Embracing Carly

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Embracing Carly Page 15

by Tianna Xander

  “I restored everything on the drive. Including information on the serum, and their test subjects, along with the coordinated internet IP addresses to find and intercept e-mail and other electronic messaging.”

  “So, do you think you can figure out where they’ve taken the others?” Carly stared at him, her eyes wide.

  “I already have. They’re in a facility that is roughly ten miles from the one we destroyed.”

  “Ten miles!” She choked on her water, spitting a mouthful into the fire.

  Luke nodded. “They thought it was ironic to have a few of their facilities near Wolf Lake.”

  “Wolf Lake?” Carly asked, her eyes round. “Isn’t that—”

  “Yes,” Bastien interrupted. “That’s very close to our house.”

  Carly’s face reddened at the subtle reminder of their new relationship. “Oh, my God! How many more research facilities do they have around here?”

  “Two in the immediate area and nineteen more scattered throughout the United States.”

  “But how can something so huge go undiscovered long enough to build twenty-two facilities and make the advancements they have on their serum?”

  Carly looked between the three men. “Well?”

  Dimitri sat up straighter. “Either they’ve bribed some government official or the government has been secretly involved all along.”

  Carly gasped at the implication.

  “Believe me. The leaders of this country are not immune to corruption,” Dimitri said with a growl.

  Bastien agreed, nodding. “The government is definitely involved on some level.” He turned to the other two men. “Did either of you notice the Loup-Tech Industry logo on the equipment at the lab we leveled?”

  They both nodded.

  “We designed that particular equipment specifically for government applications. No one can convince me that someone high up in our government hierarchy doesn’t know what the hell is going on.”

  Carly looked at them, her eyes filled with fear. “IF that’s the case, how can we fight them? They have more resources and more power than we could ever hope to have.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Bastien moved closer and rested his chin on her shoulder. “We’ll fight them, honey. And we’ll win. Don’t worry about that.”

  She relaxed slightly, leaning back to rest her head against his chest, and hoped he was right. How could she go on knowing she would have to run for the rest of her life?

  Running from Robert was one thing. Eventually he would have tired of the game or found someone else to torment. These people would never leave them alone. They would be running from them forever. It would never stop.

  “We have a few more resources than they realize. We have all of our businesses listed under assumed names. Every time we make a major purchase, we make it under our business aliases. There are a lot more of us shifters than they could ever imagine.”

  “More than they ever dreamed, too, I’ll bet. Our numbers might have dwindled over the years, but there are still quite a few of us when all shifters are fighting for the same cause. I wonder how many of them have realized that by bringing the weres together in a fight against them, they have woken the proverbial sleeping giant?”

  Carly rode in front of Bastien, keeping warm from the night chill by his embrace. She wished they could stop so Bastien could hold her in their sleeping bag and keep her warm from the night chill by holding her closer still. She stole a glance at him. Could she live her life like this, constantly fearing discovery, always on the run?

  Bastien leaned closer, his hand sliding down her arm until he squeezed her cold fingers. “We won’t always be running, baby. After this is over, we’ll take a long trip and relax. Where would you like to go?”

  “Right back up out of this rabbit hole I seem to have fallen into.”

  Dimitri grinned at her. “My mate, Charity, once said something similar. It had something to do with calling her Alice.”

  “Alice,” Carly said with a snort. “Why do I feel more like the Mad Hatter?”

  “You really know you’re from Michigan when—”

  “Shut up, Luke!” Carly, Bastien and Dimitri all yelled as he began another bad Michigander joke.

  “I was just trying to lighten the mood,” he said, sulking.

  “WHAT I DON’T UNDERSTAND is—why you allowed the others to just abandon you out at the lake the way they did.” Bastien had changed the subject, hoping his cousin would take the hint. The last thing he wanted was to hear Luke prattling on, telling his lame jokes.

