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Gracie Page 6

by Marie Maxwell

  ‘I’m Gracie McCabe, Southend born and bred … Are you and Harry twins? You look very alike. I have twin sisters.’

  ‘Not twins, I’m the elder by one year exactly so I always tell everyone I’m the more important Woodfield brother – although I have to say that Harry is the loudest,’ he smiled. ‘Do you mind if I call you Gracie or do you prefer Gracie?’

  ‘Definitely Gracie, I don’t have the grace to be called Gracie and I get fed up with all the “there but for the grace of God” jokes, so please don’t say it.’ She laughed nervously at her often-told joke.

  ‘Not true, I think you’re full of grace, but I’ll call you Gracie if I have to. You know, this feels so strange, this isn’t something I expected when I set out from home this morning …’ Edward looked straight into her eyes.

  ‘What’s strange? There’s nothing strange about sitting on the beach on a nice day, I often do it. Me and Ruby love the beach.’ Not completely sure of his meaning, Gracie glanced away, hoping he wouldn’t notice her face reddening rapidly under his intimate gaze.

  ‘That isn’t what I mean and I think you know that. It’s strange, sitting here feeling as if I …’

  Gracie didn’t say anything but looked at him again, still trying to work out where the conversation was going.

  ‘You know, I persuaded the others to come and sit over here, told them it was the best spot. I’ve been watching you ever since I saw you on the rollercoaster.’ He smiled as he stared at her. ‘I made them walk all the way to the pier and back with me; I even dragged them onto the pier … that took some persuading, I’m telling you! Luckily the picnic basket was still in the car. Phew …’

  ‘You were following us? Why would you do that?’ Gracie asked.

  ‘Because you caught my eye when the rollercoaster came around and I could see you laughing. Then, when I saw you and your friend falling about on the grass afterwards having such fun, I knew straight away that you were exactly the girl I wanted to marry.’


  Gracie stared open-mouthed at the man sitting beside her on the beach; the stranger she had met not fifteen minutes before. Unsure how to react she shook her head and started to laugh nervously.

  ‘Oh for God’s sake, what a load of old waffle! How daft do you think I am? Flattery won’t get you nowhere with me. I’m not that kind of girl.’

  ‘It’s not waffle and I never thought anything other than how beautiful you were. That was what I thought when I saw you, though maybe marry was a declaration too soon.’ Edward pulled a face and paused before looking away in the direction of the sea.

  ‘Harry would say that was typical of me, not thinking before opening my mouth. He says my social skills need honing, but that was what I felt. I still feel it, sitting here beside you.’

  He moved a fraction sideways, until he was so close to Gracie their knees were touching. She knew she should move away but she couldn’t. As the contact remained, so something made her instinctively place her left hand, along with the engagement ring Sean had given her, out of sight under her thigh.

  As she did so a wave of guilt hit her. She should be sending the charming stranger on his way, she should be telling him that she didn’t talk to strange men, that she was getting married in just three days’ time. She should be saying to him that her wedding was all booked for Saturday, and that she loved her fiancé. She knew she should tell him all of that, and then stand up and walk away.

  But she didn’t.

  Instead Gracie remained there, silent and still, and strangely aware of the scent of his cologne, despite knowing full well that she shouldn’t be having feelings like this for anyone, let alone a total stranger.

  But despite Edward Woodfield being a stranger, Gracie felt as if she already knew him – because he was exactly how she had always imagined her fantasy man would be. The stranger on the beach was actually the very familiar man of her dreams. He was the right one whom Gracie had always known she would recognise.

  Edward was tall and lithe, with long legs and broad shoulders; his features were even, with a charming smile and expressive deep blue eyes that Gracie knew were fixed on her face. But there was a shyness about him that was endearing, and somehow she knew instinctively that he wasn’t just a run-of-the-mill Lothario trying to get off with a local girl at the seaside.

  She was momentarily dumbstruck. Old flannel she could easily deal with but open sincerity and genuine declarations were something different.

