The Legend of the Dragon Child

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The Legend of the Dragon Child Page 7

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  Zlemtec stayed next to the older Dragons, hoping to learn more. As important as the reason for the battle ahead of them, he became frustrated when their talk did not venture back to Kaida’s plight. How could they not see the need to come to her aid? He couldn’t be the only one that felt this way. He knew the hurt Queen Mursei showed upon their return without Kaida; maybe she would listen to him now.

  He saw his opportunity when the King left to speak with the other Hails and seized it.

  “Queen?” he asked gently.

  “Oh, Zlemtec. What is it dear one?” She looked at him with such love, it was difficult for him to find his tongue.

  “Please Zlemtec, no need to be silent. You may always speak with me,” she added, hoping to ease his mind.

  “Queen, I know you are also lost without our Kaida and I know Zelspar will be leaving with you to go to Kaida. I want to go too. I am the one that left her in the bushes where the peoples came and found her. Even if she stays with them, I just need to see her. I never got to say-- I never even told her goodbye! I told her I would be right back,” his voice cracked, and his purple-blue eyes threatened to spill his tears as he finished his pleas. “She has to be upset with me. Please, can I go?”

  The Queen thought for a moment, knowing the depth of his pain. They all felt something similar, but she was only now beginning to see something new. All around him the air began to glow and sparkle in colors, and then just as suddenly, fade away. By all that is Dragon! the Queen thought, the ancestors must have marked Zlemtec somehow. He will play some part in The Legend. She should have known, should have seen the signs, she thought suddenly more aware. The Old White One said she is where she is supposed to be. Still...

  She hushed her heart and spoke as she must. “Zlemtec, I understand your words and the deep pain that brings them to me. I must say, no, you cannot go to see Kaida. You know Zelspar goes to give her the magic of hiding her memories. She must do so in order to learn the peoples’ ways. It is her memories of being with us that could hold her back. She has to learn with them. We have no choice, Zlemtec. We must allow her this journey. The day will come, and soon Zlemtec, when her memories will be unlocked.”

  “But, Queen, I do not want her to forget me. I can’t forget her or even if I could, I wouldn’t, not ever!” Zlemtec’s voice cracked in frustration.

  “I know dear one. I would never have her memory hidden in me, either. Even while knowing she will be apart from us is part of The Legend, the heart does not know this is best. Always, the heart wants what makes it full. Sometimes, the heart stays empty for a time, but as its reward, it has the chance to be filled again to such a capacity, it grows larger. Thus, is your heart Zlemtec. It will be a very large heart you carry one day.” He knew the Queen was trying to help him but could not. He bowed his head and said, “Thank you, Queen for listening. I hear your words. Please be careful in battle, I don’t know what I would do if I lost you or the King.”

  “I will be careful, my Zlemtec. Do not worry, we have more magic than the Jodrugs could imagine. Her eyes gleamed their power. “We will defend our new home and new ways from those beasts. I cannot make promises of things I cannot see, but I promise the King and I, as well as all who fly with us, will do everything in our power to return,” she replied.

  Zlemtec gave the Queen the hardest hug he could give. “Goodnight Queen. This day has been too long for me.”

  “Yes, Zlemtec. Go find your rest, and sleep well. We shall see one another tomorrow.”

  He yawned as he turned to go. As soon as she wasn’t looking, he slipped out into the night. He had to get busy!

  His wings carried him to a cave unused by any of the Hails. He laid down his bag and untied the corners to open it fully. He had brought along a few tools plus the cording woven with silver and gold, a piece of his scale, his hatchling claws he had grown out of, his favorite stone and his practice book of Dragon Magic. He was ready to begin.

  First, he lit a branch to drive away the darkness and then he placed the objects where the light would make them sparkle. He opened the book to Remembering. This magic was mainly used to focus on Dragon ancestry, but it had been used in many ways before, such as remembering which plants were safe to eat.

  He planned to use the magic of Remembering all together differently. He was going to make an amulet for Remembering and Protection to give to Kaida. One that would help her remember him. One that would protect her when he was not there. He chose the items she was already familiar with to enhance the effect of the spell.

