Forgotten Forbidden America:: Patriots Reborn

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Forgotten Forbidden America:: Patriots Reborn Page 6

by Thomas A. Watson

  “Can you tell what it is?” Gerald called back.

  “Black sedan with government plates.”

  “Call Hank, and tell him in case they head for his farm,” Gerald said, looking at the backhoe.

  “Dude, I know you aren’t thinking of leaving Bernard’s John Deere backhoe out here all alone,” Nelson said, shaking his head. “I don’t want to get thrown in that damn wood chipper.”

  “Let’s just move to the road; a sedan can’t get past the overturned truck and trailer,” Gerald said.

  “Michelle,” Nelson called on his radio as he followed Gerald.

  “I’m here,” Michelle called back.

  “Get a sniper rifle, and set up so you can cover us at our makeshift roadblock. Get Bernard and Ashley to do the same.”

  “Moving toward you,” Michelle called back.

  “The car just took the Y to Hank’s farm. I already let him know,” Nancy called out, and Gerald stopped.

  “Okay, we have some time. How do you two think we should handle this?” Gerald asked, looking at them.

  “Get the backhoe, and move it up to the turned over truck like we are working on it, and see if they come this way,” Nelson said.

  “Why not just shoot their asses?” Matt asked.

  “I would really like to know why in the hell they are here in the middle of nowhere,” Nelson said. “You two head to the roadblock; I’ll get the backhoe.”

  Matt and Gerald ran out to the road and jogged over to the turned over truck and trailer. “Think we should hide our weapons?” Matt asked, looking at his gear.

  “Fuck that,” Gerald said, press checking his AR. Seeing brass, he let the bolt snap home. “I fought for this country in shit holes all over the world for over two decades. Be damned if I’m going to bend over now.”

  “Fair enough,” Matt said as Nelson pulled out of the tree line on the backhoe and drove it behind the truck and trailer.

  Nelson got out and laid his AR on the side of the overturned truck as well as his vest. Taking out his 1911, Nelson put it in his clip-on holster. “We are set up, Nelson,” Michelle called over the radio.

  Nelson walked over to Matt and Gerald. “I’m glad we are using real radios now that are encrypted,” he grinned. The three spread out in front of the truck and waited.

  Ten minutes later, Nancy came over the radio. “They just tried calling out on the radio.”

  “They get anyone?” Nelson asked.

  “No,” Nancy snapped. “I’m jamming them; wait, one just tried to use a cellphone.”

  Nelson laughed, looking over at Gerald. “Guess they don’t realize there is no cell coverage here.”

  Gerald shook his head. “No, I’m sure they have a signal booster in the car like we have at the farm.”

  “Shit,” Nelson spat as he kicked the dirt.

  “Don’t fret; Nancy has that jammed as well. The only way they will communicate with anyone around here is if they send smoke signals.” Gerald grinned. “Remember, Nancy worked for the assholes.”

  “I’m starting to think Nancy was more than just a computer programmer for the government,” Nelson said. “She’s acting like the head of the rebel alliance.”

  “On that, you would be right,” Gerald said as Nancy came over the radio.

  “They are coming to you now. Four occupants, and they just passed the Y.”

  “You two stay out of sight until they stop,” Nelson said as he keyed his radio. “Baby, if they don’t play nice, just waste them, but I really want to talk to them.”

  “You don’t talk to me that much, but you want to talk to government dickheads?” Michelle snapped over the radio as Matt and Gerald moved behind the roadblock.

  “Be nice. I talk to you, but you rarely like the topics,” Nelson said, looking up as he heard the car approaching.

  The car stopped, and all four doors opened. A man wearing a deputy’s uniform got out of the driver’s seat. Two of the other men were wearing suits, and the last was dressed in a polo shirt and khaki pants. “Is that a weapon on your hip?” the deputy demanded, jabbing his finger in the air at Nelson.

  “Yep,” Nelson said with a grin.

  As the deputy’s hand dropped to his gun belt, Matt and Gerald stepped around the trailer. “Don’t be rude, boy,” Gerald said, aiming his rifle at the group with Matt beside him.

