Limitless Lands Book 3: Retribution (A LitRPG Adventure)

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Limitless Lands Book 3: Retribution (A LitRPG Adventure) Page 8

by Dean Henegar

  Quest Updated: Retribution. Defeat the force that Asif will place against you.

  Reward: 500 experience, better treatment.

  I reviewed the quest, and Septimus took us to the arena and allowed us to watch the other fights for a bit. The gladiators became more and more skilled as the afternoon wore on. After our evening meal, which we were pleased to see was a roast chicken, we were left to our devices for the rest of the evening. Our shackles had been removed, but I could tell there was an increased guard presence outside the tent to compensate for it. We finally all lay down for the night and for once Wrend didn’t torment me. He looked deep in thought, and I was curious what was going on in his twisted head. Prompts filled my vision letting me know the five-day logout routine had begun. The processing power of the game was removed and my mind once more slipped into oblivion, weakness, and pain.

  Chapter 7

  “They did what to old man Raytak?!” Yendys shouted. Delling moved his hands in the “calm down” motion as he explained the events of earlier. Delling had finally corralled Yendys, Ty, and Jacoby together at the Petty Dispute to plan what could be done to help Raytak.

  “Somehow he was framed for treason and a bunch of other crimes. I’m not sure what we can do but I know I’m going to try and help in any way I can. I had hoped that all of us together could come up with a plan. Thinking back, I can only assume this has something to do with the Bloody Blades and the assassination attack that killed Raytak and I a while back. The only time someone could have easily stashed evidence was when the assassin was in the room. Soon after the attack, Raytak upgraded the garrison and the security there became much tighter. Still, there must be something else in play if that Field Inspector Leighton guy was involved. I don’t see how he and the Bloody Blades were working together,” Delling offered. Ty sat there brooding while Jacoby and Yendys looked shocked and outraged.

  “How is this even possible? I didn’t know you could go to jail in a game. Has anyone been able to contact him through messages or out of game?” Jacoby asked. Ty tried to come up with a way to explain Raytak’s situation out of game but was thankfully saved by a system prompt for the group.

  Group Quest Issued: Saving Raytak. Raytak has been wrongly convicted of treason and other crimes. While he plays within his own scenario to clear his name, you must uncover who is behind his wrongful conviction and gather evidence to support your friend.

  Reward: Experience and coin will be awarded at each stage of the quest chain. Upon completion, each player involved will receive a rare magical item specific to their class.

  Accept Y/N? *Note: this is a long quest chain and it is recommended to be attempted by a fully geared and balanced party of 6 players with average levels of 7-9.

  “Okay, did everyone get the quest prompt?” Delling asked. “I’ll gladly do what I can from here, but my class doesn’t do adventuring. A single goblin could probably take me out.”

  “I’m game for the quest. Sounds like fun and a way to help Raytak. Everyone else in?” Ty asked.

  “Totally, count me and Crunchy in!” Yendys added.

  “Raytak’s been a good friend, no way I would pass up helping out. It does look like we’ll need a full party and should probably cover all the bases as far as abilities. I can tank and I’m sure Kathala would join us for heals. Ty can dish out the damage along with Quimby, assuming he’ll join in. Yendys and Crunchy add utility and an off tank. I can check with Nitor. He had a blast fighting the ghoul lord so I’m sure he’ll jump at the chance to join us again,” Jacoby said.

  “I can check with Quimby. He’s not going to be on tonight, but I’ll see him at school tomorrow and will ask him. I’m sure Drake can’t join us since his goofy class prevents grouping up. That quest for the ghoul stuff was supposed to be a one-time thing. Does anyone know somebody else that could join us?” Yendys advised.

  “Well, my quest prompt just changed, and I’ve been asked to use my contacts in town to support your party that’s forming,” Delling said, letting the group know the AI was customizing the quest to fit his strengths.

  “I can try to track someone down through my guild and let you know what I come up with. Everyone accept the quest and see if it gives us a clue on where to start,” Jacoby said, concerned that the party really didn’t have an idea on how to proceed. Hitting “yes” gave them a vague direction to follow.

