The Upper Hand

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The Upper Hand Page 5

by A L Fraine

  “What do you make of that?” Nathan asked, clearly curious as to her thoughts.

  Kate sat back and brought her hand up to her chin in thought. “Well, a puncture wound suggests that he might have been injected with something, and the bruising on the neck suggests strangulation. But it looks like Jordan was killed by the stab wound. So, I’d guess that he was subdued by someone getting him in an armlock around his neck, before injecting him with some kind of anaesthetic while he was out cold.”

  Nathan nodded. “That’s basically what I was thinking. Also, given that he was apparently at his work last night, I think he might have been attacked in the office.

  Kate agreed. “Jordan’s car still being there, and the photo on his desk only adds weight to that idea, as well. So, they got in somehow,” Kate continued, “subdued him, injected him, and then moved him to the woods where they killed him. But not before leaving us that cryptic note.”

  “That feels right to me,” Nathan said. “I’ll put in a request for any CCTV in the road out front of the office. Maybe we’ll get lucky.”

  “Were there any security cameras in the office itself?” Kate asked.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see any, but maybe the forensics team will find something.”

  “We can only hope,” Kate replied as Nathan then navigated to another folder on the system, listed as Jordan’s Mobile Records, and opened it up.

  Inside was a list of phone calls made from the device, as well as message threads, including the most recent ones between him and his wife, and someone called Naomi. A quick read through the last couple of messages made it clear that Naomi was a work colleague at the office, and in the last message to her, they discussed working late together on the night of Jordan’s murder.

  “Well, that confirms he was working late, but it looks like he wasn’t alone.”

  “Was Naomi one of the people at the office today, do we know?” Kate asked.

  “Good question. I’ll chase her up and see if we can get her brought in,” Nathan said as Kate spotted DCI Dean walking over to them. “Sir,” she said in greeting as he approached.

  “So, give me a brief rundown of what’s happened,” he said, sitting on the edge of a desk across the way.

  “So, we have the body of Jordan Donaldson found in the woods between Shere and Horsley early this morning. We believe he was tortured and murdered at the scene, but we think he was kidnapped from his office in Guildford. We spoke to Jordan’s wife, Joanna Donaldson who informed us that Jordan had worked late last night and had not returned home. The office is currently being looked at by SOCO’s, but we found a Polaroid there that had been left on Jordan’s desk.”

  “Polaroid?” the DCI asked. “What decade is this again?”

  “You can get modern Polaroid cameras these days,” Kate interjected. “I have one.”

  “You’re not the killer, are you?” the DCI asked, one eyebrow raised.

  Kate laughed. “I don’t think so.”

  “Good, then all we need to do is find the one other person in the country who uses Polaroid, and we’re done. Case closed.”

  “I’ll bear that in mind, sir,” Nathan replied.

  “So, what was on this photo?” the DCI continued, suddenly serious again.

  Nathan pulled out his phone and showed the photo he’d taken of it, to the DCI. “Here, take a look.”

  “Four days? Four days until what? Is this a threat against this man’s life?”

  “I assume so,” Nathan replied.

  “Do we know who he is?” he asked, pointing to the image.

  “No. But there was blood on the photo, so maybe that will shed some light on it.”

  “Then, you have your deadline. We need to find the murderer before he kills again,” DCI Dean said.

  “We’re on it,” Nathan replied.

  “I know you are. Any resources you need, just ask. Alright?”

  “Yes, sir,” Nathan replied.

  “Okay, carry on, keep me updated,” he said and left them to their work.

  “Alright, while we wait for some results, we might as well start getting onto the paperwork and writing up our initial reports.”

  Kate nodded and wheeled her seat back to her desk where she logged into her computer and set work, starting with changing her password to something she’d remember.

  Paperwork was a necessary evil, and the part of the job Kate did not enjoy. It was also absolutely vital as a case progressed, became more complex, and eventually made it to court. It was not worth putting in all that effort to apprehend a criminal only to have them get off on a technicality later because she’d omitted something key from her reports.

  The next couple of hours moved slowly and were only interrupted by her lunch and Nathan informing her that Naomi had indeed been at the office this morning and was coming in to be interviewed.

  “So, what do you think the relationship is between these two?” Kate asked.

  “I take it you think Jordan and Naomi were more than work colleagues, then?” Nathan said.

  “I think Jordan was squeezing a few extra benefits out of his working life, sure,” Kate replied. “Maybe things weren’t quite as rosy at home as Joanna was making out.”

  “Do you think that’s what you were picking up on when you said you thought something was off with his wife?”

  “My instinct is taking me that way. Maybe Jordan wasn’t as keen on the pregnancy as Joanna was, and went looking for something a little more fun elsewhere.”

  “Well, there’s nothing incriminating so far, just circumstantial evidence, and all the messages on the phone looked purely professional. Friendly, but professional.”

  “I guess we’ll find out when Naomi comes in,” Kate mused.

  Nathan smiled. “I guess so.”

  Kate went back to her work, writing up her notes and findings and what they had worked on so far today. It was mind-numbing work, and she’d been sipping on a coffee that Nathan had brought to her a little while ago.

