It's a Work Thing

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It's a Work Thing Page 18

by Michelle Karise

  "She's a wonderful woman. I like her."

  There was so much more that I wanted to say, but Hunter would have looked as if I'd sprouted a second head. Jasmine was more than wonderful; she took my breath away. She was everything that a man could want in and out of his bed. Aside from the beauty and the heart of gold, there was a touch of challenge that I found appealing. She was never one to back down from a conflict. She handled adversity with ease and sophistication.

  She’d returned to Atlanta to speak with an employment attorney, schedule time with the outplacement agency, and wrap up a few things with Wallace. She'd left four days ago, but I missed her.

  Jasmine had all the qualities that I envisioned for a future wife and mother to my children. That's why my admission to Hunter was important. His guidance was always simple, yet pragmatic.

  "I need advice. I'm in a situation that I can't figure my way out."

  "Okay. Shoot."

  "Remember that mentally draining relationship that I had earlier this year? I never told you her name because it was Nicolette." The words had wings and flew out of my mouth. The stress of holding in the secret dissolved. My heart thundered in my chest as I waited for my friend's reaction. "It started after I received the Outstanding Performer of the Year award. The timing was bad, and it just didn't look good. I earned that award. I didn't want my fling with Nic to detract from the years I spent working long hours and busting my ass."

  He didn't answer for a long time. His jaw ticked before he guzzled down the drink. "That's the reason for the weekly status meetings and your foul mood after?"

  I nodded and directed my attention back to the overhead televisions.

  "Nic believes the board wants to use the IPO to oust her. Every single fucking week, she threatened to expose our fling. It became worse after Jasmine arrived. Nic said she would fire me, and you, if I didn't agree to sabotage the Wallace team."

  "Fire me? Why didn't you say something?" He frowned, an expression of absolute fury. His shoulders squared, and he sat taller, pushing his chest out. He clenched a fist and shifted in his seat. I tensed, readying myself for a fight. He took a deep exhale as he tried to control his anger, but he didn't have a poker face. "Man, you should have fucking said something."

  "I screwed up. I thought that it would all blow over." I stared into the bottom of the glass. "Nic and I always flirted, but never acted on it. We hooked up on New Year's Eve, and it started from there. It felt like the old days. She was fun and adventurous. Well, when we were behind closed doors. It was what I needed. Over time, I became an on-call dick, so I called it off. She didn't take it well. For the last six months, she sent text messages when we were in the same room. Or she'd send nude photos in emails. She'd call me late at night to proposition me for sex. I couldn't block her. So, I ignored her."

  "That's harassment."

  "No. I consented . . . to everything. I don't want to make a big deal out of this. All I care about is making it for another two months. I'll get all of my shares. Then I can work on Hamilton and Reeves."

  His lips twitched, struggling not to correct me on our running joke. He sobered, yet the evidence of his grin remained. "I fucking get it. You are a brave man. I wouldn't fuck Nic with your dick. I've always imagined she was a pillow princess. Take and take and take, but never give." He caught himself. "Shit, I'm sorry."

  "I should've stayed away. We had our enjoyable moments, but those were few and far between."

  "What did Jasmine say?"

  "She doesn't know. That's why I need your advice." I ran a hand through my hair. "I suspect Nic orchestrated the firing. Jasmine deserves the truth. If I tell Jasmine about Nic, she may run away, but if I keep it to myself, then everything's built on a lie. I wouldn't tell her if she wasn't the one."

  "Wow. The one?" Hunter leaned back against the barstool. A wry smile tilted his lips. I immediately regretted opening up to him. With a slight shift of his head, he let out a guffaw. "Look at you, becoming a man. What are you willing to sacrifice for love? You're ninety percent vested. Is love worth two hundred thousand dollars? For Delilah, I would walk away from it all."

  Hunter's confession took me by surprise. I looked over to him, my brows raised in astonishment.

  "You two . . . are serious?"

  "Yes. She's going home with me for the Fall Festival. It's time for my family to meet her."

