Curse of Innock: Dragon Legacy Book I

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Curse of Innock: Dragon Legacy Book I Page 4

by R. G. Porter

  "I see. The sun can do that to a person's body. Let me get you that roast and some more water. I'm also going to get you some of our fresh bread. That always helps when I'm exhausted.” Alayia watched as the woman disappeared into the smoky kitchen. She hadn't eaten, that much was true, but she knew that wasn't the issue. Her head still felt tender from earlier, though she doubted that was the cause of her sudden dizzy spell either. No, her mind continued to drift to the man who continued to hide within the shadows. Who was he? Her vision moved to the window, the moon high in the sky. How much time had passed since she'd arrived? How long had she been in the vision? Her body tensed as she tried to recall what she'd seen. Her eyes moved back to the man in the shadows. Deep inside she felt a pull to him but she pushed it away. She had her own problems to deal with.

  Gabriel had come to the inn as usual; ready to deal with the stares. Not one to deviate from routine, he knew he could find a good meal at the Inn. It would also give him ample time to wallow in his despair for another night. It was on the top of his list of things to do. Sure, the women all loved to flirt with him, but it did no good. There was nothing left in this world that meant anything to him; they all were just wandering pieces of flesh in his mind. Today had been worse than most. He'd found a way to control the dragon most days, to keep it busy destroying harmless property or catching fields on fire. That worked well up until today. His body tensed as his thoughts returned to earlier. No, today had been bad and he was the one to blame. Not to mention the visions continued to hound him daily, memories haunting him at every turn.

  Why? Why had he gone to that field? Something had called him. He'd heard a voice and followed. Why did he follow? He knew he'd not eaten yet and then he'd heard the voice and instead of waiting, he'd gone. Grief welled inside Gabriel, threatening to choke the life from him. He'd known the moment he'd entered the area that people were close. He'd smelled human blood call to the beast within. He'd tried to turn but couldn't. His head shook. That poor innocent man, he'd died such a painful death there was no doubt about it. Red haze and blood curdling screams had filled his mind. Past that his memory was covered in a thick fog and then nothing but darkness until he found himself back at the cave. Gabriel's hands twisted the bread he held in his hands. It was his fault, he cursed. He didn't deserve forgiveness. After he'd realized what he'd done he vowed to find the family. He wanted them to know the truth; they deserved to know who the murderer of their loved one was. Gabriel knew they wouldn't believe him, but he had to try. He began to stand when he felt the familiar touch from the past move across his skin.

  Gabriel. Gabriel's world darkened around him, the Inn fading into nothingness. All the patrons who'd surrounded the area were gone to be replaced by charred fields and homes. Gabriel stood and shivered, the shadows drifting across the area taking the shape of things he couldn't see. Leaves rustled in the nearby trees by a wind that didn't exist. There was no breeze in this place, a stale feel to the air around him. Gabriel's gaze drifted toward the vacant houses where shadows lingered in the doorways. The grass and bushes moved about as if pushed by unseen hands, the trees bent over with the strength of a wind that didn't blow.

  He was there again, back in the dream he'd been in before. Gabriel shivered as a cold breeze blew across his body, the scent of death thick on its wings. Why was he being pulled in again? He moved further into the village, the open doors peering out at him. It was as if the eyes of those who had once lived and were now long dead watched his movements. He felt drawn inside, as if ghosts of those long gone were calling him to enter and join them. Determined not to give in, Gabriel held back. There was more to what he saw. His lungs burned with every breath he took of the air dry that seemed to surround him. Images moved through his mind, dark and evil tugging at his soul.

  A roar in the distance drew his gaze. His body shook from the force of the sound. There was a familiarity to it he couldn't place it. The trees around him burst into flames in front of him. Bright blue-red flames flickered with a red hot intensity. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Flames danced about the branches from one tree to another, yet the limbs didn't look scorched. He could smell burnt wood rise from the smoke but leaves held tight to the edge of the branches. Gabriel shook his head in disbelief. This couldn't be possible.

