Curse of Innock: Dragon Legacy Book I

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Curse of Innock: Dragon Legacy Book I Page 10

by R. G. Porter

"There is more. Tell me all.” His hope of his small admission being all she needed was stomped in that moment. He could lie but she would read it in his face and no matter how hard he tried he knew he couldn't ever lie to her. He wouldn't want to.

  "The man who murdered her is the same man who hunts you."

  Alayia pulled her knees to her chest, her breathing becoming irregular. “Elroy? Are you sure it's him?” Confusion and fear crossed her shadowed face.

  "Yes, they are one and the same. The man is insane and evil. He wanted Danielle for himself and when we refused he took action against us."

  "He killed her?” Alayia's eyes wide with fear, Gabriel moved from the tree to her side, pulling her into his embrace.

  "No, not intentionally I don't believe."

  "I don't understand.” Pain filled her voice. Could she sense his turmoil? Gabriel wouldn't be surprised one bit. Alayia was every bit as sensitive as Danielle had been if not more.

  "He conjured a demon. He begged to have me yanked from Danielle's life and for her never to remember me.” He couldn't bring himself to tell her he was the dragon.

  "What did he do? Something had to have gone wrong if you are alive and Danielle is dead.” She was quick even in the midst of all the information he was giving.

  "I was cursed... she was killed.” A stifled cry held in Alayia's throat. He could hear her searching for the right words. “Elroy was cursed as well but his was a mere slap compared to what happened to us."

  "Oh Gabriel, you've gone through so much no wonder you wander alone.” In the middle of everything else she felt sorry for him. His heart tore in two. “What did the demon do to kill Danielle?"

  A quick intake of air, Gabriel steeled himself against Alayia's reaction to his answer. “He called for Arusa the black dragon. Arusa killed Danielle, at least from what I can remember. I believe he stripped my memories as punishment. Only to allow them to come back slowly to torment me...” Moments ticked by and Gabriel feared she hadn't heard him.

  "No, it can't be. Not the same dragon that killed my brother?” She was holding on by a thread, he could feel her tremble in his arms. He didn't want to tell her but he knew it was best that he did. She needed to stay far away from him. He was dangerous and couldn't stand the idea of harming her.

  "No, not exactly."

  "You're making no sense Gabriel.” Gabriel breathed in to regain his center. He hated to do this to her but he was left with no choice.

  "The curse that was bestowed upon me, the one the demon invoked...” God he didn't want to tell her, not like this. “It's my fault your brother is dead Alayia."

  In that one sentence his world crashed. Alayia bolted from his arms and retreated back toward the edge of the camp. “What do you mean it's your fault? What did he do to you Gabriel? Tell me, tell me now.” Her stance bespoke defiance.

  "I'm cursed to roam as the black dragon during the rise of the sun. Only by the rays of the moon am I my mortal self.” There, it was out. He couldn't make her believe him or forgive. He'd lost his reason for life so long ago that he'd forgotten what it felt like to hurt. That was ‘til he saw the look of betrayal in Alayia's eyes.

  "You knew? You didn't tell me."

  "I didn't know it was you.” As much as he hated that he'd been the instrument of her brother's death, he also knew there was nothing he could have done to prevent it once the beast took over. The overwhelming grief that moved across Alayia's face reminded him of how much caring hurt. “I'm sorry. I'll go now."

  His back turned, Gabriel headed for the forest, his heart about to burst through his chest as it pounded through his mind. Never in his life had he felt such shame for what he couldn't change. That was until he'd met her and all his raw emotions came back tenfold.

  "Wait.” Her voice flowed through his mind like a summer's breeze. “Don't go. Please.” She wanted him to stay? Why? He'd just admitted to killing her brother.

  "Alayia, didn't you hear me? I'm the dragon.” Was she so in shock that she didn't understand?

  "I know what you said.” There was a look of calm reservation that crossed her face. He'd seen that look once before. Danielle. A quick shake of his head to dispel the memories, Gabriel looked down to find Alayia at his side. “Come back to the fire. There is much we need to discuss."


