Curse of Innock: Dragon Legacy Book I

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Curse of Innock: Dragon Legacy Book I Page 7

by R. G. Porter

  "I trust you.” Her mind set she held on tight to Talon's hand his cane swishing the brush as they moved.

  "Just keep up with me and don't listen to anything you might hear around you. I know these forests better than anyone. If danger is present, I'll let you know.” How could that be possible? The man was blind as could be, yet here he was leading her without fail through the denseness of the woods.

  Just follow him. He will lead you on the right path. There was that woman's voice again. Who was she that she knew everything that happened? And where was she to warn her about Elroy at the door earlier?

  Who are you? Why won't you answer me? Was she going crazy? Had she finally lost her mind completely? Perhaps she was still immersed in a dream. Her head tilted to the side to take in the scenery as they moved past, to mark in her mind where she'd been and which direction they might be going. She was surrounded by tall trees full and lush, the leaves taking on colors of the changing of the seasons. With the chaos of the morning Alayia found she couldn't help but admire the area. The forest held such beauty that without the fear of the dragon and other creatures she would love to spend time just wandering around.

  "Alayia... you must pay attention to where we are going.” Talon's voice broke her thoughts. His words held a hint of laughter at her clear disregard for their position.

  "Sorry, it's just that this place can be quite pretty when I'm not running for my life.” A quiet snicker escaped Alayia's lips. She couldn't help it. The farther they traveled the more at peace she felt. Insanity or not, she knew they were headed in the right direction. What that direction was, she wasn't entirely sure of yet.

  "Well, just as long as you don't trip, feel free to gander around. Tell me what you see.” A surge of sadness rushed through her.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to mention the beauty. I forgot you can't see it.” How could she have forgotten his lack of sight? She officially wanted to kick herself at that moment. Talon's finger's squeezed her hand, his smile equal to the warmth of the sunlight cascading down through the canopy of leaves.

  "Oh please. I've been this way for more years than I can remember. I was able to see once. So if you describe it to me I'll see the grandeur of it again through your eyes.” He made it sound so simple, how could she deny him the chance?

  "Only if you are sure.” He'd saved her from Elroy's men, not to mention helping her through the forest. If he really wanted to know what it looked like, he was more than entitled.

  "Yes. Of course I do. Unlike most men I don't like to talk to hear the sound of my voice.” His tease didn't go unnoticed and Alayia found herself punching the side of his arm. “Ouch! Now that wasn't very nice.” Another chuckle erupted from his lips. The man was playful, of that she was certain.

  "Well if you insist.” Her eyes drifted around them as they continued to move their footfalls silent on the grass. “The trees have begun to turn as autumn approaches. They've taken on shades of green, orange and red, which litter the branches above us.” She could feel him stir as they moved.

  "Keep on, I can see it.” Alayia's heart felt for the man. How hard it would be not to see what others took for granted.

  "Some of the leaves have begun to fall. High above there are so many birds flying in the sky. They are calling to each other, singing out a hymn of belonging.” Each note that echoed in the sky reminded her of the summers she'd spent wandering around without a care in the world.

  "I can hear them. They usually sing me to sleep at night and keep me company during the day.” Of course they would, his sense of hearing would have to be much better than hers. “Tell me about the sky. Are there any clouds?” His interest reminded her of the children of the village as she told a story, their voices all inquisitive of what might happen next.

  Alayia took in everything not wanting to miss a thing to tell him. “The sky is a vibrant shade of blue. Deep in color like you would see near the sea.” Colors always drew her attention, the magnificent kaleidoscope that the gods painted every day. “There are some clouds floating around. Not flat by any means, but fluffier like you would find if you touched the back of a sheep."

  "You describe it wonderfully. I can actually envision it in my head.” So entranced in describing everything around Alayia barely caught the sound of a branch moving till she felt Talon stiffen, his hand moving to cover her mouth. “You must be quiet we have company.” His calm demeanor was the only thing keeping her from asking further.

