Callie's Gift

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Callie's Gift Page 16

by T. J. Jones


  Natalie Clark tipped her head back, enjoying the heat of the water and thinking about the night. Oz had been a total dick at the party. He'd started talking about her being the wrong kind of girl for a young congressman. She was too young and too slutty, people would talk. She knew that came from his Dad, but it hurt just the same. And he wouldn't let up, just kept berating her, so she finally went outside for a cigarette. There were a few other people out there, leaning on the railing of the steps that led to Billy's party house. She picked out the only single guy and asked him for a light. That was always enough to get things started.

  Eliot Nucci couldn't believe his luck when the pretty blonde approached him. He fumbled to light her cigarette, then slid the lighter back into his pocket and leaned back against the railing. He propped his elbows on the railing and pulled his stomach in slightly. It was something his brother Eddie had shown him, just a way to look relaxed and cool. The girl seemed to appreciate it, she smiled warmly at him. Leave it to Eddie to know what the girls liked. But you couldn't stand there like an idiot, you had to say something.

  "Nice night." Okay stupid, more. "Do you go to school here?"

  "When I feel like it, when I'm not too hung over."

  "Yeah, I know the feeling. You come to these parties a lot?"

  "Yeah. Billy and Oz are tight. Do you know Ozzy, he's kind of my boyfriend."

  "When you feel like it, right?" Good one Eliot thought. She laughed at that. "So, what's your name? I think you might be in my Lit class, but I sit way in the back."

  "Natalie, Natalie Clark. Sorry if I'm rude, but are you a foreign exchange student? You're kind of dark, which is pretty sexy, really. You're not like Muslim, are you?"

  "Hell no, I'm Italian, everybody in the family is dark, with black hair."

  "How long have you been in school? You're too old to be a Freshman."

  "I was in the military for a few years."

  "Yeah? Well, thank you for your service, isn't that what I'm supposed to say?"

  "Thanks, but it isn't like I was a war hero, I was stuck in an electrical shop on an aircraft carrier. I may have fixed some navigational circuits that blew some shit up, but that was as close as I ever came to seeing action. Mostly it was just boring."

  "Is that what you're going to school for, electrical stuff?"

  "Really I'm just here to meet hot girls like you." Natalie threw her head back and laughed. Eliot was happy with the way things were going. He needed to get a few beers in her. "I'll grab us a couple beers, unless you have to bounce?"

  "I'd love a beer. Fuck Ozzy, him and Billy were hitting on some slutty cheerleader types. Fucking pervs will probably start hanging around grade schools next, handing out candy. I am so done with that douche bag."

  Eliot ran up the steps into the main room and grabbed a pair of plastic cups. He had been invited to the party by a guy in his Chem class who'd been in the Navy, like him. The guy knew Ozzy and Billy well, and had introduced Eliot to them. He knew he was expected to buy some weed or drugs of some sort, if he wanted to get into future parties at the house. He nodded at the pair and saw that they were busy entertaining three girls that didn't look old enough to be in college. Perfect, he thought, if Oz doesn't watch out, I'll be stealing his woman. Eliot could just imagine the look on his brother's face when he saw Nat. She was even better looking than some of the strays Eddie had brought over to the apartment. And Eddie said Eliot didn't have game, he'd show him! Eliot let the foam settle on the cold beer, then topped them off and walked back outside. Natalie was talking to Ty, the guy who had vouched for Eliot. Natalie grabbed one of the beers from him and drained most of it.

  "Eliot, Ty says you're a good guy, like you're not going to rape and murder me or anything." Ty knew Natalie well. He poked her and said.

  "You can't rape the willing, right Natalie?" Eliot winced, wondering if Nat expected him to defend her, but she laughed harder than Ty at the lame joke. Natalie seemed wound up suddenly, and Eliot wondered if she and Ty had taken something. Drugs really weren't his thing. Usually they just made him feel sick and Eddie was a fucking Nazi about drugs. He had cracked Eliot alongside the head one time when he spotted the pills he left out, like an idiot. Eliot wasn't a puss, but he never messed with his brother. He didn't like the fact that Ty and Natalie were getting along so well, but he didn't want to come on too strong.

