The Virtual Realm (War Of The Elements Book 1)

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The Virtual Realm (War Of The Elements Book 1) Page 21

by Daniel Perusko

  “Wait, I have a question for you, Tsuki.”


  “Do you know anyone named Raven, Shark, or Kevlar on this game?”

  Tsuki’s smile instantly vanished into nothing, replaced with a troubled contortion.


  She never forgot. The first PvP tournament, he was grouped with Kevlar. The two had worked together to triumph over the competition. However, something was different now. The name was spoken with a trace of venom. She didn’t like it.

  Dusk’s reflex was to get up immediately, but because of the wounds, he fell back down to his knees when he tried.

  “So you do know him. What do you know about Kevlar?”

  Tsuki was taken aback by Dusk’s sudden change in demeanor. There was no doubt about it. Something happened between these two. It was best not to tell him that he used to be a Phoenix. Not if she was going to succeed in this part of her mission. Tsuki, having decided that the truth would shackle him rather than set him free, made a judgment call to lie to him about Kevlar. Lies were sometimes for the best in this world. Despite what they say, the truth won’t always set you free. Still, just what happened between those two?

  “Nothing, I’m sorry. I’ve never heard the name.”

  “The fuck you haven’t, you whispered his name to yourself!”

  “Stop.” Tsuki’s voice raised in volume slightly showing that she meant business. “I told you I do not know who Kevlar or the others are. Listen to me and trust in my words please. Why do you want to know so much about this Kevlar person anyways? What is your relation with him?”

  “I can’t tell you that, sorry.”

  There was no way he could tell her that. It was too painful to talk about. He failed to protect the ones that mattered most, and now he lost to this swordstress. His powerlessness to save his friends, it was a festering wound that wouldn't go away, and now she had shoved her sword even deeper into the wound by beating him in this duel — a harsh reminder of his own helplessness.

  Tsuki simply nodded, respecting his need to secrecy. After all, sometimes secrets needed to be kept for the safety or well-being of others.

  “So, you seem as though you expected to win this duel. What do you want with me, Tsuki?” he asked bitterly, changing the subject, not wanting to reveal his bitter past, his losses, his pain, his failures...

  She flashed a beaming smile at the mystery man, glad that he dropped the subject of Kevlar. There were many things about him that she would rather keep forever buried. Enough of those thoughts. The time of Kevlar had already passed months ago. Kevlar was insignificant compared to her mission—Phoenix’s mission. Finally, Tsuki could get to her current objective, searching this man’s inner realm. Only when she truly knew him could she determine whether he would augment Phoenix’s purpose—or hinder it.

  “I want you to join my guild.”

  “What’d you say?” he asked once more to confirm that what he was hearing was correct. He couldn't believe it.

  “I said I want you, the Black Death, to join my guild.”

  Dusk scoffed at her request. Why would she want him to join her guild? She had just beaten him in a duel, and without much difficulty it seemed. Was it his celebrity status within the game? Was she seeking to use that to promote their guild? Or maybe she thought he was an asset regardless. Rather presumptuous of her to think he would just up and join her guild like that though. Who did she think she was? Just because she got lucky and beat him once.

  “What makes you think I’ll do that?”

  “You strike me as someone who wishes to get stronger at all cost. Someone who wants to be on the frontlines and be one of those who leads everyone out of this world.”

  “Oh, you really think you have me figured out don’t you, Miss Snow Princess?” Dusk retorted with a smirk on his face—a mask to hide the dejection within.

  “Well, it’s a good thing that you have that desire to always get stronger, it’s why I am inviting you to my guild. Of course you are free to choose whatever you wish. If you do not want to know more about my guild that is your choice, but you would be passing up a vital opportunity to improve yourself. Do you not want to know how I beat you? You could learn all that and more if you joined my guild.”

