Virgin for Sale

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Virgin for Sale Page 11

by Cassandra Dee

  And the whole thing is bonkers as shit because the girl is eighteen. Somehow, I’ve been captured by a nymph, a young, innocent female, someone who’s literally half my age. Less than half my age, I’m forty-five so that’s a fucking twenty-seven year difference. Twenty-seven years. That’s a shit ton, you could fight two world wars in that period and be done with it. But against all odds, Annie’s personality has captivated me, her sweetness, her inquisitiveness, that spunkiness all sass and smiles, keeping me on my toes, making me come back for more.

  So fuck, I don’t know what’s going on. Yesterday in the library had blown my mind. I’d admitted that I sold this stuff, that I’m a peddler of the greatest book on Earth, and it’s made me millions, fucking trucks of gold, filing my coffers for years to come, my best investment by far. But to Annie, it was more than that. She wanted to know me. She wanted to know my thoughts, how I saw the world, what the Bible meant to me besides money. And I was taken aback, for sure. I’ve never had someone ask me these things. Usually it’s about balance sheets, profit and loss statements, or what I was gonna do with the money, could I possibly spare some cash for a new Chanel purse or some Louboutin heels?

  But Annie was the opposite of that. In fact, the thought of gifts never even crossed her mind, didn’t make a whit of difference to her. Instead, I’d seen the way her eyes roved over the holy book in my hands, the beautifully crafted illuminated pages, the binding that was worn, lovingly restored by our archivist, a professional historian. Again, the Club hires the best, even for our libraries, and we’ve got PhD-types lurking around everywhere, making sure everything is in tip-top shape, that we have the utmost at our fingertips.

  But my girl wasn’t about getting the best, or the most luxurious. She was about the intangible. She was about me as a person, what I thought, what I felt, my views on life, on the world, on God. And I could do nothing but be straight. I let down my defenses, and instead of being an arrogant asshole, putting people down, throwing insults left and right because I can, instead, I was truthful.

  “I respect others’ beliefs,” I said, my voice deep, seizing her eyes. “I respect other peoples’ right to worship, their freedom to pursue their own ideologies. After all, this is what our great country was founded on,” I added with a growl. “The Puritans came because of religious persecution way back when, in addition to the Pilgrims, the forefathers of this great state. How could I turn around and persecute someone else now?”

  Annie nodded her head, her relief evident.

  “I agree, Andrew,” she said quietly. “I absolutely agree. And,” she said hesitating for a moment, “Do you worship yourself? Does it mean something to you? Is it okay if I ask?” she asked quickly, biting her lip. “It’s okay if you don’t want to say.”

  I was thoughtful for a moment. The truth is, I haven’t worshipped in a long time. Life as a playboy is hedonistic, and fucking busy too, every minute filled with another high, another shot in the arm. There’s always one more woman to fuck, one more gadget to buy, the next jet to board. So no, it was a long time since I’d had space to myself, quiet time to wind down and reflect.

  “I haven’t worshipped in a long time,” I began truthfully, “but I mean to. As soon as possible, I’m gonna do some reflection, some relaxation, all that shit.”

  And she smiled at me beatifically, my heart melting a bit.

  “Meditation is my thing,” she said softly. “And Andrew, it helps me so much, even five minutes a day. If you want me to take you through some exercises, some breathing, some postures, I’m more than happy.”

  I quirked my head at her. An eighteen year old doing meditation? Usually kids that age had the attention span of a gnat, going to parties, getting drunk, listening to loud music. But Annie shook her head.

  “I’m not exactly popular,” she said with a wry twist to her mouth, “and life growing up was tough. I never fit in, I never looked like the other girls, I always stood out, especially when I began developing,” she said, gesturing vaguely to her curves, “So I took up meditation as part of therapy,” she admitted. “My counselor at school told me about breathing, about centering my mind, and it really helped. I’ve been doing it since I was sixteen.”

