The Candy Bar Complete - 4 book box set: Candy Bar Series

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The Candy Bar Complete - 4 book box set: Candy Bar Series Page 53

by Patrice Wilton

  The image was so powerful I blinked and saw Susie’s concerned face peering at me closely.

  “If you want to leave, I’ll hold down the fort until Carol returns.” Susie yawned. “I could fall asleep right here in this chair.”

  “Let’s finish the game. I’m sure Carol will be back sooner than later.” I yawned too. “Sitting in the hospital is exhausting. They should have extra beds in the room so we can all nap.”

  Susie giggled and lifted the board from the floor where she’d tucked it when the food arrived. “I think it was your turn.”

  “I’m sure it was.” I’d arranged my letters nicely when Mike let out a soft moan.

  His eyes flickered open and his mouth opened, but no words came out.

  “Well, hello there,” I said in a chirpy kind of voice, sounding a little too much like my parrot, then I jumped to my feet. “Susie, call the nurse. He’s awake.”

  Within seconds, a young nurse entered, wearing a pleasant smile. She saw Mike’s eyelids flutter and flew into action.

  We got up from our seats so we wouldn’t be in the way, and I grabbed the game. Susie whispered, “I’ll call Carol.”

  “Good idea.” She was about to make the call, when Carol strode in.

  Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. She clamped a hand over her mouth and cried, “Mike. Oh, Mike.” She rushed to his side.

  Tears came to my eyes as Carol threw herself at Mike, kissing his cheeks and murmuring words of love that were meant for him alone.

  Susie and I took that as our cue to leave. We escaped into the bright, warm sunshine, feeling much happier about the world. He would get better, and Carol would have her darling husband back home again.

  Life was good.

  “I say we deserve a drink. Let’s hit the Candy Bar.”

  Susie nodded. “Yes. We did our good deeds for the day. And if we hurry, we can still make happy hour.”

  We were in her new BMW convertible, and I wasn’t used to such luxuries, but I sure appreciated them. The top was down, the radio turned high, and we laughed and sang to the rock music as the warm wind ruffled our hair.

  I might be in my mid-forties, but with my eyes closed and my head tilted back, the sun warming my face, I felt as young as Susie, whose life still lay ahead of her. She was twenty-nine and getting married to the man she’d had a crush on since she was a kid. Brett married his high-school sweetheart but that fell apart, then he’d almost made a second mistake with another gal before Susie swept in to save him.

  Now their wedding was three weeks away.

  When we strolled into the Candy Bar, Candy left her busy station to greet us. “How’s Mike?”

  “Doing better. We gave Carol a break this afternoon and stayed with him.” Susie hugged my shoulder. “He woke up just as we left. He looked pretty good, didn’t he, Fran?”

  I nodded. “Susie had to practically kick Carol’s fanny to get her to leave, but at least it gave her a chance to rest and freshen up.” I tucked a stray hair behind Susie’s ear. “She remembers how it was with Brett.”

  “Yes. I’m sure she does,” Candy replied. “He was lucky to have you.”

  I looked into Candy’s kind eyes. She always saw more than most people did. Maybe she had a God-given knack or the bar business sharpened her inner senses, but she saw beyond the superficial. “John came in. He was extremely upset.”

  “I can imagine. He must feel awful. Responsible somehow, even though he isn’t.”

  “Exactly. I wish I could help, but he doesn’t want me.”

  “Hang in there, sweetie. He’ll change his tune. Just wait and see.”

  Without having to ask, Candy poured us our usual drinks—a margarita for Susie, and a Chardonnay for me. I’d given up my favorite yummy chocolate drinks after my cancer treatments, and now, when I indulged, it was usually wine or beer.

  She couldn’t join us because she was working, but she had a great bartender to take up the slack. His name is Jamie and he looks like Brad Pitt in Troy. Had the long blonde hair, the sculpted muscles and ripped chest, and due to his physical beauty and wicked grin, you couldn’t buy a seat at the bar. Ladies packed the area three-deep, and everyone knows men have a tendency to flock where pretty women drink.