  I knew it, Dusk hissed inwardly. She was just like the rest. She wanted to teach him? She presumed to be in such a position that she was even capable of doing such a thing? Just because she beat him in one duel she now thought she was the stronger one? There’s no way he could let her think that. No way in hell. He would not be bested, by her or anyone else.

  “Hah, don’t think that just because you beat me once you’re stronger than me, Snow Princess.”

  A slight smirk curled at the corner of Tsuki’s lips. “Oh, do you wish to try your luck again then, oh Great Black Death?” she teased.

  What arrogance! This time she’ll lose, and then she won’t be able to talk down to me like that.

  “Sure, this time I’ll wipe the smirk right off your face.”

  Unfortunately for him, the result of the second duel was much the same, except this time he had lost even worse. Denial was no longer in the cards for him. Only fury remained as he realized he had truly been bettered. Him, the one who had never lost a duel or an arena tournament in his entire stay in this virtual world just lost to a single beautiful woman who looked more like she should be a model than a fighter. Not just once, but twice. All of the shame he felt was transmuted into rage, releasing itself through his fist as he pulverized the sun-sparkled snow around him.

  “How... in the hell... damn it!”

  “So, have you now reconsidered joining my guild?”

  It was offered as a choice, but in his mind, he didn’t have one. He would’ve preferred to remain solo, but he knew if he didn’t join this guild now, he would regret it. The thought of her beating him so effortlessly would bite at him for the rest of his days on this virtual world. If she truly was mightier than he, he had to figure out how. He had to see what these people were about. He would take that strength for himself, and triumph over Tsuki in the end. Then, he would turn that power on Kevlar, Raven, and Shark, tearing them all asunder. That wicked trio would soon suffer under his unrivaled power then, as he brought down his hand of wrath upon them.

  “I will... meet your guild, to learn for myself what you’re all about, nothing more.”

  Tsuki smiled contentedly, getting what she wanted. There was never any doubt in her mind. This man, she was sure she could temper his dark emotions into something more potent. She would teach him to convert those emotions into a honed blade of a flimsy stick. Better still, she would rather teach him to let go of his hatred. There was no telling if she could truly teach him, but she sensed promise within this stubborn fool.

  “Perfect, then come with me.”

  Tsuki knew now that it would only be a matter of time before he would want to join the guild, after what she was going to show him.

  When he had finally arrived at the guild’s camp, he saw three others. One was covered in black plating from head to toe. This armor made him look like a soldier of the underworld. He possessed short blonde hair and brown eyes. There was a remarkably large scythe that was resting next to him on the tree stump where he was sitting.

  This one is most definitely a Dark Knight, Dusk thought to himself.

  The second one was dressed in what looked to be a gray soldier’s outfit. Her eyes were green and she had a scar on her left eye. She had long red hair that burned with ferocity. Her fiery hair was contrasted by her icy demeanor and emotionless gaze.

  No, that wasn’t it. He could tell from the look in her eyes, she was used to combat; not just here, but in the real world. These were eyes that had seen hell. She had probably fought in a war, maybe even killed people. She even had a gun in her hand. She looked like the spitting image of a soldier. She was probably the Master of Arms class. He remembered her too; this woman had been by Tsuki’s side when he first saw her in Be
rmia. That combative aura around her was still as intense as ever.

  The last one was a dark skinned man that was clad in cerulean colored heavy armor. He was completely bald, but the thing that caught Dusk’s attention was his eyes. His eyes had no pupils or irises in them. They were completely white. The expression on his face seemed to be gentle, but also in deep thought. Those eyes made it seem as though he were peering into your very soul. This unnerved Dusk slightly, but at the same time there was a strange benevolent aura about him. This benevolent nature was contrasted by the weapon he held: a huge great sword that was slightly more than half his height, and much thicker than a normal one handed sword. Someone who wielded a weapon such as this had to be a part of the Berserker class.

  “Hey, guys, I’m back!” Tsuki announced joyfully.