  Well, that meant she’d been meditating for two years, and fuck that was two years more than me. So I resolved to try. I’m not exactly Mr. Holy Guru, but honestly, the playboy lifestyle was wearing down on me, it was getting old and tired. I wasn’t interested in the women anymore, they were faceless, blurring before me, just pieces of flesh to fuck, and the money came too easy, I was swimming in it at this point. So yeah, the chase had lost its luster and I was kinda lost, casting about, searching for something new. And new had come to town, landing right onto my doorstep, in this curvy, gorgeous package with the big brown eyes and sweet smile.

  But I wanted to show her the world too. I didn’t owe Annie anything, I could have bought her and locked her in a room, it was my right as an owner. But the whole situation has gotten twisted beyond recognition, she’s got me wrapped around her finger now, I jump when she asks, and I wanted to show Annie the world, starting with the aforementioned swimming lessons.

  “It’ll be fun,” I growled persuasively. “It’ll be really fun, you’ll love the water, the Club keeps it heated year-round.”

  She paused for a moment. “It’s not that,” she blushed. “It’s that I don’t really fit into swimsuits. You’ve seen me,” she said, gesturing at her curves vaguely again. “I don’t fit into any clothes, not really.”

  And my eyes took her in. Shit, that figure was gorgeous. A huge ass, wide hips and gigantic Double Ds, her tits made my dick weep just looking at them. And what was this about not fitting into any swimsuits? We had the best tailors on call, there was no way they couldn’t whip something up.

  So I didn’t let up, lobbing another round of persuasion.

  “Listen, the swimsuits, just like everything else in your closet, are ready-made. They were made to your measurements, every centimeter was hand-stitched. I’m sure it’ll be fine,” I encouraged, voice deep. I couldn’t wait to see the brunette in a swimsuit, those curves busting out everywhere. Fuck, it was gonna be a hard-on and then some, I’d be so fucking distracted, sperm leaking into the pool. But I was determined all the same.

  “Come on baby,” I said, patting her butt, lightly swatting those huge orbs. “Last one into the water is a rotten egg.”

  And she smiled at me then, slowly relenting.

  “Okay, but you better not let me drown,” she said softly, a teasing smile on her lips. “Otherwise, I’m gonna dunk you.”

  And I laughed out loud at that. This little piece of roundness was gonna dunk me? I was six four and two thirty, I had at least seventy pounds on the girl, not to mention she was all curves, all floaty, succulent flesh.

  “Good, I look forward to it then,” I rumbled. “Come on, git, into that swimsuit,” and just like that, she was into the women’s locker room to get changed. I stood, stock still for a moment. Shit, this was like real dating. I’d just spent time persuading a girl to do something, helping her overcome her fears, coming up with reasons to knock down her barriers. Shit, this was like the real thing, like we were a couple, and not a buyer and his goods.

  So shaking my head ruefully, I strode into the men’s locker room, resolve growing. This was way fucking out of hand, Annie had mesmerized me, I was the one lost at sea, my head floating in the clouds. And I had to get the situation under control again. The girl was mine. My property. Mine for a week, and I’d already wasted four days, taking her to dinner, wining and dining the female, shit, even hanging out in the library looking at books and talking about the Bible, for crying out loud. What the fuck was wrong with me? The situation had spiraled out of control, and I needed to change my perspective stat.

  So I strode out to the pool, big body tense, godly, mist rising from the water in steaming tendrils. Because this was no regular pool. The space was cavernous, done in the Moroccan style with colorful inl
aid tiles, and the pool itself enormous, misty and hot, looking more like a giant Jacuzzi. Plus, there was more than one body of water. There were two smaller pools flanking the main one, filled with liquid of different temperatures, one ice cold, another steamy hot, your choice.

  But it wasn’t the setting that was astonishing, although the luxury was mindboggling, the sprays of flowers, the small fountain that tinkled at one end. It was the females. Because although there weren’t any Club members here at the moment, there were a handful of women, nude save for tiny thongs, their bodies succulent and beautiful, skin gleaming under the low lights, lounging about.