  For Candy it was a win-win.

  Susie and I sat at a high-top table in the corner, eyeing the crowd. It was only five but the place was hopping. It was Sunday night, and there would be karaoke at nine. Fine for some, yet there was no way I could stay up that late and work in the morning too.

  “Let’s share some appetizers then call it a night,” I suggested and stifled a yawn.

  “Sounds like a good idea.” After we ordered, she turned her attention back to me. “So, what are you going to do about the wedding? Is it going to bother you seeing John there?”

  “No. Why should it?”

  “I can see through that attitude of yours, you like him more than you want to admit.”

  “It’s okay.” I shrugged and glanced around the room, playing it cool. “I’ll get over it.”

  “You want to invite anyone? I’m sure I could find someone who’d be a nice dinner companion.” Her eyes widened and she leaned forward. “I know! One of Brett’s ushers is single, and he’s not bringing anyone.”

  “Let’s leave it for now. If he’s there alone and I am too, well, we’ll see.” I could see her disappointment that I wasn’t jumping up and down with excitement, but I haven’t been physically attracted to anyone in a great many years. To be attracted to two men in such a short length of time would be highly unlikely. Magic or no magic.

  “I don’t have to be with anyone.” I told her. “I’m good at being alone.”

  “You say that, but I see a change. You’re more goal-oriented now. You want more. And I’m so glad for you.”

  “I figure it’s time to start living again. If the right guy comes along, fine. But I’m going to concentrate on my singing career and see what happens with that.”

  “Good answer.”

  The platter of deep fried calamari and zucchini strips arrived, followed by a large bowl of stoned crab claws with mustard sauce—a surprise from Candy. We saluted her with our fresh drinks and she waved in appreciation.

  No wonder it was the best bar in South Beach. With someone as special as Candy running it, how could it be any other way?

  The food was delicious, but the friendship of my special friends was what warmed my heart. I didn’t need a man in my life. It was full just as it was.



  I had a rough day at work. The paralegals in the office were fed up with Ellen. She confirmed her pregnancy and was now taking full advantage. Between doctor appointments and arriving late, she was passing her work off to the other paralegals, and they collectively marched into my office to voice their complaints.

  I had to sit them down and explain that it might not be fair, but Ellen had her legal rights, and there was not a darn thing we could do about it. She had Human Resources helping her schedule her doctor visits and the Family Medical Leave Act gave her permission to arrive late.

  “We’re happy for her, don’t get me wrong, but we have our own work to do, and now we have to stay late and do her job too.” Sharon Parker looked at the other two paralegals for support. “We’re putting in twelve hour days. If we have to do this, we should be compensated.”

  The other girls nodded.

  I sighed. “I will bring this up to the partners at the next meeting. I can’t promise anything, but we will see if we can work something out.”

  The ladies walked out, having said their piece, and not ten minutes later, Lydia knocked on my door asking if she could come in.

  I nodded, but I had a hunch she wanted to complain about Ellen too.

  “I saw the others in here, and I’m sure they told you how swamped they are. I totally agree with them. They shouldn’t have to pick up Ellen’s slack. She milks the system, you know that.”

“Lydia, you also know that my hands are tied.”

  “I gave her some important files yesterday. Asked her to draft some documents. That was all. I told her they were top priority and that I needed them right away. An hour later, she left. I went looking for her and found the files, untouched, in her work basket. She hadn’t even handed them over to anyone else.” Lydia snapped, “I ended up doing them myself.”

  “I’ll have a word with her.”

  “Good luck with that.” She turned and left.

  I hate confrontation, but as office manager, it is my job to ensure a good working environment, fair treatment for all, and to keep peace among the fifty-odd employees, mostly stenos and legal aids.

  I picked up the phone. “Ellen, can you come in here?”