  He bent his head over his treasures and got to work immediately. First, he fused the golden claws together forming a space to fit the stone. He and Kaida found the stone together. He had stepped on a round rock and it broke open to expose the crystals inside. It had deep purple and cobalt-blue crystals inside. She had turned it over and over in her hand and told him it was like looking into his sparkling eyes. He felt a wound open in his heart, remembering her words.

  He had tried to give the stone to her then, but she told him he needed to keep it with his special things. Of the things he had laid before him now, he had shown them all to Kaida. Unlike most Dragons, he didn’t hide his special things or stand guard over them. He only wanted to give them all to her. She is what made them feel special.

  He continued making this amulet by taking pieces of the scale and weaving it between the claws before he set the stone in the center. There! He was pleased.

  He turned it back and forth in front of the flame. The combination of all the colors flashed across the cave walls. Next, he slipped the pendant onto the woven gold and silver cord and fused the ends together. He thought, she would be able to slip it over her head and wear it around her neck, keeping him always close to her heart.

  He was pleased with his creation; now he needed to add the magic. He read the ancestral words aloud as the held the amulet. He held it high in the air for the blessings the wind brings. He then held it tightly between his hands, pressing all his thoughts into it, all of his heart songs. He blew out the flame and went out to the cave’s landing. It was almost morning. He pushed away and flew back to his cave, his amulet clutched tightly in one hand. He had hardly nestled down for rest when Zelspar called him to join the others for the morning meal. He buried his creation deep within his bed and joined Zelspar.

  The room was buzzing with activity and conversations when Zelspar returned with Zlemtec. They chose a place by Queen and King of Mursei and came in at mid conversation.

  “... of each Hail will be along the front of the attack line, reserving the other in the middle, being well guarded. If the Hail has only one leader, that leader will be in the center of the flank. Make no mistake, this battle will be formidable. There is much to be gained and even more to be lost,” she said as her eyes keenly looked at those listening. “Every Dragon Hail knows the stakes. Our best hope is the Jodrugs and DeDezertico Hails will not be anticipating our arrival,” she said to those at their eating platform.

  Zelspar joined the conversation saying, “Queen of Mursei, I missed part of the conversation. Would you reiterate?”

  “Yes, Zelspar,” she replied. “I was mentioning how to position our Hail leaders in formation as we prepare to cross over the Mountain range. Each Hail will have one leader in front, and one in the center. Mid-afternoon we will meet to discuss the positions. The front leaders then will meet to decide the best approach. The King and I, after much discussion, have come to an agreement that I will lead the Mursei Hail."

  A hush fell over the platform until Zlemtec blurted out, “But Queen, you have led so many battles, why not place the King in front?”

  The King responded. “Excuse me, Queen of Mursei, but I would answer Zlemtec if it’s agreeable?” The Queen nodded her approval.

  “Zlemtec, the answer was in the words you just spoke. It is precisely because the Queen has led so many battles that we both decided she would lead our Hail. She has the experience of making quick decisions which will protect us the b
est. It is true, all Warrior Dragons wish to be on the front of the attack, but a battle is won by the actions and cooperation of all.”

  Zlemtec nodded and said, “I wish I could go with you. I would take out every Jodrug in my sight!”

  The Queen answered, “I hear your words. It is our hope you may never have to do battle. This is our dream, to make Urthe a place of peace for Dragons, like we have not known for thousands of years. We wish to show the Urthe peoples how we can work together to make this place a wonder to behold. We have gained much knowledge and magic which can and will enhance the lives of all.”

  The room began to disperse with the Dragons tending to last minute items, preparing for their departure. Zlemtec stayed close to Zelspar, trying to find a way to bring up the subject of going with him.

  Zelspar began discussing the future with Zlemtec. “You know, young hatchling, when I return, we must begin our testing on the magic formulas. Have you studied them, much of late?”

