Splendor and Darkness

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Splendor and Darkness Page 12

by Cyndi Friberg

  He touched her, caressed her arms, her torso, cupped her breasts and skimmed his hands along her sides. All the while he whispered her name, spoke words of comfort and encouragement as she had done for him.

  His first thrust sent heat spiraling up her spine. She pulled her legs high against his sides, clutching his thick upper arms. He thrust again and she tightened her inner muscles, dragging an appreciative groan from his throat.

  Their bodies entwined, straining and clinging, always needing more. They moved together, rocking in opposite directions to prolong each smooth stroke.

  Sensation exploded in the darkness, driving the breath from her lungs. She sucked in a ragged gasp and arched, her body rippling around his. Slowly, ever-so slowly she opened her eyes. Warmth and tenderness shone in his luminous gaze.

  “Oh Nate,” she whispered, her heart pounding in her breast. He was still hard inside her. Obviously her pleasure hadn’t been enough to shatter his control.

  With firm, deep strokes he pushed her toward another peak. She curved her legs around his back, gripping him tight. They stared into each other’s eyes as he shuttled in and out.

  She met each thrust, taking all of him. Sensations washed over them, uniting them in pleasure. He grasped her hips and buried himself to the hilt, shuddering violently.

  She rode the waves of release like currents of air, dipping, diving, only to soar again. He held her pressed against his chest until the last tingle receded. Breathless, slick with perspiration, he rolled them to their sides, his body still buried inside hers.

  He drew her leg up to his waist, snuggling closer. Brushing the hair back from her face, he waited until she looked into his eyes. “No matter how long it takes, regardless of what I must sacrifice, I will find a way to make you mine.”

  Confused by the intensity in his expression, she said, “I’m yours already, as you are mine.”

  He shook his head, his arms tightening around her. “You belong to your quest and I am not willing to share.”

  Chapter Nine

  Enos sank through the wall, remaining intangible as he observed his son. Generation after generation, Enos had waited for one of his children to fulfill their potential. Each child had disappointed him—until now.

  His son sat alone at a wooden table, consuming a simple meal, firelight gleaming in his dark hair. His eyes were neither brown nor green, but an unremarkable combination of the two. Ordinary, common, human. Enos grinned.

  Materializing gradually, he allowed his son to sense his presence.

  “Father.” He looked up from his food and smiled. “I didn’t expect you for several days. Are we ready to proceed?”

  “Not quite. This cannot be rushed, but there has been an interesting development.”

  He pushed his plate aside, offering Enos his full attention. “Do tell.”

  “Makatiel has expressed an interest in helping me.”

  His son laughed. “Makatiel’s rash decision nearly destroyed your well-laid plans. Does he realize what he could have cost you with his foolishness?”

  “Nay. I’ve allowed him to believe our goals align.” Enos pulled out a chair and sat. He searched his son’s face, amazed that even he could not detect the faintest trace of demonic energy.

  Smiling, his son folded his arms across his chest. “I’m pleased you approve.”

  Enos chuckled. “Have you been testing your abilities every day? Your strength will not grow if you do not practice.”

  “Every day since you first appeared. My power has increased steadily.”

  “And yet you remain undetectable.” Enos felt an uncomfortable pressure in his chest. Paternal pride was acceptable, affection was not. Tender emotions weakened a demon. It was one of the dangers of spending so much time surrounded by humans. “Have any of your children shown a similar aptitude?”

  His son lowered his gaze, his shoulders sagging. “In this I have failed you, Father. I lack your fertility. Of the six children I have managed to sire, two did not survive the first year.”

  “And the remaining four?”

  “Two were unable to suppress their demonic nature. I had no choice but to foster them in the Netherworld. My daughter has shown no abilities of any kind and my son is revoltingly moral.”

  “Morality can be overcome. Don’t give up on the boy. Sometimes it’s just a matter of finding the right temptation.”

  His only response was a nod.

