Crystalfire Keep

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Crystalfire Keep Page 17

by J. A. Cipriano

  Amethyst shook her head before focusing on Crysta. “What is going on here? The stupid Filter – “

  “Max, you can understand all this, can’t you?” Kayla ran over her former guild mistress, her full focus now on me. “How is that even possible?”

  Because there wasn’t enough for me to try to parse, raid chat was also lighting up, a morass of confusion, questions, and growing impatience. “I do and I’ll try to explain if I can but I don’t know if the Filter will let me.”

  Vanni stepped back to Crysta and cradled her chin with both hands. “I don’t know, Crys, I really don’t but … I am so happy to see you.” The Ranger broke down fully and the two embraced each other fiercely again.

  Rational suspicion or not, I couldn’t bring myself to break them apart again. Not that I had a chance, not with both Kayla and Amethyst focus firing on me. “Okay, Shale, if they won’t tell me, you will.”

  “For the moment, I agree with her.” Kayla folded her arms, eyes sharp. “What and why and how?”

  Amethyst’s sharpness was expected and, I hate to say it, so was Kayla’s obvious suspicion. I had never even tried to explain to her that I knew Crysta in the real world, even if that relationship had started by total accident, for fear of how the Filter might react. Who knew what lengths the AI might take to ensure the Safe and Sound Policy was intact? And now, Kayla heard me rattle off who knew how much Filtered real-world information to a woman I had never met before. It would make anyone suspicious.

  Before the Trust meter could start to fall, I took a deep breath and tried to explain. “I know what happened to Vanni up above and I, well, I met Crysta up there too.” I could tell part of what I said was garbled for Amethyst but it all seemed to go clear through to Kayla. “I don’t think I can say exactly what but what happened … Vanni shouldn’t be back in the game.” I paused for a moment and then corrected myself. “Well, it’s not absolutely impossible.”

  Amethyst growled under her breath before looking over at the two lovers, still finding solace in this improbable situation between themselves. “For fuschia’s sake, I can’t understand enough to care. I’m happy for Crysta, no matter how much you all have stabbed me in the back.” She whirled on her heel. “Tell her so. I’ve got a raid to lead and a contest to win.”

  Kayla shot her a hard glance but didn’t stop Amethyst as she left. Her expression softened as she turned back to me. “I understand what you’re saying, enough of it at any rate, but why didn’t you tell me sooner? If what happened to Vanni was so serious, how do you think it’s not impossible for her to be here?”

  Over raid chat, Burndall cut into both of our brains. Dudes, what’s going on? We have got to get this thing started! What is this about Vanni? I am seriously lost here, and I’m supposed to actually know what’s going on this time!

  Shale: It’s complicated, man. Everyone head on to the gate, we’ll catch up and I’ll try to explain then. Just don’t go in.

  Kayla was still waiting for me to answer her, her searching eyes never straying even as she added her own assurance to raid chat. Complicated, yes, but it’ll be okay. We’ll be there soon.

  Total honesty was the best way to go I told myself. “We’re not supposed to know people outside the game, not without the Rings, so when it happened … I didn’t think I would even be able to tell anyone.” I blew out a hard breath. “And I was afraid.”

  “Of what?” With every word, her suspicion melted away little by little. She did say she was good at judging the truth, after all.

  “It’s crazy, what with the NSAF gear inside our heads, but I was afraid that if I actually said it, let it out in the game, the AI might decide to do something extreme, something to keep the whole privacy wall strong.” I shook my head. “Remember what was going to happen if we failed the trials in the Vale? If the Filter did something like that … well … how would I ever find you again?”

  I had never thought about it in so clear of terms, but it was a truth that was now startling clear now that I had put it into words. I had seen first hand the pain and turmoil that being separated from her lover had caused to Crysta and I knew deep down that the same thing would happen to me now if I was taken away from Kayla. Call it childish to be so attached after so short a time but in my heart, I knew this was it. This was my one big chance at love and after what we had been through, I wasn’t going to be parted from her.

  “Oh, Max,” Kayla sighed as she put her arms around me, “that’s not going to happen, not if I can do anything about it.”

