The Candy Bar Complete - 4 book box set: Candy Bar Series

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The Candy Bar Complete - 4 book box set: Candy Bar Series Page 48

by Patrice Wilton

  I curled beside him on the couch. “Would you like anything to drink? I know you’re the designated driver for the guy’s, but I could make us coffee, or I have sodas and water in the fridge.”

  “Water’s fine. My mouth is kind of dry.”

  It’d been a long time since I’d wanted a man the way I wanted John. I thought he’d wanted me too, so I didn’t understand his cool manner. Out of the dating cycle for so long, maybe I wasn’t reading his signals properly. But I’d asked him to come home with me, and he’d said yes. Plain and simple. Perhaps he just needed a little coaxing.

  “I can help you with that.” Reluctant to leave his side, I leaned into him and turned my head up to instigate a kiss. I brushed my breasts against his considerable chest and felt the electricity spark between us. Every part of me felt alive, throbbing with exquisite pleasure. My senses were reeling, my breasts were tingling, and I had an undeniable itch that begged to be scratched.

  He hesitated for a half second, which I considered a rather lengthy amount of time, then he dipped his head and gently touched my lips.

  I moaned in pure delight.

  He immediately sat upright, as if I’d scared the piss out of him. “Is something the matter?”

  “No.” He rubbed his Adam’s apple and I hoped I hadn’t put him off with my enthusiasm.

  “What then?”

  “I thought you were going to be sick or something.”

  Self-conscious, it was my turn to draw back a few inches. “Why would you think that?”

  “That noise you made, in your throat.”

  Heaven help me. Was this man dead below the waist or had he as little experience as me? Well, either way, he wasn’t getting away. Hell’s bells. If I’d turned tail at every sign of opposition I’d had in life, I’d be nowhere.

  Shaking off the libido-killing doubts, I softly traced my finger up the side of his face and tugged gently on his ear lobe. “I was enjoying myself. That’s all. It’s been awhile and I might have over-reacted. I feel fine.”

  “Oh.” He looked at me, uncertain, then dropped his eyes to my breasts. “You’re a nice looking woman. Why the drought?”

  “Until now, I didn’t miss it.” Which was true. I’d poured my needs into other areas of my life. Work. My singing. Defeating breast cancer made me realize that I was alive, not dead. I thought I’d buried my feelings along with my husband and child.

  “I guess that’s all right, then. I’m a pretty good kisser.” John relaxed into the couch. “What were you doing a second ago with my ear?”

  “Did you like it?”

  “Hmm. It felt all right.”

  I took that as a good sign, and this time, I used my teeth and tongue, nipping gently. “How’s that?”

  He groaned, tightening his hold on my waist. “I shouldn’t be here. I’m not into relationships.”

  “Me either. Relax and enjoy yourself.” I snuggled up again and rested my head on his big, comforting chest. I mewed and breathed in his scent. It felt so damn good to cuddle with him instead of Milo.

  “Did you just meow?” He kissed the top of my head.

  “No, I don’t think so.” I had to get myself under control before my fire chief bolted for the door. “Must have been the cat.”

  “Sounded like it came from you.”

  I pushed myself away so I could look into his face. “Forget about it. John, will you do something for me?”

  “I’m not sure.” He cocked his head to the right. “Ask first, then I’ll let you know.”

  A straight shooter. I liked it. “Okay. That’s fair.” I moved closer. “Will you kiss me, really, really kiss me?”

  He gulped. His face darkened in color. Then he put an arm around me and shifted so the angle was perfect.

  “Sure. I can do that.” He gave me a slow smile. “But it comes with a warning. I can kiss like nobody’s business.”

  I smiled too. “That sounds good.” I closed my eyes and lifted my mouth to his. “Go ahead. I’m ready.”

  His mouth came down hard, and I tried not to flinch. Maybe I’d put a little too much pressure on the guy. I softened my own mouth, hoping he’d take the hint, but he seemed oblivious and continued grinding his mouth with mine. Finally, I pulled back and put a finger on his lips.

  “Softer, John. I’m not a meat grinder.”

