Ciaro (Big Cats Book 3)

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Ciaro (Big Cats Book 3) Page 10

by Crystal Dawn

  “Get the hell out of my bed before I do something I might regret.” Ciaro said. His voice was low and threatening with his alpha all over it.

  “But you want me. You’re just playing hard to get because you like your single life.” She explained.

  “Who told you that?” He questioned.

  “Everyone knows that.”

  “It’s not true. I plan to mate soon, but not to you. I’ve found my fated mate. You need to leave and if you can’t leave me alone, you’ll not be allowed anywhere near here.”

  “You can’t mean that. I’m perfect for you.”

  “No, my fated mate is and you are not her. Leave, now.”

  The crazy female cried, but she left. His sister had better not have any part in this. Mairi might not understand that Carol was like a stalker that refused to understand he had no interest in her. They’d never even dated.

  Chapter 8


  Mairi missed him. Wasn’t that weird? Ciaro hadn’t come around in two days and there were whispers of some female named Carol. Casual sex wasn’t something Mairi had ever done before, but she knew how it worked. She’d given in to easily and she’d never do that again. Her heart wasn’t broke, well it wasn’t.

  She just felt bad, maybe it was the flu or something. Her eyes scanned the area around the apartment noting the absence of a tall, dark, and sexy alpha. It was time to put him aside and stop worrying about him. Life had to go on as it always did. Their relationship, such as it was, had been misunderstood on her part.

  At least her projects were going well. She’d found extra help and she had them all on Liaro’s house since Unis’ was now done. One problem was the Branson company now had their own work to do and was no longer available. She had two more houses near town to do. It seemed some people were frightened with so much change going on and had moved to more rural areas.

  It made no sense to her. The cats hadn’t caused any problems. Beth had told her one of the trouble makers had moved and she’d bought his house. At least some of those leaving would have been hard to deal with had they stayed. The new people coming in were bringing money into the community. She didn’t understand why some people were bothered by that.

  She felt her phone vibrate. “Mairi.”

  “Hello, Cuz. This is Moe. I have a minor emergency. A pipe broke. I have the water off, but it’s a busy day and I need it fixed. I’ll owe you one.”

  “Be there in a second.” Moe was lucky that there was plumbing supplies in her truck because they were rerouting some of the drains and water pipes at the house Liaro was buying. Hopping in the truck, she headed that way.

  Busy was an understatement. The place was packed and Moe had the water shut off where it entered the building. The pipe was in the male’s bathroom so she shut it off there and turned it on for the rest of the place. Someone must have hit or kicked the pipe because it was just loose. Her handy dandy pipe cement fixed the problem easily, but required time to set.

  She went and found Moe. “Hey, Cuz.”

  “I love you. You fixed it already.” Moe said as she worked in the kitchen.

  “Not exactly. You only needed the pipe in the bathroom shut off so I turned the water on everywhere else. I’m thinking someone got mean with your pipe on purpose. They kicked or pulled it loose. I fixed it, but it takes time for the cement to set. I put up an out of order sign and in half an hour you’ll be good to go.”

  “I still love you. No one was available until the end of the week. That’s just crazy. We need to lure some professionals here. Electricians, plumbers, and carpenters would be helpful to everyone.”

  “You’re preaching to the choir, Sweetie.”

  “While you’re here waiting, let’s eat lunch.”

  Moe fixed them each a taco salad and brought two drinks to the table. “This place is doing great. You had a marvelous idea. How’s Tyne doing without his favorite secretary?”

  Moe giggled. “He’s carrying the phone around himself.”

  “Ciaro needs jobs for some of his people. Many of them are trained in security.”

  “Isn’t he starting his own company? He’ll need his people.”

  “He’s hoping to find a niche Tyne doesn’t specialize in. Ciaro knows and likes Tyne and doesn’t want any hard feelings. The plan he has is to go north so he won’t bother Tyne’s business. It will take him a while to get going anyway.”

  “I’ll have Tyne call him. The need for a secretary is big. Ariel has no one out of a job now. That’s the first time she’s not even had new people looking for work. They have a job before they get here. This area could really do well, I don’t understand why some people fight it.”

  “Change is hard for some people. It doesn’t even matter if the change is good.” Mairi observed.

  “You’re right about that. Not everyone embraces change and I guess many cousins found the change from human to unchanged white wolf a challenge.”

  “Because we are hunted?”

  Moe giggled. “That didn’t help. How’s it going with you and that hot hunk?” Moe must have recognized the disappointment on her face. “I guess I shouldn’t have asked. Sorry about that.”

  “I was seeing him every time I turned around, but now it’s been two, almost three days.”

  “There are reasons that he might be tied up.”

  “Yeah, literally. No one tells me anything, but I’ve heard whispers of a panther names Carol.”

  “If he walks away from you, there’s something wrong with that guy.” Moe said.

  “Maybe I wasn’t enough of a challenge.” Mairi admitted.

  Moe snorted. “Since when?”

  “Since a couple nights ago.”

  “Sweetie, that should make him want you more.”

  “You’d think, but no.”

