Eternity Gate

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Eternity Gate Page 33

by Traci Harding

  Ereshkigal looked back to the Grigori. ‘Well, haven’t you both proven yourselves useful?’

  ‘So, you will help us?’ Noah tested the extent of their favour.

  ‘The question is more, can I help you,’ Ereshkigal posed. ‘Which depends on how honest your little friend has been with me.’

  ‘How do you mean?’ Zeven was up for the challenge. ‘I have not lied about anything.’

  ‘If that metal orb is truly comprised of the seals of the Fallen Elohim,’ she advised, ‘they can be used to summon, contain and control them.’

  Zeven saw her plot and was excited. ‘Even if we just summoned the principals of the golden outer seals it would be enough.’ But looking at the smooth golden orb he foresaw a problem. ‘But without their respective insignia, we cannot hold them to it.’

  ‘Can you not emboss the seals on the orb with your power?’ Ereshkigal looked to Zeven.

  ‘How do you know about my power?’ he queried as his only opportunity to wield any power in her presence had been thwarted by Kur.

  ‘I shared with Ereshkigal my memories of the dark universe,’ Noah confessed, realising in retrospect that she now knew all there was to know about his Grigori brothers.

  ‘You did what?’ Zeven freaked, but Noah waved him off and looked back to Ereshkigal.

  ‘You said that Grigori have no power here in the Underworld?’

  ‘No power over me,’ Ereshkigal clarified, ‘and even that is a lie,’ she confessed, with a soft seductive smile in Noah’s direction. ‘Self-defence,’ she justified her deception, which could have been another fib to suit her ends; it was difficult to read the Nefilim, especially the females. ‘You don’t think I am this good natured normally, surely?’

  ‘Well, a good temperament seems to have served you well,’ Noah returned her affectionate smile. ‘Your worst fear has not been realised, and your marriage will be more accommodating than originally thought.’ Still, Noah knew her time in the Underworld would not last forever once her addiction to Orme, extended life and eternal youth got a grip on her, for the substance abuse would anchor her soul in the physical realm.

  As Armaros and the Queen of the Underworld smiled fondly at each other, Zeven rolled his eyes. ‘I want some of the talent you’re having.’

  ‘I am not the one about to save the day,’ Noah motioned to the orb. ‘Do you remember the seals in question?’

  ‘Thanks to Ji Dan’s memories and fine eye for detail, I shall never forget them,’ Zeven confirmed. ‘There are nine, plus the emperor.’

  ‘Samyaza,’ Ereshkigal concurred, and Zeven was shocked by her knowledge. ‘Thanks to Armaros’ memories, I shall never forget them.’

  ‘No offence,’ Zeven commented to Ereshkigal and then looked to Noah, ‘but that is dangerous.’

  ‘So is allowing her to summon the principals of the dark universe, but we are about to risk that,’ Noah stated in the Queen of the Dead’s defence. ‘So if Ereshkigal is going to betray us, I feel it will be sooner rather than later.’

  ‘Those seals are easily enough reproduced,’ Ereshkigal admitted, ‘but why would I wish to dredge the lowest part of my soul experience up into this universe, when I have grown so much since then? I am no fool. To share what I know of the dark universe with anyone would be to destroy the natural order and risk my own damnation. No matter which of the Fallen I once was, I do not wish for my darkest aspect to be at anyone’s beck and call.’

  ‘I can’t say I would fancy that either,’ Noah awarded, gratified by her comprehension of the matter.

  ‘That is why I wanted to ensure I had them all, so that I could dispose of them thusly.’ She motioned back to the orb in question. ‘So if you would be so kind.’

  Zeven was still a little wary about producing the seals for her.

  ‘Well, I could depart and allow you to perform the summons yourself,’ Ereshkigal proffered. ‘But do bear in mind that time does not exist in the dark universe. As there is a part of me still residing there, so do the Grigori still reside there, and if you were to summon Samyaza and his henchmen, the Satan might be rather curious about how you got here.’

  ‘She has a point,’ Noah considered. ‘It might be best not to present Samyaza with such a paradox to solve. It could backfire badly on our past Grigori selves, and we might end up being exposed to his virus before being sent through the Eternity Gate.’