  “Hey, deputy, you have green shit on your chest,” Nelson chuckled. The deputy looked down to see a green laser dot. The deputy looked up as his face went white, and he started trembling. “Just to let you know, on the other end of that laser is a fifty cal. If they pull the trigger, you will only be a mist.”

  “We are with the government,” a bald man that stepped out of the back snapped at Nelson.

  “Well howdy,” Nelson grinned. “Had some problems around here, so we aren’t trusting of just anyone. Call me crazy, but government is at the bottom of our list—right below pedophiles.”

  The bald man stepped beside the deputy. “I’m Agent Palmer with Homeland Security. We are here with the postmaster for the area conducting a survey of who we need to transport out.”

  A man with thinning, gray hair nodded. “May I have your name, sir? Our records indicate only Bernard and Nellie Parker live at the address at the end of the road. They have no children, so who are you?”

  “I’m shy,” Nelson said with a smile. “I don’t give out my name on the first date.”

  “You do realize we have already reported our location,” Agent Palmer snapped. “You can’t hurt us.”

  “No, you tried, but for some reason, your radio wouldn’t reach out, and your cellphones didn’t work,” Nelson laughed as Gerald moved up beside him.

  Gerald was looking at the last man, who was dressed like a contractor. He was about thirty and lean. His blonde hair was buzz cut, and he had a very chiseled jaw. “And who might you be, blondie?”

  “That is Agent Stonavitch with Homeland,” Agent Palmer said.

  “A fuckin’ ruskie,” Gerald growled.

  “He’s a citizen of the United States, sir,” Agent Palmer said. “Is it true you gave weapons, ammunition, and food to your neighbors?” he asked, looking down at a small notebook. “A Hank Gilmore.”

  Gerald nodded as Agent Palmer stepped closer. “Seemed like the thing to do.” Hearing a straining noise, Gerald turned to look at Nelson. Gerald stepped back, seeing Nelson straining so hard his face was turning purple, and veins were standing out on his forehead. “Dude, are you trying to take a dump in your pants? If you need to shit, go into the woods; we got this.”

  Letting out a gasp, Nelson smiled as he gulped in air, and his face started returning to its natural color. Nelson moved over to Agent Palmer and waved his hand in front of Palmer’s face as he said, “These are not the droids you’re looking for.”

  “Huh?” Agent Palmer said, furrowing his brow.

  “Goddamn it!” Nelson shouted, hitting Agent Palmer in the throat and faking a punch at Agent Stonavitch. Stonavitch raised his hand to block the punch, but Nelson’s foot connected with his groin. Stonavitch rose over a foot off the ground and was puking in the air as pain from his crushed testicles radiated out to his body.

  The deputy and the postman raised their hands when Gerald and Matt aimed their weapons at their faces, but Nelson didn’t care. Yanking his pistol out, Nelson cracked the deputy in the temple, dropping him to the dirt. Stepping over to the postman, who was whimpering, Nelson clocked him with an uppercut that knocked him several feet back. The postman landed unconscious on the ground.

  “Motherfucker,” Nelson said, spreading his legs to stand over Agent Palmer, who was struggling to breathe. Dropping on Palmer’s chest, Nelson started pistol whipping the shit out of him, stressing his words with each hit. “You—are—supposed—to say—‘These—aren’t—the droids—we’re—looking for!’ I am a Jedi, bitch!”

  Watching the beat down, Matt moved up beside Gerald whispering. “You going to tell him he can’t use the force?”r />
  “Fuck that; you tell him. I think I saw that ruskie boy’s balls fly down the road,” Gerald said, moving over to the deputy as he took out handcuffs. They searched the others as Nelson continued to tell Palmer what his line was supposed to be with each hit of the pistol. Using Stonavitch’s own cuffs, they handcuffed him as he continued to puke.

  “Nelson!” Michelle snapped, and he looked up, seeing her carrying a Barrett fifty cal. “Are you finished?”

  “Hell no! I fucking tried really hard to use the force, and this cock jockey fucked it up!”

  “What were you wanting to ask them?” she sighed as Bernard and Ashley came jogging up.

  “I can’t ask them here,” Nelson said, waving around.

  Michelle sighed. “Nelson, I don’t like carrying this forty-pound rifle. Where do you want to talk to them?”

