Callie's Gift

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Callie's Gift Page 19

by T. J. Jones

  The man on the ground groaned and slowly rolled over, then lurched to his feet. "Those bastards, I'll get them." He turned and looked at them sullenly. "I'll get them, so help me God. Thanks, but I'll be okay." They stood back as he struggled to limp away, holding his side. Callie looked at Travis, stricken. His eye was swelling and already was starting to turn an ugly shade of purple, but he smiled at her.

  "I never get bored when I hang out with you, Fisher. Can we just go bowling next time?"

  "I'm really sorry, Travis. That was really brave, not very smart, but really brave."

  "Why'd they listen to you? All they did was punch me."

  "I guess assholes don't hit girls. They had no problem kicking the crap out of that poor guy." Callie wasn't sure why they had just walked away, but she had felt the surge of energy and power, like the time she had chased Richie Carlson from the hardware store.

  "Hey roomy" Natalie called from the deck of the house, beer in hand. "Did that loser Eliot, get his ass kicked? Oz said he sent some of the boys out to take care of it."

  "That was Eliot? They could've killed him Natalie, Jesus! They jumped on Chester too. Nice bunch you run with. You can tell Ozzy I said he's a piece of shit. We're out of here."

  "Wow. Fine bitch, go to hell then." Natalie turned and stumbled back into the house as Travis and Callie started back to the pickup. Callie was fuming, swearing loudly as they walked down the street. Travis raised an eyebrow, and she stopped, laughing slightly.

  "I'm sorry. You're the one that got hit, I shouldn't be carrying on. It's just that I like Natalie, and that Oz is dragging her down to his level."

  "Well, she is good looking, but she needs better friends, that's for sure."

  Callie climbed into bed late. She had been trying to decide how to convince her roommate she was on the wrong path, without a huge fight. It appeared as if Eliot might have been badly hurt, or worse if they hadn't intervened. Callie was too well aware of what could happen, how a beating could turn into a death. Something about Eliot had worried Callie, but she pushed it aside. Even stalkers didn't deserve killing.

  She was at lunch the next day, when Travis sent her a text. 'Heading home, want a ride to your car?' She hadn't planned to go home for the weekend, but it seemed like a good excuse. She replied to his text and they agreed that he would pick her up at four that afternoon. Callie's last class ended at two and she hurried back to her dorm, hoping her roommate might have come back. Since she hadn't, Callie showered and threw a suitcase together. She left a note on Natalie's bed. 'Sorry, don't want to fight, just worried about you, Love Callie.' It didn't begin to cover everything she wanted to say, but that would have to wait until they had made peace. Travis texted her that he had arrived so she flung the strap of her bag onto her shoulder and went out the door.

  Travis sat in his pickup, looking dejected. His blackeye was even uglier than the previous Night, and the back of his truck was loaded with what looked to be all his worldly possessions. Callie tossed her bag into the cab of the pickup and climbed in, glowering at him.

  "So, what the hell, one little black eye and your throwing in the towel? Running back to Daddy? I miss home too, and I'm not giving up. And I don't even know what my major is yet. I thought you were all crazy to be a mechanical engineer?"

  "I really didn't think you'd be okay with this, but it isn't up to you Callie. I hate living here. I guess I'm just a farm boy. I'm close to flunking out anyway, I failed two of my midterms, and they called me in for counseling."

  "Chester, you're one of the smartest guys I know, how can that be?"

  "I don't know Callie! I studied my ass off. I know all the material backward and forward, but when I take the tests it's like my brain goes numb. I read the questions, and it's like they're in a different language. The deal I made with my Dad, he's not making me come home, but I've had it, I'm sorry." Callie was stunned at first, then suspicion began to grow.

  "Travis, the two classes you really bombed, are they the same classes that you have with that Alexandra woman we saw at the food court? Has she been back in those classes?"

  "I guess, yeah, she sits right next to me. That's why I know her, she's one of the few people that talks to me. What does that have to do with my flunking out?"

  "Nothing I guess," Callie slid down in her seat, fuming, then covered her tracks. "I thought maybe you were crushing on her, had your mind on her ass instead of the tests."

