Currents of Silver: Alliance of Silver and Steam Book 5

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Currents of Silver: Alliance of Silver and Steam Book 5 Page 11

by Lexi Ostrow

  His finger swirled in her hot channel, relishing in the way she panted with every flick of his thumb against her swollen bit. His pleasure was slipping from comprehension as he realized watching her was more erotic than any slide of her hand. Placing one hand over hers, he stilled her.

  “Let this be about you. My pleasure is your pleasure.” He breathed huskily.

  “That’s the mated bond talking. You can feel what I feel as I experience it. It is how we will be able to fulfill one another every time.”

  The sensual purr of her words nearly had his knees buckling, but she released his shaft and took a small step backwards.

  “I am yours,” she guided a second finger into her core as she said the words and allowed her head to fall backwards.

  The look on her face as her eyes were lidded from pleasure spurred him to action. He stroked her inner walls, watching as she shook from the sensation of it and hardly forced himself to maintain control over his erection.

  In and out he let his fingers glide, swirl and slip, as his thumb played with her tiny nub. Using his free hand to lift her head she followed his lead and took the step back towards him. Kissing a path from her collarbone to her lips he settled there, pushing her mouth open with his tongue. As his fingers and tongue glided in tandem, he felt her body began to rock on his digit. Her legs swayed as his fingers danced inside her in synchronization with the stroke of their tongues. Every flare of pleasure she must have felt exploded with him as well.

  The room grew too small and began to spin as every flick of his finger drew a sharp gasp from them both. The muscles in his neck corded as they kissed and their mutual cry of release was swallowed by hungry kisses. That didn’t stop either of them from pulling away. His fingers continued to tease at Clara’s swollen folds, loving the way her body twitched against his as he drew her pleasure out. His pants were loosening as his release began to leave his shaft limp, but it didn’t stop the tiny flickers of delight from shooting them him as they went through Clara.

  After a few moments, her hand went to his. “If you do not stop, we will never get to whatever it is you wanted to show me.”

  He smiled wickedly, “who said I’m concerned about that any longer?” The sentence was so unlike him, to care for a woman over his work. Yet, it was true. Until he remembered that lighting the Christmas tree would please her.

  Removing his fingers, he couldn’t help but smile at the small sound she made as he left her core. He’d never been a man to shun sex, but he wondered why the guileless concept of mating turned him into such a sexual deviant.

  When she stepped back, the black skirt that had been crushed between them fell back. Her skin was flushed, and he found it stunning, to see evidence of their lovemaking lingering on her skin.

  “You’re staring.”

  “I’m finding it rather hard not too. I know you’ve said it will grow less intense, but for the moment, I find myself besotted with you and unable to look away.”

  “Now, that was a sentiment suitable for a scientist. Just clumsy enough to take away some of the romance.”

  She winked at him, and he wondered how she was able to flip a switch so quickly after sating herself. Perhaps it’s part of being a Succubus?

  “If I wasn’t so lost in a haze of pleasure I think I’d be offended by that.”

  She dropped a quick kiss to his lips and pulled the stool from the next workspace over. “What did you call me for?”

  Blinking, he cleared the final vestiges of the pleasure-haze from his mind. “I believe I know how we can create light. A source, which can potentially be shared, at least with the Royals, without too much demand being placed on the crystals.”

  Her brows shot up. “Tell me more. I know nothing of electricity or power. I simply am good at welding and following instructions when they are given to me.”

  He grinned at her. “Good, then you’ll be my assistant for a change.”

  Rolling her eyes, she laughed. “Don’t let it go to your head, but come on then, explain this to me.”

  Saying a small prayer of thanks that their endeavors had not managed to make it to the top of his workstation, he gestured for her to look at the pieces he had laid out.

  “Tesla and Edison have shared quite literally only one idea when it comes to harnessing light, and that is that it requires harnessed energy. Something must happen to spark the current to life. Now, it doesn’t seem too obvious at first, but once I tell you, you’ll wonder why no one here has thought of it.”

  He grabbed the crystal gun and aiming it at the concrete floor, shot off a small burst. “See how the gears wind and grind thanks to the lever when I depress the trigger and leave a puff of smoke?” Using his free hand, he pointed at the nearly invisible cloud near the butt of the gun.

  Her head tilted sideways, but she nodded.

  “That occurs because the gears grind along the crystal, even in the barest fraction, and create a heat power.”

  “Yes, Hugo. I’m fairly certain that would have been explained to you from the start. Even the hunters have that basic knowledge of their weapon.”

  “No. no,” he said, waving his hands in front of his face as his enthusiasm built. “I mean, yes, indeed, but I was merely iterating from the start of my thought process.” He picked up the copper wire. “I believe if we can heat the crystal attached to a line that runs through a bulb, a small switch can heat the crystal for a short time and the power will remain trapped inside the wire in the glass.”

  “Creating a somewhat long term form of illumination!” She smirked, looking radiant and as excited as he felt.

  “Yes. So, you see, the trick is to create a power source to run the wire. Whilst I know not all can have these crystals yet, if we can use them around the guild and in the palace, or perhaps the White House in America. It will show the power of Great Britain and allow us to come up with another way to power them before distrusting them to the whole of the planet.”