  Now it was my turn to laugh. I had a hard time envisioning Lilah in rural America. Her big purses, tall shoes, and chatterbox personality were too big for a town with a handful of stoplights.

  Thankfully, the second round of drinks was delivered. After several moments, Hunter continued in a take-charge tone. "If Jasmine is the one, then there should be no secrets. You fucked up by not telling her sooner, but I'm sure she'll understand. She'll be angry, but she'll forgive you. I'm sure of it."

  I hoped he was right.


  The late summer air was unusually crisp. Alexandra and I sat on the metal bleachers while Jackson filmed the soccer match from the sidelines. My sister and I huddled together, watching the hordes of second graders run up and down the field. The spiked pumpkin spice lattes made waking up at the crack of dawn worth the trouble. Christian and Kellan invited me to the game, but my sister sealed the deal with the offer to bring the coffee drinks.

  Watching children play soccer was like watching puppies playing on the front lawn. The kids were all over the place and falling over each other. Inevitably, one young player would run after butterflies, or another would cry because he or she didn't get to kick the ball. But not my nephews, they were serious athletes. They were the top two scorers on the team because they competed against each other.

  I'd returned from Chicago and stopped by Alexandra's house to hand over the separation agreement. She swore she wouldn't say anything to Jackson. Not that I would ever ask her to keep a secret from her husband.

  "That's one hell of a package. What's the typical severance offer?" Alexandra leaned in closer.

  "Two weeks for every year. I thought I would receive the twelve weeks, not seventy-five."

  "As an attorney, I would insist on closer inspection of this case because it's evident that ER Wallace doesn't want to go to court." She turned her body to face me, our knees touching. "Yet, as your sister, I'm happy you signed it. I didn't want you to spend the next year of your life pursuing a payout. It's easy to become obsessed with seeking vengeance and making those who wronged you pay. Take the money and run. Enjoy your time off."

  "Garrett suggested I spend my time exploring what I want to do."

  "He's a smart man. When will I meet him?"

  "Soon. I invited him to visit."

  The onlookers erupted in a roar of screams and yells. Alex sat taller and craned her neck in time to see Christian dancing in the center of the field. He'd made his first field goal of the game. After he completed the dance, he searched the stands until his eyes found Alex and me. We whistled and smiled while waving our arms like madwomen. He then turned his attention back to the game.

  "Am I a terrible mother because I missed that?" Alex whispered.

  "You're an awful mother because you've got a little something extra in that Yeti." I nudged her with my shoulder and flashed a sympathetic smile. I didn't understand Alex's insecurities, she was an incredible mother.

  "Trust me when I tell you this is the only way that I can make it through. At least they didn't make me bring the orange slices. Did you know that you can't buy pre-sliced oranges? The last time I sliced six dozen oranges. I smelled like an orange grove for a week. I hope he didn't see me not paying attention. He'll never forgive me."

  "Well, I'm sure Jackson caught it in the video. How embarrassing for Chris and Kel." I nodded to my brother-in-law, who stood at the sidelines with the camera viewfinder pressed to his eyeball.

  "Remember the time Mom cried when you won the science fair?"

  "The science fair where I'd received the first-place ribbon for robotics and had to accep
t it in a pink ruffled dress and white patent leather Mary Janes? She said I looked sweet. I can't believe Mom made me wear an Easter dress. But I still love her."

  "I love her too." She shifted the sunglasses to the top of her head and watched Kellan run the field, kicking the ball along the way. The goalie stretched out his arms and blocked the shot. "Shoot. He didn't make the goal. Those two compete so much. I hate when things aren't equal because I have to listen to someone whine for hours. I should be ashamed for complaining. My life would be incomplete without those three. Last week, something huge happened."

  My ears perked up as hope filled Alexandra's smile. If we didn't have a shot of vanilla vodka in our cups, I would have expected a pregnancy announcement.

  "I'm returning to law school. I'm a few credits shy of a Master of Law degree. I won't have the credentials to sit for the bar, but I can apply it to a position in auditing or corporate compliance. What do you think?" She chewed on her bottom lip, awaiting my response.