  "Ha, well there's nothing wrong with her ass, but seriously, I've really been trying."

  "I'm sorry Chester, really. I know how much you wanted this. But you’re a great guy and the world needs smart farmers too. I just want you to be happy. I'm sorry I yelled. I'm just still pissed off about last night."

  "I'll just be a plow jockey I guess. Now I have to explain this black eye to my Dad."

  "Tell him it was my fault, everybody knows I'm trouble." She was glad that she could make Travis laugh and she lightened the mood as they drove to her car, teasing him about charging into the fight the night before. She was sure he hadn't flunked out of school on his own. The Sisters, or possibly just Danielle, had somehow scrambled his brain at the right time. But for what purpose? Why did they want Travis out of the city, away from the school? What part could he play in their manipulations? Callie got in her car and started following Travis through the rush hour traffic, heading north. She decided to just push it from her mind for a while, avoid all thoughts Sister related. She would enjoy the weekend, spend time with her parents, and Jenny. She was going to have to confront Danielle at some point, and that was not going to be pretty.

  The weekend didn't go as Callie hoped it would. Jenny had drawn the graveyard shift at Walmart, which meant midnight until eight in the morning. Callie had a late supper with her on Friday night, then gave her a ride to work. She thought it was cute, the way Jenny leaned over for a kiss before climbing out of the car. It seemed bittersweet, just a small sample of what she would be missing, when Jenny found a man. She picked her up again in the morning and they made breakfast at Jenny's house, watched television for a while, then went to an early movie. Callie filled her in about Travis, leaving out her suspicions.

  "I always thought he was super smart, like you Callie."

  "He is a whole lot better than I am in higher Algebra and Calculus, Jen. I just don't get it. He is such a great guy. I hope he doesn't go crazy out there on the farm."

  "Have him call me. We can go to a movie or something." Callie gave her a blank look.

  "What? Oh, for crying out loud. I don't want to date him, it's just something to do when my girlfriend is off chasing around the Cities."

  "You have a girlfriend I don't know about?" Callie deadpanned.

  "Very funny, you shit. You know you love me."

  Callie dropped Jenny off in the early afternoon so she could sleep before her next shift. The redhead had suggested she nap with her for a bit, but Callie insisted she had homework. She did go home, enjoying the space her own bedroom allowed her. She pulled out her easel and began painting. She painted a portrait of Jenny and Travis dancing together in Jenny's living room, and oddly, with snowflakes falling gently around them. She had suddenly realized why Danielle had manipulated Travis's grades, why she would want him home, in this little town with Jenny. So, was Travis her destiny? Or was that a destiny the Sisters were forcing on them. Would that be a bad thing? They were both great people and she knew they were similar in a lot of ways. Fate could do worse than putting them together.

  But what about Danielle? Had she been put up to it by Teresa, or the Sisters? It still wasn't clear to Callie if Teresa was the boss of the Sisters, or some sort of senior adviser of sorts. Elders implied another small group. Were they the ones who collected the information and made the decisions? There was another possibility where Danielle was concerned. Perhaps she simply wanted Jenny out of the picture so Callie would be available to have sex. It was a scenario that seemed a little too familiar, and it quickly brought back painful memories. Ca
llie put her brushes away and looked at her picture. Whatever the reason for throwing them together, Travis and Jenny made a cute couple. She needed to let that happen. She took Jenny to work at midnight again, then picked her up after her shift, and joined her for breakfast. She ached to climb the stairs with her, to lay beside her again. But she knew this time she wouldn't stop herself, and that probably, Jenny wouldn't either. They watched television for a while, helping Jenny's Mom win at Jeopardy, then Callie announced that she had to head back to school early. Jenny walked her to the car.

  "Callie, did I do something wrong? I'm sorry my shift is so goofy. I guess I was hoping we'd have a chance to, you know, snuggle a little, before you go."

  "Jenny, I'm sorry, but I keep thinking that’s you just being lonely. I'm gay Jenny, snuggling like that makes me want things from you that I shouldn't want."