  “Yes, Zelspar. You might be surprised how well Kaida and I have done. I will miss not having her as a study partner. We didn’t actually compete, but I think we both didn’t want to let the other down, so we worked harder at learning. Zelspar? Could I please just fly by your side as you go see Kaida? I won’t even ask to go to her, I only want to see her. It may be a long time...”

  “Zlemtec, we have discussed this. It cannot be. It will be better this way, certainly for Kaida. You want that, don’t you?” Zelspar asked.

  “You know I don’t want anything that would make Kaida sad. I’m lonely without her. We--are a team. I even understand the importance that she learns from the Urthe people, but I only want to catch a glimpse of her,” Zlemtec said, pleading his case.

  The White Dragon felt deep under his scales the strong attachment Zlemtec had made with Kaida. He felt the Ancient One in his thoughts. A sharp vision brought Zelspar to his knees.

  “Zelspar!” Zlemtec yelled anxiously.

  Zelspar, looking to the ground, spoke quietly, “Bring the Queen and King of Mursei immediately.”

  Without asking why, without hesitation, Zlemtec fled to find the Queen and King. His mind raced, wondering what was wrong with the old White Dragon.

  His yells swiftly brought the Queen and King from their Lair, both alarmed and questioning him as to what was wrong.

  “It’s Zelspar! He needs you. We were just talking, and he suddenly fell to the ground. Hurry!”

  Dust flew as they rushed to Zelspar’s side.

  The Queen reached out to him, “Zelspar, what has happened? Are you alright?”

  “Starleira, Rynik--hold--a moment--please,” Zelspar muttered.

  The Queen had seen this look before. In some small way she was relieved, and yet, worried, nonetheless. She raised her taloned hand to squelch any further talking until Zelspar was ready. He was dancing between the past, present and future, a dangerous ground to fly.

  It took complete concentration, or he might become lost in a place from where he could not return.

  A hush filled the air with tension. There was a sound of rippling scales as all awaited with high anticipation, hopeful of any foreshadowing that might prove valuable with the future battle.

  Zelspar exhaled loudly and shuddered. Slowly he rose and leaned heavily upon his carved staff. Collecting himself and his thoughts, he began to describe the Vision sent from the Great White One.

  “There is a mighty battle going on in the skies above the sky. Those skies are filled with Thunders unimaginable and great horizontal Lightnings directed against one another. They battle and rule from floating islands, to control the upper skies.”

  He continued speaking from his Vision. “During battle, debris from their assault rains down. A huge rock is spinning and hurling through the skies above the sky and is on course towards Verlaunde. The Ancient One warns that those on Verlaunde may see the signs in the skies and make way to Urthe. We must defend the portals, must stop further escape from Verlaunde if our Dragons have any chance of survival. Those on Verlaunde will cause annihilation of all Dragons in their quest to become the rulers of all.”

  Zelspar became greatly pained as he gave the last part of his Vision. “I see a battle of all Dragons, a fight to the death. The air thick with smoke and fire, the ground covered in the flesh and blood of Dragons. A dire warning from the Ancient One...not all who battle will win. There is deceit battling from within!”

  The Queen and King of Mursei exchanged looks, brows furrowed with concern.

  Zelspar’s eyes cleared. His deeply etched face of experience showed his age, but now, he looked even older than ever before.

  He spoke to his leaders, his worry creasing vertical lines above his deep-set eyes. “There is no time to examine all the Hails. We must assemble soon, or the battle will come to us.”

  “We will gather our Hails and establish our battle lines. Prepare to leave as soon as possible,” stated the Queen. She asked, “Zelspar? Do you still intend to go to Kaida?”

  “Yes, Starleira. Whatever the outcome, Kaida must be sheltered. I will fly with you until I’ve reached the place where she is.”

  The Queen's face showed apprehension as she spoke. “You must take great care. The Urthe peoples do not see us as their allies yet. We don’t know if we can hold the battle away from the area, so the threat is great for the peoples and the Dragons that may come this way.”

  “Understood. I will do what I must just as you will do what you must. If we are so destined, we will meet again.”