  She walked in, all smiles and apologies. “I’m sorry. I saw Lydia, and she’s fuming. I meant to do it, I really did, but I was working on something else and it took longer than I expected. I was also ten minutes late for my doctor’s appointment.”

  “Why didn’t you let Lydia know that you had to leave?”

  “You know what she’s like. She’s always snipping at me.” Ellen rubbed her tummy. “I do the best I can. I’m tired all the time.”

  “Of course. The most important thing is to take care of yourself and your baby. Would you consider a leave-of-absence?”

  “We can’t afford to go without my salary. I have to work until the seventh month.”

  “I understand.” I drummed my fingers on the desk. “Sharon, Mary, and Judy were in here, and they are working twelve hour days, just to keep up with the extra work. This isn’t fair to them, is it?”

  “What do you want me to do? Skip appointments? Work long hours and possibly miscarry?”

  I glanced into her face, trying not to look at the curlicues at the corner of her lips. I bit back my unkind thoughts. “Do your best, Ellen. Speak to your husband. Maybe you can take early leave or work reduced hours. Perhaps be on retainer and work out of your house?”

  “We need the money, or I wouldn’t be working here at all.”

  “Then please see that you do.” I got out of my chair and opened the door for her. “Do the best you can, Ellen, that’s all we ask of you.”

  It wasn’t like I was immune to Ellen’s problems or anyone else in the workplace, but I worked throughout my own cancer treatments. Some days were just awful. There were times when I literally couldn’t get out of bed, but most days, I dragged my sorry ass in here and toughed it out. I lost my hair almost immediately, and in some ways, I’d been glad. Being bald had its benefits. On those awful days right after my chemo, I didn’t have hair to wash or worry about. I could slap on a wig, put a little color on my face, and go to work with a minimum of fuss.

  Having a little morning sickness seemed like a walk in the park.

  * * *

  “Who’s home?” Pepe sang out the moment I opened the door. “Crackers for Pepe,” he called, as I walked over to his cage.

  Milo meowed while walking around my legs, and I bent to tickle him under his chin. “Hello, my pets. Did you miss me?”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Pepe said.

  “Stop saying that,” I admonished my parrot. “Where did you learn that word?”

  “Crackers, Pepe wants some crackers. Fuck, shit, fuck.”

  I shook my head and rattled his cage. What was wrong with Pepe? Had he suddenly developed Tourette syndrome? Maybe I’d just never noticed it before, but ever since John came over, my fine feathered friend has been swearing like a sailor.

  “If you continue talking like that,” I warned Pepe, “I will put your cover on and make you go hungry tonight.”

  I had no idea how much my parrot understood about the human language, but I figured I’d learn soon enough.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he screeched, which pretty much answered that question.

  I plopped his cover over his cage, fed Milo, and went into the bedroom to change. I was in a foul mood, and Pepe’s continuous profanities set my teeth on edge. Between my problems at the workplace and my worries over John, I wanted to screech too, but of course, I was too much of a lady to do so. “Ah, fuck it.”

  I dressed in an old pair of gym shorts and a loose fitting Marlins T-shirt, then sauntered into the kitchen to see what I could make for dinner. I don’t have much of an appetite anymore, which helps keep my weight down and save money.

  I thought about making myself a sandwich and opening a can of soup when there was a knock on the door. Not expecting anyone, I looked through the peephole. Unlike that first night John was over, I am careful about living alone.

  I saw John’s distorted face.

  With a sense of relief, I opened it a crack. “John?”

  “Can I come in?”

  “What’s wrong?” My heart jumped into my throat, and my voice came out squeaky. My pulse raced as conflicting emotions tumbled over me.

  “I could really use a friend right now.” He looked so sad and lost that I melted on the spot.

  I slipped the chain off the door and opened it wide. “Come in.” My throat felt dry, and I blinked back tears. I recognized his pain, and I couldn’t bear to let him suffer alone.

  Even if he didn’t want me, it didn’t matter. A floodgate of feelings swamped me, and I reached out and pulled him in.