  "Anything is possible.” Gabriel turned back to the sound of the voice and the woman he knew it came from.

  "Not you again. Who are you and why do you keep bringing me here?” The woman held the same appearance, save her jet black hair now cascaded down her back. There was a nagging familiarity to her now, but one he couldn't place. Her eyes still held a deep sadness he wished he could understand. “What is this place?"

  "I am not the one bringing you to this place Gabriel, you are. This is of the past, the present and the future. You will know the truth of it all in due time. I can't tell you more than you are ready to understand."

  His head pounded with the bright flames that surrounded them. Thunder rocked in the background and he began to wonder if he might be truly losing his sanity. “Am I losing my mind?"

  Her eyes for once held a hint of humor. “No, you aren't losing your mind Gabriel. I promise that all will reveal itself as time goes on.” Before he could ask another question her figure faded back into the mist.

  He shook his head as the roaring increased. There was a loud hum in the distance that continued to grow louder. He turned his attention to the charred houses; the remains of what could once have been a prosperous town. Such heat must have been used to cause some of the melting that had occurred. Never had he seen the destruction that stood before him. Still, there was more to it than just what was on the surface. There was an underlying evil to it all.

  From within one of the houses a shadow moved across the threshold of the door and out into the open. A woman, tall and slim, walked toward him her long hair drifting on the wind. Her eyes stared straight at him. With every step she took the ground beneath her feet browned and died. There was death in her touch; he had no doubt in his mind.

  "You should not be here. This is a place of death, not life.” Gabriel could barely hear her voice as it wavered on the wind.

  "I don't know why I'm here. I'm told I will find out. Who are you?” He kept his distance. “What happened?” Curiosity replaced his apprehension.

  A wail escaped her lips. “We were peaceful once, lived happily without illness or poverty. Unfortunately we were discovered by those who hungered for what we had and wished to have it. This is how it turned out."

  "I don't understand. They killed everyone and for what?"

  "It is said that some did get away, but none know for sure. For what I can't say, you will have to discover it on your own."

  "I can't find out when...” Before he could finish his words the woman's figure dissipated into the shadows, her cries held on the wind. “Why do they keep doing that to me? One second here, then gone.” He had no clue where to go, his mind full of questions yet no answers seemed to be found. Shadows began to move out from the houses and reached out for him, their tendrils searching. Eyes from within the buildings peered out with purpose directed solely at him. He needed to find out what had happened. He knew if he didn't figure out the past his future would be in jeopardy.

  Gabriel shuddered as voices grew louder in his head, their pitch higher with each passing moment. Pain pierced his mind doubling him over to his knees. He tried to raise his head but couldn't. Darkness surrounded him as the wailing increased from the ghosts of those who'd died. He could hear their cries as he felt his body begin to fall into the blackness. Where he would end up he wasn't sure.

  He found himself back at the Inn the patrons moving about as if he'd never left. Gabriel had to get out of there but there was one problem. Her. No, his plans had been completely set awry the moment he entered this place and sat in his favorite corner and saw her. Somehow she'd called out to him. Yes, his mind still held the visions of what he'd seen but the vision of the woman across from hi
m burned in his mind as well. Her alabaster skin and eyes the color of emeralds had pulled his attention unlike anything before. Gabriel was drawn to her, that he couldn't deny. Something deep inside him had to go to her or else. Just one dance, he told himself. That would rid the compulsion that threatened to burn his soul. He moved then, when her attention was diverted. He knew the others would watch and wonder but he didn't care. To hell with everyone else, he didn't care at this point. He needed to be close to her, to touch her skin and see if it was as soft as he knew it would be. He held his breath as he got close, fear pooling in his stomach that she might say no as he approached. In all his days since waking he couldn't remember wanting something more but this one thing. How he missed his love but he promised himself he wasn't betraying her. “Just this one chance at something normal,” he whispered. This one solitary thing and he would be happy. He sent a prayer he would be given this boon as he bowed his head and whispered in her ear.

