Cunningham, Pat - Legacy [Sequel to Belonging] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Cunningham, Pat - Legacy [Sequel to Belonging] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 27

by Pat Cunningham

  “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

  “Be nice to get a straight answer. Look at poor Scarecrow, sweating over there. How can you make him suffer?”

  Colleen sighed. “I love you both. If you’ll have me—”

  Jeremy crushed his mouth against hers before she could finish. The hand that kneaded the back of her neck belonged to Wallace.

  “Don’t ask stupid questions,” he growled against her ear.

  She kissed him then. Their fangs clashed, but only momentarily. Practice would put an end to that. “It’ll be at least two months before I can get out of my apartment. How are you fixed for closet space?”

  “All Wallace needs is a tee and some jeans,” Jeremy said. “We can throw the rest out.”

  “Or all those crappy clothes you’ve got. I like you better naked anyway.” Since he couldn’t reach Jeremy’s ass, Wallace slapped Colleen’s instead. “This’ll be great. Scarecrow can cook, and with you to do the housework—”

  “Hold my hands,” she said to Jeremy. “Before I pop him one.”

  “You still got your spunk. That’s good.”

  “You want to go through eternity with a broken nose?”

  “Settle down, kids,” Jeremy said. “You two aren’t going fight twenty-four-seven, are you? I like to sleep once in a while.”

  “This must be a dream come true for you,” Wallace said. “Two bats to fuss over. You must be in heaven.”

  “Kiss my ass.”

  “I have other plans for your ass.” His eyes bored into Colleen’s. Desire burned in their jungle depths. “There’s a few parts of you I’d like to experiment on, too.” She raised her brows. “What? Vampires can get jazzed on adrenaline, too.”

  Jeremy frowned. “No they can’t.”

  “Okay, then. Slaying makes me horny. Are you two going to help me out, or leave me here to suffer?”

  “Aw, poor you,” Jeremy said with absolutely no sympathy. Wallace’s pout got him to relent, and he leaned over to kiss the vampire’s lips while still holding Colleen. “Is there room for us all on here?”

  “There’s barely room for you on here. Shit. This is our first night as a real flock. We have to do it right.”

  Wallace flashed to his feet and plucked Colleen from Jeremy’s lap. Before she could catch her breath, she found herself outside their bedroom door in Wallace’s arms. Jeremy’s annoyed shout echoed up the steps.

  “Do vampires do everything this fast?” she said.

  He gave her a hurt look. “Scarecrow’s the bitch in the family. You could be nicer.”

  “One of us could be.”

  “Are you kidding? I’m perfect just the way I am. Now pay attention.” He set Colleen on her feet. “I’m going to teach you how a vampire hunts.”

  He opened the door and slipped them into the bedroom as Jeremy’s footfalls pounded up the stairs. Wallace motioned her to stand beside the bed while he hid behind the door.

  Normally, we stalk our prey, he said in her mind, but if the vic wants to throw himself at you, why fight it? A case like this, you want to go with the element of surprise.

  As Jeremy charged into the bedroom, Wallace leaped out from behind the door. Jeremy’s wiry human strength was no match for the vampire’s. Wallace threw him onto his back on the bed and pinned him there. It would have been an impressive example of a predator’s attack if Jeremy hadn’t giggled and ruined it.

  “Once you’ve got him down,” Wallace went on aloud, “you need to subdue him before he can yell for help or fight back or do something stupid like that. That’s where a vampire’s allure comes in. Now Scarecrow here, he’s a problem. He’s immune to vampiric control. Therefore, we have to resort to other measures.”

  His mouth over Jeremy’s effectively smothered any cries for help. He slid his hands down Jeremy’s arms to clasp with the human’s. They writhed against each other, belly to belly. Not that Jeremy seemed determined to put up much of a fight. The noises he made sure didn’t sound like pleas for assistance.

  “Shouldn’t you be biting his neck?” Colleen asked.

  “Hmm?” Wallace looked up distractedly from his assault on Jeremy’s lower lip. “Jesus. You are one impatient chick. We’ll get around to the biting eventually. Maybe. I don’t think my victim here is properly subdued yet.”

  “Need any help?”

  “Yeah. Get over here and hold him while I move in for the kill.”