  His face turned three shades darker. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a grown man blush, but I knew without a doubt that John was nearly as inexperienced as me.

  “It’s all right,” I said with a relieved sigh. “Let me start and you follow my lead.”

  I put my hands on his cheeks and met his lips in what I hoped was an enticing caress. Next, I lingered a little longer, deepening the kiss just enough to allow us both some breathing room, but not too casual either. When that went well, I used a little tongue to pry his mouth open, and shyly, his tongue met mine.

  That sweet surrender made me swoon with delight, and I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck, giving in to my wanton needs, tasting him as though there were no tomorrow. Who knew when I’d feel like this again?

  By now, John’s motor ran hot. His mouth matched mine, tongue for tongue, pant for pant. Heat built between us as we fed off each other’s needs. Obviously long neglected.

  Milo purred up a storm and rubbed against John’s leg as if she wanted some of his affection too, and my parrot kept saying, fuck, fuck, fuck. Where had he learned such a word? Not from me, that’s for sure.

  Finally, I pushed John off me. I saw his desire dim as a look of disappointment crossed his handsome face. I hastened to assure him, “Let’s take this into the bedroom. You ready?”

  He stood, and I could see the bulge in his pants.

  “Oh, yeah. You’re ready,” I said with an unFran-like giggle.

  He grabbed my hand. “Come on, hot stuff. Lead the way.”

  Seconds later, we were in my room, and I was ever so glad that I’d made the bed this morning. I pulled the cover back, and lay seductively on the reasonably fresh sheets.

  He gazed at me as I sprawled on the Queen sized bed. “You’re so pretty,” he said. “I still can’t believe I’m here with you.” With a gentle hand, he lifted my foot and removed my high heel, then did the same with the other. “You could have picked up any guy from the bar tonight.” He kissed my toes.

  I think I fell in love just then.

  “You want me to take your jeans off?” His voice was husky. Pure sex appeal.

  “No. You worry about your own.” I undid his belt buckle and unzipped his jeans, just to help. Then, fingers trembling, I lightly touched the band of his tighty-whities.

  This time, he moaned, and I tried not to gloat. “You okay?” I asked, not recognizing my own lust filled tones.

  “I’ll be better in a minute when I get you out of those clothes.”

  I’d squeezed myself into a size six jeans, so I knew he wouldn’t get them down over my hips. “Let me just run into the bathroom for a minute, and then I’ll be all yours.” I slid off the bed. “Be naked when I get back.”

  His eyes were a feverish blue as he nailed me with a look. “Don’t be long.”

  “Trust me, I won’t. I want this as much as you.”

  I raced to the bathroom, stripped, and freshened up. Turning left, then right, I saw the slight scars on my breasts. What would he think? I wanted this so bad, but I wouldn’t be able to take a look of revulsion mid coitus.

  So, in Fearless Fran style, I didn’t bother with clothes. I sauntered into the bedroom stark naked.

  His eyes widened and I brought my hands up to my breasts.

  “I’ve had a mastectomy, and plastic surgery.” Matter of fact. Take it or leave it.


  “Survivor.” I forced myself to drop my hands, baring my perfect faux C cups.

  “They’re really nice.” He leaned against the headboard, the sheet pulled to his waist.

  My confidence soared as something big made a nice-sized te
nt in the middle of the cover.

  I smiled, and he beckoned me over. “You want to play?”

  “Yes.” I giggled and pounced on the bed.

  “Ouch,” he growled, as my knee hit his delicate spot.

  “Oh, no. Did I hurt you?” I’d never been accused of graceful.

  “Jeez Louise—it may never be the same again.” He cupped his palm over the injured area.

  “Can I see?” Without waiting for a response, I pushed the sheet away. Tenderly, I took him in my hands and apologized. “Sorry, big guy. Didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  I looked at John and gave him a wicked smile. “If I kiss him, will he feel better?”

  His eyes flashed. “He might. Try it and see.”

  I gave him tiny little kisses, and then ran my tongue up and down his shaft. From John’s response, I knew I was doing something right.

  He put his hands under my arms, lifted me to him, and kissed me deeply. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “But I want to.”