  "How do you know he's just not in on it? Maybe we both just want to get you alone." They both started laughing hysterically again, and he was sure they were on something.

  "I don't think I'm Ty's type, Eliot. He likes his girls with balls, or maybe he likes his guys with dresses, I haven't figured that out yet." It took Eliot a minute, then he joined in when the two started cackling again. That suited Eliot just fine. He really wanted to get Natalie away from the party, before Oz came to his senses and started looking for his girlfriend. Natalie would look pretty good on his arm. Maybe if he played his cards right she'd dump Oz and hang out with him. He'd never had much luck with girls, maybe that was about to change. Ty and Natalie had finished another streak of laughter.

  "Alright people, I'm going to cruise around and try and find myself a sweetie. Natalie, you be nice to Eliot, but don't get too kinky, I don't know if he can handle you." That brought on another fit of laughter from Nat. That was it, Eliot was sure they had taken something. But maybe that was good, maybe she would be more likely to fuck him if she were stoned. He always had trouble closing the deal, maybe whatever she took was an aphrodisiac, and she'd be a sex crazed lunatic once he got her back to the house. If he could get her back to the house. Natalie waved a hand in front of his face.

  "Earth to Eliot, are you in there?" Eliot smiled and lifted his glass. Natalie grabbed it from his hand laughing, then tipped it up and chugged the whole thing.

  "Hey," Eliot laughed, sliding an arm around her when she swayed as if she might fall. "Now I have to go get us more beer." Natalie leaned in a little and wrapped her lips around his earlobe, biting it hard enough to hurt a little. "Don't you have beer at your place?"

  "I've got a refrigerator full of beer. My lame ass brother got his own place a couple weeks ago, so we have the place all to ourselves."

  "Perfect. Let's get the hell out of here."

  "Don't you have to tell Ozzy?"

  "Why? He doesn't give a shit. If he wants to screw around with some little prick tease cheerleader, let him. I'm going to have some fun, you up for some fun?"

  "Can't believe we haven't left yet." They walked a half a block down the street to where Eliot's '98 Ford Econoline was parked. It had been a plumbing service truck most of its sad life. You could still see the outline of a speeding plumber, running with tools in hand to his next job. Natalie stood looking at the faded outline and tried to mimic the running figure, convulsing in laughter. Eliot looked at her curiously, holding her door open. "Do you always laugh this much?" She climbed in giving him an odd look.

  "It's the Blow, that shit always makes me giddy at first. Then it makes me horny."

  "Then Blow away, I say." Natalie nearly passed out from laughing so hard, and Eliot congratulated himself for the pun. Eliot's place was on the north end and it took them twenty- five minutes to get there. It was a small two-story with a white fence and two huge Oak trees in the yard. It had belonged to Eliot and Eddie's mother, but she had passed away just before Eliot got out of the Navy. The boys had tried living together, but Eddie hated the neighborhood. He moved downtown and now Eliot was stuck paying him for half the house. That was okay because Eddie could be kind of a prick, and was always telling Eliot what to do.

  Natalie had settled down and wasn't laughing at everything he said. She had shifted over to his side and was rubbing her hand up and down the inner part of his thigh while kissing his neck. He led her into the house and she fell on the couch. The living room was small, just the couch, a wooden rocker, a floor lamp, and a small TV. The wallpaper was a dark shade of green with swirls of lighter green. It had
been on the wall for thirty plus years, and was showing wear. She had taken off her coat. Natalie wore shorts in all but the coldest weather, and she stretched her legs out, hoisting one up on the back of the sofa. She smiled at Eliot, and began sliding a hand up and down the inside of her leg, moving slowly from her knee to her crotch. Eliot watched her, breathless. "Stay right there. I'll be right back, and I'll grab some beer."

  Eliot ran to the kitchen and grabbed four beers. He hurried back to the living room with them, laughing. "Here, have one. I'll be just a minute." He started up the steps, then turned and took another look at Natalie. "My God you're beautiful."

