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Salamis Page 40

by Christian Cameron

  It is odd, isn’t it, that authors always save their families for last? Really, it’s the done thing. So I’ll do it, too, even though my wife should get mentioned at every stage – after all, she’s a re-enactor, too, she had useful observations on all kinds of things we both read (Athenian textiles is what really comes to mind, though) and in add­ition, more than even Ms. Szego, Sarah has to listen to the endless enthusiasms I develop about history while writing (the words ‘Did you know’ probably cause her more horror than anything else you can think of). My daughter, Beatrice, is also a re-enactor, and her ­ability to portray the life of a real child is amazing. My father, Kenneth Cameron, taught me most of what I know about writing, and continues to provide excellent advice – and to listen to my complaints about the process, which may be the greater service. Oh, and as we enter into a world where authors do their own marketing, my wife, who knows a thing or two, is my constant guide and sounding board there. And she is also a veteran re-enactor and a brilliant researcher and questioner, and the best partner a person could ask for.

  Having said all that, it’s hard to say what exactly I can lay claim to, if you like this book. I had a great deal of help, and I appreciate it. Thanks. And when you find misspelled words, sailing directions reversed, and historical errors – why, then you’ll know that I, too, had something to add. Because all the errors are solely mine.

  Toronto, March, 2015

  About the Author

  Christian Cameron is a writer and military historian. He is a veteran of the United States Navy, where he served as both an aviator and an intelligence officer. He lives in Toronto where he is currently writing his next novel while working on a Masters in Classics.

  Also by Christian Cameron



  Tyrant: Storm of Arrows

  Tyrant: Funeral Games

  Tyrant: King of the Bosporus

  Tyrant: Destroyer of Cities


  Killer of Men


  Poseidon’s Spear

  The Great King


  Part One: Castillon

  Part Two: Venice

  Part Three: Constantinople

  Part Four: Rome

  Part Five: Rhodes

  Part Six: Chios


  Washington and Caesar

  God of War

  The Ill-Made Knight

  The Long Sword


  An Orion eBook

  First published in Great Britain in 2015 by Orion Books

  This eBook first published in 2015 by Orion Books

  Copyright © Christian Cameron 2015

  The moral right of Christian Cameron to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All characters and events in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN 978 1 4091 1419 2

  Orion Books

  The Orion Publishing Group Ltd

  Carmelite House,

  50 Victoria Embankment

  London EC4Y 0DZ

  An Hachette UK Company

  Table of Contents


  Title Page



  General Note on Names and Personages



  Part I

  Part II

  The Wedding


  Historical Note


  About the Author

  Also by Christian Cameron





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