  Alayia kept her hands close together pressing them in the folds of her skirt. What was out there? Was it a beast or had they been followed? Casting a glance over her shoulder she couldn't find anything near them. A deep sense of dread began to weave around her heart, sending her senses into overload. Run and hide those were the only thoughts that ran through her mind. The moment she was about to go Alayia felt Talon's grip on her arm, yanking her to the ground. His hand went directly for her mouth silencing the scream that had tried to escape.

  "He is near but he doesn't know where we are. You must stay quiet. Over there.” Alayia's gaze moved in the direction Talon pointed in, a large rock overhang covered by foliage providing cover. “Go there now and hide. Let me deal with this person."

  "But..."Her question was stopped by the pad of his thumb.

  "I know what I'm doing. Now, if we are to continue on your journey we have to get rid of this person. Hurry now or it will get messy.” The thought of another fight set her stomach in an uproar.

  "Fine, just be careful please.” Alayia rose and sprinted to the shelter Talon had shown her. She hated to leave him alone and without aid. He might be good but was he good enough? She would keep watch and if there was any indication that he might get hurt, hell or high water, she was going to help him.

  The moment she was immersed in the thick overgrown vines she heard another rustle, this one closer than the last. Alayia prayed it wasn't Elroy, she didn't know if Talon could handle him. Finally she spotted a man emerge from the west, his clothes disheveled and full of dust. He approached Talon, a smile on his face.

  "Talon my dear boy, what are you doing this far out in the woods? I haven't seen you travel this deep in a long time.” There was recognition in the man's voice. That had to be good didn't it? At this point Alayia wasn't sure of anything anymore.

  "I've decided to take a walk to the inner river. It's been a long time. What are you doing so far in Trasin? Generally you don't come into the woods except at night to hunt.” They knew each other, a sigh escaped Alayia's lips.

  "Aye, that's true, but I'm hunting for something today as well."

  "Really? What might that be?” He was fishing for something; there was no doubt about it. He was good though, his question was subtle. If it wasn't for her ability to hear what others couldn't, she would have missed his slight push.

  "There's a nice reward for anyone who finds this little woman Lord Elroy is searching for. It appears she hurt her head and has forgotten she is promised to wed him.” Bile rose in Alayia's throat. Oh God no.

  "Wow, such a shame. Who is the girl?” The man was a better actor than anyone she knew.

  "Not sure. She goes by Alayia but not much else is known. Elroy is determined to find her though. The reward is higher than anything I've seen offered in a long time.” Greed always made men do stupid things, this was no different. “Hey, have you seen anyone roaming about today?"

  "Seen? No. Though, now that you mention it, I did hear a slight rustle toward the east. Way back about an hour ago. I figured it was something wandering around enjoying the afternoon.” He was leading him away. Good man.

  "Are you sure? It could have been a deer or something."

  "Trasin, don't you know by now how good my hearing is? Besides, would a deer be humming in a very feminine voice?” He was layering it on thick, but by the sound of it the man was taking the bait. Alayia held her breath as the man scanned the area she crouched in. Had she left some kind of clue to her whereabouts? Gods she hoped not.

  "Good en
ough, but if you happen upon this woman get a hold of me fast. We can split the reward."

  Alayia fumed at the whole idea that Elroy would stoop so low as to put out a reward for her, not to mention it sent chills racing across her skin. The man had nerve. Alayia stared at the hunter, his eyes moving across the whole area in search of prey. She held her breath, willing him to go away. Minutes passed till she swore she would scream out in frustration when she noticed the man turn in the direction Talon had indicated his hand waving as he moved into the distance.

  "You can come out now and breathe before you turn blue in the face.” Damn, he'd known she'd been nervous. The man's senses were more heightened than she could imagine. “So, Alayia, you've bashed your head and forgotten your betrothed I hear?” His smile drew the remaining fear she felt, a smile crossing her face.