  I matched her embrace, hugging her around the waist. “Likewise but we don’t always get a chance to stop it.” Glancing over at where Vanni and Crysta were still trying to make sense of what was going on, I sighed. “They sure didn’t and I’m still not sure if they’ve really found each other again.”

  “So, what do you think is actually happening?” Kayla whispered as she turned to follow my gaze. “She certainly seems to be really here, and my friends list is saying the same. It moves like her and sounds like her and …”

  “I’m not sure but it could be an echo, a ghost in the network, or maybe even the real Vanni. The NSAF gear records so much backup information in case of emergencies that under the right circumstances, a copy of her consciousness could get caught up in an AI program and be able to activate her account.”

  “But you said that it could really be her too?” Kayla arched an eyebrow at me, curious instead of suspicious. “And what makes you such an expert?”

  “It could.” Considering general work topics seemed to be fine with our Trust level, I shrugged. “I’ve done work with the development of the NSAF. No scientist or anything, but I picked up a lot.”

  Kayla grinned. “You forgot to mention that before, but don’t worry, I won’t dock you any points. In fact …”

  You have gained Trust with your Promised (manual adjustment by Kayla)! Your Trust is now at 30 points!

  “Thank you!” I answered cheerily before letting the seriousness of the moment seep in. With the majority of the back and forth having faded moments ago and the preponderance of Filter-speak, most of the crowd had gotten back to the business at hand, namely the big raid, though I had a feeling this incident would spread like wildfire across the server.

  As for our reunited friends, the sobs had mostly quieted and the kisses had slowed. Though there hadn’t been much actual talking, I was sure the pair had slipped into their own private chat. A few moments after Kayla and I had turned to watch them, Vanni and Crysta hesitantly parted, though they kept their hands locked in a death grip as they walked up to us.

  “Hi, Kayla,” Vanni said, her voice still a bit trembling. “And, uh, thank you, Shale. Crys told me what you’ve done up there, for her and for me, and even if this, uh, isn’t actually real,” – I could tell that the thought scared her to the core – “I’m grateful.”

  Smiling, I nodded. Even if this was some fragment of Vanni, a ghost in the machine or whatnot, I knew then that it was still her in every important way. “Crysta’s helped me as much as I’ve helped her.” I frowned a moment, hesitating for a moment. “And … I think this must be real. Like, this is the real you.”

  “It has to be,” Crysta said with the conviction of either the desperate or the mad. “I totally know it.” She glanced at her Promised and Vanni glanced back. “So, like, this is a bit weird but Vanni actually has the Crystalfire Keep quest and the keystone too, so …”

  Kayla cut in at this point, her hands on her hips. “As real as the rest of this seems to me, that’s simply impossible. How could you have done an entire questline without ever showing up in the social panes? Even if you were set Do Not Disturb, Crysta would have seen you.”

  Vanni averted her gaze, at a total loss for answers, while Crysta squeezed her hand, shooting daggers at Kayla with her eyes. “I don’t know, Kayla, but I’m not going to question it. You don’t know what it’s been like, not having her with me and, like, I won’t … I don’t care!”

�Hey,” I said soothingly, “we may not know why this is going on, but it will be okay.” Looking at the three of them, I nodded. “While we need to look for answers and try to figure it out, we also shouldn’t let that ruin this moment. Mina, you have a friend back and Wynona, you can see Maria again.” I looked to Vanni in specific. “And Maria, I can’t imagine what’s happening to you in that hospital bed, but I think you’re being given a chance to climb out of that pit you’re in.”

  Maybe I should have been more skeptical, to stick with being the voice of absolute reason, but a possibly-mad-but-maybe-logical thought was springing through my head. The NSAF gear had been devised for therapy originally. From helping people adjust to prosthetics to interactive psychological therapy sessions to calming, meditative exercises, the power of something that could read and comprehend every bit of your brain then make it manifest in virtual reality was immense. Though Dr. Fontaine had seen that technology pulled into entertainment and games, she still knew the therapeutic power of it. More and more, I believed that this really was the ‘special treatment’ Wynona had been told about.

  We all fell silent for a minute or two as my words sunk into them and my thoughts crept through me. It was a bit of a surprise to me when Vanni was the one to break the silence.