  Yeah, this is the Pool of Nymphs, or as my crasser brothers call it, the Pool of Fucking. We’ve got a select collection of females on call at all times, attendants really, ready to do our beckoning, to wash us down, to soap our hair, provide a massage, and of course, to have sex in the water if that’s what you want. And as I watched, the mists parted and a beautiful woman stepped forward, nude save for that tiny thong covering her sweet cunt. Her arms were filled with towels, and she bowed, greeting me.

  “Sir,” her voice came, not meeting my eyes. “May I offer you a towel?”

  I took in the woman. Oh yeah, she was up to Club standards, absolutely. Perfectly formed, with luscious tits and a tiny waist, her skin gleamed golden under the dim lights, those boobies huge. The aroma of some fragrance filled my nostrils, making my dick twitch.

  “Yeah thanks,” I grunted, holding out a big hand. But the woman did me one better. Hips swaying, she led me to an area off to the side, a group of lounge chairs clustered together and introduced me to the women there, head tilting with a smile. All of them were gorgeous bar none, all fleshy boobs and sloping shoulders, their cunts barely hidden by pink thongs.

  “Girls,” she said, her voice melodious. “We have a member here. Sir,” she said graciously. “I’m Nella, and this is Rose, Karina, Lily, and Hydra.”

  And immediately the five girls were on their feet, tits quivering, all smiles and womanly flesh.

  “Welcome,” said one. “Welcome, welcome, welcome,” parroted the others. Honestly, it was a little spooky, they were so beautiful but a little plastic, a little like robots.

  “Listen, I appreciate it,” I ground out. “But I have a female friend coming, so it’s all eyes but no touching, got it? It’s all about my friend this time round.”

  And the women nodded in unison.

  “Of course,” said the first one melodically. “Of course, we’re here to serve, to do your bidding. Would you like to go into the water while you wait, Sir?”

  And I looked around at the gilded room. Fuck, the water looked amazing. The pool itself was tiled in aquamarine with a giant sunburst at the bottom, and the liquid rolled in soft waves, beckoning and warm, steam rising from the top. You couldn’t see much, it was hazy and sensuous, beads of moisture clinging to my skin already and my dick twitched a bit. Fuck, I wanted to fuck Annie here, wanted that little nymph to gasp and pant as I did a water number on her. So yeah, might as well get in, get this party going.

  “Yeah, sounds good,” I grunted. “But my woman is coming soon, bring her over when she gets here, will you?”

  And Nella nodded.

  “Of course sir,” she said agreeably. “Now please, let us help you into the water.” Soft hands took hold of me, and the six of us stepped into the tub together, the warm liquid lapping at my muscles, underwater jets frothing around us.

  “This is fucking fantastic,” I ground out as my tense muscles immediately relaxed, buffeted by warm waves. “Absolutely fucking fantastic.”

  And the women around me nodded agreeably.

  “Yes, sir, absolutely,” they chimed, arms filled with soaps and shampoos, breasts bared, hair streaming about their shoulders like water nymphs. And I guess that’s why guys come here. It’s another benefit of the club, you get to come and relax in a luxurious setting, surrounded by nude, beautiful women ready to do your bidding, be it wash your hair, soap your abs, or ride your dick. And oh yeah, these females all here of their own accord as well. If you want to taste a little pussy, to run your cock in deep, the girls here are more than willing, you can take one, two, three, even four five or six at once, however many your body can handle.

  But right now, I just wanted Annie. I had a lesson to teach, and shit, but I was behind. I was way behind. There were only three days left on the contract and that little hymen was still untouched. So this was gonna be the experience of a lifetime, being fucked for the first time in front of a group of women, on display as she was taken, that sweet body breached.

  And sure enough, Annie’s curvy body materialized in the mist, her steps unsure, expression confused.

  “Andrew?” she asked, looking around, taking in my gleaming chest, the hard abs, the way I lounged casually in the pool, arms outstretched along the rim. But most of all, her eyes took in the naked women surrounding me, the gorgeous women at our beck and call, one trailing a wash cloth over my shoulders.

  “Honey, welcome,” I rumbled, voice deep. “Come into the water.”

  Nella took Annie’s elbow then, guiding her to the stairs, but my brunette stood rooted in place.

