The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2)

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The Artifact of Dissium (Demona Book 2) Page 3

by Megan A. Hepler

  “Aleph, our loving one.

  You are bright as the sun.

  You live in the great dome,

  With our voices we call…”

  Demona dazed off, as Gale’s soothing voice calmed her. She rested her head on the palms of her hands as Gale’s words flowed delicately through her mind. She was completely relaxed and focused on the words.

  “The Tzadekas will come,

  and then the battle will be won.

  We will study the great tome,

  and worship till day is done.

  One day you’ll call us home,

  our souls never left to roam.

  The Tzadekas will call…”

  Demona was hypnotized by the song. It was so soft and soothing that she was startled when the song had ended. Demona felt at peace in that moment, but she knew it was only Gale’s gift. Gale was able to sooth the angriest of hearts with her voice. Demona was just another victim of her singing.

  We need more Gale’s in the world.

  Chapter 3:

  Past Tense

  Demona and Felix sat in his red sedan, which was parallel parked against the curb in front of TGHC. Demona bent her head to look up at the front of the building. The double door entrance seemed to stare her in the eyes. She nervously picked at her fingernails. This is going to suck!

  Felix looked at her from the driver’s seat. “Are you ready?”

  “Are you serious? No, I’m not ready. I left TGHC for a reason!” Demona said. “But, I better get this over with.” She swung the car door open and emerged from the car. She stood there starting at the entrance, prepared herself, and then proceeded towards the doors. She stepped towards the double doors and after a moment’s hesitation she pulled them open.

  The security guard instantly grabbed his walkie talkie and muttered something into it as he approached her. He held his hand up to stop her from continuing on her way. “You can’t be here.”

  “Let her go on through,” said a muffled voice over the walkie talkie in response.

  Darius. Demona cringed.

  A few seconds later Kerrick Balen walked into the lobby from the back of the building. A slight smirk grew on his face. Demona’s eyes flickered with fury and she trembled as she attempted to control her feelings. It took all of her willpower to keep from setting him on fire. Demona clenched and unclenched her fists.

  “Demona,” Kerrick said. He wore his all too familiar camouflage pants and a t-shirt.

  Demona looked at the stubble and scars across his face. She wished she could punch him just then, but it would ruin her chances of making an alliance. Good thing I had rations earlier or he would probably be a pile of ash right about now. Demona ground her teeth and then managed to find her voice. “Kerrick, I came to see Darius.”

  “Alright, let’s go up,” Kerrick replied. He escorted Demona to the elevator doors.

  Demona attempted to ignore his presence, but it had brought back the anger she had pent-up inside. Flashes of memories from that night at the masquerade came back to her. There were vision of Darius and Kerrick talking about keeping Demona on their side. Others were of how she had grown so comfortable in Kerrick’s presence and the betrayal she had felt after the truth was revealed.

  They entered the elevator and the doors closed behind them. It took everything Demona had, in that moment, to keep her anger and her emotions in check. Being in such a confined space with him was not helping matters. Demona stared at the elevator doors and wished they would open.

  Kerrick coughed and then chuckled.

  “What are you laughing at?” Demona asked.

  “You are scowling,” Kerrick replied.

  Good. Demona did not care if her anger was visible. She was glad Kerrick knew how pissed off she felt. The doors opened and they walked out. Kerrick began to follow her, but she quickly spun in his direction.

  “I know how to get there!” Demona snapped.

  Kerrick held up his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. I’ll be waiting here when you are finished.” He stood beside the elevator doors as if guarding them, but his eyes focused on Demona as she turned away.

  Demona walked past the rows of cubicles where her former coworkers sat. She heard the unmistakable gasps and whispers of the word Mythos. She held her head high and made her way to the office door. Darius’ secretary, Mara, looked up at her in shock, but did not bother to stop her or speak to Demona. Demona stared at the name on the door, Darius Grier, and a sudden sensation of Déjà vu filled her mind. Demona knocked and entered without waiting for a response.

  Darius was in his usual place, sitting at his desk. He leaned against the high backed office chair. His black eyes stared at her, as if he had expected her to walk through the door at that very moment. “Ah, Demona, I was certain that I would see you again. I knew you would have questions for me someday.”

  “I’m not here because I want to be. I’m here because GLC asked me to come,” Demona said. She glared at Darius. Demona despised being in his presence, no less than she had when she was near Kerrick. She crossed her arms and gazed at the pale bald man.

  Darius stroked his goatee. “I had heard that you sought sanctuary at the GLC headquarters. So, it seems you have chosen a side.” He rose from his seat to a table nearby with a decanter filled with red substance. He pulled the stopper out and Demona caught a whiff of fresh blood. “Can I offer you some rations?”