  “However, would we get crystals to the correct places.” Her enthusiasm waned as did the smile on her lips.

  “They would have to be installed in walls of course.”

  “Yes, but there is a shortage.”

  “That is why I was thinking for the time being this would work for use amongst the powerful and wealthy of the world. I am certain that someone else can come up with a different current source than the heated crystal, now that I’ve set the course in motion.” He wondered if his expression mirrored how cocksure he felt.

  “And you’ve made this work?” She gingerly reached out to touch the bulb on the workstation.

  “Not as of yet. I had the idea whilst in America but had to return here to try it. I have not been back long enough to do more than gather supplies.”

  “And be with your mate,” she chortled softly, eyes blazing with amusement.

  “Yes, and that.” He sat down on the stool and grabbed the goggles off the desk. “Eliza has granted me a short time to work unhindered and with lead protection.”

  “Lead is dangerous to humans.”

  “In large doses, but it is also needed to protect and prevent chemical and other exposure.” He wasn’t entirely certain who had dreamed up using lead for everything, but he knew the chemical breakdown of it allowed it do protect a person when only used for a short time. “Will you help me? If we succeed, the first place I will light up is the top of the Christmas Tree.”

  She smiled a modest smile that made her seem far more delicate than he knew her to be.

  “I would be honored to help. Let me remove my hunting clothes and change into attire befitting an assistant.” A yawn escaped her, and she laughed. “Perhaps I’d best see if morning meal is ready and bring us some as well.”

  “Be quick. I can hardly believe I was distracted long enough to not start already.”

  Her laughter rang out as she walked towards the door, leaving a smile on his face and determination in his heart.


  “Holy shit. Clara, Clara com
e quick!”

  Hugo’s shout penetrated through her slightly sleeping subconscious, and she opened one eye but did not rise off the floor. It had been eleven hours since they’d begun their tests, and nothing had produced even the slightest flicker of light.

  “Clara!” Hugo shouted, a slight ring of irritation in the way he said her name.

  Grumbling, she forced herself to sit upright and look in his direction. The faintest glow emanated from the rock they had borrowed from her crystal gun. However, next to it, a brilliant white light blazed.

  “Bloody hell!” Bolting upright she nearly tripped on the bottom of her skirts as she raced to stand behind Hugo.

  Focusing in on the white light, her jaw fell open as awe coursed through her. Before her, on the table, a small glass glowed with life.

  “Hugo,” she breathed.

  He turned, beaming from ear-to-ear. “I did it. I beat Tesla and Edison!” He let out a wallop of joy and practically leapt off the stool. “Do you know what this means? This means that I fucking invented light! Sure, it will need to be tinkered with to be unveiled to the world outside the Alliance, but I created light without needing a crystal!”

  She looked just past him at the workspace and noted that the filament connected to the string inside the glass bulb was still attached to the one connected to the glowing crystal.

  “Um, Hugo?”


  She felt terribly guilty, but she pointed at the connected objects. “You are still very much using the crystal.”

  She wasn’t certain, but she swore the faintest red flush crept up his cheeks.

  “Oh, how frightfully embarrassing.” He quickly pulled the filament attached to the crystal out of the bulb.

  And the light went out.

  “No.” Hugo sounded horrified. “No, no, no” Fear turned to anger as he grabbed the filament and launched the bulb across the room, shattering it against a nearby stool.

  She stood, holding her breath mere steps away. His anger was palpable, visible with every shake of his body. Yet, he had only lashed out by tossing the bulb. She was used to beings that lashed out with violence.

  “Hugo?” Stepping behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist. “We can try again. It lit up. That is brilliant. Perhaps it simply needs to be charged for longer before disconnecting it.

  He pulled at her hand, lifting it to his lips and dropping a kiss on it. “I appreciate it, though I do not think that is the case.”

  He froze, and she could practically feel how hard he was thinking through the tension in his body.

  “Let me grab another glass bobble.” She said as delicately as she could, unwinding herself from his body and heading to the supply cabinet.

  There was not much she could offer, but she would stand by his side until they made it work.

  Sleep weighed on her as heavy as any armor she had ever worn. The yawn that escaped her made for the thirteenth in nearly as many minutes.

  “Do you wish to rest,” Hugo gestured towards the couch in the back of the workroom. “I know we must be close.” Determination laced his words.

  They had been working to harness light for just shy of a day cycle. She had not slept aside from mere moments of resting her eyes, though the sexual release she’d had at his hand had kept her alert for much of the past day.

  “You have said that for the last forty-eight attempts, Hugo.” Another yawn.

  He looked up, green eyes blazing from behind the green lenses of the goggles. “Are you implying we won’t do it?”

  “I am implying that we might need a rest. Your logic was sound. However, it would appear we have a slight issue taking thought to reality. We will get there, but it does not need to be now.”

  Turning away from her he grumbled something incomprehensible around the tool he’d placed between his teeth.

  “What?” she stepped towards him, tugging the tool out gently, doing her best to not imagine what it would be like to taste him, thanks to the image her action had brought.