  “I’ll set you up with one of our guy’s. You now it takes a man to get over a man and all that.’

  “Not yet, Cuz. I’ll let you know if I’m ready.”

  “Don’t stew too long. That’s never good.”

  Mairi checked her watch. “Looks like you’re good to go. Let’s get our table cleaned off and I’ll get your water back on.”

  “I’ll clean the table. I need my water back on more than anything. I’ll have my mate investigate in case this is a problem.” Moe said.

  Mairi felt better that Moe was taking her warning seriously. Pipes that hard to get to were rarely knocked loose accidently. Having spent time with Moe made her feel better. It reminded her that she was never truly alone. She had her family, whether she had a male in her life or not.

  As she pulled up to the construction site, she saw Ciaro sitting at the picnic tables he’d bought to put out front. Mairi steeled her heart, she would not be an emotional mess. No male was worth making a fool of herself. He stood as she headed to the apartment and she gave him the nod of a casual acquaintance.

  Even though she didn’t look, she was sure he followed her. Hadn’t he had enough? “Mairi!” He yelled.

  She stopped and turned to him. This was something she would have to deal with eventually. It might as well be now. “Yes?”

  “What’s the matter?” He asked.


  “Why weren’t you here?”

  “Moe had a plumbing emergency and no plumber available. Can you make this quick? It got me behind.”

  “Are you angry at me?”

  “No.” It was sadness she felt more than anything. Anger would protect her. “Why would I be?”

  “I’ve been gone and I don’t know what you heard.”

  “You can do as you like. We have no relationship that would give me expectations.”

  “What if I want you to have expectations?”

  “It’s a bit late for that. We had a one and done. What is it you expect?”

  “I believe we’re fated mates. You’re all I want. All I ever will want. I had a situation. A stalker I guess. I had to deal with her and try to find whoever was helping her.
She’s gone, but I’m sure she had help and I can’t find out who.”

  “Aren’t you a security specialist?”

  “I’m more of a manager, not a detective.”

  “You don’t have any detectives?” Mairi would have sworn his face reddened.

  “It’s not the kind of thing an alpha wants to share with party.” He admitted.

  “You mean the situation with Carol?”

  Ciaro groaned. “What have you heard?”

  “Just that she surprised you and you have a relationship with her. When you aren’t upfront with your people, but they now some details, they draw conclusions. Some of them seem to feel you’ve mistreated her because she’s your true mate. You are keeping secrets, but she’s telling her story.”

  “She’s mentally off. I’ve never even dated her. We have no relationship.”

  “Then you need to find a way to let your people know that. Many of those who heard her story have already judged you.”

  “You’re right. I’ll put my best detective on it. Now will you forgive me for not coming straight to you when this happened?”

  “I told you, we don’t have that kind of relationship.”

  “We were well on our way to it. Don’t deny that. I want to keep seeing you. You mean everything to me.” Ciaro admitted.

  “Get you house in order before you worry about anything else.” He nodded and left. She hoped things worked out for him, but she didn’t know where to take things from here.

  While Mairi had a lot to think about, she didn’t want to think about any of it. Her work was enough to keep her busy for now. She ran this crew for Ariel, but she also had to check on her crews at Liaro’s place since Unis’ home was done.

  She’d heard a rumor that another sister, Tunis was on her way. Lunis, the youngest sister had expressed an interest in coming too. The youngest wasn’t an artist, she was a bad ass in law enforcement. Their mother was certainly eccentric with all the odd rhyming names. Mairi found it confusing and hard to keep up with them. How had their parents ever managed?

  The outsourcing of several jobs had helped push their completion date forward. Once the apartment house was done, they might get back to remodeling houses. It was the work Mairi preferred. It was like taking an old battered gem and polishing it until it gleamed. Most of the houses ended up with families in them. She found a deep satisfaction in her usual work. The other buildings brought a group together, but it just didn’t feel as fulfilling.

  Her personal business was booming too. The house she lived in was done except for a few small things and it felt like home whenever she entered it. Kayla living there gave it the impression of housing a family. The only place her life lacked was she had no partner to complete her. At one time, she’d wondered if Ciaro was that male, she wondered still.

  Maybe the time just wasn’t right. She got to work and pushed thoughts of him out of her mind. When the work day was over she trucked her crew to Ariel’s. The good food and family and friends helped to make her feel better. “It’ll work out.” Ariel whispered. Was she trying to be encouraging or did she really know for sure? It was hard to know with Ariel.

  Once she’d eaten, she left and went straight home. Kayla wasn’t anywhere to be seen, but a young female should have better things to do than sit home with their cousin. Especially a cousin that is depressed and heartbroken. Yikes, when had her heart become involved? Probably before he’d spent the night with her. Mairi was old enough to know better, but she’d let herself fall anyway.

  All she thought about was Ciaro. Damn that sexy male anyway. Nothing was going to distract her from her thoughts of him, but she’d try. She got a cold beer and a small can of tomato juice. Tomboys were best served cold. An action flick was playing on the TV so she watched it. Lots of blood and hardcore action. Only a little romance, that was good. Romance was the last thing she wanted on her mind.