  "May I have this dance?” His deep baritone voice moved across her skin setting her soul on fire.

  Her heart caught in her throat. What could she say? Every part of her wanted to say yes but her mind was wondering why he was asking. “But there is no music?"

  He pulled her from where she sat, his arms wrapped around her waist. Outside the wind whistled with each breathe she took, her heart thumping hard in her chest. Music or not Alayia found her feet moving to an unsung beat, their bodies pressed together with each step. She'd danced in the past but this was different. A fresh blush stole across her body. How could this be happening? She needed to move from his hold.

  "Please don't go. It's been far too long since I've enjoyed being this close to someone. Listen to the hum of the wind. It plays just for us. Even the night sings so we can dance.” Alayia couldn't dispute his words. She could feel the beat of the night even among the patrons of the Inn. Before she could move away a soft haunting melody began to play from outside the window. “See, there is music after all. We dance quite well together.” His eyes held such sadness that Alayia wanted to reach out and wipe away his unshed tears.

  "You are too kind.” The closer she got to his body the more she felt a familiarity in his touch. Her fingers moved to touch his cheek. The moment her finger tip grazed his skin she felt an instant connection. There was something about him that she couldn't place. Her gaze moved to his. “Do I know you?” His smile sent a shiver across her skin.

  "Perhaps... Maybe in another life.” His voice held a sadness she wanted to take away. “Come and dance more with me and let's forget everything else around us.” His arms snaked further around her waist pulling her into his embrace. His scent filled her senses, bringing with it the vision of the wild outdoors. She could actually see the forest by closing her eyes, the trees and animals running free.

  "Who are you?” Her voice felt weak, her breath raspy in her throat.

  "Does it matter? We can show others what they want to see without ever revealing who we truly are inside. So, I ask, does it truly matter?” Did it? Names meant nothing which was true. She'd not offered hers, yet she couldn't help but want to know his.

  "I suppose if you'd rather not I can understand. I thought it would be nice to know who I'm dancing with.” A part of her felt she knew more about him than she realized. Something in the back of her mind kept screaming out visions she couldn't understand.

  "The night is beautiful is it not? Are you from here?” He was changing the subject and she couldn't help but wonder why. Did he have something to hide as well?

  "Yes it is. I love the night. It's magical.” She could feel his body stiffen at her words.

  "Yes... It is.

  "I'm sorry. What did I say?” Alayia found she didn't want to say anything to upset him. For once she'd found someone who peaked her interest and she was truly intrigued.

  "It's nothing. I knew someone long ago who thought the same. Tell me, do you believe in reincarnation?” His question took her off guard. Her mind drifted to the past and the countless times she'd asked herself the same question.

  "Do you want the truth?"

  "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want an honest answer.” His gaze fell directly on her, his onyx eyes delved deep into her for truth. She knew she couldn't answer any other way, and God help her, she wanted nothing more than to be forthright with him.

  "I've considered it many times to be honest and yes... I do believe in such a thing. Now if you call me silly or dimwitted, I'm liable to knock you over the head.” She waited for a look of disgust to cross his handsome face, but instead a burst of laughter erupted from his lips.

  "You, dear woman, are a breath of fresh air. It's nice to know someone who has an open mind in this world other than me.” He twirled her about the dance floor in a whirl of speed. Before she could catch her breath he raised her into the air and brought her back to the ground, his body so close she could feel the heat seep from his body into hers.

  "Stop before I lose my balance and fall.” Not to mention my breath, she thought. Her mind was spinning at the sensations her body was feeling being so close to him. He was like nothing she'd ever encountered. True enough he was good looking, his eyes the color of obsidians and his hair black as night. His hair was down to his shoulders and loosely tied at the neck, yet there was wildness in every movement he made. No wonder the women couldn't help but admire him. His body alone was incredible. Toned beneath the beige cotton shirt, his muscles rippled as he moved. It was apparent he worked hard and didn't let others do what he could do himself. Yet, there was something else about him. Something Alayia couldn't put her finger on.