  "You're so goofy! Callie, I'm not some fourteen-year old girl you're perving on, I'm an adult. It's okay for you to want that, because I want it too. I can't make it any more obvious!"

  "Okay, I'm sorry, but I really do have to go. I'll see you at Thanksgiving okay?"

  "Callie, that's three weeks!" The redhead bent down beside Callie's car, biting her lip. "Alright. I'm the one that said you should go to the city and be a big deal. But I'm serious about how I'm feeling about you. I'm not just lonely, or just want to try a girl once, or whatever you think this is. I've thought a lot about it. But I won't rush you Callie, if that's the problem. We can go slow if that's what you want, but you did say you have feelings for me."

  "I know I did. I can't explain why I'm being such an idiot. Text me every day okay?"

  "I will. And you can come home before Thanksgiving you know, you don't have to be so stubborn. I love you."

  "Love you too." Callie drove away quickly. Maybe she was just being stubborn. Jenny seemed more sure than ever that she wanted Callie as more than a best friend. Why couldn't things be that simple for her? The Sisters and Teresa Blackburn had her second guessing everything. Was it possible that Jenny's sudden epiphany of affection for her might somehow be tied in with all this? Could she trust anyone's feelings, even her own? She decided on the drive home to give it until Christmas break, then make a decision. If Travis and Jenny worked out before then, so be it. If not, she would try with Jenny, maybe even move back and live a normal life. A normal life just didn't seem likely anymore.

  Chapter 21

  Eliot Nucci spent five days in the hospital with broken ribs and a punctured lung. His knee had twisted and he had torn muscles in his calf that would take weeks to heal. He began plotting his revenge immediately. He was reasonably certain that Natalie didn't know what had happened that night. She had been in the yard having a cigarette, and he took the opportunity to talk to her. He was sure her cell phone hadn't been working. He hadn't been able to get ahold of her for almost a week, so when she came outside he talked to her over the fence and she had the guy at the gate let him in. Then she had gone inside to go to the bathroom. He was standing by the fence waiting for her, when someone came up from behind him. Before he could react, he was being punched from several directions at once, then he was on the ground, getting the shit kicked out of him. He was sure he had felt the blow that broke his ribs. If not for the little blond girl, he wasn't sure he would have ever gotten up. He was able to protect his face and head at least.

  Eddie had come to the hospital, mad as hell. He was waiting for Eliot when he first woke up. He wanted to go right over there and kick some ass. Fortunately, Eliot managed to calm him down. Even Eddie didn't have a chance against those four behemoths that had jumped him. He assured Eddie that he had a plan to even the score, but he didn't share his ideas. But Eddie did talk him into carrying.

  "At the very least, start wearing the Glock for crying out loud. You have a permit to carry, that's what that's for, self-defense. You don't have to start shooting people, but even four guys will back up when they're looking down the barrel of a nine-millimeter. Was it all about that girl? We ought to go beat the shit out of that Ozzy guy. He probably got jealous because you were making time with his girl, and had them work you over."

  "Yeah Eddie, I'm going to get that son of a bitch one of these days, trust me. And I won't need your help either."

  "That's the spirit champ. What about the girl? Did she set you up?"

  "No, no way Eddie. Natalie's too good a person to do that."

  "Okay, if you say so. Well, if you need my help, I've got your back." Eddie left, and Eliot amused himself by picturing an explosion at the party house, the bodies of the four men, flying through the air. Ozzy, he would take care of personally. He had to keep Eddie out of it. But they would be very sorry they messed with Eliot Nucci. He would probably get caught, it seemed inevitable, but then Natalie would know how serious he was about her. The Glock was a good idea. Eddie had been stockpiling some supplies at the grandparent's farm. Special supplies. The kind they used to knock down buildings. Yeah, Natalie would be impressed. He smiled, thinking about how romantic it would be if she waited for him to get out of prison.


  Johnathan Marsh stared at Ozzy and Natalie. His wife was seated to his left, looking equally stern. Natalie thought it odd that she had been included in the meeting. Usually she hid out in the basement until Ozzy had concluded breakfast with his parents. Mr. Marsh paced the floor a bit, looking uncomfortable, then stopped in front of them.