  Kate took another sip, but it was cold and the taste of it made her shiver. She’d spotted where the break room was a little earlier and decided it was time to go investigate it for herself. Besides, it was getting late in the afternoon, and she needed the caffeine.

  She offered to get another drink for Nathan, but he declined the offer, continuing with his own small mountain of paperwork, while Kate navigated around the desks.

  Located off to one side, the break room had a work surface with a kettle, microwave, and a fridge at one end, and a sink and draining board up the other. Three small circular tables stood lined up along the middle of the room, surrounded by chairs.

  As she approached, she heard two people talking inside, and slowed to listen in before they spotted her.

  “I’m going to recommend he takes them off the case,” the male voice said. “It’s too big for the weirdo and his rookie now that it looks like we have a serial killer on the loose.”

  “A-hem,” a female voice replied as Kate stepped into the room.

  Two detectives sat at a nearby table—DI Mason, who she’d seen following the DCI around, and a woman.

  Kate smiled at them as she walked in. “Hey,” she said.

  The woman—a tall, stocky lady who Kate guessed to be in her forties—got up and approached her.

  “Hi. I’m Claire, nice to meet you,” she said, offering her hand to Kate.

  Kate took it and shook it firmly. “Kate. Kate O’Connell,” she answered and pointed to the coffee jar. “Can I make you something?”

  “No, thanks, I’ve just had one. But let me offer you one of these,” she said and pulled open a Tupperware box on the side to reveal several cupcakes covered in white icing. There were only a few left and plenty of crumbs covering the base of the box.

  “Oooh, lovely” Kate said with a smile as she plucked one from inside. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. I love baking, I’ll have something else tomorrow.”

  “She’s our re
sident dealer in sugary treats,” Mason said from behind Claire. “She’s got us all hooked. Don’t know what we’d do if she ever got transferred.”

  “That’s Sam,” Claire said, glancing back at him.

  “Yeah, we’ve met.” Sam got up and walked over, also offering his hand. “Sam Mason. Nice to meet you.”

  “Kate,” she replied and shook his hand, making sure to get a good grip.

  “How’s your first day going?” Sam asked with a curious smile.

  “Eventful,” Kate answered truthfully. “I did not expect this on day one.”

  “I bet Nathan’s loving it, isn’t he? Finally, something juicy to sink his teeth into. So, what’s the theory this time? Aliens? The Loch Ness Monster on holiday down south?”

  “Don’t be horrible,” Claire cut in.

  “What? We all know what he’s like with his conspiracy theories. It’s only right that Kate should know about him.”

  Claire smiled, but it was a fake one. “He’s harmless, and a good detective, Sam.”

  “If you say so.”

  “Sounds like he’s got something of a reputation,” Kate commented.

  “Nathan has been with the force for a long time,” Claire said, “and he does have certain theories about what is really going on, you know, in the halls of power, I guess.”

  “Just say it as it is. He’s a conspiracy theorist,” Sam added.

  “So that’s why we got this case, then?” Kate said.

  “Strange one, is it?” Claire asked.

  “Some occult influences in the killing,” Kate explained.

  “You just hope he doesn’t screw this one up. You don’t want him ruining your career before it's even started. Look, I gotta get on. I’ll see you later, Claire. Take care of yourself, Kate, and watch him. Don’t let this rookie posting mess things up for you.”

  Kate nodded and watched Sam walk off before turning back to Claire. “What was all that about?”

  Claire offered her a conciliatory smile. “Nathan used to run a Murder Squad. He was a DCI, you know. He’s a talented detective with a flair for solving cases, but because of his belief in certain conspiracies, he ended up screwing up a major investigation. The main suspect walked free, and no one was convicted for the murder. Nathan got demoted for his actions on that case, but they kept him around as a DS…”

  “Because he was otherwise good at his job?”

  Claire nodded. “He was on desk duty for a while, before be began helping on various cases with the team. He’s been working alone on some random crap for a while too, but this is the first time he’s led an investigation in years. I suppose he’s earned it, but he’s got a certain reputation for his beliefs, and the rookies usually get partnered with him when they first join the team as a test.”

  “Like me,” Kate answered.

  “Like you,” Claire answered, inclining her head. “Rachel over there was his partner before you.”

  Kate looked into the room to see the dark-haired woman Claire was pointing out to her. She was a little older than Kate, maybe, but not by much.

  “He’s not mentioned any conspiracy stuff to me yet.”

  Claire smiled. “Give it time, it’ll rear its head at some point.”

  “Okay, well, thanks for the heads-up,” Kate said.

  “Look, Sam has a pretty harsh view of Nathan. He’s more of a ‘by the book’ type and doesn’t like Nathan’s more unorthodox approach. The conspiracy thing is just the icing on the cake really, so don’t let Sam get to you. Nathan really is good at his job.”

  “He seems to be.”

  Claire nodded. “You’re enjoying working with him, then?”

  Kate looked across the office at Nathan where he sat, hunched over his computer, engrossed in his work. “Yeah, I guess so. I mean, it’s early days, and I’ve only been with him today, but he knows his stuff.”