  Chapter 9

  His Challenge

  He’d made nothing, but mistakes when it came to Mairi. The way he’d handled Carol hadn’t been good at all. Someone had to be helping her, she couldn’t have gotten past his alarm and his locked door on her own, could she? Ciaro knew next to nothing about her except he had no interest in her. Now he had the embarrassment of calling in his second and investigating Carol and by default, him.

  Both Jase and Liaro would do this so no stone would be unturned. He wondered what vile things would crawl out into the light of day. He called them both in and surprisingly they were both waiting for him when he got home.

  “Alpha!” They both acknowledged.

  “What is this about?” Liaro asked and Jase glared at him.

  These two didn’t seem to get along, but they needed to learn to. Both needed to put the party first. “Why do you two not get along?” Ciaro asked.

  “We often compete for women, of course I usually win.” Liaro said.

  “In your dreams. They want me, but I have little interest in them.”

  Liaro chuckled. “Like Carol?”

  “All our women prefer the alpha.” Jase complained.

  That little tidbit made him change his plans. Tyne would do this investigation. These two were too close to Carol. “I have an assignment for you two and you’ll work together. I want you to fix the building for the security firm. You have ten days and no unreasonable expenses. I’ll see you when it’s done, dismissed.” Both males grumbled as they left. Now he had a call to make.


  “Hello, Tyne. This is Ciaro.”

  “I already have all the partners I can handle.”

  “I’m sure you do. I need a small job done quickly and efficiently.”

  “Really?” He could hear the interest in Tyne’s tone. “For a favor in return sometime?”

  “Something equitable. I have a private and somewhat embarrassing matter that needs dealt with.” He went on to tell Tyne all the facts.

  “So they just throw themselves in your bed?” Tyne chuckled.

  “It’s not funny. I bet you’ve had similar experiences just not as serious.”

  “You’re right. I bet Mairi was pissed.”

  “No, she seemed sad instead. I need all the facts so I know who to punish and so it doesn’t happen again. I also need the facts revealed by a third party. My people think the crazy female is my fated mate because she told them so. I was quiet because I was embarrassed so they believe the fruitcake.”

  “That’s bad. She must be a great actress.”

  “Apparently. I hadn’t seen her in two years and she comes back like we’ve been dating recently.”

  “I think I have a plan for this depending of course, on who is involved.”

  “Thank you, Tyne. This is really weighing on me.”

  “Think no more about it. I’ll have my best female on it right away.”

  Just like that, Tyne was gone. At least Ciaro knew he’d have his answers soon. Now he would work with his niece who had turned out to be more of a PA than a secretary. Ariel had never sent him anyone and maybe that was for the best. Had she known? The white wolf was still a mystery to him even after meeting and talking to her several times.

  It was late by the time he had things well in hand. He wanted to see Mairi, but he was afraid of being rejected. Before turning in, he checked and saw everyone else was already in bed and the alarm was on. The door was locked and the camera he’d had installed was working. Ciaro knew he couldn’t be too careful until this thing with Carol was figured out.

  The night was uneventful, but his need to see Mairi hadn’t eased. It was lunchtime when Tyne called. “Lay it on me.”

  “You’ll be glad to know you don’t have anyone out to get you except for Carol. Whatever you said must have made an impression, she’s in California. You’re brother gave her the key and the alarm code because they were having an affair.”


  “No, Fiaro. She was lurking around your party lands then she went back to New York to convince your sister she was you
r fated mate. The female is an amazing actress. She should do undercover work. Carol also gets around. She had an affair with half your brothers and Jase to name a few. My detective let all of the males and your sister know what had really happened. The word will get out. Especially from the males who will feel used. We guys have our pride.” Tyne observed.

  “Thank you. I owe you one.”

  “You certainly do.” Tyne was gone. The guy never stayed on the phone long.

  Having this resolved would help him get back on track with his mate. Maybe Mairi would realize this wasn’t his fault. Carol had weaved a complicated plan that had left him looking guilty. Now those who she’d used should help him unravel that plan.

  He’d eaten lunch but now he couldn’t wait one more minute. Ciaro had to see his sweet mate. Goddess help him if she wouldn’t forgive and forget. His thoughts centered on throwing her over his shoulder and hiding her in a cave. By the time he let her loose, they’d be mated and she’d know he was her one.

  The big crew truck was at the apartment building as he drew near. Once he exited his SUV, he drew in a deep breath to scent her. Her scent was there, but it was mixed with too many others to be sure she was still here. Entering the building, her scent was strong enough to hit him hard. His! All he had to do was convince her it was so. Her crew was still on lunch and they shut up the second they were aware of him.

  Mairi was already back at work inspecting things. His mate worked too hard and he wanted to show her how to relax. Yeah, that was funny since he didn’t know how either. Change was needed and he would change for Mairi. As he walked into the building noting it was nearing completion, he caught sight of her and his heart nearly stopped.

  She looked up and he caught uncertainty in her demeanor. That was a first time. “What did you need?” She asked.

  He was certain his eyes glowed. “You.” He whispered.


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