  The Queen gave him a solemn nod and turned towards the cave. She bellowed the Dragons’ call to assemble. Dragons sprang forth from all the caves in their domain until all had grouped around her.

  “Quickly, you must make ready to leave. We have been given a dire Vision. We don’t have time to squander. Grab what you need and return immediately. I want one leader from each Hail to meet with me before getting any provisions for battle. Come now! The rest, do as instructed. Hurry!”

  The Queen and King stood in front of their allies. “You here, will join me in the front of our battle line. Behind each of you, your Hail. Any of you that do not have a second leader in your Hail will go to the center of our cluster. Command your Hails on which magic to use as the battle ensues. We must use everything in our power to protect our lives here, and …” her eyes scrutinized each leader present as she said, “be aware of any that try to turn this battle by attacking from within!”

  Startled looks were exchanged amongst all Dragon. Suddenly objections rang loud into the air. The Queen watched intently as words hurled through the sky. “Who?” “Why?” they all asked. The Queen and King took great care to notice any that showed no alarm. It gave them a small hint of who to watch. Perhaps, just enough.

  Zlemtec fell in behind Zelspar as the old White Dragon made his way to his cave to quickly snatch up the items he needed, plus some for the Queen. Zlemtec cleared his throat. “Zelspar? Have you decided? I know I could be a help to you as…”

  Zelspar cut him off mid-sentence. “No, Zlemtec. No. Now more than ever. You must stay here. Stay safe. Protect the other hatchlings. Continue to study and practice. We do not know...we don’t know if we can hold back the battle from reaching our caves, our land. Those here will need you. I will return... if possible.”

  Zlemtec would not be hushed. “Then at least take a small token to Kaida from me. It isn’t much, but I could feel she has something of me too. Please? That can’t be too much to ask--”

  Zelspar is his haste to leave, consented. “By all that is Dragon, all right! Give me what it is, hatchling, and be quick about it,” he growled.

  Zlemtec replied, “I’ll go get it. I’ll be right back!” He vanished swiftly before Zelspar could change his mind.

  He made it to his sleeping area and dug down deep into his nesting place and clutched the special necklace he had made for Kaida. He reached Zelspar as he was leaving his cave to join the others.

  “Here--” Zlemtec pushed the necklace in
to Zelspar’s hand.

  Zelspar took it and placed it in his bag. He said to Zlemtec, “Do as instructed, Zlemtec. You must help the other hatchlings. You must stay safe. You are my best student. You are-- important to me. More so, you are important to us all.” With those words, he turned to take his place in the large assembly of Dragons. Thousands of them, all ready to go into battle. All awaiting the command of the Queen of Mursei.

  “Fly fast! Fly direct!” Thundered the Queen as she leapt into the air. Thousands of Dragons echoed behind her. “Fly fast! Fly direct!” as they gathered along side and behind her, heading off towards battle.

  The sky rippled with wings of all colors of the Dragons. The Queen placed her Hail at the center of the formation that was flanked on her right by the Qyrdrom Hail, the White Dragons who were powerful at magic, remote seeing and Visions.

  To the Queen’s left, the Svendelar Hail, the Green Dragons who spent much of their time slithering through caves and forests owing to their slender build and whose excellent vision would aid in spotting hidden dangers and quickly obliterate them with fiery flames.

  Crowded tightly behind the larger Hails were the Brodokks, the Brown and Orange Dragons with their incredible hearing and sheer brute strength. To the right of the Brodokks were the Xternuk Hail of the Grey and Yellow Dragons with their ferocious hunting abilities which were greatly enhanced by having two heads.

  Then, on the left of the Brodokks, were the Cygorgz Hail, the Pink Dragons with long stinger tails and the Tendryl Hail, the Purple and Blue Avian Dragons whose feathered and streamlined bodies allow them to dart quickly over, under and through any obstacles.

  The ground below darkened by the shadows of thousands of Dragons flying tightly together in a defensive stance, uncertain as to where their first encounter of the Jodrugs or De Dezertico Hails would take place.


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