  I had no idea why I’d driven over to Fran’s or what I expected when I got there. I just knew that of all the people in the world, she was the one I wanted to see.

  The moment she pulled me through her door, she wrapped herself around me, and I clung to her for support. Given the status quo of our relationship, it might seem odd, but neither of us seemed to mind. Having her in my arms was close to perfect.

  I held her tight and felt her heart hammering through her thin shirt. “Thanks for letting me in,” I whispered against her ear.

  “You’re welcome,” she said, snuggling into me a little more. She kissed my neck and nibbled on my ear.

  My nerve ends stood at immediate attention. It was like a bolt of electricity shot right through my cock. I was instantly hard.

  She rubbed herself against me, and I moaned her name. She purred and nibbled on my ear again.

  “Fran. Do you want to talk? I’m sorry for pushing you away before.”

  “I don’t want to talk. Not now.” She kissed me. “I understand, I think.”

  “You deserve better, but right now, I need you.”

  “I know you do. It’s all right. I’m here, right now. Do whatever you want.”

  “Are you sure?” Already, I had my hand under her top, grabbing her breast. She was braless, and her nipple was hard against my hand. I tweaked it gently and continued to caress it with my thumb.

  “I’m sure.”

  She shivered as I played with her breasts, and I knew I wasn’t being fair to her, but I couldn’t help myself. She felt so good, and I needed this from her. She didn’t judge me, just accepted me for who I am.

  I gave her a warm kiss of appreciation. She might be many things, but she was as kind-hearted of a woman as I’d ever seen.

  The kiss deepened, and her tongue was in my mouth, doing an imitation mating dance. Fran seemed eager to make up for lost years and I was grateful to be on the receiving end.

  I broke away from our embrace so I could slip the T-shirt over her head and fill my hands with her luscious breasts. I stroked and licked, then took my time sucking on each nipple as she squirmed against me.

  “John, don’t stop.”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  “Was that you?” I whispered, kissing her belly.

  “No, that was Pepe.”

  “Great minds think alike,” I mumbled and grabbed her hand. “You want to get naked here or take me to your bedroom?”

  “Uh—the bedroom, please.”

  Grinning like a couple of fools, we undressed each other as we slowly made our way to her room.

  She had my shirt unbut
toned, my belt off, and my zipper undone by the time we got to the bedroom. I kicked off my shoes, struggled out of my pants, and by the time I looked up, she was bare assed naked.

  For a woman who hadn’t been sexually active in two decades, she was learning fast. I admired that about her. No pretense. Just goes after what she wants.

  She had me in her hands, slowly bent on her knees, and began to enjoy herself immensely. The sweet torment was nearly too much. I don’t ever remember my ex-bitch-of-a wife doing these things. I moaned and heard a purr deep in her throat.

  I lifted her and helped her on the bed, then raised myself above her. “Do I need a condom?”

  She shook her head no. “I don’t need to worry about getting pregnant.”

  “Good.” I looked into her eyes, and she smiled as I entered her quickly, driving myself deep within her.

  Her legs wrapped around my backside, and I was again amazed at how limber and supple she was. Like a woman half her age, I thought, thrusting into her again and again. She scratched my back and arched her back, her hips moving in sync with mine, matching thrust for thrust.

  The blood surged through my head, and the momentum built to a peak. I bellowed with pleasure just as she whimpered with delight.

  I sank down on top of her, and she held me tight. We didn’t move for several minutes, but she gave my shoulder and neck tiny, sweet kisses. I would have kissed her back except I was panting like someone who’d run a marathon and came in first.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered, when I could. “Am I too heavy?”

  “No. You’re just right.”

  I smiled at that and flushed with pride. She made me feel so damn good about myself, and yet, I had no right. I knew I didn’t deserve her, but I was greedy enough to want the feelings she evoked a little longer.

  After several minutes, I knew I should leave this place of comfort before I outstayed my welcome. “I’m sorry,” I said, trying to ease my weight off her chest.

  “For what?” She lay still beneath me.


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