Spirit Riding Free

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by G. M. Berrow

  “It’s true! Sandy has learned so much with us,” Lucky added. “This is her new friend Caroline. We think Sandy’d be the perfect companion horse for her.” Lucky turned to Caroline. “Pru was right, Caroline. You two were definitely meant for each other. I never should have doubted that, and I’m sorry.”

  Caroline smiled warmly. “It’s okay, Lucky. You just wanted what was best for Sandy.”

  “And I think this is best,” Lucky replied. “Mr. Rollins, what do you think?”

  Sandy walked alongside Caroline as Caroline rolled her wheelchair forward. When she rolled back, so did Sandy. Everyone cooed at how sweet it was.

  “Well, I’ll be…” Mr. Rollins smiled and removed his cowboy hat. “I’ve never seen my little scoundrel Sandy so calm and well-behaved.”

  “And I’ve never seen such a compelling Trail Trainers demonstration!” announced a new voice.

  Immediately, the girls whipped around. They were greeted by the sight of none other than the Ms. Hungerford, the very lady they needed to impress. How had she known to come to Miradero at all?

  “You look surprised to see me,” said Ms. Hungerford with a smirk. “But you should ask your friend Abigail. She wrote to me a couple of weeks ago and said today was the day you would be doing your demonstration.”

  Pru and Lucky turned to Abigail, who was blushing deep crimson. “Oh yeah, I kinda forgot I did that.”

  “Well, no mind anyhow. I’ve seen more than enough to know that you three are true Trail Trainers. I’ll see you at the next Jamboree.” And with that, Ms. Hungerford turned on her heel and left.

  “I can’t believe the progress you’ve made with Sandy. She’ll be the perfect companion horse. You girls sure proved yourselves to be skilled trainers,” Mr. Rollins said, taking a step forward and petting Sandy. “How about your riding skills? They just as good?” He pointed to the floats. “That business I’m attending to? One of my old friends asked me to choose the riders for the front of the parade this year. Are the four of ya interested?” He gave Caroline a wink.

  “Are we interested?!” Pru screeched, jumping up and down. “In leading the Founders’ Day Parade?! Are you kidding me?” Lucky, Abigail, and Caroline joined in the squealing.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Mr. Rollins laughed. “But there’s just one thing left to settle first.”

  “What?” Lucky asked, bubbling over with happiness.

  Mr. Rollins laughed as he said it: “Where is that apple pie I was promised?”

  Chapter 12

  The four girls stared at themselves in the dressing tent mirror and giggled. It was funny to see themselves in the traditional outfits of the first Miradero settlers, but they couldn’t be prouder. Pru, especially, had dreamed of the day that she would be chosen to ride up front in the Founders’ Day Parade for such a long time. She tugged on her bonnet and posed. “We look just like founders!”

  “We sure do,” Caroline agreed, looking cheery in her mint-green frock. “But we’d better get a move on. They can’t start without us, since we’re going to be at the front and everything.” She rolled outside to where Sandy was waiting. Sandy neighed happily when she saw Caroline. The horse was hitched up to the special wagon that Turo had built just for her. When he saw the demonstration with Caroline, he got right to work and changed its design so it could safely hold Caroline’s wheelchair.

  Once everyone was saddled up and Caroline was secured in the wagon, the girls made their way to the staging area. The brilliant floats were lined up and ready to go. Abigail’s saddlebag was even filled with mountains of confetti and sweets to throw out to the parade watchers. The excitement around town was palpable as the parade music began to play. Abigail, Pru, Lucky, and Caroline took their spots at the front.

  “Ready, everyone?” Lucky looked to her friends, beaming with pride and honor. They still had a lot to learn, but she knew that they belonged there. They were skilled riders and trainers, but most important, they embodied the spirit of the Miradero founders. They had forged ahead, trying new things and being brave enough to continue in the face of a challenge. And best of all, they’d done it together.

  “Okay, Sandy… now canter!” Caroline called out, pulling her reins. But Sandy didn’t budge. Pru, Abigail, and Lucky held their breaths. Then suddenly—the little horse took off! The people cheered as Sandy and Caroline turned onto the main road, leading the parade and showing the town of Miradero that with a little persistence, anything was possible.

  Little, Brown Books for Young Readers began publishing books in 1926.

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  G. M. (Gillian) Berrow is also the author of many My Little Pony chapter books and middle-grade novels, including the beloved in-world book series, the Daring Do Adventures. She loves writing about ponies and horses, playing with her mini poodle, and making puns.

  Born in La Plata, Argentina, Maine Diaz grew up drawing and painting. Cartoons captured her imagination early on, and she realized immediately that she wanted to be an animator when she grew up. At the age of sixteen, Maine took a workshop and started animating. Soon after, she started illustrating for children’s storybooks and educational books.

  Currently, Maine lives in a tiny green house, where she spends time with her two cats, Chula and Lola. When not illustrating, she enjoys swimming, writing, and taking photos.




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