The Traitor's Daughter

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The Traitor's Daughter Page 6

by Mary Goldberger

  She frowned as she repeated in her head what she learned, one of the last of the Fire Blood Pack members. Was there another member of the Fire Blood Pack out there? If that is so, where is he or she, and how did they survive the raid?

  Chapter 7

  Artur and Steve sat in their chairs listening to Alpha Tomas and Shane talk about the recent rogue attacks.

  “They have been getting a little out of hand lately,” Shane said, and waved his hand at his son. Bryan strolled forward with smirk as he said, “Sam’s daughter was the first of many who was taken, and so far we have been lucky enough to be able to find them all in time before anything happened.” Bryan was confident in his own ability although he was not the one finding the missing people.

  Incompetent asshole, Artur said to Steve.

  Let him talk for he has nothing better to do with his time, Steve told Artur as he glanced around the room. Amy sat next to her father although he could tell that she was very uncomfortable.

  Are you okay, he said catching her gaze, and she smiled slightly her eyes shimmering with weariness.

  Yes, she replied, and then Steve, I love you.

  Steve drew in a deep breath and controlled himself from jumping out of his chair, and rushing over to her.

  I love you, too.

  He watched as her eyes went dewy, and she smiled with complete happiness that her face glowed. Artur noticed his friends’ contented expression and glancing over at Amy whose faces glowed with happiness, he smiled to himself although he had to admit, he was envious.

  He refocused his attention on the meeting.

  “What do you want to do, Tomas?” Shane asked as Bryan stepped back next to him.

  Tomas run a hand through his hair as he thought over the question. He sighed, “Increase the patrol units, also we need to make sure that we inform everyone to stay inside at night, and I want parents to keep their children close and no one going into the forests for any reason. For right now, the forest is restricted to only the ones on patrol.”

  Artur saw Steve nod his head, and knew that he agreed with the orders. They sat through the rest of the meeting and when it was over, Steve went to talk with Tomas while Artur walked over to Amy.

  “Hi, Artur,” she said after a quick look before turning her attention back to Steve.

  “Hi, Amy,” he said with a serious tone, “Have you heard anything from Grace?”

  Amy turned her head to look at him, and she saw the look of concern and worry on his face.

  “No, Artur, I have not heard anything from her,” she said watching as his blue-gold eyes darkened with worry. She reached out and placed her hand on his arm, and he glanced at her as she said, “She will be all right, Artur.” He nodded his head, and reached forward to pat her hand.

  “Now, now, “a voice said snidely, and they looked up to see Bryan standing there with a little pixie girl with deep blue eyes that shone with malice. She looked Artur over before her eyes filled with lust, and Amy hid back her laughter as Artur just looked at them.

  Bryan looked them over with malice as he said snidely again, “If you wanted a play mate, then you could have come back to me, Amy.”

  Amy’s eyes narrowed as Artur growled, “You might want to back away now.”

  Bryan black eyes narrowed with dislike as he said, “Or what, Artur?”

  Before Artur could do anything, Steve intervened.

  “You should watch yourself, Bryan,” Steve warned, “for no offense to your prowess, but Artur could kick your ass.”

  Bryan smiled arrogantly, “I am not afraid of either of you, and I doubt Artur could hurt me in any way.” He laughed at them as he turned to the pixie, “Ready to leave, angel?”

  “Of course, baby,” she said with a purr grabbing his arm, but as they walked away, she sent a wink over her shoulder at Artur.

  Amy held it in until they left, and then she started laughing. Artur and Steve looked at her in understanding as Artur smiled, and Steve put his arm around her.

  “Amy,” her father growled as he came up to them, “You need to show more respect to Bryan for he will be the next Beta.”

  Amy’s eyes narrowed, and asked bluntly, “How does that affect me?”

  Her father shook his head before saying with disrespect, “Once you get over this nonsense about this man here, then you will need to be on Bryan’s good side so he could take you back.”

  Amy looked at her father in shock as she listened to what he was saying. Then she growled, “So what am I feeling for Steve?”

  “It is lust, nothing else,” her father said before grabbing her arm in a tight grip, and was about to pull her away until Steve said with a command in his voice, “Let her go now.”

  Even though her father was not of his pack, he could not ignore the dangerous tone of his voice.

  “She is my daughter,” her father began.

  “She is my mate,” Steve growled back.