  Quest Accepted: Saving Raytak. Step 1. Ask around the town of Hayden’s Knoll to see if you can uncover any clues. Reward: 250 experience.

  “That wasn’t the most helpful quest description. Let’s split up and canvas the town. Talk to the npcs and any players that have been here for a while. I’ll ask around here at the inn while I send messages out to the guild looking for extra players in case any of the others can’t join us. Anyone have any other ideas?” Jacoby asked.

  “That sounds like as good a plan as we can come up with given what we know. Everyone meet back in the inn tonight and we’ll go over what we’ve found out,” Ty said as the group left to try and find something to trigger their next step in the quest.

  Group quest members for the quest Saving Raytak.

  Jacoby, Warrior Level 7.

  Ty, Imperium Scout Level 8.

  Kathala, Cleric of Light. Level 7 (pending acceptance).

  Yendys, Druid Summoner Level 7.

  Quimby, Ranger Level 7. (pending acceptance).

  Nitor, Skald Level 7 (pending acceptance).

  Yendys made her way out of the inn and decided to talk to the merchants first. They seemed to know everyone and could hopefully point her in the right direction. Yendys was still fuming at having her grandfather falsely accused of treason, even if it was in a game. Despite her frustration, it was neat to see a healthy amount of both npcs and pcs shopping in the market quarter. The town had grown in just the few days they had been away while fighting the ghoul lord. Delling had received quite a bit of experience when Raytak and the others had defeated the threat to the town and had invested most of the upgrades into the economic infrastructure.

  Cobbled and widened streets now wound throughout the entire town, with only the very outskirts and some of the farming areas still without roads. There were over twenty open-market stalls for rent and at least three-quarters of them were full most days. Phineas and his competitor across the street had both expanded their buildings, fighting for the growing adventurer market as more and more players came to test their skill against the Foul Spore Pit dungeon. The town exchange was also thriving as players and npcs both sold trade-goods in bulk to the highest bidder.

  The market stalls in the trade quarter were a bust for Yendys. Most of the stall operators were there for only a few days at a time, and none were operating when the assassinations and attack on the town had taken place. That left the two permanent stores to check out. Haverston’s general merchandise store had opened after the attacks, Yendys thought, leading her to start with Phineas’ shop. The front of the shop was plastered with advertisements, touting Phineas’ wares in his own unique style.

  Search the lands to the west or the lands to the east. Nothing you will taste compares to Phineas’ travelers’ feast! Supplies limited, act now to stock up on the best travel rations around. Each compact ration is guaranteed to provide an adventuring party with food and water for three days of dungeon delving!

  Special sale this week only! Two for one sale on the famous necklace of basilisk protection. Guaranteed to prevent you from turning into stone from a basilisk’s gaze or your money back!

  Check out our discount bargain barrel of potions for overstock a nd distressed merchandise. My loss is your gain!

  *Efficacy of bargain barrel potions is not guaranteed. Phineas T. Moore and his emporium are not responsible for any health conditions caused by using expired, past date, or randomly mixed potions.


  The bell above the door sounded a cheery ding as another customer entered the busy shop. Several customers were haggling with Phineas over the cos
t of some bolts of cloth and a pair of others were debating amongst themselves whether or not to buy the basilisk necklaces that were currently on sale. When he watched the small halfling and her animal companion enter the shop and stop to look at the store’s stock of fancy ribbons, Eyeball tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Excuse me miss, can I be of assistance?” the chipper goblin asked. Eyeball knew he looked a bit strange to most customers. His missing hand was replaced with a sharp, rusty metal hook, giving him a pirate look. Eyeball wore a shabby, yet brightly colored robe and he had a large name tag hanging off his neck.

  My name is Eyeball, how can I help you?

  Please do not attack the goblin. He is here to help, not harm.

  “Uhhh, sure, I guess. I needed to talk to Phineas, but while I’m waiting, do you have any pretty ribbons that can go with Crunchy’s bow? I just have to get Crunchy looking his best before the next big adventure,” Yendys asked.