  ‘Heaven forbid, no!’ Zeven’s mind was exploding trying to dispose of just one mind-eater; a couple of hundred of them would see this universe as damned as the last. ‘Okay,’ Zeven called it, deciding to trust Ereshkigal, and Noah nodded to confirm it would be all right.

  If Ereshkigal was again lying about Noah’s influence on her, or her enlightened intent, this mission would fail miserably. Yet, his gut told him that he was right to give her the benefit of the doubt. Just because she was Nefilim and would become a great nemesis to them in future, didn’t mean she could not be trusted now.

  ‘It’s not like we have a lot of choices here,’ Zeven turned his focus to the golden orb and cast his mind back to the dark universe, to recall the personal insignia the fallen Elohim all wore emblazoned upon the chest plate of their armour. The circular seals of embossed gold all rose to adorn the surface of the sphere, Samyaza on the top, Bael on the bottom and the eight other principals in two rows around the middle of the sphere. ‘All yours.’ Zeven bowed out of Ereshkigal’s way.

  ‘Before we begin,’ Noah who had some experience of conjuring spirits from the sub-planes in the past, informed. ‘We need an unbroken circle drawn around this entire central area. Do these passages go right the way around?’ He motioned to the dark curving corridors to either side of the throne area.

  ‘They do,’ Ereshkigal sounded affronted. ‘But why a circle of protection, when the seals will hold the fallen?’

  ‘Just a precaution,’ he answered diplomatically — but in the event that Ereshkigal summoned the Fallen and then decided to set them onto Zeven and himself, a circle of protection would contain them and prevent the issue. ‘Zeven, if you would be so kind?’

  With a thought, Zeven manifested an ultra-violet mark of light on the ground that went shooting off around the central enclosure to the left and within moments the band of light emerged from the passage on the right to join with itself and maintain a solid glow.

  ‘No trust.’ Ereshkigal quipped at their safety measure.

  ‘Our only thought is for your welfare.’ Zeven grinned winningly, despite lying through his teeth.

  ‘You need fear not, I know what I am doing.’ Ereshkigal positioned herself in the centre of the archway facing the area, and as Zeven and Noah still stood observing her every move, she asked, ‘Are you waiting for a formal invitation to hide?’

  ‘Ah, right you are.’ Zeven turned himself invisible.

  Noah decided to conceal himself to one side of the archway, and heading off in that direction, he felt a hand slap down on his shoulder.

  ‘It’s cool,’ said Zeven, but looking back he did not see his comrade, and looking down Noah couldn’t see himself either.

  ‘That’s a little off-putting.’

  ‘It is, isn’t it?’ Zeven agreed. ‘But at least you’ll get to watch the proceedings.’

  That was quite true, Noah considered looking up and into the arena — being able to hide in plain sight was certainly an advantage he’d never known before.

  ‘I, Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld

  and all the souls of the dead,’

  Their hostess began her summons, calling into the great void before her.

  ‘I invoke and conjure,

  the terrible and invisible God,

  who dwells in the void place of spirit.

  Show thyself within this circle,

  in fair and comely shape,

  without deformity or tortuosity.

  Hear me, Bael — the first principal,

  Paimon, Baleth, Purson and Asmoday!

  I invoke thee, Vinè, Bala
m, Zagan, Belial,

  and your leader, who shall not be named,

  the mighty, born-less one!

  With power armed from the divine creatrix,

  and the one who is all kinds,

  I command you now, appear!’

  The forms of the fallen Elohim began to rise from their seals, growling and cussing at the uncomfortable inconvenience.

  Although they began eyeing her in an obtrusive manner, Ereshkigal held her ground; her claim to be fearless was substantiated in her unwavering focus.

  ‘Clever mortal, how have you summoned he who obeys not?’ Samyaza moved to fly towards her, only to find his feet firmly fixed in place to the golden seal upon the globe at his feet, which he noted was indeed his own. ‘How do you know the unknowable?’

  The Fallen Elohim were very beautiful to behold, but their perfect faces and forms did nothing to hide the evil intent that coursed through every fibre of their being. They protested loudly to being stuck at strange angles on the spinning orb — Bael, hanging upside down from the base, was the most agitated of all. ‘Cut me loose, cretin —’

  ‘Quiet!’ Samyaza ordered his lackeys. He was interested to hear what Ereshkigal had to say.