  His arms tightened around Carly’s middle. The only good thing about his cousin’s presence, to his way of thinking, was the fact that Carly had graciously given up her mount to him. Now they both rode the same chestnut gelding and he had been able to enjoy the delightful sensation of Carly’s lush ass pressed against his aching groin. What sweet torment it was.

  Bastien couldn’t wait to get her alone again. She raised herself up, shifting her weight to make herself more comfortable. He closed his eyes, a part of him wishing she would stop moving around like that. It was driving him crazy.

  Ignoring his cousin’s incessant yapping, Bastien dropped his guard, reached out with his lupine senses and allowed his mind to touch hers gently.

  She was concentrating on the scenery and listening to the small animals playing in the underbrush, paying close attention to the world around her. If she was tormenting him on purpose, she hid it well. Carly laughed at something Luke said and it made his blood heat. God, he wanted this woman as he had never wanted another in his life. Would it always be like this with her? He hoped so.

  She laughed again. “Don’t be ridiculous, Luke. Of course, there are male and female rabbits. How do you think they procreate, Immaculate Conception?”

  “I’m not saying the males don’t exist. I’m just saying I’ve never seen one.” He shook his head. “When I think of all the times I’ve chased down rabbits in my life, it seems like I should have caught at least one male.”

  Laughing, Carly shook her head, then inhaled deeply. She stiffened in his arms. Her back was ramrod stiff, her face pale and her gaze was darting around, trying to see through the underbrush.

  Bastien immediately went on guard. If she sensed a threat, he would soon smell it. A female had a more pronounced sixth sense than the male of the species. He knew that and trusted those senses.

  “I smell...” She frowned and glanced at him for an answer. “What is that I smell?” She made a face. “It smells kind of like Bosco, only a lot worse.”

  “Bear!” Bastien cried, urging his horse into a full gallop.

  The bear charged them, swiping a huge paw at Dimitri’s horse. It missed and bellowed its rage.

  Carly screamed when it turned, roaring as it charged at them. Bastien leaned them both forward and urged the horse faster, urgently kicking his heels into the mount’s side. The horse screamed its fear as the bear gave chase.

  “We’re gonna die, we’re gonna die,” Carly chanted.

  “No one is going to die, Carly. Not here and certainly not now.”

  She had her eyes scrunched closed, her hands holding the pommel in a death grip. She blindly followed Bastien’s lead, moving only when he moved. Soon, the only sounds they heard were the rough impact of the horse’s hooves against the leaf-covered ground and the exhausted blowing of the winded animals. They continued for a few more minutes, then began to slow.

  “That was a close call.”

  “Yes, it was. We must have wandered too close to the bear’s den or offspring. It’s the only explanation for such an attack.”

  “It could have just been a man killer.”

  Bastien shook his head. “No, Luke, a man killer never would have challenged us. He would have sensed the animal in us and left us alone.” He looked around at everyone. “Is everyone okay?”

  CARLY DIDN’T CARE WHAT had made the bear react the way it had. She was getting sick and tired of not being in control of her l
ife. Would she ever be in control again?

  Hell, I probably don’t even have a job anymore. I’m sure they’ve fired me for not calling in by now. Not that she’d blame them.

  Bastien leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “It doesn’t matter, baby. I make enough money for the both of us. You’ll never have to work again.”

  Carly leaned back and let the tears trickle from the corners of her eyes. She would just become Bastien’s full time housekeeper. What else could she do?

  “I don’t want you for my housekeeper, Carly. We are mates. To my people, you are my wife.”

  She looked pointedly at her left hand. “I don’t see a ring there, buster. And I don’t remember you asking me either.”

  “You know what I mean. You know I fully intend to marry you the human way. I meant that I have enough money that you’ll never have to work again.”

  “That’s not the point, Bastien. I liked my job.” How could she make him understand? Her job was her sense of independence. It was her sense of self. Working was what had kept her sane all of these years. She liked working in photo labs.