  "That's awesome. I'm so happy for you."

  She beamed. "Thank you. I’m excited. The boys are getting older and I need something to do. So, when do I meet Garrett?"

  "Soon. We're going on a Mexican vacation. On the way back, we'll spend a few days here."

  "Ooh. Mexico. Very romantic. How's he holding up?"

  "He's nervous about the outcome of the investigation. Funny thing, Lilah said that Dynex hasn't started the process. He's supposed to return to work in two weeks. I think they'll postpone the date."

  "Well, that's suspect." Alex raised a brow.

  "It is. Nic and Jeff are playing dirty games. Lilah believes that she's found something. I'm not optimistic. Nic is a Teflon-coated bitch. Nothing will stick to her. The police could videotape her robbing a bank, and she would keep her job."

  "Go, Kellan!" Alex stood, clutching her fists, her attention back on the game. Kellan made his second attempt at a goal. I breathed a sigh of relief when the ball sailed clear over the goalie's head. The entire bleachers stood and applauded my nephew. The little shit took a bow.

  "Finally. Now I can go home with two cheerful boys." A wicked smile landed on her lips. "When Garrett comes to dinner, what do you suggest we serve him? A crown roast with all the fixings? Or do you think he can handle chitterlings?"

  "Chitlins." I grinned then paused for a beat. "I like him. How did I get here? This was supposed to be a fling."

  "What's the quote? 'You can close your eyes to something you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for something you don't want to feel.' Jazzy, there's no fooling the heart. You've got to go with it."

  After the twins' celebratory brunch, I returned to my townhome to pack for an afternoon flight to Chicago. Garrett and I planned to spend the next few days exploring Chicago. After a week and a half at home, I missed him more than I imagined.

  I bounded off the plane and floated to the passenger pickup area. My feet moved to the rhythm of my thumping heart as I speed-walked to Garrett's car and landed in his arms. We kissed at the trunk until airport security yelled over that we needed to move.

  Giddy like a schoolgirl, I chattered nonstop the entire drive from the airport to his parking garage. He smiled and patiently listened as I brought him up-to-speed that I accepted ER Wallace's severance package and about watching my nephews play soccer.

  We parked my bags in the master bedroom and headed to a nearby Korean barbecue restaurant. Throughout dinner, Garrett was lost in his thoughts. He smiled at my jokes and answered my questions, but it felt like there was a lot on his mind. I understood his morose attitude; job related struggles were mentally and physically draining. I'd walked through the past week and a half with a phony smile plastered on my face. Every morning began with a cleansing cry in the shower. I dried my tears, pasted on a smile, and proceeded with life.

  "Hey. What's going on? Are you okay?" I placed a hand over his and searched his eyes for a hint to his feelings.

  "I'm distracted. Finish telling me your plans for the next three months." He flashed a gentle smile as he fingered a strand of my hair.

  My concern knocked him back to the old Garrett. We laughed and chatted about our time apart. I'd thought that he had returned to normal.

  Back at the condo, I stretched out on the sectional and picked up the television remote.

  "What are you in the mood for? A Nicholas Sparks chick-flick? Or a DeNiro, Pesci, and Pacino mashup? You decide."

  He placed his hand over the remote and turned the television off. I saw the dark circles rimming his eyes, as if he hadn't caught a wink of sleep. He scraped a hand through his hair, avoiding eye contact. This suspension must have affected him harder than I expected.

  "Babe, we need to talk."

  My chest felt as if someone reached in, grabbed my heart, and squeezed until it broke into a million tiny pieces. Never in the history of mankind had a conversation beginning with "we need to talk" ended well. This couldn't be good. I let out a nervous laugh.

  "What's going on?"

  He took a deep breath and stared at the wall behind me. "I'm going back to Dynex on Monday."

  "That's great, but we expected the findings would find no evidence of any wrongdoing. What happened?" I expelled the breath I'd held for the last three minutes. My chest continued to throb. I knew in my heart, that wasn't what he wanted to talk about.

  "Jeff called yesterday. He asked me to come in a week earlier than planned. That means we'll have to postpone the trip to Mexico. Is that okay?"