  "No buts. I'm not going to lie and say the idea that you are the dragon is far-fetched but I've seen into your memories. They don't mislead.” Her voice was even; her hands pulling him back to the interior of the camp.

  "I shouldn't be near you. If daylight comes..."Gabriel's mind drifted into the endless possibilities of what could happen. “I don't want to hurt you Alayia. I could never live with myself if I did.” There was more truth in his words than he could have ever imagined.

  "You won't. You couldn't even if you had the chance, which you've had a couple times now.” Now he was confused.

  "What do you mean?"

  Gabriel sat next to Alayia, his mind reeling with the fact she wasn't screaming at him for killing her brother. “When my brother died I was there. You could have easily killed me as well.” She was there? He vaguely recalled another person but the vision of Danielle had pushed into the haze of the dragon, sending him back to the cave.

  "That means nothing. I'm sure that can be easily explained."

  "Can it? Just the other day after you left I was pursued by a man who planned to kill me. I was drawn to the forest, told to go somewhere specific.” Someone had tried to kill her? Anger pulsated through his body as what he'd thought was a dream came back to haunt him. “Relax. I was called to a spot where the dragon came down and disposed of the man. Yet again, I was spared.” How could that be? Questions he couldn't answer raced through his mind.

  "I don't understand.” Never had he imagined the dragon would spare a life. Why now?

  "I'm not sure of that but I've been contacted repeatedly by the same female voice. It's so familiar to me but I can't place it.” A voice? Who could be speaking to her?

  "Has she given you a name?” His breath held in that moment.

  "No, I fear she hasn't. There is much she has shown me, things she says that I will soon remember.” Gabriel couldn't help but notice that Alayia had begun to twist her hair again. Danielle's question came back to him at the same time Alayia turned to face him. “Do you believe in reincarnation of souls Gabe? Even more than that, do you believe that a lost soul that's come back will try to find the one they loved previously?"

  Her words reverberated through his mind. His finger cupped Alayia's chin, turning her to face him. “I believe in almost anything nowadays. How can I not?"


  "Yes?” His mind still spinning from her question, he barely caught her next word.

  "Navu.” The moment his mind caught up with her word his body froze.

  "Why did you say that?” No one had ever used that with him but Danielle.

  "I don't know. Just seemed like a nice tension breaker. My nerves are shot.” He felt her body move out of his embrace, the scent of her body still lingering in the air.

  "Have you ever said that before?” He needed to find out. There was more than a coincidence between them.

  "I'm not sure, maybe to my brother long ago. He used to get all serious so I would say it out of the blue just to get him to smile.” Her smile faded. “Is something wrong?"

  Gabriel shook off the distant memories. “No, it's just that Danielle used to say the same thing to me for the same reasons.” How could this be?

  "How strange.” Alayia's head dipped down, her hands searching for something in her sack. Pulling out a book she dusted off the cover, the leather etchings ancient across the sleeve. “I think we can find a way to break the curse if you trust me enough.” Trust her? He'd told her he was the dragon; if that wasn't trust he didn't know what else to do.

  "Is it possible? The demon said it would last as long as the sun rose and set."

  "Every spell has a counter spell.” Alayia's ey
es sparked with a renewed sense of purpose. “You just have to be stubborn enough to locate it."

  His brow furrowed. “Oh really?"

  "Good thing for you I'm about as stubborn as they come. Not to mention I like a challenge.” He had no doubt about that. “So, will you accept my help?"

  "You mean our help.” Talon's voice broke through the night air. How long had he been there?

  "Talon, you came back. How long have you been hiding there?” Like a ray of sunshine Alayia's voice removed the tension his body had begun to feel.

  "Enough to know that our friend here needs help and that this Elroy needs a good once over.” Gabriel's fists tightened. He'd almost forgotten about Elroy.

  "Alayia. If Elroy is after you, we have even more problems.” Had he sensed the same thing Gabriel had? He still wasn't sure if it was possible but at this point it didn't matter. Once again they both wanted the same woman.