  In the background she could hear Ruby calling her from the water’s edge but her voice seemed far, far away. Gracie focused on her feet, wiggling her toes in her sandals and shaking a few stray grains of sand from between them. Something strange was happening to her and though she wanted to get up and run away from the obvious danger in front of her, she couldn’t.

  Even though the touch was so light it was barely there, Edward Woodfield’s leg burned into hers, and she was aware of his fresh breath that was far too close to the side of her face. She carried on looking down and didn’t meet his gaze, but nonetheless she was completely thrown by both the situation and the palpitations that were getting faster by the moment.

  And then he moved an inch away from her. He stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back with his hands under his head.

  ‘So, what do you do for a living that has you resident at the seaside, you lucky thing?’ he asked, gently easing the tension of the moment.

  ‘I’ve always lived here. I was born here – I’m a Southender who’s never lived anywhere else …’ she paused. ‘But you’re not really interested in my life story, are you? It’s pretty boring.’

  ‘I am and I’m listening. I want to know all about you and then I’ll tell you all about me,’ he smiled.

  ‘There’s not enough time for all that stuff. Ruby will be back in a minute and then we have to go. I have a lot to do in the next few days …’ she paused. Gracie knew she should tell him about her forthcoming marriage, but instead she hesitated just long enough for him to interrupt.

  ‘It’s not important; we don’t need to know everything about each other immediately.’

  As he smiled, so Gracie unintentionally found herself telling him an outline of her life story. It was a sanitised version, but he proved to be a good listener.

  ‘And you? What do you do?’ Gracie asked, turning it round to him.

  ‘I’m an engineer. I work abroad, mostly in Africa, but I’m back home on leave for Harry’s wedding. They’re driving me completely bananas with all the planning and organising; it’s going to be very formal, which is not my sort of thing, but it’s what they want. Or rather, what Louisa wants – and usually whatever Louisa wants, so does poor besotted Harry.’

  ‘I thought you looked too healthy and suntanned for England,’ Gracie said, carefully avoiding the subject of weddings.

  ‘Hardly healthy,’ he chuckled. ‘Not that long ago I was burnt to a cinder after a day at the beach and this is the outcome after the top three layers peeled. Luckily I have skin that tans. Gracie, can we meet again? Just the two of us. I can drive down here anytime. I’m in the UK for several more weeks until the wedding. I want to get to know you and for you to know me …’

  ‘I can’t do that, I really can’t. You see, it’s, it’s …’ Gracie stuttered, unable to get the words out.

  ‘Of course you can,’ he interrupted with a smile. ‘I’m not going to give up. I want to get to know you, and I want to marry you and whisk you off to Africa with me.’

  ‘Don’t talk to me like that,’ she snapped. ‘You’re taking the mickey out of me now. I told you, I’m not some stupid little fairground girl who’ll fall for your flannel and flattery and let you have your way, I’m not …’

  ‘I’m not taking the mickey and I’ve got no other motive. I mean it, I want to get to know you. Please, Gracie? I really mean it and I’ve never done this sort of thing before. Harry would have a pink fit if he knew I was declaring love at first sight to you. It’s just not me.’
  He sounded so sincere that Gracie was immediately thrown; she wanted to believe him and to try and understand exactly what was passing between them but she didn’t know what to say and before she had time to think of a response Ruby appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of them. She looked from one to the other, glanced down in the direction of Gracie’s hidden left hand and shook her head.

  ‘Wow!’ she said with meaning.

  ‘Wow what?’ Gracie looked up and forced a smile.

  ‘Just, wow,’ Ruby said with a knowing shake of her head. ‘Shouldn’t we be going back home now? You know, things to do and … well, things to do and guests to prepare for!’

  Ruby’s subtle reminder brought Gracie straight back to her senses and, shocked at herself, she jumped up and quickly stepped away from where Edward was sitting. He carefully moved back onto the blanket that Louisa had laid out and made a big show of brushing sand off his trousers, then a few moments later Harry and Louisa were back with them.

  ‘Picnic time! I’m famished, let’s get the grub set up …’ Louisa said loudly, oblivious to the odd atmosphere on the beach.

