Girls Like Me

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Girls Like Me Page 8

by Lola StVil

  Godotwait4me: When will we meet?

  notall2gether: Not yet. We will but not just yet

  Godotwait4me: Ok, can I at least tell you my real name?

  notall2gether: Deal

  Godotwait4me: Blake Harrison

  [notall2gether has logged off]

  Shut Up!

  Dash is too excited to stay still

  He bounces around

  Like kid on road trip who needs to pee


  I look to Boots as a voice of reason

  She strokes my hair and lies

  It will be all right

  Don’t care what world thinks

  Sometimes lying is not only okay

  It’s humane

  He only changed his Facebook status to single because he’s a private person

  Mrs. Zucker won’t fail you; she likes you

  That tattoo totally looks real, totally

  How Could I Not Have Known?

  Yes, we don’t run in the same circles

  But shouldn’t some alarm have been set off?

  Warning: nerdy pig about to intercept Greek god in four, three, two . . .

  I Read and Reread

  All emails, texts

  Never once did he happen to say

  Oh, btw, I’m so far outta your league

  It’s all a farce

  Was This All Just a Joke?

  Does he know who I am?

  Could he be forwarding all my texts to his friends?

  Are they sitting at the table reading my emails

  In between smoking and skipping class?

  Just As They Head Out

  They decide to take another look

  Here comes their favorite part:

  Shay talks about being lonely

  What a loser


  I’m about to scold Dash

  For pulling me out of my


  Then I See Her


  Has passed out

  Nothing Matters

  Only her

  We pick up cells

  Dial numbers and


  For the Next Few Days

  Boots lies in ICU (Stupid Name)

  It’s like the room saying

  I See You hurting and

  I don’t care

  Dash and I Decide

  We are camping out by her hospital room

  If we could do it for Black Eyed Peas show tickets . . .

  It Is Days Before

  She is allowed out of ICU and can have visitors

  Her first question once she comes around?

  “Did I miss the Star Trek convention?”

  Boots Orders Us Not to Worry

  She would have had better luck asking us to

  Sprout wings and head


  I Miss Godot

  He would understand and care

  He’d find a way to make me laugh

  And we’d pretend like

  All is well

  Not Even If We Were the Last

  People on earth could I call Blake

  Online he’s mine

  In real world

  He belongs to everyone else

  She Is Playing

  “I’m not as sick as I look”

  She’s failing

  To convince us

  Godotwait4me: Are, you ok? Haven’t heard from you.

  Godotwait4me: What’s up? . . .

  Godotwait4me: Hello? . . . Hello?

  Must Ignore

  Must break off all contact

  Can’t survive him knowing

  His cyberprincess is really


  Pig girl

  Let’s Dance!

  Godotwait4me: Hey, R. Am sending you

  Godotwait4me: the new Plain White T’s song.

  Godotwait4me: Check it out

  Don’t Do It!

  Don’t contact him

  It’s what’s best for you


  Better hurt now than later

  Godotwait4me: Rain, I’m starting to get worried. Did you meet another inbox you like better?

  Godotwait4me: What is it? Their font? Their bandwidth? Bc well some guys fake that

  Godotwait4me: just to impress a girl.

  Godotwait4me: Seriously, hit me back. I miss you

  He Wrote For

  Days on end

  I made myself protect myself

  Did nothing

  Thing Is

  Now I see him


  In the chips on my cookies

  The steam in my latte

  The glaze on my doughnut

  Dash Is So Overwhelmed

  By Boots’s illness

  He needs an escape but this time

  Golf and tacky patterns

  Won’t be enough

  He Spends a Lot of Time With


  Pretending that he’s

  Not pretending anymore

  When He Lost Interest in Golf

  Dad thought tournament was too much pressure

  Sam came over with

  Gay flag pin

  On backpack

  Was treated like dog

  By Dad

  Sam sought distance

  Dash sought shelter

  The two kissed

  Sitting in the Stairwell

  Gazing at rows of empty lockers till they blur

  I am now six again in car with Dad

  Road rolls out like red carpet

  We have nothing but time

  We snap, sway, swing

  “American Pie”

  Dad shouts, “I love this song!”

  Presses repeat

  Now on the Stairwell

  The hallways are soundless

  Loneliness twists its way

  Into my center and


  To stop hurting

  I use voice to bring him back

  Singing softly

  Dad starts to form before me

  By the time I reach the chorus

  I am deep in memories

  Don’t notice

  Blake Harrison standing there




  He calls out

  My name

  But not my name

  “Rain . . . ?”