  Colleen hopped onto the bed and maneuvered herself behind Jeremy. She stretched her legs on either side of his body and settled his head in her lap. Unbuttoning his shirt, she slipped her hands beneath the fabric and slid them in slow circles over his pecs. She tickled her fingers lightly across his ribs for good measure. “He’s not going anywhere.”

  “Perfect.” Wallace undid his own belt then Jeremy’s. He slid down their zippers in a slow, simultaneous glide. Colleen saw Wallace ran commando, but Jeremy’s open fly revealed the flash of briefs. “Son of a bitch. Scarecrow, what have I told you about underwear? You know it just gets in the way.”

  Colleen chuckled. “Who’s impatient now?”

  “Shut up. I’ve giving the lesson here.” Wallace wriggled backward. “You put ’em on, you take ’em off.”

  “I can’t. My hands are busy.” Busy caressing Colleen’s thighs. He seemed disinclined to leave off.

  “Y’see, it’s this uncooperative attitude that gets victims’ throats ripped out. Okay, fine. Make me do all the work myself. Colleen, shut him up. I’m sick of hearing excuses.”

  She bent forward and kissed Jeremy, muffling any further protests. Her body seemed more limber, more flexible, her muscles stronger, and at the same time, more yielding and pliable. What kinds of positions could her semi-vampiric body be coaxed into? What did she now have the strength for? Just the thought if it sent her blood racing through her veins. She attacked Jeremy’s mouth without mercy. Jeremy responded with hot, matching hunger. His fingers dug into her thighs.

  Meanwhile, Wallace worked Jeremy’s slacks and briefs off his hips and down to his shins. Their cocks stretched out to greet each other. Colleen broke the kiss to watch in fascination as the two dicks, one long and slender, one thick and bold, rubbed against each other like cats. Her clit tingled at the memories of those cocks inside her. Both her mouth and her pussy watered. She and Jeremy moaned in unison.

  “Yeah. Ain’t he pretty?” Wallace said. He smoothed his fingers along the length of Jeremy’s shaft and teased the head with his tongue. Colleen whimpered. That tongue. Had her own acquired a vampire’s sandpapery texture? Could she now give her men that extra bit of pleasure they deserved? She couldn’t wait to find out.

  She shifted Jeremy’s head off her lap. “Let me.”

  “No, no, no, no. I’ve changed my mind.” Jeremy swore at him. “Shut up. You.” He gestured to Colleen. “Get over here next to me.” Colleen obeyed. Working together, Wallace and Colleen tugged Jeremy’s pants and briefs all the way off his legs. Wallace tossed them aside.

  “From now on, nobody in this house wears underwear,” Wallace said. “Okay,” he amended at Colleen’s scowl, “you can wear a bra to work. Don’t want to upset the kids. But it comes off the second you get home. Scarecrow, you make sure she holds to that.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Right. Back to the matter at hand. Once you’ve got your victim subdued, you’re pretty much home free. Most vamps go straight for the throat at this point, but I like to play with my food.” He spread Jeremy’s legs to reveal his hole. “Now, for this maneuver, I’ll need you to—what?”

  “You want to…?” Colleen gestured dubiously at the intended target.

  “Well, yeah. C’mon, you were engaged. You never did stuff like this with what was his name, Douchenozzle?”

  “We were trying to make a baby. This is not how you make a baby.”

  “No, this is how you drive a man crazy so he wants to make a baby. Right, Scarecrow?”

  “Somebody better do something
,” Jeremy said, “or I’m going downstairs and get coffee.”

  “Bitch, bitch, bitch. Fine, then. Watch and learn, sweetheart.”

  Again, Wallace sent his tongue on the attack, rimming the muscles of Jeremy’s anus. Colleen had never seen the point of anal play. Jeremy’s obvious pleasure caused her to reconsider. His little happy whimpers made her want that tongue of Wallace’s lapping into every hole she owned. Her nipples hardened painfully. When Wallace dipped his tongue inside, Jeremy bucked and moaned, causing Colleen to moan in sympathy.

  His penis stiffened and waved for attention. Colleen reached for it. Wallace reared back. “Hey! No touchee.”


  “He tried to thwart me with underwear. He has to pay the price.” Jeremy cursed at him. Wallace snorted. “Like you never called me that before.” He beckoned Colleen over. “Your turn.”

  “I don’t have to lick him, do I?”

  “No, I just wanted to lube him up for you. You get the fun part. Let’s see your hands.” He took her slender fingers into his broad palm and smiled at her short, buffed nails. “Perfect. I thought chicks went in for claws.”

