The Happily Ever After Search

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The Happily Ever After Search Page 6

by Amanda Kay

  His tongue licked the drops of water from her skin, sending shivers through her body. She felt his teeth gently graze her wet hot skin and then... “Ouch.” She jumped a little. She had seen his fangs, but never felt them. He only ever used his front teeth on her, and while she knew what was going to happen it didn’t change the shock of it.

  “Are you okay?” he asked against her skin.

  “Yes, playboy, I’m okay. Thank you,” she responded.

  She felt him tense a bit and knew he was confused, “For what?”

  “For being sweet, caring, gentle, and for taking care of me like always.” She smiled. The initial pain gone.

  “Always. Now, we need to get you in bed. It’s late and...” He paused and she knew he was worried about what reaction her body would have.

  “Okay, Raiden,” she simply stated, no reason to draw out what they both were fearful of.


  He had carried her from the bathroom, after making sure she was dry, to the bedroom. “Stay,” she whispered.

  “Always,” he whispered back, crawling in behind her. “I love you,” he said before kissing the bite marks.

  “I love you, too,” she said snuggling against him and dozing off. When her breathing evened out, he did something he hadn’t done in a long time he talked with his mom.

  “Mom, protect her, protect the baby, I can’t lose them,” his voice low, his words being choked on. He had done what they had agreed on, but he knew if she lost the baby their search for happily ever after would only move further away.

  He knew she would never forgive herself for not backing out knowing the baby’s life was at stake. He continued to whisper against Tai’s skin. “I’ll never stop loving you. Thank you, Tai, for giving me a family.” His hands stroking her belly gently. He would beg, plead, do anything for Tai, if she struggled. “No, Raiden, stop. It will be fine, the baby will be fine,” he lowly scolded himself.

  Everything would be fine. It had to be, they had been through so much already, survived so much already, this was their time.

  “Raiden,” she whispered. He hoped she hadn’t heard what he had been saying.

  “Yes, sweetheart,” he replied.

  “I’m cold.” She shivered against him. This was it. The change had begun and her body was being affected.


  She was freezing. The minute she told Raiden, his arms changed positions so he could pull her closer. She was also turned so she was facing him. “You’re burning up, sweetheart.” She felt cold not hot, so his statement worried her. “Maybe I should call Grace. I’m sure she’s helped others making the change.” His words felt distant and she realized it was because he was off the bed and slipping on a pair of jeans.

  “No! Just stay with me,” she begged. She didn’t want him going anywhere even, if it was to make a phone call and then answer the door.

  He sat back on the bed and pulled till her head was in his lap. “Listen to me. I need to make sure you’re okay, Tai. I need to make sure your body isn’t doing some sort of rejection, because of the baby. I need to make sure you’re both safe and healthy.” She nodded her head in his lap. She needed to make sure the baby was okay.

  “Don’t leave. Call from here.” He stared don’t at her as her whispered words came out.

  Stroking her hair, he frowned. “I wanted you to try to rest, but for you, Tai, I will stay.” She was still shivering so she pulled the blanket up to her neck and let Raiden’s hand on her hair relax her.

  “Grace, I know it’s late, but Tai and I need you.” He stopped talking and she knew he was listening. “Yes, Grace, a couple hours ago. She woke saying she was cold, but she’s burning up.” He listened again. “Okay Grace, I’m going to stay with Tai so just let me know when you arrive.” He hung up and Tai felt his other hand wrap around her body and come to a stop at her stomach. The thought of their baby growing inside her made her long for the day when they truly would be a family, them and their little boy or girl. She could picture them all playing in the meadow, she could see her dad, and maybe Lee. She was beginning to doze again when an absolute horrendous pain shot through her body.

  “Raiden,” she groaned.

  He shifted her so she could lie down next to her. “What is it, sweetheart?”

  “It hurts, all over.” She was trembling the pain was shooting through her body, but it was worse where she feared it the most, her stomach.