  ‘I confound you,’ Ereshkigal found this a great compliment. ‘But you need only know that the seals at your feet bind you all to do my bidding.’

  Samyaza laughed at her summation. ‘They bind us to appear before you, but for our aid … you must make a deal.’

  ‘Must I?’ Ereshkigal was equally amused. ‘Behold!’ She spread her arms wide to bring their attention to the arena, in which the globe restraining them was poised. ‘You are at the centre of the circle of living breath, of the one who looks with gladness upon you. There is no deal to be made here, your presence is all that is required.’

  Samyaza noted that the golden globe at his feet had begun sinking down towards the dark porthole. ‘Release us, and you shall have every spirit of the firmament, and of the ether, and every spell and scourge of creation obedient to you!’

  ‘You cannot give me what I already possess,’ she looked down upon his descending person. ‘But I thank you, for you are both magnificent and praiseworthy in the eyes of the one who is all kinds. All things of heaven, Earth and dwelling in darkness are in their rightful place, because you are a servant of obedience. I bid you all remain visible to my eyes, until you descend into your dwelling, whereupon you are released of my hold.’

  ‘There must be something you desire?’ Samyaza growled, getting more agitated by the second.

  ‘I desire that you return and remain in your dwelling,’ she stated kindly, ‘until the living breath of the voice of the creatrix is, according to the law, given to you.’

  ‘Fuck you! I obey no one!’ he seethed. ‘I will be back, and I will find you!’

  ‘I am certain of it,’ Ereshkigal said loudly, as their dialogue was drowned out by the growing distance between them, the protests of the Fallen Elohim and the regular chaos within the arena. ‘I am living proof that you will return,’ she uttered quietly to herself, as the dark ones she had waited her whole life to meet, vanished into the darkened void below.

  ‘That was brilliantly negotiated, Highness,’ Noah awarded, as Zeven let him go and they both become visible once again.

  ‘Brilliantly negotiated?’ Zeven thought it an understatement. ‘That was fucking awesome!’ he stressed and gripped his head with his hands, arms spread wide in relief. ‘It is done! We did it!’ The realisation urged him to rush at Armaros, and jump-hug him.

  ‘Who did it?’ Ereshkigal queried, indignant.

  Zeven let Noah go, turned to the Nefilim woman, placed an arm across his chest and bowed to her. ‘The Grigori are indebted to you, Majesty, it is a very great feat you have helped us achieve this day.’ He stood upright to find her grinning.

  ‘Our meeting in this instance, when considered on the whole, has been an equal exchange of mutual benefit,’ Ereshkigal allowed. ‘All debts are paid in full. At least they will be, once I return you to my betrothed.’

  ‘We surrender entirely to your will,’ Noah granted. ‘The time of our internment is overdue.’

  ‘You said it,’ Zeven agreed wholeheartedly, and the Queen of the Dead, found their words perplexing.

  ‘You face limbo so willingly,’ she noted, ‘yet I find it sad such talent and wisdom is to be suppressed for all time. I believe I should appeal your case once more to the Pantheon —’

  ‘No!’ Both Noah and Zeven chimed in to insist at once, and Ereshkigal was truly confused.

  Zeven leaned in close to have a quiet word with Noah. ‘Turn off the charm, will you?’

  ‘I have,’ he insisted. ‘She is naturally compassionate.’

  ‘That is unexpected,’ Zeven warranted.

  Noah sidestepped him to focus on Ereshkigal. ‘You would never get the majority vote, Highness. It would only make trouble for you on the eve of your engagement.’

  ‘I don’t think your betrothed likes us very much,’ Zeven was fairly sure about that.

  ‘Have you not observed how I can negotiate my betrothed?’ She encouraged them to be more positive. ‘I shall take this up with Anu —’

  ‘Really, Majesty,’ Noah attempted to sway her, but they were already being swallowed by the dark mist of the dragon express.

  In the Worlds Chamber, they joined Anu, who was alone upon his throne, with all the doors closed.

  Ereshkigal was concerned to find her suitor was not present. ‘Where is Nergal?’