  "Well, I'm disappointed about the trip, but you're excited to go back to work. Right?"

  "Yeah. I guess."

  "Babe, I'm happy for you." I shifted in my seat to kiss him on the cheek.

  "That's not what I wanted to talk about. I mean, there's more. A lot more."

  My smile faded as I braced myself for the anvil to fall. He took my hand and faced me, searching my face for a reaction.

  "On New Year's Eve, I went to a party at Tony Jones' house. The entire leadership team was there. I went because it was the right thing for my career. There was drinking and dancing." He paused. "I didn't expect to meet anyone."

  My heart clanged loudly in my chest. Fuck. I'd been through this song and dance before. Garrett was going to tell me he was dating someone else.

  "I ended up hooking up with Nicolette Sewell."

  He said it so quiet and fast that it wasn't immediately clear what he was confessing. Then realization hit me. Garrett dated Nic. I searched his eyes for a hint that it was a joke.

  "Nic Sewell is the ex?" I sputtered, disappointment rising in my chest.

  "She didn't take the end of our relationship well." He choked out a laugh, a sneer clouding his handsome features. "As you know, she's unreasonable when she doesn't get her way. She's spent the last six months threatening my job and making my life hell. Now that she knows we're together, she's gone off the deep end."

  This time, he looked me in the eye, and I got it. Without saying a word, I pulled my hand from his and rose from the sofa. Without looking back, I walked to his bedroom with him trailing on my heels. I picked up my cell phone from the charging station, whizzing from website to website until I found a red-eye back to Atlanta. I booked a flight, leaving in three hours.

  Dragging my suitcase from the walk-in closet, I started pulling my clothes off the hangers and throwing them in my bag.

  "What are you doing?" he asked.

  "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm taking my black ass back to Atlanta."

  "Stay and talk with me."

  "Oh. Now you want to talk? I should have learned about this weeks ago. At the very least, when we ran into her at the restaurant. I could have prepared myself. I would have known what I was up against. I've spent the past week searching for an explanation of why I was fired. I've lost everything. I had an accomplished career that mattered to me. And you . . . You're the golden boy that gets to return and save the day." I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand. I pointed my thumb to my c
hest. "Meanwhile, I'm punished for loving you. I'm so fucking naïve. I'm going home."

  He blinked, stunned by my confession. Strong, warm arms wrapped around me from behind, holding me close. His soft breath misted the back of my neck. I cursed myself as my body sank against the familiar heat. His heart raced and pounded against my back. It felt as if it would beat out of his chest.

  "Jasmine, I was embarrassed. I didn't want you to think less of me. I'd hoped that I could go the rest of my life, never mentioning her name again. She never cared about me. You know that I would never hurt you. Don't leave. Stay." His words were quiet and firm as he spoke into my ear.

  For a moment, I thought about staying with him and working it out. Shrugging out of his clutches, I turned to look at him. "You've broken my heart. I don't know if I can look at you right now. Garrett, please give me a moment alone."

  With a sigh, he walked to the door, then paused at the doorway and turned back.

  I interrupted whatever he was about to say. "Please. I need a minute."

  He nodded and disappeared out of the bedroom. Pulling my suitcase from the walk-in closet, I unzipped the bag and pulled out leggings, a t-shirt and black ballet flats. I changed into the casual outfit and threw my traveling clothes in the bag before struggling to get the damn bag zipped.

  I stood at the entry of his bedroom and took deep, calming breaths.

  Come on, Jazzy. You can do this. Don't look at him. Shoulders straight and walk out of the room.

  I awkwardly wheeled the bag into the living room and walked directly to the foyer. He ran over and grabbed his key from a bowl that sat on the console table.

  "I'll take you wherever you want to go."

  "Don't worry yourself. I called an Uber."

  "Jazz, c'mon. It isn't safe. Please let me at least do this."

  His puppy dog eyes pleaded with me to allow him to do the right thing. Damn, Garrett. Why weren't you honest? I somehow gathered the strength to walk away from him.


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