  Her body was trembling against his and even though she said it hurt all over he noticed her clutching her stomach the most. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want her in pain. He had caused this, he had to be the one to bite her and make the change, if anything happened to her, to the baby, it would be his fault.

  “Stop that, playboy,” she winced out.

  “What is it you need me to stop?” His hands fell away from their hold. Maybe he was squeezing too tight in fear of what she was going through.

  “Stop blaming yourself. This was my choice.” She winced again.

  He closed his eyes in an effort to keep his emotions in check. She needed him to be strong. “I hate seeing you hurt.”

  She managed a weak smile, but a genuine one. He couldn’t find the strength to smile back though. His life was hurting and no matter what she said the blood running through her body causing this pain was put there by him. One small bite and it all could be taken from him.

  “Please stop, Raiden,” she begged, and he looked down at her sadness in his eyes.

  “I can’t, Tai,” he said skimming her skin where the bite marks were. “I bit you, you’re in pain because of me,” he sighed.

  “Raiden, it will pass. The doctor is on her way, and we both know Grace is the best.” He nodded. She was right. Bethany’s mom, Grace, was the best and Raiden was thankful they had her on their side to take care of Tai and the baby when it was needed.

  “You know I’m always going to worry about you, right sweetheart?” She snuggled closer and that was his answer. She was still burning up, but the shivers were also ripping through her body.


  When he left her to let Grace in it felt like an eternity before they both reached the bedroom. “Raiden, give us a minute,” Grace quietly ordered. Tai could see the look that flashed across Raiden’s face.

  “Raiden?” He shook his head, but she needed to reach him. “Playboy, please. I’m in good hands.” She pleaded with him and with a small nod and a frown he left her alone with Grace. “What are you thinking, Grace?” Tai knew if she wanted Raiden to leave that something could be terribly wrong.

  “Your body is fighting the change harder than I expected it to, most likely because of the baby. I want to try something I personally have been working on, but it could have long term effects on your ability to conceive, so if you lose this baby there’s a chance you and Raiden won’t be able to ever have children.” Tai closed her eyes when Grace finished talking and let it all sink in.

  “How long before we can determine that?” she questioned. Grace just looked at her sadly and Tai knew it wouldn’t be till she either had the baby or lost the baby, either way she would have to not be pregnant to know for sure.

  Tai closed her eyes a minute. Raiden would flip his shit if he knew this and Tai made this decision without him. However, he was already so worried and determined to carry it all on him that Tai feared his reaction. She blinked a few times before looking at Grace. “What are the chances it helps my body with the change?” Grace smiled at her and Tai relaxed, but only slightly.

  “I’ve run a few tests, nothing conclusive though, but I think it’s worth the shot.” Tai trusted Grace’s judgment and she respected her honesty, but she needed to confer with Raiden.

  “Grace, I need to talk with Raiden.” Grace smiled.

  “I figured you might, but I needed to tell you alone.” Tai nodded in understanding, and watched Grace exit the room in search of Raiden.


  “Raiden, Tai needs to ta
lk with you.” Grace’s voice pulled him from his thoughts about Tai, their wedding, the birth of their daughter. Yep he wanted a little girl, one who was just as beautiful as her mother.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Raiden asked spinning towards her.

  “We haven’t done any type of treatment, you need to talk first.” Grace was scaring the ever loving shit out of him.

  “Grace...” He began but the wave of her hand silenced him.

  “Go talk with Tai,” She quietly and in control demanded once more. Raiden bolted up the stairs and to their room. Tai was still on the bed but she was sitting up completely against the headboard and patting the empty space next to her. Raiden rushed to the spot pulling Tai onto his lap. He pushed her legs to each side of his so she was straddling him, but more importantly looking right at him.

  “Tai?” Was all he could manage. He could still feel how hot her skin was, how flushed her face was, and she was still shivering.