  "Let's go for a walk shall we? I could use some fresh air and the stares are getting a bit much.” Alayia had almost forgotten about the patrons of the Inn, a fresh blush stealing across her body at their brazen dancing.

  "Oh God, I completely forgot we were inside. Where is my mind tonight? Yes... let's leave, please. The fresh air sounds lovely all of a sudden.” Never in her life had she felt such a draw to anyone. There was an aura about this man she couldn't ignore. As they moved out into the night her fingers snatched her satchel from the table all she owned still tucked tightly inside.

  "You're staring.” Alayia diverted her face, embarrassment washing through her. Had she been that obvious?

  "I'm sorry it wasn't my intention, it's just that I feel as if I know you.” Deep inside she wanted to sprint away into the darkness, though she found her steps walking in unison with his. “Why?” Her mind drifted into the unknown, reaching for his mind to fulfill the questions she didn't have the courage to ask.

  A solid wall unlike any she'd encountered before blocked her way into his mind. “Don't.” His voice broke her concentration. The suddenness drew her back to the present, her balance gone for a moment.

  How was he able to block her out? Never in her life had she met someone she couldn't read with her mind. Even his touch did nothing other than send fire shooting across her skin.

  Alayia couldn't help but wonder more about this mysterious man, his eyes haunted by things she couldn't fathom. She wanted to stand and talk to him but it had taken her hours to walk from her house to the village and her body felt tired. “Maybe you should go back inside and rest. The night grows thin and day will be approaching soon. There are only a few more hours ‘til dawn.” How had so much time passed? She knew they'd been wandering around the village but time seemed to have just slipped past. “You need your sleep.” Was he dismissing her? Granted she'd never cared before but something about the coldness she felt in his presence bespoke danger.

  "Wait.” She didn't want him to go, at least not yet.

  His head turned to face her, his eyes never leaving her face. “What is it? I really don't have much time left.” She could feel his need to leave. Why was he in such a hurry?

  "How can you do that? I've never met anyone else who could block their thoughts or memories from me.” Alayia felt lost at her inability to sense more about him. He needed something, she could see that.
The past haunted him of that she was certain, yet she had no way to find out what caused the sadness she saw in his eyes.

  His hand reached out to lift a stray tendril away from her cheek, a warm smile replacing the forlorn look on his face. “Years of practice. I knew someone long ago who could do the same. I found if I didn't learn to guard my thoughts I would get myself in trouble more times than I would like.” There was a tease in his voice she couldn't miss. He held affection for the person from the past; there was no doubt in her mind. Why that bothered her eluded Alayia. “I must go now. Even now the moon is low."

  "Where are you going to go?” Propriety be damned she felt a need to find out more about him. Beyond that she feared if he left she'd never find him again. It was an odd sensation and one she was not accustomed to. “Please stay. You don't have to be alone."

  His body stopped at her words, his casual stance replaced by a stiff stance, his shoulders turned toward the forest. “I am sorry to leave so quickly but I have no choice. I have to go, somewhere far from here. Thank you for the dance tonight. It was more than I could have wished for.” Sadness unlike anything she'd felt before trickled across her soul. In the back of her mind a cry of anguish echoed in her ears from a voice she couldn't place.

  "Why are you going to leave? There really is no need.” She prayed she didn't sound desperate but truth be told she didn't want to see him go. Something about him called out to her, made her feel as if she belonged somewhere. She wanted to protect him, to see him smile and be happy. “I'm sure there is another room available inside. You shouldn't travel this early, you will need rest."

  "I must. I have no choice. Go now, before the sun breaks the horizon.” Energy began to pulse in the air around her. She knew he was going to leave regardless of what she said. “I'm sorry."

  Her fingers reached out to grasp his arm the warmth of his skin something she knew she wouldn't forget. “If you must leave me at least tell me your name. Please.” His head tilted toward her his black eyes haunted with memories of the past. He moved closer to her, his palms cupping the side of her face and drawing her closer into his embrace.


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