  Eyeball was a bit nervous around the giant unicorn beetle, but quickly decided the creature was under control and wouldn’t eat him . . . probably. The beetle was nearly as tall as the halfling customer and presented an intimidating presence. The insect’s armored carapace showed the scars of battle and Eyeball made a mental to note to keep on the beetle’s—and its owner’s—good side.

  “Hmmm, let Eyeball think about this for a bit,” Eyeball said as he looked inquisitively at Crunchy’s bow. The bow was looking a bit tattered and stained.

  “Hey, you’re not related to that other goblin that used to work here are you?” Yendys asked Eyeball.

  “No, I was sent by Chief Bugtug to help the great Phineas T. Moore and learn the art of business. That other goblin was the honored Kip Kip, may he rest in peace,” Eyeball gestured to an honorary plaque and donation box that Phineas had hung on the wall to lament the death of the goblin worker. “Phineas is also accepting donations to help the family of the late goblin,” Eyeball said with a sad look on his face.

  Phineas told him he could keep some of the coins that the customers were guilted into dropping into the donation box. Eyeball smiled as Yendys dropped several copper coins in the box. Just like Phineas had taught him, there was a gullible halfling born every minute in this world, best that they were the ones to part them from their coin.

  Eyeball recalled one of Phineas’ lessons and began running his finger over Crunchy’s frayed bow while shaking his head. He could see Yendys fall for it immediately as she mumbled about the bow looking a bit ragged. Remembering another lesson, Eyeball tried to place his hand under his chin, assuming a thoughtful pose as he portrayed false concern for his customer’s needs. Unfortunately, a sharp metal hook doesn’t make a good place to rest a pointy goblin chin, and Eyeball only succeeded in leaving a bloody gash on his chin. He wiped the green blood off on his conveniently colorful robe.

  Eyeball walked over to the section of the store that housed cloth and clothing accessories. Selecting a new purple-colored bow, Eyeball took the chance to try and remove the price tag without the sucker—he had to remember not to say that in front of one—knowing. The old tag that Eyeball deftly palmed showed that the bow was on sale for fifty copper pieces. Grabbing a matching lace ribbon, the goblin held both up against the shabby blue bow that was currently attached to Crunchy’s shell.

  “Yes, this would be perfect for Crunchy. Do you see how the color complements his shell, and do you know what else?” Eyeball paused for effect, “This perfect shade of purple will also show fewer stains after combat,” Eyeball then draped the ribbon near the bow in a few different patterns. “The ribbon really completes the package. Crunchy will be the talk of the insect community after this upgrade. For the low price of five silver for the bow and another five for the ribbon, I can start the complementary installation while you discuss whatever you needed to discuss with Phineas,” Eyeball smoothly said, smiling at the prompts he received.

  You have passed your stealth check: price tags changed without notice. Bonus 15 experience gained.

  You have attempted to upsell a product, 15 experience gained.

  Eyeball watched with anticipation as Yendys stared at the ribbon and bow combo before she squealed with delight, quickly shelling out the coin for both without argument. This was turning out to be Eyeballs lucky day—he had a live one.

  “Thank you sooo much! Crunchy is sooo happy now, can’t you see?” Yendys asked, clapping in joy over her purchase. Eyeball nodded in agreement. As far as Eyeball could tell, the beetle had no reaction other than to nearly knock over a display while trying to eat something off the floor that had caught its interest. Eyeball pulled himself from thoughts of getting the beetle to clean the floor for him. Sensing it was time, Eyeball went in for the kill. He was only a few experience points away from leveling and could almost taste it.

  “Truly a wise decision. Now if you’ll just hand over the three-silver fee for the complimentary installation package, I’ll get started on his ribbons and bow right now while you wait!” Eyeball said in an excited manner. He could tell she was caught up in the buying frenzy as Yendys quickly handed over the three silver for the “complimentary” installation.

  “Stay here with the nice Eyeball guy, Crunchy. He’s going to make your cuteness level go up while I talk to Phineas. Be a good boy while I’m gone . . . no eating the goblin!” Yendys ordered and walked over to the now freed up merchant. Eyeball gulped at the eating the goblin part of what Yendys said. Trying not to look at the sharp horn and mandibles that Crunchy had, Eyeball removed the old bow and replaced it with the new items. He used a type of magical glue to attach a baseplate to the beetle’s shell, allowing for easy changeout of different bows and ribbons in the future. Eyeball planed on making this beetle into a cash cow.