  “What took you so long?” Scarlet nagged as she stared a fine hole into the newcomer, instantly recognizing his form as that of that of the newbie they had stumbled across that day, months ago.

  “I was assessing new talent.”

  “Oh, who is that?” Omni inquired, pretending he hadn’t seen this man before. So she indeed decided Dusk was worth bringing into the fold, he mused to himself.

  “Here, let me introduce you to everyone. The one with the scythe is named Reaper, the one with the red hair is Scarlet, and the one with the white eyes is Omni. Everyone, the person I have here with me is called Dusk. Or you could call him by his nickname, the Black Death.”

  “The Phantom who has won every arena tournament so far, correct?”

  “Indeed, that is correct,” Tsuki confirmed.

  Reaper’s eyes settled on Dusk for a brief moment before shutting them, disgusted by what he saw. What he saw was weakness personified.

  “Hmph, he doesn’t seem like much to me, this is a waste of time.”

  Scarlet laughed. He had taken the words right out of her mouth.

  “Reaper is right, this doesn’t mean anything. You know damn well that before us an achievement like that doesn’t mean anything.”

  Dusk bit his lip as the words poured salt on his pride, which had already been cut into ribbons by his losses to Tsuki.

  “What’d you say?”

  “You heard me. Or did I stutter? He’s just going to slow us down. He doesn’t even have the extra abilities!”

  Finally Omni spoke up, his voice booming over the others. “Enough! Tsuki, Scarlet, Reaper, I’m going to have a talk with Dusk.”

  “But why? There’s no point talking to him or considering him for the guild.”

  “Scarlet...” Omni's voice tightened into a stern note as if to say, don't question my judgment.


  Omni nodded and then looked to Dusk, who was still feeling a sickening blend of shock and rage over his loss. He had never felt so humiliated in his life. Wasn’t he supposed to be the strongest? He had always been top dog in every MMO, so why not now? Had he lost his touch because of the sheer black grief that crushed his soul every day? No, that wasn’t it. Tsuki was just that ridiculous, and that same feeling poured into his blood when he met these others. It was if they had all come from some alien planet for the sole purpose of squashing his ego into the ground.

  Screw all of them!

  “Come with me,” Omni commanded.

  Dusk trudged behind, now a lifeless husk, following behind the lead Phoenix mindlessly. He wasn’t feeling particularly good about himself right now, nor was he sure what to say. Part of him wanted to walk the other way and leave these people who shook his world upside down; these jerks that fatally injured his pride.

  The other part of himself felt an irresistible need to follow Omni and learn more about these people, but most importantly the strength they possessed which, he hated to admit, seemed to be greater than his own.

  He especially wanted to find out about this special ability they had spoken of. Most of all, he wondered why Tsuki chose him to be a part of this guild, even willing to go so far as to take personal responsibility for him even though Reaper and Scarlet seemed to be strongly opposed to him joining. Why was she willing to go this far for him, someone she barely knew? As for Omni, he wasn’t really sure what he was thinking behind those piercing white eyes... but hopefully he was about to find out, even a little.

  Omni had beckoned Dusk further into the woods. Once he was sure they had adequate privacy, he began addressing him.

  “Dusk... first off I have to apologize for Scarlet, she is a bit tough but she means well.”

  “Yeah I bet,” Dusk scoffed.

  “Her methods may be rough, but they are necessary. To complete this game and resume our real mission, power is a necessity, Dusk. We need to be sure that only powerful players with the right state of mind will be in this guild. Without power you will die here, or may even get one of us killed trying to save you. We cannot have that happen.” These words triggered something deep within him. They made him think of Stacy. If only he had more power back then, he could’ve saved her—if only he had more power, she’d still be alive today. If only he had the strength. He now realized it. Power, strength, it was the only thing that mattered in this world, the only thing people respected. Power could move mountains.