  "Hurry up Eliot, and hey, don't come back down here without a condom." Eliot giggled to himself. It certainly looked like he was going to have sex. He ran into the bathroom and shut the door, pulling out his cellphone. "Hey Eddie, guess who has a gorgeous blonde all spread out on Mom's couch, just waiting for me to give it to her. I am not lying. You're the asshole, I'm telling you, she is absolutely perfect. I stole her away from this snobby rich prick who doesn't appreciate her. Yeah, the guys a tool. Alright bud, I'll talk to you tomorrow, she is hot to trot and I can't keep her waiting. Dude, she's a ten, honest, I'll take fucking pictures. I have to go." Eliot chuckled as he walked back down the stairs. He knew Eddie would give him a hard time. Really, he couldn't believe his luck. Eliot was stunned when he discovered his mother's couch was empty, but then realized Natalie had just found the bedroom. What a night!

  Eliot had never met a person like Natalie. Maybe it was the cocaine, but she just wouldn't stop. He talked her into a couple beer breaks, because a guy could only do so much, but by the time she seemed content to lay on his shoulder and snuggle a little bit, the sun was coming up. She closed her eyes for a few minutes and he was sure she was asleep. He stared down at her, amazed by how beautiful she looked. Granted, her hair was a mess and her eye shadow had run all over, but Eliot thought she was about the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. She moaned a little and opened her eyes.

  "Hey sweetie." He said smiling softly. She stared at him, blinking.

  "Hey, crazy night huh? What time is it, I need to get back to the dorm." Without another word she untangled herself from Eliot and the blankets, and began dressing. He dressed quickly, afraid to make her late. They jumped in his van and drove through the early morning traffic in silence. Natalie laid her head on the side window, holding her eyes shut against the rising sun. When they had nearly reached their destination, Eliot spoke up.

  "So, Natalie, could I take you on a proper date sometime? I mean, you said you're done with Ozzy, so maybe I could take you out to dinner."

  "I'm not much of a dinner date kind of girl. More a snort some Coke and party type."

  "Maybe, but you said you're sick of how Ozzy treats you. I could take you out someplace nice, and we could maybe go dancing."

  "Yeah, I don't know. You're a nice enough guy Eliot, but seriously, dates aren't my thing. But I am sure sick of Oz being an ass all the time."

  "So, let me take you out and show you how a girl should be treated."

  "Yeah, maybe, okay? Give me your phone." Eliot blew her a kiss as she jumped out of the truck and started walking toward her dorm. He chuckled to himself as he looked at the number she had added to his favorites. He put the truck in gear. "Eddie is going to shit when I tell him about this."


  Eliot was elated that he had finally met a nice girl. Okay, maybe she was a little slutty, she had fucked him the same night they met. But that happened sometimes. Sometimes fate threw two people together unexpectedly and the chemistry was just there, and they ended up spending the rest of their lives together. She was certainly pretty, the best looking girl he had ever dated. He wouldn't let her meet Eddy until they'd gone out for a while. Eddy was a charmer and might somehow steal her away.

  Eliot knew there was no question that Eddie was more of a lady's man than he was. Even their own mother had succumbed to his charms. It always seemed to Eliot that his brother could do no wrong where their mother was concerned. He always had the prefect haircut and a girl on his arm. While Eliot had struggled in school, Eddie had managed almost straight A's. Eliot was in band, Eddie was in football. Eddie took the homecoming queen to the dance, Eliot begged a cousin to go, just for appearances, but she bailed at the last minute. It hadn't changed, even after high school. Eliot joined the Navy, to see the world, he said. Really, he just wanted to get away from their overly critical mother. And of course, Eddie became a Marine. While Eliot spent three years in the hull of an Aircraft carrier, tinkering with electronics, Eddie was out doing the real fighting.

  He tried not to be envious of Eddie. Eddie had stuck up for him more than once in high school. Junior year a scrawny senior had pushed Eliot into a locker, for no reason at all. Eddie exploded and beat the shit out of the guy. They all got suspended for a week for that. It didn't bother Eddie at all, but their mother had ripped Eliot a new one for causing all the trouble. It irritated Eliot that she always was on him and rarely said anything to Eddie. When she passed away, he flew home to bury her. Eddie couldn't even make it to the funeral, his unit was deep in enemy territory at the time, at least that's what he had claimed.