  "I really don't like that man, especially after what you told me.” Her toe kicked a rock into the forest. “We need to stay as far away from him as possible. I don't trust him. He's evil."

  "Tell me something I don't already know.” Laughter erupted from them all, lightening the mood of the trio. “For now let's keep our presence minimal. Avoid towns or any place that Elroy may venture to. Go through your book and see if you can find anything that might help. This is definitely not my field of specialties."

  "Oh rest assured I will not go out of my way to meet up with Elroy again. As for the book, I will do what I can.” Gabriel couldn't help but get closer to Alayia. Something inside her called to him.

  Cupping her chin with his hand he lifted her eyes to his. “Thank you. Thank you for your understanding and willingness to help me. Never will I be able to repay you for it or make you understand how much I hate myself for your loss.” He saw tears pool in her eyes. His heart lurched hard in his chest.

  "Don't thank me yet. Not until we find the answer to this riddle. It was not something you had control over so I cannot hold you responsible.” How one small woman could forgive him for such an atrocity blew Gabriel away. The fact she was willing to help him find a way to break the curse was more than he could have hoped for. A stirring in his gut reminded him that daylight approached. Damn he didn't want to go so soon.

  "You must go.” Talon's even tone drew his attention.

  "Yes, I'm quite well aware of the time, or lack there of.” Never before had he wanted to be free of the dragon as he did in that moment. There was so much he wanted to learn about Alayia, so many parallels between her and Danielle.

  "Gabriel.” He felt Talon's hand on his shoulder.

  "I know. Be careful if you move during the daylight hours. I'll do my best to keep clear of this area but I can't make any promises.” Never had he wished to be able to control the cravings of the beast as much as he did now. His head turned back to Alayia, her eyes full of compassion for his plight. “I will be back at nightfall. I can find you both anywhere."

  Alayia's deep green eyes lighted with mischief. “Oh is that so? I might just have to test that one day or night or whatever.” A giggle escaped her rosy lips. It was such an innocent act, but one that sent his blood boiling.

  "You, my dear Alayia, are a bane to all men, you know this right?” He pulled her close, his lips brushing her ear. His words left his mouth of their own accord. “Please stay safe, I couldn't bear for anything to happen to you.” He could feel her body move into his embrace as she breathed deeply. Gabriel tilted his head to face her upturned face, her eyes full of such life and knowledge he wanted nothing more than to put her away for safe keeping from the entire world.

  "I won't break Gabriel. Don't fear for me.” She had read his mind or the look on his face. Either way she had him pegged. “I will be fine and besides I have Talon here in case we have issues.” Jealousy washed through him. He swore he wanted to just drag her kicking and screaming back to the cave, but he couldn't trust his own self when the sun finally rose.

  "Don't try and do anything without me knowing. I know you don't like Elroy, neither do I, but he is still a high ranking lord in these lands.” Gabriel didn't want to tell her he couldn't be killed. That would only make her worry more for his wellbeing. “Rest and do whatever it is you do with that book. All I ask is that you stay close and don't get into any trouble while I'm preoccupied."

  Her fist balled and hit his shoulder. “I do not get into trouble.” Her smile warmed the cold that had begun to envelope his soul for so long. “I'll be safe Gabriel. We will figure this out.” Gabriel watched as Alayia moved even closer to him, her lips a gentle caress across his skin. “You be safe and come back to me. We have much to discuss.” For the life of him he couldn't control his need to touch her skin. So soft it reminded him of thousands of rose petals.

  "I will return.” His lips moved to hers. He couldn't stop even if the bowels of hell opened back up on him. The moment he tasted her lips he was lost. An addiction like no other, the sweetness of her lips drew the beast roaring in his head. A firestorm of emotions he'd not felt in so long rushed through his blood, igniting his soul. “Be safe Alayia."

  He released his hold on her before he found himself doing more than either of them was ready for. A chuckle from behind reminded him that Talon was near. Even though he couldn't see there was no hiding the tension in the air. If they were alone, only the Gods knew whether he would have had the strength to stop with just a kiss. His hand reached out to rub a strand of Alayia's hair in his fingers, his desire to stay stronger than his need to go.

