Don't Cross This Line

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Don't Cross This Line Page 1

by Michael Anderle




  Social Links

  Series List


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Authors Notes


  Craig Martelle

  TS (Scott) Paul

  Justin Sloan

  Justice Is Calling - 12.15.2015

  Justice Is Calling - Beginning.

  The Queen Bitch Is Back

  KIEL - TKG Art



  To Family, Friends and

  Those Who Love

  To Read.

  May We All Enjoy Grace

  To Live The Life We Are


  Don’t Cross This Line

  The Kurtherian Gambit 14 Team

  Beta Editor / Readers

  Bree Buras (Aussie Awesomeness)

  Tom Dickerson (The man)

  Sf Forbes (oh yeah!)

  Dorene Johnson (US Navy (Ret) & DD)

  Dorothy Lloyd (Teach you to ask…Teacher!)

  T S (Scott) Paul (Author)

  Diane Velasquez (Chinchilla lady & DD)

  JIT Beta Readers

  Brent Bakken

  Heath Felps

  Andrew Haynes

  Kelli Orr

  Gage Ostrander

  Leo Roars

  Hari Rothsteni

  Björn Schmidt

  If I missed anyone, please let me know!


  Stephen Russell

  Kat Lind

  Thank you to the following Special Consultants


  Jeff Morris - US Army - Asst Professor Cyber-Warfare, Nuclear Munitions (Active)

  Heath Felps - US Navy CPO (Active)

  Don’t Cross This Line (this book) is a work of fiction.

  All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  Copyright (c) 2016 Michael T. Anderle

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Version 1.0

  Want more?

  Join the email list here:


  Join the Facebook Group Here:

  The email list is changing to something…New. I don’t have enough details but suffice to say there is so much going on in The Kurtherian Gambit Universe, it needs to go out more often than “when the next book hits.”

  I hope you enjoy the book!

  Michael Anderle - Nov 13, 2016.

  Series Titles Include:

  Death Becomes Her

  The Kurtherian Gambit 01

  Queen Bitch

  The Kurtherian Gambit 02

  Love Lost

  The Kurtherian Gambit 03

  Bite This

  The Kurtherian Gambit 04

  Never Forsaken

  The Kurtherian Gambit 05

  Under My Heel

  The Kurtherian Gambit 06

  Kneel Or Die

  The Kurtherian Gambit 07

  We Will Build

  The Kurtherian Gambit 08

  It’s Hell To Choose

  The Kurtherian Gambit 09

  Release The Dogs Of War

  The Kurtherian Gambit 10

  Sued For Peace

  The Kurtherian Gambit 11

  We Have Contact

  The Kurtherian Gambit 12

  My Rides A Bitch

  The Kurtherian Gambit 13

  Don’t Cross This Line

  The Kurtherian Gambit 14

  Never Submit

  The Kurtherian Gambit 15

  Late Jan/ Early Feb 2017

  (21 books planned for The Kurtherian Gambit)

  **New Series**

  The Dark Messiah - Michael’s Return

  The Second Dark Ages 01


  **New Series with Justin Sloan**

  Justice Is Calling

  Reclaiming Honor Book 01


  **New Series with TS Paul**

  The Etheric Academy - Alpha Group

  The Etheric Empire Academy Book 01

  December 2016

  **New Series with Craig Martelle**

  Nomad Found

  Terry Henry “TH” Walton Chronicles

  Early Jan 2017


  Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 01

  You Don’t Mess with John’s Cousin

  (read before TKG08)

  Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 02

  Bitch’s Night Out

  (read before TKG10)

  The Boris Chronicles

  With Paul C. Middleton

  Evacuation (Out)

  Retaliation (Out)

  Revelation Nov 2016

  Restitution TBD



  Honor in Death

  (Michael’s First Few Days)

  See on Amazon:

  Beyond the Stars: At Galaxy's Edge

  Tabitha’s Vacation

  See on Amazon:

  Meeting room on board QBS ArchAngel

  “Fuck them…” she whispered into the silence.

  The men and women in the QBS ArchAngel didn’t breathe, didn’t flinch.

  Their Queen was speaking.

  Bethany Anne turned towards her people. She had been gazing at the giant screen showing Earth, hanging in the expanse of space beneath them. Her eyes narrowed, glowing red, her lips compressed. “They have attacked us for three solid years. They have hunted people only tangentially connected to me through companies I no longer own.” She looked around at the faces of those watching her. “They have attacked some of your families, and I have tried to be understanding, to offer the other cheek.”

  Bethany Anne twisted her head left, then right. The sound of her bones popping loud in the room’s silence both times.

  She continued, “We have taken care of terrorist issues, saved people and countries from the evil men and women in the night, never looking for accolades, support or even a fucking thank you.” Her voice turned to ice, cutting through the room. “They keep pushing and pushing and pushing.” She paused a moment and exhaled, “I’ve tried civil.” Her eyes flashed red as she whispered, “No … More…”

  “ADAM!” Bethany Anne’s voice cracked out the command.

  “Yes?” his voice came through the large room’s speakers

  Bethany Anne eyes looked up slightly, “Push the command out to my people. We aren’t taking any more shit from those on Earth. The Etheric Empire has officially had fucking enough, thank you very much.”

  Bethany Anne nodded sharply and started walking crisply towards the room’s exit, “Admiral Thomas?” She called out, his reply immediate. She continued, “Make sure the Captains of the fleet know that weapons are hot. I’m not taking another bullshit move like they just pulled. Any country tries that again, and I want them to level something important, got that?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Admiral Thomas called back as she exited the room.