  Demona’s mouth salivated and she instantly stiffened. She gripped the armrests of her chair as she tried to decide what to do. If I don’t drink it now…who knows when my next rations will be. She calmed, as she watched the blood slosh around in its container. “Maybe, just a little.”

  Darius poured the red liquid into two glasses and handed one to her. “I imagine that it is difficult for you to maintain your regular food intake, when you are living away from us. It cannot be easy to restrain yourself living among so many delicious members of the GLC. I hope that you are controlling the thirst, while near so many harmless beings.” He took a sip from his glass.

  He’s mocking me. Demona felt satisfied that the blood had not been poisoned or cursed with some incantation, after Darius had taken a sip. She did not want to meet her telos, today. Demona cautiously began to take large gulps from her own glass. “I’m managing just fine,” Demona said. She sucked the blood off of her lips, and then licked around the rim of the glass savoring every drop.

  “If you are not here for personal reasons, why have you come?” Darius asked.

  “I was supposed to be the liaison, between TGHC and GLC, before everything went down. Ezekiel and the others asked me to come and talk to you about the demon situation. Remember, the agreement?”

  “Yes, GLC did promise to help deal with the demon priest. I assumed the arrangement was void after the demon outbreak and your departure from our company,” Darius said. He walked back to his chair and unbuttoned his suit jacket before sitting back down.

  “Well, rumor has it that people in Terra Hollow and TGHC are afraid, because the demons are trying to possess dark beings too,” Demona said.

  Darius’ eyes narrowed. “I had not heard such tales.”

  Demona had become accustomed to Darius’ stoic demeanor, but had been able to catch his subtle expressions. She knew that Darius would never admit that things were out of hand or that he had lost control over the events taking place. She had heard the rumors that Ileana brought back with her from Terra Hollow.

  “GLC’s been preparing to deal with Abd al-Malik and the flurry of other demons. The problem is that we don’t have the man power to fend off all of the demons, while trying to destroy them,” Demona said.

  “We, is it? You have joined the ranks of the light beings? I suppose this is where our aid is needed, as your army of darkness. It is ironic isn’t it, dark protecting light?” Darius said.

  “No, I’m not one of them, but I am definitely not one of you anymore either. GLC has accepted me for what I am, regardless of being the creature you made
me.” Demona crossed her arms and decided to change the subject before she told him how she really felt about him. “Yes, you would aid in our protection. You know that we have to stop this infestation before it gets any worse, before people start dying.”

  “I will think it over and send word to you, when I have come to a decision. Now, sod off!” Darius said, as he shooed her away.

  Demona left the office feeling uncertain about the outcome. On the plus side, she had a full stomach and was feeling strong. That was, until she saw Kerrick standing near the elevator doors. Persephone, her former bully and enemy, leaned against the wall whispering into Kerrick’s ear.

  Demona’s eyebrows rose. There was more than a coworker relationship in the way Persephone was leaning towards Kerrick. They were flirting. Figures, Salina did warn me about his reputation. Persephone will have to learn the hard way. The thought gave Demona satisfaction.

  Demona marched over towards the elevator doors and unfortunately could not avoid Kerrick and Persephone. When Kerrick caught her movement he whispered to Persephone. She looked in Demona’s direction, scowled, and promptly walked away. Kerrick stepped towards her, but Demona ignored his attempts to talk to her. She pushed the elevator button and waited impatiently for the doors to open.

  “Are you back with Felix?” Kerrick asked.

  Demona rocked back and forth on her feet and ignored him. The elevator doors opened and she stepped inside, followed by Kerrick.

  “So, you are—” Kerrick said.

  “Will you shut it! It’s none of your business,” Demona said.

  Kerrick chuckled and leaned against the elevator wall.

  “You’re an ass,” Demona said.

  Kerrick grinned at her. That flame that had once been ignited by the touch of his lips upon her skin now rose as a fire of hatred at his smile. She balled her fists up and attempted to suppress the raising mageia. Demona knew what he was doing; he was trying to provoke her.

  Kerrick stepped towards her. “I’ve missed you,” he said.

  At those words, Demona blew up. Her hands that had been clasped behind her back shot a fire ball towards the elevator wall that bounced and landed on the floor.

  The elevator door opened and Kerrick stepped out. He turned to her and she watched him smirk. “I think you can find your way out,” Kerrick said. He gave her a mocking salute, turned, and walked in the direction of the field office.


  The sun shone down from a solid blue cloudless sky. It angered Demona that the sun could shine so brightly when she felt so dim within. Felix pulled the car into the parking lot at the headquarters and they noticed that Rowena’s car was there. Kaleb’s car was there as well, and Demona hoped he had brought Hannah with him. She wanted girl time, especially to rant about Kerrick.

  They entered the church to find Kaleb, Hannah, and Rowena standing over a table deep in thought. There were piles of documents and books scattered about. Demona and Felix walked closer and found them deep in discussion. Demona and Felix exchanged curious glances.