  Elliot managed to get out of the Navy early, because of his mother's death, and returned to the Twin Cities to find the family home in need of repair. Eddie came home two months later, feeling guilty for having missed the funeral and the last months of their mother's life. He had tried to hide it, but broke down one night and punched holes in the wall in his bedroom. When Eliot had tried to stop him, he slammed him into the wall as well, doing even more damage. Elliot forgave him of course, he knew Eddie was a lot closer to their mother than he had been, and how difficult that was for him. Eddie didn't use his GI benefits for school. He got a job working construction, making good money. But the old house reminded him too much of their Mom, and he finally moved out. Elliot decided to try college, his high school grades were just good enough to get him into the U. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do, but he was sure he wanted to find a girlfriend. After Eddie moved out he quickly became lonely. It seemed like meeting Natalie was meant to be, and he didn't plan to let her get away.

  Chapter 18

  Callie put her pajamas on and brushed her teeth in the small sink they had in the room. Her phone chimed and she picked it up quickly. It was from Jennifer. Just a kissing emoji, followed by a heart. She sent back a smiley face. She climbed into her bed with a book, wondering how she was going to make it without seeing Jenny for the next few weeks. She knew she might change her mind and go home. It was a self-imposed separation, one she wasn't completely committed to. She wanted Jenny to be happy, that was the important thing. Stopping to think, on that corner of all places, had seemed like a sign. So, signs, and fate, and destiny? Had she flipped on everything? What next, Astrology? Callie put her book down, looking at the ceiling, thinking.

  What or who determined that your fate was the right one? If someone tampered with fate, and altered it, who's to say the outcome wasn't what was supposed to be in the first place? Could you change history? Or were you just playing into history's hand, causing things to happen the way it was supposed to? Because of what she knew about Davis, she had written the letter, changing the fate of a lot of lives. Or was all that carnage inevitable? Was she just looking for ways to excuse what she'd done. What else might she do? Would she eventually hurt Jenny again, even more? The Sisters didn't all seem to be sure of the answers either. She knew from entering their minds that some of them were asking the same questions. She had to talk to someone, one of the Elders. She was relieved when Natalie came back into the room, it was a distraction.

  Natalie looked considerably better after a shower. But after sleeping most of the day she wasn't ready for bed, and wanted to talk with Callie.

  "Callie, I hope you don't think I'm a big slut, I mean, hooking up with Eliot last night. He's really a pretty decent guy. If I had any brains I'd just go out with somebody like hi
m and say the hell with Ozzy. We keep going through this shit. Oz acts like he's madly in love with me, then he gets bored and wants us to try things, sexually I mean, then, all of a sudden, I'm a tramp and I'm not good enough for him. I know I talk a big game Cal, but really, I love the guy. I'm just afraid I'm spinning my wheels."

  "You said something about his Dad, what's he got to do with it?"

  "That family has big money, really big money. And Mr. Marsh wants more, it's never enough, I guess. So now he wants Oz to go into politics, be a state senator or something, then maybe be the governor. The old man will be seventy before Oz would even have a chance of that happening, but it doesn't matter. If Ozzy's a politician, Mr. Marsh and his buddies can cash in, I guess. Ozzy couldn't care less, but the old man's making him go to party gatherings and rallies and stuff, to get his name known. His plan is for Oz to run for state senate next year. Anyway, Mrs. Marsh likes me, but Oz's Dad thinks I'm too young and cheap to be a politician's wife. Too cheap, that's what he told Oz! Mostly it's because my Mom's still an addict, and he's afraid if Ozzy and I got married, she'd show up and cause trouble. The whole situation sucks. I'm such an idiot." She had talked herself into crying. Callie got up from her bed and sat next to the girl.

  "Nat, don't say that, Ozzy's the idiot for not standing up to his Dad. And he's an idiot if he doesn't see how wonderful you are." She put an arm around the tall blonde's waist and put her head on her shoulder.


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