  Dusk was broken out of his self-deprecating thoughts by Omni’s hypnotic voice. “Scarlet previously lost comrades and people close to her because she lacked the power to defeat the enemy. She knows what not having enough power can do to you and your friends. That is why even though she may be rough, she wants to make sure you are strong enough to be prepared for what lies ahead for your own benefit and for our benefit.”

  Upon hearing this, he understood Scarlet a little better, but she still pissed him off. He doubted that would change anytime soon.

  “Then what about Reaper? He seems to be just as convinced that I’m weak as Scarlet does,” Dusk declared.

  Omni smiled. “Ah Reaper... well you see, he has been disappointed by people all his life, so he never expects anything good out of anyone.”

  “Why are you telling me all this? What makes you think I’m going to join your guild?”

  “Why indeed?” He shrugged. “I suppose it is because like Tsuki, I too see the potential within you. I can see that you are one with us in mind, and with some training you can be on par with our skills. However, having the mindset is the most important aspect. Very few people have this, but I can sense it within you.”

  “What mindset is this that you speak of?”

  “You seek peace, on a global scale. You have seen the highs and lows of this world, and you have come to the conclusion that you want to change it. You are not content to simply stand back as humanity and the world destroys itself. You constantly seek to improve yourself because you constantly desire progress.”

  Dusk was taken aback at this explanation because of how accurate it was.

  “How do you know all of this about me... you barely know me, how could you conclude all of this?” He inquired. His mind was broken right now. Tsuki and Scarlet had shattered it into several shards. Now this man, who reminded him of a sage, had splintered those shards into fragments. Maybe those eyes really could see through him. The only thing Dusk knew is that he hadn’t been this excited about anything in a long time. He felt like he was exploring a new world, a new way of thinking. These people were not your ordinary run of the mill people. They were those few sparkling diamonds whose light shone above the countless grains of sand, basking them in their radiance.

  Omni simply ignored his question, posing one of his own.

  “Do you know why our guild is named Phoenix? Moreover do you know what the Phoenix is?”

  “The Phoenix is a bird of flame—a symbol of rebirth. Though I don’t know why you named your guild that.”

  “It is because our guild represents the beginning of the rebirth—the rebirth of humanity. For too long has humanity been destroying itself. They kill one another for various reasons. It has to stop. A new breed, a less barbaric breed of human must be born. We are the
beginning of that rebirth.”

  “That’s quite a grand goal, but how do you plan to facilitate that rebirth?”

  “We shall be the foundation, the beginning. That is all I can tell you right now. Tsuki will tell you more of this when the time is right. As she said, I am placing you under her care. Keep in mind that she has a personal responsibility to you now. So don’t disappoint yourself, her, or our guild. Your actions affect us all now. Come, let us go back to camp.”

  Dusk had been lost within a house of mirrors, all shattered shards that had been created on this very day. He was desperately trying to make his broken mind whole again. He had questions, so many questions. What were these extra abilities that they spoke of earlier? What were they doing in this game? Omni had said that they would be the foundation for a new beginning. What did he mean by that? How exactly did he plan on making humanity more peaceful where countless others had failed? He wanted to know.

  He arrived back at camp where the others were waiting. Tsuki and Scarlet had expressions on their faces that said they were curious as to what Omni had said to Dusk. Reaper did not seem to care in the least about what happened.

  Omni looked at everyone and smiled. “I’d like you all to welcome the newest member of Phoenix.”

  A violent storm raged inside Scarlet. She could not even begin to understand why he let Dusk into the fold. What could he possibly have to offer them?

  “So, we’re going to waste our time on this weakling?”

  “You and I both know we have a greater mission than simply getting out of this game. I believe he can help us with that mission in the future, Scarlet.”

  Scarlet sighed in defeat. She knew she wouldn’t be able to sway his mind from this. She braced herself for the inevitable disgrace he would bring upon them in the future. Still, Omni was the smartest person she knew. Maybe there was something she wasn’t seeing. To her, he just looked like another person who would die young, just as she had seen countless times.


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