  An arm on his shoulder broke his concentration. “You must leave now Gabriel before it's too late.” Talon's voice held concern.

  "I know. I'm going.” He shifted his body to face Talon. “Keep her close and don't let Elroy get a hold of her. He's evil in ways I can't even begin to describe.” Talon gave a quick nod of his head in understanding.

  "I will make sure we stay hidden. Now go, now, I can feel the sun rising.” Gabriel couldn't disagree. He could sense the dragon roaring for release from its slumber. Gabriel bolted for the deep confines of the forest as his skin began to itch. Damn, not now. He needed more time to put distance between them. Gabriel let out a burst of speed as the first rays broke across the horizon. Gabriel prayed he'd gotten far enough away as the dragon broke free from its chains and the darkness once more engulfed him for the day.

  * * * *

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  * * * *

  Gabriel was the dragon. The discussion they'd had continued to bombard her mind. True, she'd been shocked to find out the truth. Her first reaction to pummel him to a pulp, but when she'd listened to the whole story her heart broke. He'd been through so much and felt responsible for what he couldn't control. Never in her life had Alayia wanted to help someone more than she did him.

  "Alayia?” Talon's voice broke through her thoughts. Twisting to face him, she could sense his concern.

  "I'm fine. I have to find a way to break the curse.” Could it be possible? She wasn't even sure. If the demon had been the one to cast the spell, it would be very difficult to find a counter-spell for it. That was unless... Her head shot back to the book she held in her grip. Scanning the pages she searched for something she recalled from her youth, a page she'd read long ago.

  "You are thinking of something. I can tell by the tone of your voice. What is it?” She'd forgotten that all of Talon's other senses were heightened.

  "Let me ask you this. If you were a demon drawn forth from your sleep by a mortal to do his bidding you would not be too happy, right?"

  "I would probably say no. Where are you going with this Alayia?"

  "Just hear me out on this. Now, if you are awakened and it's by a mortal who, on top of everything else, is a conceited, impatient aristocrat you would want a way to make his life as tough as possible, correct?” Alayia could tell she was beginning to lose Talon, her mind going in a thousand directions as she continued to leaf through the

  "Let me get this straight. Are you asking me if the demon might have done something that was reversible just to spite Elroy?"

  "That's exactly what I'm saying. I mean from all I've ever read about Innok, he is the king of deception. He will do only what is asked, but only if it benefits him. I'm betting the curse he put on Gabriel does have a counter somewhere."

  "So it's that simple?” She'd gained his attention.

  "I wish. No. It's by far not that simple, in fact it's going to be complicated as hell.” Her fingers brushed through the pages as she continued to search out what she'd seen so long ago. Minutes ticked by like molasses ‘til she swore she'd missed the right spot. Her fingers came to rest on the half-ripped out page, the words inscribed on the remaining page catching her attention. Reversal of secondary transition. “Oh no.” How, who?

  "What is it?"

  "I think I've found it, but someone's ripped out the page I need. Who could have...?” Alayia's mind raced at the possibilities of who could have tampered with her book. She needed to remember the last person she'd seen around it. Alayia searched her memory for the answer. One thought came above all others. Her mother's words she'd spoken just two nights before Robert's death.

  Alayia I need to get something from your book. I'm out of paper to wrap my crystal vase in. Had her mother torn the one page she needed out just to keep her vase safe? Never had she wanted to shake sense into her family as she did now. Closing the book she puffed her bangs, a sigh escaping her lips.

  "Where do we have to go?"

  "You don't want to know.” She kicked a stone into the dwindling fire.

  "Well since we have no choice but to obtain the missing page I would guess I do need to know.” Alayia's head shot in Talon's direction, a smile crossing his face.

  "The one place I really didn't want to go to. I have to go home.” She shuddered at the thought of returning. Not to mention Gabriel wouldn't allow it if she told him. “I believe my mother removed the page for some stupid vase. I have to go get it."

  "Won't there be a chance Elroy might wait there for you?” Of course there would be. The man wasn't stupid. That much she'd learned very quickly.


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