  You have passed your negotiation check and overcharged for a free service. 25 experience gained.

  Congratulations! You have gained a level and unlocked the Shady Merchant prestige class!

  New level: Rogue Level 2/Shady Merchant Level 1. Open your character sheet to view changes/allocate points.


  Phineas watched as the halfling Yendys made her way over to speak with him. He plastered on his best friendly smile as she arrived at the counter.

  “My good friend Yendys, what can the humble Phineas do for you today? Perhaps you have come to purchase a pair of the basilisk necklaces for yourself and your noble companion Crunchy? They are buy-one get-one free for today only,” Phineas offered.

  “Nope, that pirate guy Eyeball is already getting Crunchy a new bow and ribbons. Don’t want those to clash with a shiny necklace. What I was looking for is information on bad guys who might have wanted to hurt old man Raytak. You see, he was totally arrested falsely and stuff. We don’t know where he went but me and Ty and Jacoby and hopefully Kathala and hopefully Quimby and hopefully Nitor and hopefully maybe even someone else once we find someone . . . Well, we all have a quest to help Raytak that said some merchants may have information and stuff. So, do you have information and stuff that can help us?” Yendys asked in a rapid-fire barrage of verbiage.

  Phineas sat there for a second trying to process what Yendys had just said. The fact that Raytak had been falsely arrested caused a slight tinge of guilt in Phineas. He had handed over information to Darkfallow, whom he thought might be an agent of the Bloody Blades or some other group. Frankly, Phineas didn’t really care at the time. Coin was coin and Darkfallow was offering a lot for a little information. Yet even though he made a profit, he had found Raytak to be an honorable man. Normally he hated honorable men because they tend to gum up the more “morally fluid” business decisions he had to make.

  Still, Phineas had to admit he had a certain fondness for the old soldier. He had even related his own tragic story to Raytak, knowing that it would be kept in confidence. While he had no wish to disclose his own minor part in Darkfallow’s endeavors, he could at least set Raytak’s friends on the right trail. Phineas kept solid notes on potential dangers to his business that he acqu
ired from various sources. He knew where the Bloody Blades had made their base, but whether they were still there was up for debate.

  “Well young lady, due to my desire to help improve the town of Hayden’s Knoll I had begun to do my own investigation into the matter. I have found that the whole frame up may have been the work of the Bloody Blades and a nefarious character that associates with them by the name of Darkfallow. I can’t tell you where he is, but here is the location of what is believed to be the Bloody Blades base in this zone.

  “Darkfallow’s location may not be known, but I have it on good authority that he may be making his home somewhere in the zone of Bharga’s Crossing, which lies to our east. I haven’t been there myself, but I understand the area is in some sort of conflict. Be careful if you head there,” Phineas offered, hoping that his moment of charity would not come back to haunt him. Still, he was not a fan of the rude character Darkfallow, and his contacts had been able to locate the zone he had come from. Maybe this band of do-gooders would be the tool he could use to eliminate the Bloody Blades and drive off Darkfallow . . . which, of course, would destroy any evidence of his involvement with them.

  Phineas watched as the halfling beamed with joy at gathering the information she was looking for. Keeping up the winning smile he was known for, the shady merchant realized he had missed out on an opportunity to earn a few coins as “reimbursement” for his expenses in acquiring the knowledge. The halfling mumbled something about logging out for a thing called “bring your sons and daughters to work day,” whatever that was. Phineas made one last attempt for a sale before the customer faded away.

  “Wait, young lady, are you sure you don’t need a pair of the basilisk protection necklaces? The shiny faux-silver finish will sparkle so nicely against Crunchy’s shell!” Phineas tried in vain as the druid Yendys faded from sight.

  With a sigh Phineas looked to his assistant, Eyeball. The little goblin had a knack for this line of work and Phineas was happy to see that Eyeball had finally earned his stripes with his first level of the shady merchant prestige class.


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