  “Grace has medication, something she has been experimenting with that could help the symptoms ease and to allow the change to process.” She quit talking and Raiden knew there was something major she wasn’t telling him.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” he asked cupping her face in his hands.

  “ could affect my ability to have children, and we won’t know till I’m no longer pregnant.” She gulped and Raiden tried to store his emotions, but it was no use.

  Tears formed in his eyes, “I want you better.” Was all he said. He sat her back on the bed and went to get Grace who was waiting just outside.

  “Do what you need to do, Grace.” As she entered the room he left it. He could lose that beautiful child she was carrying, and she might not be able to have any more, and more importantly, no matter what she said it was indeed his fault.


  “He left,” Tai cried.

  “Shhh...” Grace’s hand stroking he head did nothing to ease her sobs. “Just a little pinch, Tai.” Her words soft. But Tai stopped her.

  “I need Raiden, please.” Her words being choked out. “Raiden!” she called out she could feel the pain getting worse.

  “Tai, calm down,” Grace tried to soothe. Before Tai could process her words she felt a pinch at her hip.

  “Shit!” Tai hissed, but almost immediately she began feeling better. “He didn’t come back,” she sighed.

  “Tai, listen to me, Raiden isn’t handling this well. I see it in his eyes, hear it in his tone. He blames himself for how your body is processing this. If you lose the baby, if you can no longer conceive, he will feel like he took that away from you too.” Tai sighed she knew Grace was right.

  “Feel like hanging around and just talking, Grace? I want to give Raiden a minute to himself.” Grace smiled.

  “Sure thing, Tai, plus I want to make sure your symptoms keep decreasing.” She winked.

  “What do you think of Jordan and Bethany?” Tai asked, this was Bethany’s mom after all and Tai knew that Bethany would want her mother’s approval.

  “I am not fond of what occurred that ended your relationship with him, but I also see a man willing to give my daughter time. I like him, and I know Bethany does,” she chuckled.

  “Good. I want them both happy. Jordan’s a good guy. We just weren’t right for each other. Now if my mother could see that when she looks at how happy another person is making us both.” Tai sighed and Grace patted her leg.

  “Someday, Tai, but if she doesn’t ever see it, does it change things for you?” The question was pointed and Tai didn’t have to hesitate.

  “Hell no!” She laughed. “Could care less if my mother approves. Don’t want her to cause problems at the wedding for me, for Raiden, for Jordan, or for Bethany though.” Grace nodded.

  “You know Raiden did a number a Kai’s eye.” She laughed. “Such a shame that his father got to him.” Tai stared at Grace.

  “What do you mean?” Grace smiled.

  “When Raiden, Kai, and Bethany were kids, teenagers, right up until they all turned twenty they were friends. Kai enjoyed his life. He was rattling on about a girl named Gloria. I asked Bethany, she said she’s human, maybe some of that kid, that guy I once knew is coming back,” she sighed.

  From the bedroom door someone cleared their throat and both Tai and Grace looked up. Raiden was there and he looked like a beautiful handsome mess. Grace winked at Tai before getting up to leave. “Rest, Tai, I’ll check in tomo...well later today, actually.” Tai laughed. Grace patted her leg again and then left, leaving her alone with Raiden still standing at door.

  “Come here, playboy.” He came to the bed and lay next to her. Grabbing her in his arms he didn’t speak, but she could feel his whole body shaking. The emotion ripping through him was breaking her heart. She needed him to not blame himself, none of this was his fault.


  She was holding him tightly as his emotions ripped through him. She was providing comfort when he had just walked away and let Grace administer an experimental treatment. He didn’t come back into the room even though he could hear her begging. How she didn’t hate him for all of this, he had no idea.

  “Playboy, I love you. Please stop blaming yourself. Nothing is your fault.” He laughed lightly.

  “Don’t know how you can even say that,” he sighed.