  “Shush.” He put a finger on my mouth. “It’s time for me to pleasure you.”

  He touched me, skimming my breasts as if they were breakable. I shivered. “You okay?” he asked.

  “I know they’re ugly, but I like the feel of your hands on me.”

  “They aren’t ugly.” He bent his head, lavishly applying kisses until I squirmed. “Your breasts are beautiful and I would never have seen your scars.”

  “Really?” I studied him, knowing he told the truth. Probably never occurred to him to lie. He made me feel beautiful.

  “Really.” Then he sat up straighter. “I have one too.” He turned onto his side and showed me his hip. “I had a motorcycle accident when I was a kid.”

  I kissed his scar then shifted so we lay side by side. He stroked me softly, kissed me until I begged for more, then entered me and I let out a scream so loud, I was afraid the cops would arrive.

  “Did I hurt you?” He yanked himself free, concern on his face.

  “No.” I pulled him back. “Don’t stop. I’ve never felt anything so good.”

  John thrust inside me, and red hot passion burned in the best way possible. I think I cried and begged, even mewed once in awhile.

  He didn’t stop until I shuddered with a release that nearly knocked him off the bed. Then laughing, he whispered, “I warned you I was good.”



  We both drifted off for a few minutes before Fran’s weight on my arm woke me.

  I tried extricating my throbbing appendage without disturbing her. One, because I was half afraid she might want to have mind-blowing sex again, and secondly, she looked tuckered out.

  I’d brought my A game tonight, and admittedly, she hadn’t had it in awhile. A gentleman would have gone easier on her, but I’d never claimed to be one of those.

  When I finally had my arm free, she opened her eyes and smiled softly. “Wow-that was fun. I forgot how good it feels.”

  “Yeah, it was pretty good, all right.” I twiddled with her coppery curls, thinking how pretty and flushed she looked after all that sex. Nice curves too for a tiny thing. Her body looked soft, inviting.

  “Glad you enjoyed yourself.” She smiled like a cat that swallowed the cream. I preened a little, knowing how well I’d pleased her.

  “We should do it again sometime,” I said, in what I considered a seductive voice. “Maybe next week.”

  “Yeah, whatever.” She turned and looked ready to fall asleep again.


  When she didn’t move, I gave her a pat on the behind, and whispered close to her ear. “Sorry, sweetheart, but that’s your clue to leave.”

  Her eyes opened wide as she turned her head to look at me. “I’m not going anyplace. This is my home. You need to leave.”

  My face must have gone every shade of red, but I tried to bluff if off. “I knew that. I was only teasing.” I glanced down at my watch. “Shit. It’s after midnight. I gotta go.”

  “Off you go then.” She propped up on her elbows. “I enjoyed myself.” She leaned over and touched my thigh. “Thanks for everything. It was awesome.”

  “That’s it? You don’t want to set something up? Make sure you see me again?”

  “No. Why?” Her eyes were still sparkling, but I couldn’t read her.

  “Well, because it was damn good sex, and I thought you might need it again.”

  “If I do, I’ll call.” She laughed. “Went without it for close to twenty years, so don’t be waiting around the phone.”

  “Well, okay, then.” I felt like I’d been dashed with cold water, but what did I expect coming from a woman? She’d got what she wanted and didn’t have any more use for me.

  I felt royally fucked over.

  When I stood, I regretted my hard-on was gone, and the last thing she’d see was my saggy ass. Well, fine. My ass wouldn’t be in her bed anymore, and she could just go back to the Candy Bar and find herself a new one.

  Quickly, I grabbed my shorts and slid into them, then picked up my pants off the floor.

  “You need new underwear,” she said.

  I tensed. “What’s wrong with these?”

  “You’ve got a tiny hole in them.” She reached across the bed and poked her finger through the spot. “Right here.”

  I grunted a reply. Just like a woman to pick holes in every little thing.

  * * *

  The guys at the bar were still guzzling and joking around and didn’t seem in a hurry to leave. I’d had quite enough for one night, and if they wanted a ride, it was now or call a cab.

  “This D.D.’s limo service starts now,” I said. “Pay your tabs. Let’s get.”