  F   A   S   T   E   R



  H U M A N

  F E E T

  W E R E




  M E A N T



  Slinks out of the ball

  So he won’t see her rags

  Mice. Pumpkins. Back fat.

  No glass slippers left to ID her

  Only trail of shame

  I Know

  People my age are always dramatic

  Maybe I fall right in line

  Judge me later

  Answer me now

  Has anyone ever died of embarrassment?

  By Now

  News is all over


  All Day Dash Has Been

  Inspecting classrooms, hallways, entrances, exits

  To ensure I don’t run

  Into Blake


  The wave of laughter from White Noise

  The Dread

  Of running into him

  Is second only to the


  Of running into him

  It Hits Me Then

  Maybe he didn’t say anything

  To the White Noise

  Maybe it was as special to him

  As it was
to me

  Then I Hear the Laughter

  Coming down the hallway

  The White Noise has gathered around Kelly Canyon’s locker

  Standing right by her side is

  Godot Zeus Blake

  Whatever you want to call him

  He is laughing

  With her at me

  You Can All Kiss My . . .


  Fly out of me

  That I didn’t know I knew

  Yes, he fooled me

  Into thinking he liked me

  That was the plan, right?

  Get the pig to think she was a real girl?

  You Have Been

  Chatting with her?

  The White Noise asks

  They Didn’t Know!

  They had NO idea

  Blake did NOT betray me

  But I Just Betrayed Him


  He is bleeding internally

  From the vicious words

  I chose

  Boots Says Slowly

  So he actually liked you?


  And you betrayed him?


  Embarrassed him in front of entire school?


  Boots calls for reinforcement

  Dash Comes Quickly

  Gives me the “You are working my nerves” look

  And calls me “destroyer of romance”

  (In a loving way)

  He Then Announces

  He had another encounter w/ Sam

  Notebooks touched; sparks flew

  A date for the dance was made!

  Both Boots and I

  Want to ask “What about your dad?”

  But there’s a rule about stopping Dash mid-dance

  Don’t. Do. It.

  Next Day at School Where

  Overripe banana

  Gray meat

  Warm milk


  Glam girls. Gym shorts.

  Pain pills. Pop quiz.

  Make life hell

  When Suddenly, He Speaks to Me

  “Hi, Shay”

  The tick

  Doesn’t follow

  The tock

  Planet stands still

  His Words

  Simple, unsophisticated

  But bombs


  Simple, unsophisticated

  Still blow up


  From blast spread through White Noise

  Leaving mutilated bodies

  A freshman’s eyes LEAP!!!! out of sockets

  A couple’s skin slides off bones

  A senior’s jaw drops to basement

  A staff’s member’s ear bleeds rivers

  Godot Sees the Remains

  Of social convention shatter underneath his feet

  Will he try to

  Reassemble? Mend? Repair?


  Maybe he meant different Shay?

  Maybe he’s victim of high-fever delirium?

  Maybe he is comedian doing routine


  Punch line

  He Looks @ Me

  Then slams foot on social convention


  Grinds it into fine powder

  Laughs as it blows away

  “Gotta get to class, Shay. Call you later.”


  He’s just


  Like a Fish

  Given shoes

  I have no idea what to do

  I am scared to look at him

  Scared to look away

  At Lunch

  Dash recounts his three life-changing moments:

  The death of Steve Jobs

  His very first Abercrombie & Fitch catalog

  And today . . .

  When Blake Harrison said hello to Shay Summers!

  Send a Quick Mental Tweet

  @shayscheeks pls do not blush. pls. pls.

  5 sec. later


  Rushes. Races. Runs.

  To both cheeks

  Next time, I’ll send an email

  Dash Gushes

  “Shay, I’m so in love with your social life

  Seriously thinking of being you

  For Halloween!”

  I Go With A Lie

  “It’s no big deal”

  Dash Treats My Lie

  Like rancid meat on five-star menu

  “Sorry, boo, we ain’t gonna buy that”

  I go with a smaller lie

  “I mean, it’s whatever”

  Dash Counters

  “Whatever is like tofu

  You can slice, dice, fry, roast

  Grill, glaze

  Sauté it

  But it’s still tofu

  And don’t nobody want it”

  “What do you want then?”

  “The meat, honey: the truth”

  Before I Can Answer

  He enters.

  “Can I sit here?”

  Blake Harrison

  Just asked to sit next to


  Somewhere pigs have taken flight . . .