  “I wear fakes when I go out. I don’t want to risk scratching the kids.”

  “Then you won’t scratch Scarecrow either. Hear that? It’s your lucky day.”

  “For Christ’s sake,” Jeremy said. “Will you stop yapping and finish already?”

  “Did I mention vampires are big on torture? Okay, okay. I can be merciful. Here you go, sweetheart. Stick your finger right in here. Relax. This end doesn’t bite.”

  “I don’t want to hurt him.”

  “Are you kidding?” Wallace took his own hefty dick in hand. “See this? He’s had this in there. Your little twig of a finger’s not going to hurt him.”

  “For God’s sake,” Jeremy pleaded. “Somebody stick something somewhere before I scream.”

  Fighting her misgivings, Colleen dipped her finger into the unknown waters. Jeremy clamped around her almost at once. She pushed in until she was up to her knuckle.

  “What do I do now?”

  “Move it around. You’re looking for—” Jeremy cried out. Wallace grinned. “That. Sweetheart, you’re a natural.”

  “Oh-kay,” Colleen said. He didn’t sound or act like he was in pain. Exactly the opposite. Wallace took pity on her, and her uncertainty, and added his finger to the mix, guiding her again and again to Jeremy’s sweet spot until the human was panting and lost in bliss.

  “Not bad,” Wallace said, easing them both out one final time. “That’s enough of that for now.”

  “No!” Jeremy jerked upright. The scent of his arousal, soured by frustration, blasted her newly sensitive nose. He teetered on the brink of coming. “Wallace!”

  “Remember what I said about vampires and torture? I decide how much you get and when.”

  With an animalistic snarl Jeremy lashed out and grabbed Wallace by the wrist. One hard yank pulled the vampire onto the bed beside him. In seconds, he had Wallace on his back and had straddled him. The look he shot over his shoulder at Colleen held that feral fierceness she knew so well from their own encounters.

  “Watch,” he ordered her. “This is how the victim fights back.”

  He lunged forward and bit Wallace on the neck. Not hard enough to break the skin, but sharply enough to get his attention. At the same time he reached between their legs. Wallace’s curses became unintelligible. A slow, powerful thud joined the pound of Jeremy’s heartbeat in her ears. Wallace’s writhing to escape turned into hard thrusts into Jeremy’s hand. Jeremy softened his bites into kisses with lots of heavy sucking involved. Colleen recognized this as a vampire turn-on.

  Her stare fixed on the men, Colleen pinched her nipples through the fabric of her blouse. Definite vampire turn-on.

  Just as Wallace looked about to climax, Jeremy let go and rolled off him. He grinned down at his sweating, furious handiwork. “That’s for the torture crap.”

  “You fucking sadistic bastard.”

  “You should be nicer to your slaves.” He turned his wicked grin on Colleen. “Want to help me slay a vampire?”

  Colleen helped him lose her blouse and slacks. “No,” she said when he reached his enormous hand toward her panties. “I’d like to keep these.” She removed her own underwear and let it drop to the floor. Both Jeremy and Wallace watched the procedure intently. Wallace’s growl sent a hungry shiver through her.

  Jeremy removed his own shirt then sat them both on the end of the bed, facing Wallace. “The best way to catch a vampire,” Jeremy murmured, “is to distract him with bait.” He nuzzled her neck then licked it in slow, sensuous strokes. Wallace’s growl upped in intensity. Jeremy cupped her breasts and teased her nipples until Colleen was growling, too.

  She could see Wallace’s eyes. His pupils had dilated to the point they looked almost fully black. Jeremy’s mouth on her neck and hands on her tits were swiftly chipping away at her restraint. The predator locked in her genes surged to the fore. She grabbed at his head and attacked his mouth roughly. A second later, Wallace lunged. Jeremy was borne backward, nearly off the edge of the bed, with two hungry animals on top of him.

  A new scent joined the mix of sweat and sex, hot and salty. Food. Colleen’s fangs had accidently cut Jeremy’s upper lip. She stared at the blood that welled up there and froze. Wallace likewise froze. Both watched her while she licked her lips, newborn instincts flashing through her body.

  Jeremy smiled up at her with absolute trust. “You won’t hurt me. You could never hurt either one of us.”