  Enos pushed back his chair and stood. “I haven’t decided how best to utilize Makatiel. Still, I wanted you aware of his involvement. Weigh anything he tells you against what you know to be true. Only you are aware of my true purpose.”

  “I understand.”

  “Remain on alert.”

  “Always, Father.”

  His son smiled, and Enos felt affection’s unwanted pang.

  * * * * *

  Anna sat at Daniel’s feet, refusing to go near Tess. Daniel scanned the nursemaid until beads of perspiration formed on his forehead and still he sensed nothing but confusion and an occasional surge of resentment.

  Judith knelt beside her daughter, speaking in a soft, even tone. “Are you going to sit here all day? What has Tess done to upset you?”

  “That is not Tess.”

  Judith raised her dark gaze to him, but Daniel could only shrug. He didn’t understand the child’s reaction. “If that isn’t Tess, who is it?” He studied Anna, gauging her reaction to his question.

  “I don’t know her name.” Anna’s arms wrapped around his calf and she trembled. Fear radiated from her in unmistakable waves.

  “Do you see someone with Tess? Explain what you mean, poppet. I don’t understand.” He lifted her onto his lap, glancing across the solar at the nursemaid. A simple headdress framed her round face. Her garments bespoke her station. She watched the drama unfolding through eyes wide with concern.

  “I want to stay with you, Daniel. Don’t make me go with her.”

  Judith stroked Anna’s cheek with the back of her fingers. “If Sir Daniel is willing to stay with you, I have no objection.”

  Daniel wasn’t sure if the emphasis was meant to remind Anna of her manners or mock his masquerade. Anxiety filled Judith’s gaze. She certainly didn’t seem in the mood to banter. Anna pressed her face against his neck, one of her small hands grasping his hair. He wrapped his arms around her tiny body, his heart pounding in his chest. Ages had passed since anyone had turned to him for comfort and offered their trust with no reserve.

  “If the guards sensed a threat, Tess would be surrounded.” He watched Judith’s eyes to make sure she understood what he meant. She nodded. “Still, it might be a good idea to have Nate speak with the nursemaid.”

  Running her hand down the back of Anna’s hair, Judith said, “I’ll fetch him.”

  Will filled the silence with enthusiastic chatter. Tess smiled and nodded, but her gaze traveled often to Daniel and Anna. After several tense moments, she rose from the bench near the hearth and crossed to him.

  “Have I done something wrong, sir?” Her voice shook and tears welled in her eyes.

  “I don’t know.” He attempted to assess her again, but his angelic nature groaned, unable to expend any more energy. “Is there some reason Anna should be frightened of you?”

  “Nay, sir.” She knelt before him, much as Judith had done, and reached for Anna. The child cried out, her hand twisting in his hair. Tess lowered her arm. “Anna. What is this about? Why are you behaving so?”

  “Don’t let her touch me. Make her leave!”

  The door opened and Nate walked in, followed closely by Lailah and Judith. Anna leapt off Daniel’s lap and launched herself into Judith’s arms. Lailah stayed back, her gaze fixed on Tess. Nate approached Tess, his expression inscrutable.

  “Lord Monthamn.” Tess curtsied, keeping her head bowed. “I don’t understand what is happening here. Am I to lose my position because of Anna’s imagination?”

  “Many things have happened in a very short time,”
Nate told her. “Have you had contact with anyone unfamiliar to you?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “Who tended you during your illness?”

  “No one, sir. I live a simple life. I’ve no money for such extravagance.”

  “Anna is clearly upset. I think it best if you return to the village. I’ll summon you when we’ve determined what has upset her.”

  “But, sir. She claims that I’m not me. How will you ever remedy that?”

  “I’ll send for you.”

  Tess lingered a moment longer, her frustration obvious. “Aye, sir.” She heaved an exaggerated sigh and left the room.

  Lailah bolted the door before anyone spoke.

  “Did you sense anything?” Judith asked. Anna had wrapped her legs around Judith’s waist and her arms around her neck, clinging to her mother with all her strength.

  Nate shook his head. “But I am unable to see many things Anna sees.”