  “Andrew,” she said, her voice low, pitched only so I could hear. “What’s going on?” she asked forcefully, eyes darting to the women, then to me, then back. “I thought I was here for a swim lesson, that you’d be giving me lessons on freestyle, backstroke, teach me some skills.”

  And I grinned lasciviously at her then.

  “Naw, I’ve decided to give you a different type of lesson,” I ground out. “You’re gonna be swimming for sure … with my dick in your pussy as you do it.”

  And the brunette gasped then, hot color staining her cheeks.

  “Here?” she asked limply, her hands gesturing at the pool, the women who surrounded us. “In front of these people?” she asked.

  I nodded mildly.

  “It’s time baby,” I growled. “It’s time I owned that precious body, that you feel my dick in that sweet cunt, owning you, possessing you. And what’s wrong with a couple ladies watching? You already danced in front of my friends at the auction and that was fucking hot. So why not this?”

  Her mouth gaped, no words coming out.

  “But I didn’t have a choice then,” she said softly. “I had to dance.”

  I nodded.

  “I know what you mean. But you didn’t have to dance the way you did. You could have just stood there, turned right when the voice said, bent over and showed yourself, letting the announcer control you. So you see, honey, choice is a matter of degree. You can resist, or you can go with the flow. But right now, honey, I think you’ll have a better time if you do as I say, if you give yourself over to the sensations. Because I’ve been playing with you too long and it’s time to seal the deal,” I ground out, eyes flaring.

  The brunette was silent for a moment, breathing hard, taking in the hedonistic scene, her mind whirling. But she seemed to reach a decision because those slim shoulders straightened, like Annie had given herself a mental shake, and the brunette turned to me, nodding resolutely.

  “Okay,” she said quietly, “If this is what you want, Andrew, then I will.” And with that, she stepped into the water, a small ripple circling out from that perfect, pink-polished toe.

  Appreciatively, I watched as she entered. Because everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman was embodied in Annie. Sure, the tailors had crafted a swimsuit in her size, that was true, but the reason it fit was because it was so fucking small, it was never intended to be a piece of clothing. The bikini top was basically two pasties, nipples poking out underneath, tied together with string. And shit, whoever put her bikini bottoms deserved a reward. Because it barely hid her cunt, the black nylon was a postage stamp covering her clit, tied together with a string that ran through her butt cheeks, draping over her hips.

  So fuck yeah, Annie was absolutely up my alley. She threw these other women into the shade, put them to shame
with her luscious assets, those gorgeous, creamy boobies, that puffy pink cunt practically visible. And I watched, all male appreciation, as she stepped into the water, finally submerging herself to her shoulders, only that flushed face visible, the brown curls piled on top of her head.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” I rumbled, my massive form still yet tense, already churning hard. “They keep the water hot, so it’s more like a spa.”

  And the brunette nodded stiffly, bubbles frothing around her.

  “Feels good,” she said a little woodenly. But then she straightened resolutely once more, shooting me a smile, although it was a little wobbly. “Feels good,” she reiterated, her voice louder.

  I chuckled. I knew this was hard for her, and I respected Annie for it. It’s not easy losing your virginity, and losing it here, with others watching was going to be the experience of a lifetime. But I was determined to go through with it.

  “Come here, little girl,” I rumbled, blue eyes seizing hers, beckoning. “Come here.”

  And slowly, Annie moved closer to me, her form hesitant, still aware of the serving women that surrounded us on all sides, merely standing there, observing and silent. I agree, that was a little spooky and I turned to Nella.

  “Get your girls to kiss or do something,” I ground out. “I don’t like being surrounded by statues.”

  And with a flick of her wrist, Nella gave the command and the girls immediately began stroking each other. They didn’t get into full on sex, but they began to kiss each other lightly, run their hands through one another’s hair, stroking the smooth shoulders, lightly caressing one another’s breasts. Small female whimpers ran out, stoking my arousal, and I turned back to Annie.

  “Come closer, little girl,” I rasped, and slowly the brunette obeyed, that curvy form drawing near, nearer still, until finally, she was before me.


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