  Seeing other’s happiness, watching children grow through their photos. All of it had helped her through her depression and hidden rage at what Robert was doing to her. Knowing that there were men out there who didn’t have to hurt their loved ones to feel better about themselves gave her hope for a better life.

  Bastien squeezed her. “Don’t worry, baby. If you want your job back, I’ll see to it that you still have your job. I can be,” he gave her a grim smile, “very persuasive when I need to be.”

  Luke snorted. “Don’t let that pretty-boy face fool you, Carly. He’s a very powerful man.”

  Bastien narrowed his eyes at his cousin as Carly raised her head to look between them.

  “The last thing I need to see from you, Bastien, is violence.”

  “Oh he would never resort to violence in such a situation. That’s not Bastien’s style. He’s always a diplomat, looking for the non-violent way out. Me? I’d beat the crap out of them in a second.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You would.” Carly let the subject drop and shifted her attention to the scenery around her. She wished she had a camera. Never in her life had she ever seen woodlands more beautiful. Was it her new lupine senses that made her enjoy the view so much or the location? “Where are we?”

  “We’re just north of our house,” Bastien said, using the deliberate reminder of their tie, ruthlessly. His breath brushed her neck as he talked, causing little whirlwinds of desire to zing through her blood.

  She closed her eyes and swallowed. Her hands rubbed up and down her bare arms, trying to dispel the gooseflesh caused by his potent allure.

  Evidence of his near constant arousal still rested between the cheeks of her rear as it had for the last several hours. Still, he had never said anything, never complained. It must be painful for him by now.

  It is painful, Carly, Bastien whispered into her mind as he lowered his head to nibble the column of her throat. Yet, it’s such a sweet torment.

  She leaned her head back and smiled. What a sweet talking son of a gun you are.

  He chuckled against her neck, inhaling deeply. Have I ever told you that I love the way you smell?

  I wondered why you kept sniffing me all the time. Thanks for letting me know. You were starting to give me a complex. She leaned back, turning her head up, inviting his kiss. I love the way you smell, too, but you don’t see me running around sniffing you all the time. It must be the dog in you.

  Wolf, he growled.

  She smiled. Oops! My mistake.

  His smile was wide, taking Carly’s breath away.

  God, you’re beautiful.

  Men are not beautiful, honey. They are hot, hunky, even ruggedly handsome. However, we are not beautiful.

  Just shut up and kiss me.

  Yes, Ma’am.

  Bastien lowered his head, pressing his lips against hers. He groaned when she reached back and wrapped her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through the hair at the base of his neck.

  “Hey, stop that you two, or I’ll dump cold water on you.”

  They pulled away from each other like guilty children. Carly blushed, wiped the back of her hand over her mouth, and glared at Luke who sat staring at them and grinning from ear to ear.

  “I knew that would get you. Cold water is horrible when you’re in the mood for uh... Well, let’s just say, it happened to me and a little female once.”

  Carly made a face. “Eew! That was way too much information, buddy.” She quelled the visual and turned to look at Dimitri. “You’ve been awfully quiet, Dimitri. Have you managed to come up with a plan yet?”

  “I have a plan. It is going to take many men and even more guns. I’m not sure we’ll have enough to pull it off.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “I’m going to call Charity. If you don’t mind, I’m going to back off a bit for some privacy.”

  “Sure, dude, go talk to the little wifey. We’ll all still be here when you’re done with your phone sex.”

  “Do you always have to be such a pain in the ass, Luke?” Carly rolled her eyes. The man was more like a teenager. She wondered just how old he really was.

  Luke slowed his horse down to fall into step beside them. “Hey, this is me being good. You don’t want to see pain in the ass.”

  Bastien agreed. “He’s right, sweetheart. This is the ultra-tame, ultra-subdued Luke.”

  She shook her head. “Remind me not to invite him over for the family get-togethers and obligatory barbeques then.”

  Both men threw their heads back and laughed.