  “I don’t know why this is happening or exactly how,” she began hesitantly, her voice growing in strength and conviction with each moment. “And even if you all believe it, I still can’t be sure if this, if I am real.” She took a deep breath and held up a hand towards Crysta, keeping her silent despite her opening moth. “Let me finish, Crys. Real or not, no matter the reason, I don’t think it matters. I know what’s about to happen and Crys told me why it’s so important.”

  Her jaw tightened as she stood up straight. “What I’m trying to get at is that maybe I’m here now for a reason. You need a tank, you need a tenth player, and I have everything I need to help you.” Vanni held out a gauntleted hand towards me. “Shale, I want to join the Knights of the Four, and I want to help you all beat this Crystalfire whatever-it-is.” She smiled, conviction mixed with an underlying sadness. “Real or not, all I want is for my love here to be happy and pay you back for all the good you’ve done.”

  I looked at Crysta who nodded fervently at me, her hand still clenched to Vanni’s. Kayla was closed by my side, her hand at the small of my back. Her voice came into my mind through our private channel.

  Kayla: I’m still not one-hundred percent certain about this. It sounds so insane from everything you’ve said, like it's some bizarre set-up. All the same, I’ll back your play here. I trust you and I trust your judgment.

  Smiling, I nodded to myself as much as to anyone else. I turned my gaze up to meet Vanni’s and took that outstretched hand, giving it a solid shake. “Welcome to the Knights, Vanni, and welcome to the party.” I sent both the guild and raid invite in one thought and as she accepted, her status arc joined the rest of the raid. “We are going to do more than win this. We’re going to figure out what’s going on with you, I promise.”

  Vanni has joined the Knights of the Four at the rank of Guild Officer!

  Vanni has joined your raid as position 5 of group 2!

  Vanni, 60 Aurum Warlord, Tank

  HP 12810/12810 EP 7200/7200

  Crysta’s face broke into sheer relief, putting a hand over her mouth to hide her trembling expression, while Kayla finally relented, stepping forward to hug her former Sister and now fellow Knight. “We missed you, Vanni.”

  She didn’t say it, but I could tell with how Kayla’s body relaxed as Vanni returned that hug that her suspicion was crumbling under the reality of the situation. Raid chat exploded as what was going on sunk in.

  Burndall: I’m dreaming! I must be dreaming! Holy barbeque brisket!

  Merina: Wait, is this the Vanni? One of the best tanks on the server? I thought she was with the Sisters.

  Dunya: Yes! A tank! I hope you’re as good as Shale, new girl.

  Crysta: Vanni totally is, trust me. I’m so happy to have you back, babe.

  Nahma: What a joyous day! I know I must speak for everyone, but we are so happy to know you’re doing well, Ms. Vanni.

  Vanni: Thank you, everyone, and I will do my very best to protect you.

  Shale: Well, folks, we have a full raid now. You have until we get to the gates to celebrate. You guys are already there, I assume?

  Burndall: That was the plan, boss, so I made it happen.

  Kayla: Thanks, Burnie, we’ll be right there!

  Conjuring up my Pearlescent Stone Lizard’s Horn, I smiled and gestured out of the camp and toward the glowing edifice of Crystalfire Keep. “Ladies, after you. Victory awaits!”


  The sharp, chaotic facets of Crystalfire Keep loomed over us, a strange, monolithic presence that defied usual Craggar architecture. It was as if the entire hill of quartz crystal sprung up by the hands of the Primal Elements themselves and then carefully carved out to serve as the first of the five border keeps that held back the Flames of Wrath. The solid crystal walls seemed to pulse with an inner light at a distance but now, as we stood before the immense slab that was the main entrance to the Keep, I could see that thin, black tendrils of corruption were shot through the crystal, warring with that internal light.

  It was more than the uneven quartz structure that defied normal conventions. There were no visible arrow slits or windows, nothing to take let the attackers take stock of an impending attack. On top of that, the entire fortification was enclosed, the spires of the crystal perhaps hollowed into towers but still sealed from a flying approach. That made more sense as the enemies of the Earth Kingdom had access to various flying magic and even rogue airships.