  "I'm beginning to feel as if I've hit my head and landed in a different place entirely now that you mention it.” She couldn't help but tease him. The man was incorrigible, but she didn't mind. He helped ease her worry. “Can we go now? This place still makes me nervous and now that I have a bounty on my head I'd rather not hang around too long.” Alayia was thankful she'd not been turned in; she really couldn't handle having to deal with Elroy again. That man scared her in ways she couldn't even begin to describe.

  "We should be fine from here on out. He's the only huntsman I know of in these parts. We can travel till nightfall and then take a break. I would guess about another couple hours should put enough distance between us and your intended.” Her arm hooked in his as they headed back in the direction they'd begun. Peace made its way into her body knowing she finally had someone on her side.

  "Thank you.” Never in her life had she imagined she'd be running from her life. Now she didn't even know where she was headed.

  "You're welcome. Might I ask one question though?” Concern coursed through her.

  "Of course you can.” What he wanted to ask she couldn't fathom, but she had to allow him it. He could have easily turned her over.

  "What are you after? I know this Elroy is not why you are leaving the village, although I'm guessing he has hastened your reason for going. Something else has prompted your departure.” Alayia's stomach twisted into a thousand knots. What could she say? She owed him the truth. “I can sense your struggle, I'll know if you lie.” Of course he would. His senses were more acute than anyone she'd encountered before.

  A sigh of defeat escaped her lips. “It's not that I wouldn't tell you the truth Talon, it's more that I wouldn't want to have you try and stop me.” Talon's brow furrowed as a look of confusion crossed his face.

  "I'm not following you, so to make it easy, make out like I'm really stupid and explain it to me in detail. Sound good?” A smile replaced his confused stare settling the hesitation Alayia felt.

  "Ok, but promise me first you won't try and stop me."

  "I can't..."

  "No... I mean it Talon.” Alayia moved in front of Talon's body, placing her hand on his chest, stopping him cold in his tracks. “I'll not say another word till you give me your word that you'll not keep me from my task.” Seconds ticked by as Talon didn't speak. She knew he was unsure if he should make such a promise. Sure he was not going to give in; Alayia began to head out on her own when she felt his hand grip her arm in a soft tug.

  "I give you my word that I will do all I can to help you out on this task you've undertaken and not stop you from it.” Relief swept through her the moment she heard his words.

  "Thank you."

  "Now what's so damn important that you made me promise?” His smile was back but only partly. He was not a man who gave promises, she could sense that much.

  Alayia placed her hand around his arm, once more allowing him to lead the way, her heart beat increasing in rhythm as she thought back. “Well to make this as short as possible, the other day my brother and I were out in our field when we were attacked. I lived... he didn't.” Tears pooled in Alayia's eyes as she remembered her brother's screams. “I vowed on his death that I would find the one responsible and bring justice to his killer. That is what I'm doing."

  She continued to walk next to him, waiting with baited breath to see what he would do next. Condemn her or walk away? She prayed neither. Up till now she didn't realize how much she needed someone's help. If she was honest with herself she did. Minutes ticked by, her patience slipping by with each breath.

  "If you don't want to help, I understand.” She didn't want to wait any longer. If he wanted to go fine, she would figure it out on her own.

  "Now did I say that?” His voice held a sense of humor, one she didn't expect. “No, I definitely don't recall that. I was merely trying to contemplate how one such as you felt she could take on such a quest all by herself?"

  "I had no choice.” Damn the man, he was teasing her, but still. She was strong and had been fine till this morning. If she hadn't been out all night with Gabriel she wouldn't have had her guard down. Gabriel. Just the thought of him made her heart lurch. Where was he? “Besides, I'm not totally inept."

  "I never said that. Still who is this man who killed your brother and let you live.” Her body shifted away. She'd not told him the whole story. Would he judge her?

  "Um... well there's the thing."

  "Alayia? What haven't you told me?” Talon's posture took a rigid stance.

  Knowing she couldn't hide it forever, Alayia wrapped her arms around her body in an attempt to steel the stare Talon was giving her. She knew he couldn't see her but the effect was the same. “We were attacked Talon, but not by a man."