  "Alright Ozzy, actually I'm talking to both of you now, it's time to get serious. This is what's going to happen. Oz, you will immediately stop hanging around over by Dinkytown with that drug selling, scumbag you call your friend. You will stop acting like a twenty-year old dope freak, and start being serious about your political future. Is that clear?"

  "Oh bullshit, Dad, I'm twenty-seven years old, you can't really tell me what the hell to do. I've been playing nice with all the party big wigs and they're happy with me."

  "They're happy with you because you're my son, that's the only reason. They all know who greases their wheels. Maybe I didn't make myself clear, this isn't a request. You're my son, but you're also my employee. As a state-senator you'll be worth millions to the firm, one way or another, and I'm not going to let you piss that away. Or stick it up your nose. That goes for both of you."

  "How am I involved?" Natalie asked quietly. Gretchen Marsh motioned at Natalie.

  "Hush dear, I went to bat for you, don't talk right now."

  "You keep showing up, Natalie. And my wife seems to think you're intelligent. If Ozzy doesn't screw this up, you could look good standing next to him. A Senator needs to appear stable. You've put up with Ozzy's philandering for what, three years now? It isn't likely to stop completely, but at least you know what you're getting into. If you're going to be around, you need to appear to be Ozzy's permanent companion. We can say your engaged if you want. Hell, you can be engaged if you want."

  "Dad, Jesus! No offense Natalie, but I have no plans to be engaged to anybody." The younger Marsh stood up. "You can't ram this down my throat." Johnathan Marsh also stood.

  "Like hell I can't! As of right now, you're off the goddamn drugs, and you're done with Billy Ricks and his dealing. I can have the cops there in five minutes with one phone call, so don't fuck with me. You're going to straighten out right now, or so help me I'll take your car, fire your ass, and toss you out in the street. Sit down, right now." Ashen, Ozzy settled into his chair. Johnathan Marsh continued. "Look, I like to have a drink, several of them sometimes, but you can't keep this up. You have to start being responsible. You're going to be incredibly rich someday, if I don't cut you off. I don't want to do that, so don't piss me off. If you don't want to be engaged, fine, but that's not the story we're going to leak to the papers. Natalie is going to be your steady girlfriend who will soon be your fiancé. Natalie, I get the impression that you really care about my son. Maybe he'll have sense enough to really marry you someday. The worst that will happen if you see this through to the election, is that you'll
get a nice check. You and Mrs. Marsh can talk about that. Sound okay?" Natalie glanced at Ozzy, who shook his head slightly.

  "Yeah, Mr. Marsh, I mean honestly I was kind of in this for the long haul anyway."

  "Natalie, you know I really care about you, right?" Ozzy asked.

  "Sure Oz. But honestly, it would be great if we were both a little more committed, don't you think?"

  "There you go Oz." Johnathan Marsh smiled at Natalie. "Would you rather be a Senator with a pretty young fiancé, or would you rather go live on the street, up to you."


  Natalie didn't return to the dorm until Tuesday. Callie knew she had been there over the weekend, the note was gone. She walked in quietly and smiled at Callie. "So, sorry things got out of hand at the party the other night. Ozzy overreacted. But that Eliot guy was getting seriously weird, talking about taking me away, where I'd be safe, where Oz couldn't get to me. He might have just meant to the other side of town, or he might of meant locked in his basement, I don't know. But he's nuts, either way. I'm sorry if you or Travis got hurt."

  "Travis had a black eye, but no big deal, he's a cowboy."

  "Oz and I had kind of a big blow up with his Dad. The old man is ready to toss Oz out of the firm and boot him if he doesn't straighten out. Surprised me, but Mrs. Marsh actually stuck up for me. Well, it was kind of sweet, the way it went down. But the deal is, Ozzy and I have to straighten up, both of us. He wants Oz to run for that congressional seat, but that means Ozzy has to act like a lawyer, and I have to act like a student. The old man says if we both look the part, it won't matter that I'm a lot younger. They're going to tell the press that we're close to being engaged."

  "So, you're going to act like you're a normal college girl?"


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