  Gracie and Ruby both watched as Louisa knelt down and started unpacking the cavernous basket, pulling out two plates of sandwiches, a full-size gala pie, a box of biscuits, a selection of fruit and a large home-baked fruit cake. Drinks followed, along with assorted relishes, a cruet set and a full range of crockery, cutlery and glasses which had been strapped into the sides and lid.

  ‘Well, that looks really wonderful. I can’t believe you brought all that to the beach …’ Ruby said as she and Gracie watched the ceremonial unpacking in fascination.

  ‘Join us,’ Edward said. ‘There’s plenty. Our mother still thinks we need feeding up. I think she emptied the refrigerator straight into the basket rather than divide it up.’

  ‘That’s right,’ Louisa said. ‘Seems she’s given us enough here to feed the forty thousand. If you don’t join us we’ll have to share it with some passing children and those squawking seagulls, I think.’

  As she laughed loudly so Harry, her fiancé, joined in appreciatively but Edward merely smiled politely. His eyes, screwed up against the sun, were surreptitiously back on Gracie.

  ‘I’m sorry, as I said it looks wonderful but we can’t stay,’ Ruby said, taking held of Gracie’s elbow and gently squeezing it. ‘It was lovely to meet you all but we really do have to get back. Work to do …’

  ‘We do have lots to do but I think we can stay for a bit longer …’ Gracie looked pleadingly at her friend. ‘That spread looks wonderful.’

  Ruby looked at her closely for several seconds. ‘Okay, but only if you come for a splash around while the tide’s still up. Come and cool off with me.’

  As soon as they were out of earshot, Ruby looked at her friend. ‘What are you playing at – you and that Edward? I saw the way you were looking at each other. Gracie, you were flirting like you’re single!’ Ruby hissed.

  ‘I’m not playing at anything. Rubes, he said he wants to marry me. He followed us from the Kursaal, he sat there on purpose …’ Gracie said quietly.

  Ruby started to laugh but when she saw Gracie’s expression she stopped.

  ‘Oh for heaven’s sake, that is just stupid. How could he say something like that after five minutes? He must have a screw loose.’

  Gracie swished the water around with her feet. ‘Maybe both of us have. There’s something there; he said he felt it and I know I did. It hit me the moment I saw him. I’ve never felt anything like this before. He’s the right one, I know it. Do you believe in love at first sight?’

  ‘I don’t know – but I do know you’re marrying Sean this Saturday coming, three days’ time.’ Ruby paused. ‘You are going ahead with it, aren’t you? I saw you hiding your ring.’

  ‘Of course I am but …’ Gracie fiddled with her engagement ring.

  ‘Gracie, don’t do this. Let’s just go. As soon as we’re back at the hotel it’ll be as if we never met any of them, as if this never happened.’ Ruby grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight. ‘I’m telling you, no good can come out of this, let’s make our excuses and leave.’

  ‘Let’s just stay for an hour or so. That’s all, then we’ll go home and get ready for the wedding. The hotel is empty and there’s not that much to do. I’ll do everything I have to, promise …’ Gracie pleaded. ‘Please? I just need a bit more time. I’m not going to do anything silly, I just want to get to know him a little bit.’

  ‘You’re playing with fire, Gracie and you’ll regret it if you take it any further, I’m telling you, but it’s your choice. I’m not your mother or Aunt Leonora,’ Ruby said.

  ‘I think that the real Aunt Leonora will be up there cheering me on, even if it is through pursed lips. She never found the right one, even fleetingly,’ Gracie replied with a smile.

  After their few minutes splashing around, Ruby and Gracie walked back up to where Louisa, Edward and Harry were and sat down, just off the picnic rug. Ruby sat next to Louisa and Gracie sat beside her, with Edward at the far end of the semi-circle, in her direct line of vision.

  Aware that there were a lot of eyes in the group, Gracie mostly looked at the ground but she didn’t have to look up to know that Edward’s eyes were on her. She could feel them and the pull scared her.

  There was no doubt that Louisa was absolutely in charge of the group; she played host with the picnic and also did most of the talking but Gracie didn’t want to join in, her appetite having been replaced by a gnawing combination of nausea and guilt. Her usual common sense had taken flight and she was away in another place … with the man called Edward, whom she had only just met.

