielle had called them the Sisters, and it seemed to fit. Callie was sure the voices she heard were all female. So, the "Sisters" huh? She could feel that they had some sort of a bond, tied together by a common purpose, like a family. They hadn't bothered her lately, pulling at the corners of her mind, trying to pry. Danielle had said it was impossible to keep them out, but she wasn't sure if that was true, and she wasn't sure she wanted to. All of it still seemed like bullshit, but there was no denying what went on in her head. If Danielle couldn't give her answers, maybe the Sisters would. She could let them in, but then she wasn't consciously keeping them out. Did they just have nothing to say right now? The same question replayed over and over in Callie's mind. Why was this happening to her?

  Chapter 15

  Oswald Marsh stretched and squinted when the morning sun struck his face. He smiled slightly as he realized that it wasn't the sun that had roused him, but the ministrations of a warm tongue. His bedmate, alerted to the fact that he was awake, started to slide up from under the sheets. He quickly pushed her head back to its previous location. "Nobody likes a quitter, baby. Finish what you started." He lay back, trying to remember coming home, and who had accompanied him. He'd been with Nat early, but was sure he had found a little brunette at the bar after he took her back to the dorm. The girl finished him quickly, then slid up to his neck, giggled and attempted to kiss him. "Jesus, bitch, I'm not kissing you. Get your shit and go. Now!"

  It was indeed the tiny brunette that jumped from his bed and dressed quickly. Ozzy leaned over and pulled a pair of hundreds from his wallet. "Here, cab money."

  "Jesus Ozzy, I'm not a damn hooker." Ozzy shrugged, but she took the money. The room was an enormous suite, with its own bathroom and bar. She briefly went into the bathroom, then stomped out, without acknowledging the young man sprawled naked on the bed. "Asshole." She commented as she walked out, slamming the door behind her. Oz smiled.

  "Wow, you'd think she'd be happy. She got high as hell and made a few bucks."

  Oswald got out of bed, stretching again. He stood up, slightly off balance from the hangover and the after effects of the drugs he'd inhaled the night before. He was tall, well over six feet, and despite his life style, fairly fit. He was just beginning to notice a little sag in his stomach, and the start of love handles that protruded slightly beyond his belt. He slapped his stomach hard and turned sideways to the mirror, thoughtfully. Time to go to the gym. He examined his profile quickly, deciding to forego a shave. He never doubted the fact that he was good looking. He wore his reddish blond hair swept straight back. He had just turned twenty-seven, but he looked younger. His eyes were a deep blue and his lips were overly full, pouty some people said. He thought it made him look sensual, and looking young made it easier to hook up with college girls. He didn't draw the line there when the opportunity presented itself.

  Natalie had been sixteen when he met her. She'd snuck into a club downtown with a fake ID. Somebody at the door either didn't give a shit, or fell in love when she licked her lips. She had been a crazy bitch right from the start. Oz thought he was game for about anything, but the young blonde had surprised him. There wasn't anything she wouldn't do, and she seemed insatiable. That was why he'd kept her around for three years. But he knew he was going to have to cut her loose pretty soon. A state senator couldn't be hanging around with someone eight years younger, especially when she was so openly promiscuous. It was a couple years away, but that was the plan the elder Marsh had laid out. State senator for a few years, then a run at something bigger. That's where the money was, manipulating the system so his Dad and his rich cronies could get richer. Why buy a politician, when your son could become one? Ozzy jumped in the shower and smiled, thinking about the party coming up.

  Billy Ricks and Oz had been friends for a couple years. He owned a big house near Dinkytown, just outside the campus, and still took a couple classes every semester. Oz was pretty sure he didn't really plan to ever graduate, it was just a way to hook up with potential customers. He made a pile of money dealing drugs, and always slipped Oz some of his best stuff. Oz helped him with the cops. His old man's connections came in handy like that. It had turned into a sweet deal for them both,
and the parties were kind of a bonus. All kinds of young women usually showed up, naïve bitches looking for more excitement than they could find in whatever little town they'd left behind. Oz was always happy to oblige, and sometimes it got nasty. Nat was coming Saturday night, so sex was guaranteed. Maybe, they could talk some sweet little farm girl into a threesome. It wouldn't be the first time, with the help of a little special medication, that he and Nat had doubled up on some innocent. The thought excited him and he wished he hadn't tossed his overnight guest out so quickly. He glanced at the clock and frowned. No time, breakfast with the boss.

  He dressed quickly then climbed the stairs to his parents living quarters. Their house was a renovated mansion, from the days when living on Summit Avenue meant you were one of the movers and shakers of the state. In some cases, it still meant that. The Marsh family had been wealthy long before Ozzy had been born, even before his grandfather had started the law firm. The real money was in their real estate and stock holdings. There were fortunes to be made if you had the right information, or could leverage the right people. Ozzy's father was all about that. It was eight sharp when Ozzy bent down and kissed his mother's cheek, as he did every morning, then took his place across from her.

  His father sat at the head of the table, just finishing the with the morning newspaper. "They closed down 94 again. Fucking protestors, they should take a couple semi-trucks and just run all their asses over. Honest people can't get to work because they're out there waving their God damn signs. Fuck 'em."

  "Oswald, please don't use that language at the breakfast table." Mrs. Marsh interjected.

  "Yeah, whatever." The elder Marsh mumbled. "That's why I want you to run Ozzy, to stop stupid shit like that."


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