  Admiral Thomas’s left hand clicked a button on his lapel as he started walking towards the door, “This is Admiral Thomas to all Captain’s. Weapons are hot, I repeat…weapons are hot.”

  The men and women in the room filed out behind their Queen.

  She had tried to take into account what drove those on Earth. But no one understood that all of Bethany Anne’s reactions to the attacks against her and her people had been substantially restrained.

  Now, the gloves were coming off…

  Author’s Notes, Frank Kurns Stories of the UnknownWorld - The Time of Patience

  My name, my full name, is Franklyn Adam Kurns and I am over one hundred years old. I have seen more shit in my life than any human should be expected to behold ... and stay sane.

  I started out in the military, before going into a covert organization to help hide the reality that there were others, living among us, that were the real monsters in the night.

  I used my position to help one group of these monsters, so I thought, against another. You see, at that time I thought our folklore about Vampires and Werewolves was real. I had no idea at the time we were all human.

  Just some humans had been subjected to advanced genetic modifications, often accompanied by a very hot temper.

  The Time of Patience, the series of books that I’m going to release with other authors, happened during the last three years. The years since the big dust-up in the Antarctic.

  I’m sure you have heard about it?

  Depending on who you listen to, TQB was down in Antarctica stealing old Nazi technology, or we attacked the US Navy (we did not, we protected them no thanks to the ungrateful asses in the brass) or we were working on communicating with aliens to take over the world. (Seriously? Who comes up with this shit?)

  We have tried to stay off the world’s radar for the last three years. The reason is ... we needed to build our own house, so to speak. One of them is inside an asteroid, so it is kind of large.

  The need for all of the technology and ships is to protect the Earth against aliens, aliens who want to come and subjugate mankind. So that whole story of us bringing aliens to Earth is complete lunacy.

  During the Time of Patience, we visited Earth pretty often. But, rarely did you hear anything about it as we stayed out of the news to the best of our ability. The few times we made the news was due to our Academy students who went off the reservation. Just like any kids in any country since…ever.

  I’ll have a few books out about that, soon enough.

  I am about to upload these final books before we transverse through the Annex Gate of the Yollins’.

  Unfortunately, there were those on Earth who pushed Bethany Anne too far and attacked one time too many. For the last three years, she had not returned their attacks as they warranted. Unfortunately, they thought she was weak and unwilling to fight.

  A toothless nag, some thought her.

  Now, I am sure, most people are aware of just how wrong that supposition truly was. However, for you to see both sides of the story, I’m going to relate what happened before the chaos and the carnage.

  You can choose to believe whatever side you wish, but I am going to deliver the video proof that goes along with my assertions. Further, I will include a lot of additional supporting documentation, WikiLeaks style, that goes along with the videos.

  I suspect a lot of this information will be squashed, as very powerful people will not wish this information to be out in the public domain. I hope others decide to copy the data, and keep it living as a testament against the powerful elite who believe the common man lacks common sense and is incapable of seeing the self-centered bullshit they pull.

  What you do with the information I provide… I leave up to you.

  I hope that my trust in the basic righteousness of humanity is well deserved.

  Now, for the events leading up to the divorce.

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Franklyn Adam Kurns

  T-minus forty-eight hours before we cross the line.


  Dulce Lake, New Mexico, USA

  Patrick Brown, the principal overseer of the operations side for Majestic 12, nodded to Dr. Eva Hocks as the two of them met in front of the elevator that went down to floor two-six.

  Usually, the good doctor and Patrick would trade jibes with each other, but never on the Quarterly meeting day.

  “I hate this,” she whispered to him, as they both turned their keys and punched the separate buttons for the elevator to come up and get them.

  Patrick kept his voice low, “This time Eva, I’m completely in agreement. Whatever the benefits we gain from the technological advances is certainly offset by having to deal with them,” he nodded at the elevator doors, still closed.

  Eva breathed in as they heard the elevator arrive, and the doors opened to admit them. Both wrinkled their nose as the smell from section two wafted up the elevator shaft. It was unpleasant and slightly nasty.

  It was alien, Patrick decided.

  Patrick waved his hand for Eva to go first. She rolled her eyes, “Sure, be a gentleman when we enter the elevator to go down to the belly of the beast, why don’t you?”

  Patrick stepped in behind her and turned, sliding his key in and turning it before punching in the code to go down.

  The doors closed.

  “Well,” he admitted as they waited to go down the two hundred feet, “I don’t mind being a gentleman, but that puts me into specimen category with you. I figured out a while back that specimen was a bad situation where you are concerned.”

  “Is that why you are always a pain in the ass?” Eva looked over, not sure if Patrick was giving her a hard time again, or being honest.

  “Um,” he paused before shrugging, “That’s probably truer than I care to admit, really.” He didn’t return her look.

  Interesting, she thought, he seems uncomfortable. I wonder what else causes this to occur?

  “You are doing it again.” He spoke, flatly.


  “You are studying me, again.” This time he did look over at her, annoyance written on his face.

  Eva thought back to what she was thinking and closed her eyes, “You can take the scientist out of the lab…”

  The elevator stopped, and the doors opened as Patrick finished the phrase, “but you can’t take the lab out of the scientist.” This time, he stepped forward and asked over his shoulder, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Patrick stopped and waited just long enough for Eva to catch up before resuming his walk, “I mean, I get when you say you can take the guy out of the fight, but not the fight out of the guy or something similar, but a lab?”


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