  Gracie was in a state of confusion. Her forthcoming wedding to Sean had taken up every moment of her day for months and she had been on countdown ever since they had agreed the date. She desperately wanted to be married and have a family of her own, to leave her past behind. But now that it was about to happen, she had been confronted with Edward Woodfield, who on the surface was her dream man. Suddenly Gracie wasn’t sure what she wanted anymore.

  ‘Who wants an ice cream?’ Edward asked after they’d all finished.

  ‘I do,’ Louisa put her hand up, ‘but you chaps go and get them while we clear up.’

  ‘I don’t want to go traipsing round looking for ice cream,’ Harry said grumpily. ‘I seriously need a nap after all that food. There are some empty deckchairs up there; I’m going to get them for us.’

  ‘You get the chairs and I’ll go and get the ice creams,’ Edward said quickly, ‘but Gracie or Ruby will have to come with me as they know where to go, and I don’t have enough hands for five cornets …’

  Ruby rolled her eyes and looked upwards. ‘You go and get the ice creams with him, Gracie. I’ll help clear up …’ she paused for several seconds, ‘but don’t get lost, we’ve got a long shift when we get back’.

  Gracie feigned reluctance, but eventually stood up and walked away along the promenade with Edward.

  She knew absolutely that she shouldn’t be doing it, that she could be opening a door that should, because of Sean, remain firmly shut but she couldn’t help herself. She felt as if she had suddenly lost all self-control.

  Gracie simply wanted to spend some time with Edward Woodfield, the man she had instantly recognised as the right one.

  The right one at the wrong time.


  ‘Well? How do I look?’ Gracie asked nervously, as Ruby stepped back after pulling up the zip on her wedding dress. ‘Is it okay? I feel a bit like the fairy on the Christmas tree. I just don’t look like me, do I?’

  As Gracie spoke she twirled round on the spot in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, making her skirt rise and fall. Her freshly lightened hair was curled and carefully pinned up under her shoulder-length veil making her neck look long and graceful, her minimal make-up was carefully applied, and her stiff new satin shoes were on her feet.

  As Gracie stared at herself in the mir
ror she found it hard to believe that she was the bride and that it was actually her wedding day. She had spent so many years seeing a plain kid in the mirror that it was hard to accept that everything had changed for her.

  It was the day she had dreamed of, especially after the trauma of being abandoned by the man who was the father of her illegitimate baby, the baby she had been forced to give up.

  Archie Cooper had declared his undying love, charmed her, said he wanted to marry her, bedded her and then disappeared without trace, leaving a fearful and disillusioned Gracie to face the consequences alone, with her dreams in tatters.

  But that was all in the past, everything was in the past; she now had Sean Donnelly, a nice young man who loved her and wanted to marry her. Her wedding day had finally arrived.

  ‘Oh bloody hell, Gracie Grace! You look lovely – all grown up and sophisticated. You look just like a model bride in Woman’s Own or even a movie star! You’re so beautiful.’

  ‘Beautiful is pushing it, Rubes …’ Gracie laughed.

  Ruby clutched her hands to her mouth and looked ready to cry as her friend stopped moving and stood with her arms held out, like a ballerina. The wedding dress was mid-calf length with a fitted silk bodice that was darted and shaped to make the most of Gracie’s figure; it had a full skirt carefully crafted from silk and lace, with a net underskirt to make it stand out and a neckline that was scooped and edged with white satin, as were the fashionable elbow-length sleeves. Her short white lace gloves were the finishing touch to the bride’s ensemble.

  All the dresses, Gracie’s and both bridesmaids’ had been home-made by Babs Wheaton, Ruby’s wartime foster mother who was a skilled home dressmaker, as a wedding gift. Gracie was beyond grateful because she could never have afforded something so classy herself.

  Ruby’s bridesmaid’s outfit was the same design as Gracie’s but was pale pink satin without the lace or the net underskirts so it hung straight down and fluttered around her calves; Maggie’s was almost the same, but hers was full-length and in a design more suited to a child. Each dress had been carefully made with each person in mind and they all complemented each other.


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