  ‘I dismissed him.’ Anu rose and descended the stairs. ‘So that we might speak alone.’

  ‘That is well, Father,’ Ereshkigal decided, ‘for I wish to take issue with the sentence of the Grigori.’

  ‘I thought you might,’ he advised her as he gazed into her eyes, ‘for at this time in your young life, your heart goes out to all the forsaken.’ Anu placed a hand on both sides of her face. ‘But you will forget about them now —’

  ‘No,’ she gasped, realising what was happening and attempting to pull away, but she could not.

  ‘Yes, you must,’ Anu instilled in her more forcefully.

  ‘Yes,’ she succumbed to the directive.

  ‘Wipe from your memory all recollection of the Grigori and their cargo —’

  ‘And the dark universe,’ Noah cut in to advise; Anu looked to him and raised his brow in question, displeased.

  ‘And the dark universe,’ Anu looked back to Ereshkigal to conclude. ‘Allow only your encounter with Nergal to remain.’

  ‘As you will, Father,’ she replied.

  ‘You may leave me now, your betrothed awaits you beyond those doors,’ Anu motioned to the primary exit from the chamber. ‘As does your brother, Enki. Would you be so kind as to send him in for me?’

  Ereshkigal gasped at the sound of her twin’s name, it had been some time since they had seen each other. ‘Lingering in the land of the living for a time, shall have some boons … I have missed my less adventurous brother.’

  ‘Your family misses you, most curious daughter,’ he assured her. ‘It will be a joy to have your company and wisdom more often.’

  ‘Father?’ Ereshkigal frowned, ‘you were not so well disposed towards me at our last meeting.’

  ‘Well, that is in the past.’ Telmo, who was inhabiting Anu’s body realised he was probably sounding a little too affectionate for a Nefilim, even one as advanced as Anu.

  ‘A gracious resolve,’ Ereshkigal granted and as she departed, her eyes did not stray towards the Grigori present; for her, they were simply not there.

  ‘It will take them a little while to process their reunion,’ Anu advised, once the door was closed, ‘so we should really get moving.’

  Zeven waylaid the Nefilim by grabbing his arm, wishing to address Telmo within. ‘I just wanted to say, you’ve been anything but a liability.’ Zeven held out a hand to shake his. ‘We couldn’t have succeeded in this mission without your help.’

  ‘I accept you
r apology,’ Anu granted. ‘But we haven’t succeeded yet.’

  ‘I wasn’t saying sorry,’ Zeven was irked by the assumption. ‘I didn’t do anything wrong, I was just saying —’

  ‘Guys!’ Noah was already laying himself down on the floor, in preparation to depart. ‘Argue later. We have a lot of backtracking to do, before we are out of the woods.’

  ‘Right you are.’ Zeven joined Noah on the floor, but Telmo choose the throne to put Anu’s body to snooze in.

  ‘Enki knows what to do,’ Anu advised them as they all got comfortable. ‘See you in the next one.’

  ‘Roger that.’ Zeven closed his eyes to focus on the minute they had left the AMIE project to venture back to ancient Nibiru. He loved a good adventure, more than any of the timekeepers, bar Taren herself, but it came as some relief to know that this was hopefully the last he would ever see of the Nefilim.

  PART 4




  As Taren sat waiting for her three remaining unconscious crew members to surface from their regression, she was quietly musing on the illusive tricks time played — for these few minutes seemed to be taking a lifetime to unfold.

  She thought back over the events that had brought them to this point, and all the instances in time they had yet to tackle — the notion of facing that totality without the three souls still in question was unfathomable, as were the repercussions if they did not succeed.

  ‘Why did you leave ahead of them?’ Taren queried Rhun, Avery, Leal and Jazmay, who had all taken a seat to regain their sensibility of the present — Leal was gripping his privates and silently giving thanks and praise.

  ‘It was Zeven’s call,’ Rhun clued her in. ‘He wanted to deal with Ereshkigal on his own.’

  ‘Ereshkigal?’ Taren recalled seeing her in Dan’s thought recording. ‘I thought you and Noah were dealing with Ereshkigal?’

  ‘Well … the Queen of the Dead took more than just a liking to Noah,’ Rhun outlined the complication, ‘and took off with him to the Underworld.’


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