  Dash Nudges Me

  Then he pleads for me to borrow words from him

  “No,” I protest.

  (All his words come dressed in body glitter)

  Need cool, calm reply

  “Whatever” (tofu???)

  I. Am. So. Lame.

  He Sits Beside Me

  Dash orders mental popcorn

  Extra butter

  Leans back to watch movie unfold

  The Two People in the Film

  Don’t know their lines

  The two people in the film

  Dip fries in milk

  Drink pizza, eat juice

  The two people in the film

  Are . . . strangers.

  Bell Rings

  Film’s over; audience leaves

  Wants girl recast now

  White Noise went from whispers to shouts

  “Why is Blake talking to HER?”

  Fed Up w/ This, Dash Shakes Me

  “Shay, maybe you say something to him . . . it may be

  Stupid. Dumb. Uncool.

  So what?

  Just say SOMETHING!!!”

  The Very Next Day

  The film has sound!

  “Um . . . fries aren’t bad,” I say.

  “Um . . . yeah,” he says.

  Not Oscar-worthy but still . . .

  The White Noise continues to

  Cruise. Creep. Crawl.

  Between our eyes

  Between our smiles

  Between our breaths

  It seems everyone

  Who is anyone

  Comes to see the show

  Pig Girl


  the God

  Now appearing at Arthur High!

  Come one, come all!

  Witness a god’s downfall!

  We Hunters

  We hunters grow restless

  Have not slept all night

  We lay many traps

  None of them are right

  We seek footprints

  From a beast that leaves no tracks

  We seek to destroy

  What doesn’t fear sword or ax

  How do you listen

  For prey that makes no sound?

  How do you hold and capture

  What can’t be bound?

  Should this elusive beast appear

  Should it growl in your face

  Beat it, beat it, chain it

  Till it stays in place

  Call all the world

  Post a sign on your door

  Conformity has been caught

  Shay outcast no more

  School Days Have Been Hell />
  The eyes. The ears. The lips.

  Of White Noise make EVERYTHING awkward

  We are fish in school-size bowl

  Which direction will they swim?

  And for how long?

  Wish we had plastic castle to hide in . . .

  We try to be

  Like the rest

  I go to his games and cheer loudly!

  He reads books I love and cheers loudly!

  We meet up by lockers. Classrooms. Hallways.

  Anywhere we go

  White Noise soon follows

  Don’t the Eyes Bother You?

  I text what I cannot say out loud

  Godotwait4me: What eyes?

  notall2gether: Um . . . the entire school!!!

  Godotwait4me: Don’t see them. Don’t see anything but you

  notall2gether: Sweet. But you can’t block out whole school

  Godotwait4me: Watch me

  The Next Day

  Receive text

  Ms. Summers, you are invited to tour the world with the sender of this text

  Along with Godot’s message an image is attached

  The Eiffel Tower

  I smile, thinking

  It’s a joke

  Till he comes alongside me

  And whispers

  “Bonjour, mademoiselle”

  French (even basic)

  Very sexy

  Last Week

  When we were at lunch we went to Cairo

  When we were in the halls we rode the gondolas of Venice

  When we were in the crosshairs of White Noise

  We traveled in our minds

  Suddenly, harsh glare of White Noise became radiant glow

  A thousand stars

  It Isn’t Just the Traveling (That I Love)

  It’s what he shares with me

  In Greece he told me about coming home

  To find his dad moved out

  In Milan he told me about his first pet hamster (Lightning)

  Who met an unfortunate end with the neighbors’ pet snake

  In Hawaii he told me about his latest wet dream

  And how I had a starring role

  In Ibiza on a rainy afternoon

  Under an ivory-colored bridge he told me

  He loves me

  As for Me?

  Atop the tallest skyscraper in Dubai

  I told him I still hear

  My dad’s laughter

  In White Sands, New Mexico

  I told him about my

  “Learn to kiss” pillow

  And on a rainy afternoon under an ivory-colored bridge in Ibiza

  I told him

  I love him too

  White Noise Surrounds Me

  They stop me on the way to

  School, class, restroom

  “Are You Blake’s girl?”

  Pretend I’m in a hurry

  Till He Overhears One Day

  He faces the Noise



  But Girl who gets Boyfriend wears

  “Kiss me” lip gloss

  “Petite” jeans

  “Orgasm” blush

  “You Are My Girl, Right?”

  He asks when the Noise is gone

  Suddenly see secret behind his eyes


  Blake is nervous

  “Um . . .”

  Don’t blow this.


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