  “You’ll fit into the family nicely, Carly. Just don’t let Bastien have his way too often. You might give him a big head or something.”

  “I’ve got a big something already,” Bastien whispered in her ear. Pushing his hips forward, he let her know exactly what that something was.

  “I heard that, Cuz. Stop grossing me out over here, will ya?”

  Carly’s face heated and she elbowed Bastien in the stomach. “I swear. One of you is going to make me die of embarrassment.”

  Dimitri rode up, still holding his phone to his ear. “I don’t know, Junior, let me ask them.” He looked at Bastien. “How many of your guys are marksmen? Any?”

  “We have a few. Whether or not they’re in the group that is going to meet us remains to be seen. Why?”

  “Junior, that’s Charity’s brother by the way, is willing to join us. He’s a decorated marksman. He wants to know if he should bring enough gear for a few more.”

  Bastien nodded. “Tell him to bring it. If they aren’t in the group waiting for us, there are a few in my group, myself included, who are passably fair. The extra firepower might come in handy.”

  “He says go ahead and bring it, dude.” Dimitri laughed. “Well, you’re going to have to catch me first.” He hung up the phone, still laughing. “He says he’s going to break my legs if I don’t quit calling him dude. He’ll call me for directions when he is ready to leave. He should be able to be here in a few hours. He’s going to take the ferry.”

  “Are you sure there are people here?” Carly asked as they rode into the large, dark compound. “It’s a bit too creepy for my tastes.”

  Bastien chuckled. “They are here. That is why you feel uneasy. There are a least thirty pairs of eyes trained on us.” Bringing their horse to a halt, he dismounted, calling out to Luke. “You did tell them we were coming, didn’t you, Luke?”

  “Of course, I did. I’m not stupid.” He paused, then whispered, “They’re here. I can feel them.”

  “Then why don’t they come out? Have we been reduced to fear and mistrust of our own kind now?”

  “It was a group of our own kind who came for your sister and father, Sinclair. Don’t fault us for our caution,” said a male voice from the darkness.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Weres took them? What the hell was he talking
about? “What do you mean our own kind took them?”

  “Just what I said. A group of weres just waltzed into your sister’s home and took them. Along with several others who were there. We wouldn’t even know this if a few of them hadn’t managed to escape and make their way back to warn us.”

  “What self-respecting were would be a part of something like that?” Luke asked.

  Dimitri gave them all a sardonic look. “Of everyone gathered here, I’m surprised that you two in particular haven’t figured it out.”

  “Figured what out?” Luke and Bastien asked in unison.

  Carly stepped up, looking between them. “He’s talking about people like me.” She turned to Dimitri. “Aren’t you?”

  She didn’t wait for his answer but continued with her theory. “What if,” she said, pacing in front of them, “those scientists changed more than just Cassandra and me? What if they have changed others against their will? What might people who were changed against their will do if they were convinced a cure would be forthcoming if they did what they wanted?” She stopped and looked at Bastien. “I would have done almost anything if they had promised to change me back.” Then she smiled. “At first.” She walked over to Bastien and took his hand, smiling up at him.

  “I’m quite content where I am now, though others may not be. Then there is the government aspect of all of this. Here’s another what if to consider. What if those turned, are soldiers who volunteered for it?” She studied the group, who stood listening intently. “I see by your expressions that you hadn’t thought of that. Or, maybe you just didn’t expect me to. Either way, military involvement is a distinct possibility.” She took a deep breath and grinned. “Sorry to interrupt, Dimitri.”

  “Not a problem. What you said makes perfect sense. Knowing what we know now, they could have been anyone.” He turned to look out over the group of people gathered in the darkness. “We do, however, need a plan. We need to know where these so-called scientists are and we have to come up with a plan to get into the facility. I have a feeling that this one is going to be well guarded. Much more so than the first. I doubt the guards at this lab will have the same lackadaisical attitudes as the others did.”


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