  "So a creature of the forest then, though I have a feeling it was no ordinary creature. Come clean or else we will be standing here all night.” The man was stubborn.

  "Fine, if you must know a black dragon attacked us. It came from the east and killed my brother. He had no chance, so now I'm giving it no chance.” There it was out in the open. Let him take it or leave it. She didn't care.

  "Ah, I see. So when pray tell did you plan to divulge this bit of information to me? Before or after we arrived at the beast's resting place?

  Her chin went up. “Maybe I was going to leave you before I got there. I see no need in both of us risking our lives."

  Laughter erupted from Talon's lips. “That's a good one milady, but not so. You wouldn't have gotten but a few feet before I would have stopped you and you know it. I hear you before you move, you best remember that.” Frustration pulsed through her.

  "So what do you plan to do? Come with me or not? I'm not going to stop though.” He could try and stop her but it wouldn't work. True enough he might delay her a bit but she would find a way.

  "Well since I can't talk sense into you, then I must try and keep you out of trouble. It's the only reasonable thing left to me.” Now he was mocking her. If he wasn't blind she would throttled him.


  An arrogant smile crossed his face. “Yes?"

  What could she say? He'd already vowed to help her so now she was stuck. “Nothing at all, let's go.” She turned away. The tears she'd held back for so long blurred her vision as she headed back in the direction they'd been heading. Why did men have to be so frustrating? They always made life so difficult. Now more than ever she wished Robert was alive. He would help her through her battered emotions. Maybe he would tell her why her mind kept drifting back to Gabriel.

  "Alayia... I'm sorry for your loss. Truly I am. No one should have to watch the death of a loved one.” His words were meant to ease her pain and they did. Still, the fact that she'd let her emotions get the better of her troubled her more.

  "I never saw it, but I can imagine what he looked like. Let's just keep moving. If I don't think too hard on it I'll be better off.” Or so she hoped. Right now she wasn't sure of anything anymore.

  Together they continued on in silence. How many miles they traveled she couldn't be sure. She'd been so lost in thought she barely caught the howl of an owl above them. Night was approaching fast. Had so
much time passed by? Her whole body ached from the distance traveled. “We can rest for now; we should be safe for now."

  Alayia reached down to rub the sole of her foot, the pain pulsing up through her leg. How far they'd walked Alayia wasn't sure but her feet felt it. Before today she'd thought she was in shape, now she wasn't so sure.

  "Talon, have you ever heard of Dragons around before now?"

  "What do you mean? I've never seen one before if that is what you are asking."

  Alayia shuffled about the area, her mind searching for the right words. “No, not so much on if you've actually seen one, but if you've heard of any stories from those you've come into contact with.” She wasn't sure what she was fishing for but she couldn't help but ask. There was a nagging feeling at the back of her mind and she needed to ask before it drove her insane. By the look on Talon's face she'd hit a cord.

  "What makes you think to ask this Alayia? Not many ask about the stories, only if they've been seen. Exactly what are you looking for?"

  Her arms wrapped around her waist in uncertainty. “To be honest I'm not really sure. There is something that keeps coming to me. Voices from a woman I don't know telling me that there is something coming, that I need to unravel the past of its untruths. Why would this come about now when I've been exposed to a dragon that killed by brother?” Conflicted emotions ran through her as she thought back to her brother's death and the woman's plea. She was beginning to question her own sanity. She wanted to turn back the hands of time and call her brother out of the field before the dragon arrived to avoid this whole mess, but what good would it have done? She would still be running from Elroy and the marriage her parents had set up for her. No, she would have loved to have Robert back but she knew the past was just that... the past.

  She felt Talon's hand on her shoulder. Her head tilted to face him, his visionless stare still held compassion. “I haven't heard much but there is a tale told from long ago. I don't know save that there was once spoken of those who were considered close to the dragon. It was never said how close or in what manner but there was magic involved and they kept to themselves, but they revered the dragon, as if it was a deity or something."


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