  “Barn,” Nelson said, standing up. Working together, they loaded the four into the front-end loader. “Matt, Gerald, will you see what’s in the car, but leave it there,” Nelson said, climbing in the bucket and stomping on Palmer’s face. “Fucker,” Nelson muttered.

  As Bernard climbed in the cab of the backhoe, Michelle and Ashley climbed in with him. Matt and Gerald searched the car and found several notebooks and a laptop and carried them to the barn at a slow jog. When they reached the barn, they saw Agent Palmer hanging from the front-end loader stark naked with his feet barely touching the ground. The other three were naked and hog tied up in a far corner. Agent Stonavitch was still dry heaving.

  “Bernard, will you go and get the calf from the cow you’re milking now?” Nelson pleaded as they set the stuff down.

  “It’s a good calf; what are you going to do with it?”

  “Bernard, I’m not going to hurt it, but I really want to try something,” Nelson whined.

  Throwing up his hands, Bernard turned away. “Fine.”

  Nelson looked at Agent Palmer and grinned. “I saw this on a Woody Harrelson movie once.” Agent Palmer mumbled around the duct tape over his mouth. “No, I promise, you will answer everything I ask. I’m willing to bet you’ll answer questions before I even ask.”

  Bernard came in leading a young calf with a guide rope. “Here he is,” he said as Nelson ran over and took the rope.

  “Aw, isn’t he cute,” Nelson said, patting the calf and leading it over to Agent Palmer. “Poncho Villa used this technique to question people. I always wanted to see if it would work,” Nelson said, looking up at Palmer as the calf pulled forward. “Aw, he sees something like his momma has,” Nelson laughed, letting the calf go. The calf latched onto Palmer’s penis, and even with the duct tape covering his mouth, the scream hurt everyone’s ears.


  An hour later, everyone but Nelson and Nancy were in the kitchen eating lunch. Everyone had left Nelson when he had to pry the calf off of Palmer, who had passed out. They really didn’t want to know what was next.

  “Your husband has a weird sense of humor,” Gerald said, feeding Devin.

  “The only reason I’m not out there is I had babies that needed food,” Michelle said, glancing over.

  “Mom, can I go help Dad?” Gavin asked.

  “No,” Michelle snapped. “Your father is talking to those men, and he’s being mean to make them talk. You don’t need to be around it.”

  Gavin sulked as he looked down at his plate. “I just wanted to help.”

  “I know, baby, and you are,” Michelle said and looked over at Gerald. “Just to warn you, Nelson is only getting started. We had two MPs in our company get kidnapped, and Nelson gathered up a crew. They found an empty house, and in twenty hours and nineteen people questioned, he found where they were being held.”

  “He waterboard them?” Matt asked.

  “Nelson’s not that nice when he wants to know something,” Michelle said as Nancy walked in. Putting an armload of stuff on the counter, she sat down at the table and looked over at Michelle, grinning.

  “Your husband is like the total bomb. Palmer will answer any question you ask.”

  “Shit, I have a calf latch on me, I’ll tell you all my secrets and any on anyone I know,” Gerald mumbled.

  “Is he finished playing and putting them in chairs?” Michelle laughed.

  Nodding as she fixed her plate, Nancy said, “Yes, he said he had to grab some things.”

  The others nodded, and Nelson walked in a few seconds later. He sat a notebook down on the table as he got in his seat. “We need to make a trip in the next hour,” he said, grabbing his fork. When everyone started talking, he raised his hand. “We’ll wait till the kids are done eating then talk.”

  When the kids were done, they left for the living room as Nelson stood up. “We need to hit a church in Winona that they are using to hold people they pick up who refuse to leave. That’s what this group does; they mark sites, and then a group comes out and either kills or moves the family. They really don’t care which,” Nelson said, opening the notebook. “I have the layout, and there are nine deputies and one more Homeland agent there.”

  “Just how are we going to take out a location that is held by ten armed guards?” Bernard asked.

  “Easy: Matt and I are going to pose as agents and get inside. We find the other agent, grab him, and kill the deputies. Gerald and Michelle will keep the outside covered. The people around here have been cowed down. It seems they let out how the sheriff was killed. His wife, daughter, and granddaughter were raped in front of him for a day. Then, they had their throats cut, splashing their blood over the sheriff’s face.”