  There was some bitchin’, but as we waited for the bill, the questions started. “Hey, Chief. How did your date go?” Mike asked.

  “Couldn’t have gone well,” Jimmy said. “He wouldn’t be this grumpy if he’d been laid.”

  “I doubt Fran let him get to first base.” Brett eyed me with suspicion “She’s a real sweet person but doesn’t date, before now.”

  “Sweet, ha!” I crossed my arms, remembering in detail how many bases I’d run. “She’s not nearly as innocent as she’d have you believe.”

  “You got a burr up your ass?” Brett said sharply. “Fran’s a friend of Susie’s and mine, and I don’t want to hear you ripping that poor woman apart.”

  “For the record, I don’t kiss and tell. But man, have you got it wrong.” I puffed out my chest. “She’s got balls bigger than yours.”

  Brett grinned as the guys laughed. “She has a wicked sense of humor,” he said. “And doesn’t take shit from anybody. Maybe she’s a little ballsy, and you just can’t handle it.”

  “I handled her just fine.” With a smirk, I dangled the car keys. “I’ll pull up out front.”

  The last thing I wanted was to stand around and discuss Frannie May, that’s for sure. Once the boys got started, they could talk pussy all night.

  The fellas might want to know my business, but I had secrets that I kept close to my chest. They didn’t know about my side business, dallying in the real estate market, and that I made good money at it. I wasn’t a blabbermouth, and they probably wouldn’t believe me anyway. As far as Fran, if I told them she’d been the aggressor from start to finish, they’d either think I was a total wuss or a very bad liar.

  It was the truth, at least until we got to the bedroom. At that point, I’d enjoyed an active part in her seduction game and shown her a really good time. I think I did, if her mewing and screaming meant anything. Never could tell with a dame. Sometimes, the quiet ones were the real crazies.

  I couldn’t wait to get home and shower. I needed to erase her memory, especially how incredibly good she’d felt inside and how sweet she’d tasted. The last thing I wanted was a woman in my life. She didn’t seem to want me either, so we were both on the same page there.

  I had dreams. Big dreams and they didn’t include someone who’d dr
ain me financially or emotionally. No matter how appealing or passionate that person may be. It was better to move on. Pronto.

  The guys were waiting on the curb as I drove up in Jeff’s eight-seat SUV. He’d offered his car for the night, so they wouldn’t need two.

  After dropping each guy home, I picked up my Jeep from Jeff’s place and drove the rest of the way in silence.

  I walked into my small, three-bedroom townhouse and headed straight for the bathroom. Once I was out of my clothes, I tossed my underwear in the trash and took a long, hot shower. Having washed all traces of Fran from my body, I felt like my old self. Grabbing a large bath towel, I used it to dry off and caught a glimpse of my naked body in the mirror.

  I was only fifty years old, but my size 38 pants were getting snug. I was a good twenty pounds overweight, my chest wasn’t firm, and I had a pot belly instead of a six-pack. It was high time I got back into shape. A firefighter needed to be fit, after all.

  It had nothing to do with Fran. It was a matter of pride.

  Grumpily, I crawled into bed, smacked the pillow a couple of times, and tried to put all these crazy thoughts out of my mind. I couldn’t make sense of it. That whole thing at the Candy Bar, Fran, the feelings that I hadn’t felt in years. It had been a weird night, and when I did fall asleep, I had disturbing dreams.

  It was past eight when I finally opened my eyes. I put on a pot of coffee and took it outside. I had a nice size deck, overlooking a canal, and just enough lawn that it was easy to maintain.

  I stretched a little and tried to touch my toes, but I could only make it about half way. I wasn’t as limber as I used to be, and I didn’t like having a pot belly. In less than a month, Brett and Susie would be getting hitched, and Fran was the maid of honor. I didn’t care one way or another if I ever saw her again. Better if I didn’t, truth be told. But since I didn’t have a choice, I’d like to swagger in without this gut, so she could see what she’d passed up.

  Once I ate my poached egg on a slice of whole wheat toast, I decided to go for a run. I slipped on a pair of old sneakers, grabbed a cap to cover my graying hair, and left the house. I took off at a moderate pace.


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