  “The angels again.” Will threw down his wooden sword and stomped toward his bedchamber. “Always the bloody angels!”

  * * * * *

  Byleth stormed into her cottage and slammed the door. Enos watched her antics with mild amusement. “Why have you returned so soon?”

  “Because that little brat knew I wasn’t Tess.”

  “How is that possible?” Makatiel knelt in the corner where Enos had left him. Enos glared at the master demon for speaking without permission. Makatiel lowered his gaze.

  “Which little brat, Will or Anna?”

  “Will is useless, but that girl made me shudder. Angelic power pulses from her.” Byleth shook her head, her expression muddled. “It wasn’t just angelic energy. I sensed something else, something different. And the semi-Fallen angels were there as well. As if the male weren’t disturbing enough, the female walked into the solar bold as can be. My legs about gave out beneath me. What is going on at that castle?”

  “Did she give any indication she remembered you?”

  Byleth rubbed her arms and shook her head again.

  He allowed her anger to simmer in silence. Byleth was to have provided a diversion while Enos and his son made their move. Using Makatiel would involve direct contact with the angelic guard, but Anna had left him no choice.

  “Well, there’s no help for it now.”

  Releasing a premature sigh, Byleth sauntered toward him, hips swaying. “How shall we spend the day now that the brat has ruined our plans?”

  “Anna hasn’t ruined anything. You were just less useful than I thought.” He grabbed her face between his hands, holding her eyelids open as he summoned forth her demonic essence. She flailed and moaned, scratching his forearms and kicking his legs. She’d grown stronger, bolder with all the demonic energy she’d received over the past few days. Enos increased his compulsion, demanding her obedience. She shrieked once then surrendered and her body turned to dust.

  Enos brushed the debris from his clothing.

  “I…they said you were extinct.”

  Enos looked at Makatiel. He’d spoken again without permission, but the terror in his gaze made Enos smile. “What are you talking about?”

  “The Ravenous. I’ve heard legends about your kind, but I thought you all perished before I Fell.” He paused, his gaze narrowed thoughtfully. “That’s how you live beyond the Netherworld.”

  “I’d existed for centuries when Lucifer was first created.” He rolled his shoulders and stretched his back, enjoying the influx of power rushing though his body. “Byleth underestimated me. You’d do well to learn from her mistake.”

  * * * * *

  Daniel waited in the solar while Judith tucked her children into bed. After Tess’ departure, Anna’s anxiety lifted and the rest of the day passed without incident. Worry still creased Judith’s brow when she returned to the outer room.

  “According to Anna, there are now four angels in her bedchamber instead of two. Apparently we were not the only ones unnerved by this encounter.”

  “Are angels posted in Will’s room as well as Anna’s?”

  She shook her head. Her silky black hair gleamed in the candlelight. She’d pulled the thick mass away from her face and bound it at the nape of her neck. Beyond the solar Judith dressed in all the trappings of a highborn lady, but the moment she entered her private domain, the fashionable headdresses and elaborate gowns came off and the Gypsy emerged.

  “Shall I stand guard outside her door?” The angels in Anna’s bedchamber were far better protection, but Daniel felt the need for action. Anna’s terrified gaze haunted him.

  “Four angels are not sufficient?” Judith smoothed the skirt of her simple cotehardie. “We don’t even know if there was a threat. You sensed nothing. Nate sensed nothing. Not even the angels considered Tess enough of a danger to appear.”

  Frustration clouded Judith’s gaze. Daniel started across the room, ready to offer his embrace. A twinge of conscience brought him up short. The last thing she needed was his seduction, and once he touched her, he would never be content with a comforting embrace.

  “How do we distinguish between her visions and the natural imaginings of a child? If there had been something legitimately wrong with Tess, wouldn’t the angels have—”

  Judith completed his interrupted trek, bringing her body within easy reach. “She is a child. Her life should be merry and carefree. Why must she be burdened with this gift?”

  He wrapped his arms around her, unable to resist the longing in her gaze, her obvious need for comfort. Words escaped him. How could he explain what he didn’t understand? She deserved more than superficial platitudes.