  Slamming his fist on the table, Bernard jumped up. “Ginger was five years old!”

  “Yeah, Palmer told me how old the granddaughter was. He has pictures on his phone to show people who don’t cooperate.”

  “I’m fucking coming with you,” Bernard growled and no one said anything about his language.

  “Me too,” Nellie snapped, jumping up.

  Holding up his hands, Nelson shook his head. “I want you two to think about that. Winona is almost empty of people, but there are still some there, and most of those are marching to the government’s drumbeat. If they see you, they will know where we are. Nobody knows about the rest of us.”

  Breathing heavily and wanting to hurt something, Bernard nodded as he sat down. “That argument will only work so many times.”

  “Hey, I would love to have you bring your wood chipper, but I really don’t want our hideout compromised,” Nelson said, looking around the table.

  “So we hit the church, and you think that will bring the heat off of the Scooby Gang that drove up here?” Gerald asked.

  “Hell no,” Nelson scoffed.

  Nancy turned to her brother. “I programmed the car’s GPS to say they were on the other side of the county when they disappeared.”

  Smiling, Gerald turned to Nelson. “So we ready to go?”

  “Almost,” Nelson said and pulled out a map as he turned to Bernard. “Bernard, I want the most back way you can think of to get here. I don’t care if we take deer trails as long as we can drive the Bronco and a trailer on it. I still have some questions to ask the boys when I get back, but can you do that?”

  “Southeast side of Eminence, sure, but you’ll have to cross several roads,” Bernard said, studying the map.

  “What’s there?” Michelle asked.

  “A safe house.” Nelson grinned.

  Clearing her throat, Nancy said, “Not exactly. It’s an operational command and supply for the group operating in this area. Homeland divided up the states in blocks. This area has a thirty-man platoon of military contractors that are used as the strike force. That is where they operate from.”

  “So what’s so special about it that we have to travel to Eminence for?” Michelle asked.

  “I didn’t have time to really explore the issue since Palmer just blurted it out when I brought the calf back in as Nancy talked to him,” Nelson sighed. “But from what he’s saying, it’s loaded with shit.”

; Michelle stood, squaring off with Nelson. “We have tons of shit here now! We don’t really need more! Especially traipsing off thirty miles after we take out a government collection point!”

  “Michelle,” Nancy said, clearing her throat. “We really need to go there. They have a computer link to the government system I need to get into.”

  Michelle turned to look at Nancy and then turned back to Nelson. “What’s there that you want so bad?”

  “Have no idea, but it’s going to be military grade weaponry. Granted we do have shit here, but babe, you’ve been in this before. Those with the bigger and better toys win,” Nelson said. “He who shoots most has the advantage.”

  Sitting back down in her chair, Michelle said, “I’m going with you there as well.”

  “I really think the person responsible for our medical care needs to stay behind,” Gerald said.

  Slowly, Michelle glared up at him. “I don’t care; how can I patch your ass up if I’m here, dumb ass?”

  Giving a startle, Gerald raised his eyebrows in shock. “Well, ah, I don’t…”

  “Stop while you’re ahead, brother,” Nancy said. “I’ll be ready by tonight.”

  “Matt, get a pair of your tan tactical pants and a polo shirt. Dig out that windbreaker that has Homeland across the back and seal on the front. Grab that UMP 45, and I’ll bring mine. That’s what we take inside,” Nelson said.

  “You two bring your tactical vest as well, and Michelle and I will keep them in the Bronco in case this turns into a circus,” Gerald said, standing up.

  “They have one of the Suburbans there, and I’m leaving that sedan and taking it,” Nelson said.

  “I’m sure they can track them,” Matt said.

  “Oh they can,” Nancy said, standing up and walking to the counter. “But I have something here that will stop it. They aren’t that hard to turn off. The agency learned in Iraq that having a vehicle tracking device can hurt you if the enemy cracks your system. They learned that the hard way—as did the military when the Jihadist figured out how to hack into the trackers for the military vehicles.”

  She handed Matt what looked like a large, handheld phone. “So I turn this on, and it blocks transmissions?” he asked, looking up.


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