  Claire smiled. “Alright then, I guess I’ll let you get on with it. Enjoy the cake,” she said and left the break room.

  Kate watched her go and looked over the office and the dynamic that was clearly at work here.

  She was the newbie on the team, and it looked like they were always posted with Nathan, probably as a hazing ritual of some kind to see how they got on. But honestly, Kate didn’t have anything against Nathan. As far as she could see, he was a diligent and keen-minded detective who knew what it took to get the job done.

  It sounded like he had a few skeletons in his closet, but then, he wasn’t the only one with a past that he wanted to forget.

  With a shrug, she walked back to her desk and sat back down at her computer, sipping her new, hot mug of coffee.

  She was halfway through her next drink when she heard Nathan pick up the phone behind her.

  “Yes? Okay, thanks,” he said down the line. Kate turned to him.

  “What’s up?”

  “Naomi’s here, she’s in interview room three,” he replied, standing up. “Let’s go see what she’s got to say for herself.

  Kate followed Nathan downstairs to the interview rooms where an officer showed them to the one with Naomi in it.

  She sat behind a table in the room and looked up as they walked in.

  “I came as quick as I could. If there’s anything I can do to help…” she said.

  “Hopefully there is,” Kate said. “This is an interview which will be conducted under caution plus three. You are under caution, which I will recite to you. During this interview, you do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand?”

  “I think so, yes,” Naomi replied.

  “In addition, you have the right to free legal advice, should you decide you want it, you’re not under arrest or anything, and you can leave at any time.” Kate finished. “Now that the legal part is out the way, we just have a few questions about last night, if that’s okay?”

  Naomi nodded. “Do I need a lawyer or anything?”

  “You shouldn’t need one, no, but say so if you want to request one, alright?” Naomi was a good looking girl, Kate thought, with her long dark hair and pretty face. She wasn’t shy about showing off a little cleavage either.

  Had she turned Jordan’s eye? Attracted him in and got involved with him? She certainly would attract a few admiring glances walking around dressed like that.

  Taking their seats opposite her, Kate looked over at Nathan, who nodded for her to continue as he readied his notepad.

  “It’s Naomi Sawyer, right?” Kate asked.

  “That’s right.”

  “So, how would you describe your relationship with Mr Donaldson?”

  “Um, well I guess it’s employer and employee. I work for him,” Naomi answered.

  “At the Estate Agency?”

  Naomi nodded.

  “So, it’s purely professional then?”

  “Well, I guess we’re friends too, but that’s all. We went to school together years ago, but I’d not seen him in years until I went to apply for this job. It was good to see him again after so long.”

  “So you’re friends?”

  “I guess. I mean. We were. We only really see each other at work now… I mean, we did…” she answered, her calm demeanour showing the first signs of cracking as she fought her emotions.

  “Did you sometimes work late with Mr Donaldson?”

  “Sometimes. A few of us did. It depended on who was available.”

  “And you were available last night?”

  Naomi nodded, as tears budded in the corners of her eyes.

  “It’s okay, we can take a break at any time you want,” Kate offered.

  “No, no, it’s fine. I’m fine,” she answered with a sniff.

  “Okay. So, you worked with Jordan last night?”

  “No. I mean, I tried. I went to the office to meet him. I hadn’t worked there during the day yesterday. It was my day off. But he asked if I was
free to help him, so I went over. No one was in though. The place was locked up, and no one answered.”

  “You didn’t see any movement or any lights on inside?”

  “No, nothing. I knocked and rang the doorbell for a while.”

  “Can you confirm the time you went there?”

  “Yeah, it was about seven forty-five, eight o’clock. Around there, I think.”

  “Can anyone corroborate this for you?”

  Naomi shrugged. “I live alone and didn’t tell anyone what I was doing. There’s a camera on the street though, I think. Can you check them?”

  “We’re in the process of obtaining CCTV from the area,” Nathan cut in.

  Naomi nodded. “You know, it was strange because his car was there like it usually is, but he wasn’t in the office. So, I guess someone… You know…” she said, stumbling over her words as a lump formed in her throat.

  Kate nodded. “Okay, so you’re sure you didn’t see him yesterday, at all?”

  Naomi shook her head. “Sorry, no.”

  “Do you know his wife, Joanna at all?” Nathan asked.

  “She’s been to the office a few times. We’ve swapped a few pleasantries. That’s all, really. I don’t really know her that well. Kay knows her better.”

  “We’ll be speaking with Kay soon. What about any of your other colleagues, have you noticed any of them acting strangely? Have any of them fallen out with Mr Donaldson recently?”

  Naomi thought for a moment, creasing her brow, before shaking her head. “Sorry, no. Everyone was getting on with Jordan just fine, as far as I know anyway.”

  Kate sat forward again, putting her arms on the table. “Who has access to the property? Who has a key?”

  “Um, well Jordan, obviously. Kay has a key, and I think Hunter does as well.”

  “That’s Hunter West, correct?” Kate asked, checking her notes.


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