  “Hey, they’re here!” Hannah said. She waved excitedly at Demona.

  Everyone turned towards the pair as they approached the gathering. “What’s going on?” Felix asked.

  “We’re researching,” Rowena said. “We could use the help.”

  They turned back to the table as Demona and Felix gathered around.

  “What are we looking for?” Demona asked.

  “Good question.” Kaleb said. “We really don’t know. Molony said that he and Ezekiel were looking through some of Constantine’s works, about the prophecy. Something to help with the demon priest. They said that they found something that mentioned some kind of artifact that could help with the exorcism.”

  Demona looked at Kaleb. “But I thought Ezekiel said that GLC could handle the exorcism?”

  Molony entered the church from the doorway. “We thought we could, but it looks like we’ll need help.” Molony walked towards them. “Ezekiel and I have been through the texts. An exorcism is dangerous enough during a normal case of possession. We have to remember that the afreet demon has taken possession of an ordained clergyman. This is no ordinary possession.”

  Ezekiel entered into the sanctuary from the back room carrying an open book. “According to one of Constantine’s journal entries Aleph sent a message to him in a vision.” He peered into the book and his glasses slowly slid down his nose. “In the vision, Aleph spoke of the future, a possession by an afreet and one of the purest souls, an ordained priest. He suggests that the only way to perform an exorcism on someone so pure is with the aid of an ancient artifact.”

  “I get that the possession is unusual, but why is it so unusual that you couldn’t just do it with more believers present?” Demona asked.

  Molony spoke up. “A priest is the representation of Aleph on earth. The ordination they go through binds them to the Supreme Being. Anyone ordained makes a commitment to allow Aleph to work through them.”

  “It’s more than just a commitment, it’s a bond. At least for those who truly believe what they say when they take the oath to Aleph. Even more so for those who are ordained through the Council,” Ezekiel said.

  That’s what my father said on the phone in my flashback. He talked about a Council. “What’s the Council?”

  “Felix, this is all yours. Let’s see how much of your training you remember,” Molony said.

  “Okay. The Council is made up of the seven highest ranking elders of the GLC. They’re the ones with the firmest belief in Aleph. They’re the ones with the ability to give priests or pastors an ordination that somehow binds them to Aleph in a sort of contract.” He looked to Ezekiel for confirmation.

  “Good answer. At least that’s the simplest answer. The whole process is very complex and hard to explain, unless you’ve studied the ancient scripture,” Molony said.

  “So, since the ordained have this bond with Aleph, they have an almost unlimited amount of spiritual energy to keep them strong in faith and guard them against the evil of the world. It helps them to keep their composure and fight the good fight,” Ezekiel replied. “Somehow the afreet was able to overpower the spiritual energy from Aleph in order to complete the possession.”

  “So, what does all of this mean?” Hannah asked.

  “It means that since the priest’s spirit is still technically alive inside the body with the demon, so is the spiritual connection. And according to the journal entry…” Ezekiel read from the book. “If a possession of one of the ordained that has a spiritual bond to Aleph is completed, the demonic spirit will be able to feed off of that energy.”

  Knots formed in Demona’s stomach.

  “That doesn’t sound good,” Kaleb said.

  “No, it doesn’t,” Ezekiel said. He snapped the book shut and sat it on the table.

  Demona shifted her weight from one leg to the other. “That would explain why he’s able to shift forms so easily without draining his energy. It also explains why he didn’t need to stay close to people for an energy source.”

  “So, you’re saying that this demon has an infinite amount of energy?” Felix asked. Felix had asked the question everyone else had been afraid to.

  “Yes,” Ezekiel said.

  The room was tense and nobody spoke. Everyone glanced around at one another. They all realized how truly dangerous a demon with that kind of power could be.

  “Well, what do we need to do?” Demona bent down and flipped through a book.

  “Constantine speaks of an artifact that can prevent the demon from using the spiritual energy, some kind of an energy blocker. He just uses the words the artifact and gives no other explanation,” Ezekiel said.

  Demona chewed on her lip. “Could the Council help?”

  Ezekiel looked at her and then to Molony. They both burst into laughter at the same time. Kaleb, Hannah, Rowena, Felix, and Demona looked at one another as if they had been left out of a private joke.

  “I don’t get it,” Fel
ix said.

  “It’s time for a road trip,” Molony replied.

  Chapter 4:

  Road Trip

  The decision had been made quickly about who would make the journey to meet the Council. Molony chose to go, because of his role as elder. Felix was chosen because of his newly initiated status as a member of GLC. Finally, Demona was chosen, because of her connection with the demon, the prophecy, and other events that had taken place.

  Demona stood outside the old brick headquarters watching Felix and Kaleb goof off, as usual. Then, she looked at Ezekiel with concern across her face. “I should be here in case Darius sends word about his decision.”


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