  “Playboy, look at me,” she demanded softly.

  “I want you, this is worth it,” her voice firm.

  “But...the baby...possible conceiving problems...” She pressed her index finger to her lips.

  “If any of those complications happen, are you going to stop loving me?” she questioned.

  “Of course not, I’m more of afraid of you falling out of love with me,” he sighed.

  “Not on your life, playboy. We can figure something out so we can have a family if anything happens. However, right now I am living in the moment. I haven’t lost the baby and whatever Grace did is helping immensely. Let’s not focus on the what ifs, Raiden. It will destroy us if we do.” He stared at her, she told him that he made her stronger and he was clearly seeing that strength now. She was holding him up when he felt like he was drowning.

  “Yeah, you’re right sweetheart, I love you.” He smiled at her.

  “And I love you, always.” He placed a kiss lightly on her lips.

  “So...” she said pulling back a little. “You, Kai, and Bethany were best buds once.”

  He chuckled, “Yeah once.”

  “Do you think he can change? Grace said she hadn’t seen him for anything in years, yet he went to her after you hit him.” Raiden shrugged.

  “I would like to think both he and Gloria can find each other worth it to change for, but I just don’t know. Those two have me confused,” he admitted. She nodded and then yawned.

  “Let’s sleep, Tai. We’ve had a long rough day.” She nodded and yawned again and he tucked her close to him yawning himself. Today was the day from hell, but they had survived and Tai was okay, it was all he needed, well that and for their child to be okay, too.


  She woke a few hours later and Raiden was still fast asleep. She felt amazing and what was even better was she felt like there was a life inside her. Ultimately, she left Raiden asleep and took a cup of tea to the back patio to call her dad.

  “Hey, baby girl.” She smiled at her dad’s voice.

  “Hi, dad,” she responded.

  “So...Tai? She knew exactly what her dad was asking.

  “Last night. Hurt like hell for a few seconds and I got really sick. We had to call Grace,” Tai paused.

  “Tai, was there a reason for this?” Her dad was very concerned, just like any typical dad.

  “We think my body rejected the change harder because I’m pregnant.” She just waited for her dad to catch up with what she had just said.

  “I’m going to be a grandpa?” He sounded completely overjoyed.

  “Yes, but there are a few things you need to know, and I need a favor,” she said.

/>   “Of course, Tai, I want to know,” he replied his voice even.

  “I might lose the baby. If I don’t, there’s a chance that the baby will remain half-human, but because I’m only about three weeks along there’s a chance he or she will be full vampire. Also, Grace had to administer an experimental treatment to stop my body from fighting the change, and I might not be able to have children anymore. This is important dad, whatever happens, don’t blame Raiden.” There, she had gotten it all out.

  “ girl. That’s a lot to take in. I have confidence everything will work out. But one question, why would I blame Raiden if any of that stuff happens?” Tai smiled at her father’s reaction and question.

  “He blames himself, he’s terrified,” she sighed.

  “Well if he is still feeling like that when I arrive next week to help with the final wedding preparations, he and I can sit down and talk.” Tai smiled wider.

  “Deal, dad. I should get going. I have a surprise for Raiden.” He had been so busy, but he did express wanting to assist a little in the planning of their wedding and she was taking him to help pick out the cake, from flavor to design.

  “Okay, baby girl, see you next week. Remember, I’m just getting a car and coming to you. The stuff I shipped should be arriving soon after me or maybe right before.” She smiled she loved that her dad was moving to Aishan. She missed him so much.


  “A surprise for me? Surely I haven’t done a damn thing to deserve that, sweetheart.” She jumped at his voice as she was clicking end on her call.

  She turned towards him and smiled. “Playboy, you deserve a lifetime of surprises.” He rushed towards her and lifted her up into his arms, she giggled and he was so relieved to hear that beautiful sound.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked setting her to the ground again.

  “Better, so, so much better.” He exhaled at her words.


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