  “In an actual medieval keep,” Vindril noted as we stared up at the main gate, “there would be at least one or two hidden escape routes, ways for the defenders to secretly ferry supplies in or allow for essential personnel, such as kings or nobility, to escape if the castle looked ready to fall.”

  Crysta, who hadn’t strayed more than a couple of feet from Vanni the entire ride to the Keep’s doorstep, said with a certain reverence, “The Border Knights know that retreat is a dereliction of duty. Better for them to fight to the last man to hold back an incursion of the Elements of Conflict than for one fleeing warrior to leave a weakness in the defenses. Basically, like, it’s death before dishonor.”

  Burndall laughed as he finished casting Explosive Runes across his pristine silver blade. “Well, we’re some knights that ain’t gonna have to run and we sure as shazbot ain’t gonna die.”

  Dunya showed her agreement by drawing her massive scimitar but it was Kayla that tutted as she finished conjuring her preparatory buffs. “Don’t get cocky, folks. We’ve been through a lot, but this will be beyond anything we’ve faced before.”

  “Kayla’s right,” Vanni added, standing next to me at the vanguard of the group. Now that there were a goal and a task, she seemed to regain her footing. There wasn’t any more talk of what was real and what wasn’t. She readied her Winged Aegis shield and its matching Perseus Blade. “But if we keep our wits and keep on our toes, we can beat whatever comes our way.”

  Her flashing eyes glanced at me sidelong. “Ready when you are, Shale.”

  Instead of fear of what was ahead, of being compared to one of the best tanks in the server standing beside me, I felt confident, buoyed by her presence and that of Kayla, my Promised, right behind me. With a flick of my wrist, I materialized my Banner of Two Nations and as a final touch, purposefully slotted my Darkness Modification Gem in the open socket of the quad configuration along the pole.

  Grade S Strength of the Mountain modified into Grade S Chernobog!

  Craggar only

  750 Elemental Power to activate

  5 minute cooldown, Earth and Darkness Elements

  Through your connection to the Earth, you summon up purified Primal Darkness to channel the essence of the legendary mountain demon, Chernobog. For 45 seconds, al
l your resistances (including Light and Dark) are increased by 30% and all your Attack Abilities and Spells inflict 20% extra damage. In addition, any enemy that attacks you gains a stack of the ‘Spreading Corruption’ Bane (a Darkness Damage over Time effect) to a maximum of 10 stacks.

  Though it wasn’t the defensive powerhouse that normal Strength or the Light Modified version was, the impressive damage boost might very well be better for the entire raid through my Raid Orders Gem. Yeah, it would do great. With that final Gem in place, I smiled to Vanni then looked over my shoulder, taking in the sight of our little guild. Misfits, cast-offs, and everyday players to the last of us, and yet I’d argue we were as hardcore as the most dedicated raider.

  “Okay, Knights, here we go!”

  I reached out to touch the twelve-foot-tall slab of quartz in front of us, exchanging my shield for the multi-colored keystone. The moment the barest tip of the crystal touched the gate, the stone began to ripple and shudder, melting into glowing liquid. The fluid quartz started to spin like a whirlpool as the melting spread until it formed a churning portal maybe ten feet across. As the growth ceased, the spinning increased, pulling the melted crystal away from the center.

  It took no more than ten seconds for the entire process to finish, leaving an opening to the Keep proper. With a final deep, cleansing breath, I led the way inside. There was that momentary, sluggish feeling in my mind that marked the transition from the open world of Elementalis to an instanced dungeon area.

  Welcome to Crystalfire Keep! Your raid ID and instance have been established and the timer for this wing has started!

  On the other side of the main gate was a surprisingly spacious entrance chamber. I half-expected we would immediately be swamped by enemies on all sides as we were channeled into a confined murder alley, something I was sure Vindril would agree with. Then again, this was a game and it was standard operating procedure to have a gathering spot at the start of an instance.

  All the same, the glowing ceiling was still a bit too close for comfort, no more than a foot or two above the heads of the tallest among us (and more like a full yard for Dunya). In addition to the general glow of the walls, light came from inset emeralds set evenly around the room, evening out the chaotic flashes into a steady greenish color. There was only one obvious way forward, a tight hallway that we could take two abreast at best.


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