  “I said it will be Christmas in three days time. I wish to light the tree for you.”

  She dropped her hand down upon his shoulder, ignoring the wash over desire that passed over her when she did so. They’d worked tirelessly without speaking about the growing connection betwixt them, but she couldn’t help but find his gesture romantic.

  “That is very kind.”

  He looked up at her again, determination written in his eyes. “I have not completed it. It will be a gesture to start something betwixt us.”

  She stopped breathing, her eyes growing wide at his words. “Beg pardon?”

  He flashed his charming smile at her and set down the bulb, grasping her hands in his. “I know most would presume good sex is behind what I am about to say, but I assure you, it is only a fraction. Whilst I was gone, I missed you—your laugh, the way your smile reaches your eyes and even all the things I’m yet to learn about you. If you are willing, I’d be honored to court you properly. ‘Tis the season after all.”

  Her smile grew so large it caused her cheeks to ache. “I would be honored—though unless things differ in America, the season for courtship it closer to spring.”

  “Well then, I can always if you wish it . . .” he smirked as he playfully threatened her.

  “I do not think so. Hugo Clark, you desire to make an honest woman out of me, I will be holding you to it.”

  “Good. I think we will have a marvelous time getting to know one another, and I promise, there will be traditional courtship dashed in here and there. It can’t all be world-changing inventions and demon fighting.”

  Her laughter was genuine and loud, echoing throughout the vast, empty space. “Very well then, you have Christmas lights to create. You’ve made a promise to begin that way, and I hear gentlemen always keep their promises.”

  She sat next to him, leaning forward to place a kiss on his lips. Her body heated, flaring to life from the touch. Bloody hell, I could take him right here as if he hadn’t just pleased me immensely last eve.

  “Knock, knock,” Eliza said, startling them both. “Sorry. I thought I would check in, see how you are faring.” She looked around as if cataloguing the room. “It would appear you have not set fire to anything here, you are a step ahead of me.” She winked at them.

  “We have had no luck,” Hugo admitted, sounding close to defeat. “I am determined to make these blasted bulbs shine before the holiday is upon us.”

  “That is a lofty goal.” Eliza winked at them. “I should love to see a Christmas miracle.”

  Turning to a desk behind them, Clara watched as Odette grabbed a pair of purple-lens goggles and work gloves from a drawer. “Now then, show me what you have. Perhaps I can help.” She placed her hands on her hips and leaned forward to stare at the desktop.

  “This filament,” Hugo picked up and shook the bulb for emphasis, “will be charged with power from the crystal through this connection.” Again, he pointed at a copper wire. “It should be simple and yet, the second we disconnect the crystal, the light flickers off.”

  “You’ve powered it?” Eliza practically shouted her joy in their ears.

  “He has.”

  “This is stupendous! Odette will need to be informed immediately.”

  “He cannot make it stay lit,” Clara admitted, feeling terrible as she saw the look of upset on Hugo’s face.

  Eliza waved her off. “Show me. Show me what that beautiful American mind has conceived.”

  With a deep sigh, Hugo nodded to her. Placing her finger above the lever that was connected by a series of gears to the crystal, she began to push it down. A familiar whizzing could be heard as the gears wound as they should, and a small puff of steam was released from the crystal. As they always did when heated, the stone began to give off a brilliant green glow, casting the hue about the room and onto Hugo’s hands as he grabbed the filament connected to the crystal and brought it to the back end of the bulb.

  It was impossible to
miss the tight line of his lips and the stern look on his eyes. Hugo was holding his breath, likely praying that the bulb lit as it should. He touched the end of the wire attached to the gem to the small strand stuck inside the bulb.

  As it had every time since they’d begun, the line flared to life, sparking a light that glowed inside the bulb. They’d chosen a purple glow from the scrap pile, and it shined brilliantly, brighter than any had previously.

  “Bloody hell,” Eliza breathed reverently. “You really have done it.”

  “Until I do this,” Hugo balked as he cut the connection between the two copper pieces and the bulb went dark.

  “Oh,” Eliza’s tone was utterly deflated. “You are a far cry closer than any have been prior. Do not give up. I will alert the others it is safe to return to their projects and I myself will return to my attempts at a large enough bird to carry people on its back. Kellan will never forgive me if he has to ride in a heated bagsack as he refers to it.” She offered them one of her bright smiles. “Off we all go then.”

  “You do not have to stay, Clara.” Hugo sighed and dropped his goggles onto the work surface seconds before the door opened and noise filtered in. “I had wished to make you happy and prove myself. I took on too much.”

  The hurt in his voice upset her as only a mate could be angry. She longed to fix it all for him, to bring a smile to his face and the pride back into his eyes.

  “I will stay. I am off rotation this night as well. Besides, two heads are better than one.”

  “Unless they do not get along,” Hugo uttered sarcastically.

  “Oh, just work.”

  Staring at the clock on the opposite wall she forced herself to think. What have we not yet tried? Think, damn it.

  Eliza had stopped checking in on Hugo three hours prior when she realized all it did was cause friction. He’d even stopped speaking to her, giving his entire being to the project before him.


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