  Snuggling against him, she clung to his back, pressing her soft curves against his body. “Will you stay with me tonight?” she whispered.

  Desire, hot and demanding, stabbed through his body. He swept her into his arms, cradling her against his chest so she couldn’t feel what her request had done to him. She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck. He’d never seen Judith like this—uncertain, vulnerable.

  He carried her into her bedchamber and placed her on the middle of the bed. Tugging off his boots, he paused to remove her shoes before he joined her. He stretched out on his side, slipped one arm beneath her neck and propped himself up on his elbow.

  “I hate being helpless.” Her luminous eyes stared up at him, a bit of the fire returning. “I was eleven when they arrested my mother.”

  He didn’t touch her, didn’t rush her, just lowered his emotional barriers, allowing affection to fill his gaze.

  “They tried her as a witch and hanged her, all within a matter of days.” A violent shudder passed though her body and she quickly blinked away the tears gathering on her eyelashes. “Father and I could do nothing. We were utterly powerless.”

  Cupping her cheek with his hand, he brushed her lips with a light kiss. “I’m so sorry.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment, rubbing her cheek against his hand. “Father turned his back on the Roma. He felt Mother’s Romani curse had taken her from him, so he wanted nothing to do with them.” When she opened her eyes, anger had replaced the sorrow. “We left our band and Father pretended to be a Spaniard. He never allowed me to speak Romani or acknowledge who I really was. He had become head groomsman at an estate near Le Puy when I met William.”

  “William had been sent there to foster?”

  “Aye. William knew at a glance what we were. He told me he could sense my power. I had no abilities, so I told him he was a lackwit.”

  Daniel smiled. Her feistiness returned as her tale took her further away from the painful memories. “How did you come to wed with a lackwit?” She glanced away, confusing him with her withdrawal. Nate had said William and Judith’s had been a love match.

  “William was tormented by his dreams. Unlike Nate, William could never make sense of what he saw. Many began to whisper that madness had clouded his mind. I wasn’t intimidated. I had been raised by a woman with powers far greater than his.
I was one of the few people he was comfortable with.”

  “He was comfortable with you? That doesn’t seem like much of a reason to wed the man.”

  She shrugged. “He was the son of an earl. I was a servant with secrets best left in the past. I didn’t have many options. William was kind to me.”

  “Kind to you.” Daniel scowled. “You deserve to be adored. I can’t believe—”

  Her laughter interrupted his objections. “I have a much better life than most of my kind. I have no regrets.”

  Daniel shook his head. He could just picture her lying placid and accepting as the son of an earl took his pleasure from her body. To her way of thinking, she deserved no better. She was a servant with a tainted past.

  “I am more than comfortable with you.” He stared into her eyes. “I ache to touch you, to cherish you with my body and treasure you with my heart. I’m not the son of an earl, but I’ll be more than kind to you.”

  He fit his mouth over hers and teased her with his tongue. She parted her lips in silent invitation. Dragging the cord from her hair, he spread the wavy mass across the pillows. His mouth moved over and against hers, his tongue darting, tracing, but never filling her mouth.

  Continuing the sensual attack on her lips, he loosened the laces of her gown, anxious to see her naked body framed by her silky hair. He tore his tunic off over his head and tossed it to the floor. She chuckled and sat, helping him remove her garments. By the time he’d shed his hose, she had covered herself with her hair.

  “Oh nay. This will never do. I want to see every glorious curve, every silken hollow.” He eased her down onto her back and arranged her hair around her. She made no move to hinder him, but she averted her face. “I touched you intimately before, sweetheart. Why are you embarrassed now?”

  “You touched me. You didn’t really see me. I’ve borne two children and—”

  He silenced her with a deep, passionate kiss. “You are the lush fulfillment of womanhood. The subtle marks left behind by your children are a testament to the miracle of birth. Revel in them. Never be ashamed.” Cupping one full breast in his palm, he kissed her again.


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