  Of course she couldn’t. What had she been thinking? It was just a little blood. Tenderly, she kissed it away. A pressure in her chest suddenly lightened, and she let out a long, happy breath.

  Wallace moved against her and pressed a kiss to her ear. “He tastes like shit anyway,” he muttered.

  “That doesn’t change anything.” Colleen’s lips curved as she licked the trace of Jeremy’s blood off them. “I’m still part vampire.”

  “In that case,” Jeremy said, “I’ll have to slay you both. The best thing to do when you’re attacked by two vampires is to turn them against each other.”

  He shifted his long legs, knocking Wallace more solidly against Colleen. His sea-breeze scent assaulted her with its undercurrent of lust. She forgot about Jeremy’s blood and focused instead on the taste of Wallace’s lips. Jeremy continued to nibble on her neck and Wallace’s, while both men kneaded her breasts. Two erections vied with each other in prodding against her legs.

  Gradually, Colleen’s arousal-fogged brain registered the absence of one of the cocks. She’d been so overwhelmed by Wallace’s attentions to her mouth and body, she hadn’t even noticed Jeremy’s withdrawal. So that’s what they meant by vampire fixation. She broke a deep kiss to look for her other lover. He stood beside her and the bed and pressed a bit of latex into her hand.

  Colleen squinted at the condom. “What’s this for? I already told you I can’t.”

  “Not with me. Wallace, we don’t know yet. Better safe than surprised down the line.”

  Wallace snarled. “No way.”

  “Way,” Jeremy insisted. “Until Annie can examine her, and we know for sure.”

  She clutched the condom in her palm. A baby with Wallace would make her heart sing. Yet another disappointment would crack it. “I’m with Jeremy,” she decided. “Suit up.”

  “This isn’t fair. I’m supposed to be the king bat. You’re not supposed to gang up on me.”

  “Don’t be silly. We love you. Let me show you.”

  Colleen kissed the head of his cock. Wallace hissed. She sheathed him expertly with a deft roll of her fingers and a light kiss on his lips. He caught what looked like a breath.

  “Whoa,” he whispered. “Who knew that could be sexy?”

  “It gets better.” Colleen lay back so that her head hung over the end of the bed. From high above her, Jeremy beamed down in sudden comprehension.

  So di
d Wallace. “Whoa,” he repeated. “We got us a live one, Scarecrow.”

  “We were trying to make a baby,” Colleen reminded them. “Anything he wanted, I was willing to try at least once.”

  Wallace chuckled. “You do know a vampire doesn’t have much of a gag reflex, right? Since we sometimes have to chug in a hurry.” He slid his hands from Colleen’s breasts down to her hips while grinning at Jeremy. “You lucky shit.”

  Then that gloriously rough tongue was toying with her clit, and thought took a hike for a while.

  Colleen’s back arched, and her jaw gaped as she cried out her approval of Wallace’s technique. Jeremy positioned himself by her head and thrust his cock into her mouth. Wallace was right about the lack of gag. She had no trouble taking in Jeremy’s entire impressive length. The trouble came in trying to restrain herself. Jeremy liked a little scrape of teeth along his shaft, but she had fangs now, and Wallace lapping at her pussy made thought nearly impossible. She clamped her lips over her teeth and sucked hard.

  “Oh yeah,” Jeremy gasped. “Just right.”

  “And now,” Wallace said from somewhere in the stratosphere, “the stake.”

  They thrust into her simultaneously, each thoroughly fucking his respective end. The explosion built in her belly and shot in all directions, rushing toward its inevitable climax. She rocked and screamed around Jeremy’s cock. As if her cry were the trigger, Wallace came inside her, hard and fast. He remained inside her until Jeremy caught up and came in her throat. She swallowed with no trouble. Maybe she didn’t need to breathe as often, either. Her lips skimmed Jeremy’s penis as he withdrew from her mouth. A talent like that would definitely come in handy in the future.

  Wallace eased out of her and lay back against the headboard. “I don’t think I’ll be killing too many bats that way,” he said. “It takes too much out of me.”

  Jeremy snickered. “Fun, though.”

  Sated, Colleen sighed. Her eyes saw Jeremy. Her thoughts twined with Wallace’s, and she felt his big, broad grin without having to see it. Her heart returned to its new, slower pace, and his beat right along with it.

  “Hey,” Jeremy said. Still on his feet, he stared out the window. “Hey, look.”


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