  Her father scowled, and then looked at Amy, “You leave with him, do not bother coming back to our house. Find yourself somewhere else to live.” Amy’s eyes widened as he gave her a glare, and walked away.

  “I cannot believe that he just kicked her out of her own house,” Artur said in amazement. Steve just took Amy into his arms as she started shaking.

  “You are staying with us, Amy,” Steve said with softness as he rubbed her back. Steve looked at Artur, and Artur nodded his head as they headed out the door.

  They stopped by Amy’s house first, and when her mother saw her, she smiled until she noticed her sad look.

  Once they explained what her father said, Amy’s mom took her into her arms.

  “I am sorry, sweetheart,” she said, and then she looked at Steve, “Please take care of her. She deserves better as I have never liked Bryan, and I was really glad when he gave her up.” She frowned as she said to shock Amy, “The other thing that I am sorry about is that he hurt Grace.”

  “MOM,” Amy said in genuine shock.

  Her mom looked at her for a moment, then she sighed, “I feel so bad for Grace, and there were so many times I wanted to go over there and just take her in my arms. Instead, I listened to your father when I should have listened to my heart. Grace deserves so much more than what she has gotten.”

  “Mom, why did you let me go over to their house when we were younger?” Amy asked wanting to know why her mother trusted a couple no one really knew.

  Her mom smiled, “Because I saw the kindness in Troy and Alyssa more than what is in my husband. Besides, I always thought Troy was one hot male.” Amy’s eyes flew wide, and then she busted out laughing.

  “Come on,” her mom said, “let’s go pack your bags.”

  With that said, she grabbed Amy by the hand and pulled her up the stairs to her room, and she called down, “You two can go to the kitchen and get yourselves something to drink.”

  Artur and Steve smiled at each other as they walked to the kitchen.

  Thirty minutes later, they heard them coming back downstairs, and they left the kitchen to help with the bags.

  They finished loading Amy’s cases in Steve’s truck and saying 'goodbye' to her mom when her dad pulled into the drive.

  “Finish,” her mom told them as she walked to the car as he stepped out. He raged for a few minutes until with one last scowl, he stormed into the house and Amy’s mother came back over to them.

  “Goodbye, sweetheart,” she said giving Amy a hug, “Take care of yourself.” She gave Steve a stern look then she smiled giving him a hug, and she gave one to Artur too.

  “I like your mom, Amy,” Artur said as they drove to their pack house. Amy was sitting in the middle between Steve and Artur.

  “So do I,” Steve said, then added, “But I don’t care for your dad. Sorry, honey.”

  Amy understood so she nodded her head, and then she laid her head against his shoulder.

  They were at the pack house no more than an hour, putting Amy’s things in Steve’s room when Amy gasped.

sp; Hi, Amy, Uncle Ted said that you have been asking about me. I am fine, and I am at home. If you want to come over, then you are more than welcomed.

  “Yes,” she said aloud, and they all looked at him.

  “Grace is home,” she said as she rushed to the phone and dialed a number.

  “Uncle Ted,” she began as soon as he answered, and then stopped as he started talking.

  “I am heading over there now,” she said, and then, “Okay I will meet you there.”

  She was laughing as she hung up.

  “We are coming, too,” Steve said without looking at Artur. Artur was standing still, and he was thankful that Steve spoke up because he could not at the moment.

  Amy looked at them for a second biting her lip, and Artur started sweating that she would tell them “no,” but then she nodded her headed and walked out.

  Artur and Steve followed behind her, and where getting into Steve’s truck again when Star walked out the front door, her hair all mussed up and her eyes looking dewy with the afterglow of sex.

  “Hi, Artur honey,” she said seductively, and her eyes grew lusty.

  Artur nodded his head absentminded because his mind was on another woman.

  “We are leaving, Star,” Amy said as Steve started the truck, and the last thing she saw was Star’s eyes widen as they drove away.

  Amy directed them to Grace’s house, and when they pulled up, Ted’s truck was already there.

  “Hi, guys,” Ted, said answering the front door, “Come in, we are in the backyard.” He waved them into the house, and Amy guided them through the living room to the kitchen. Grace was standing at the kitchen counter decorating a cake, and she looked up as they entered. Her eyes widened for a moment when she saw Steve and Artur, but she smiled.

  “Hi,” she said as she turned her attention back to the cake.

  Amy rushed over and hugged her so hard that Grace was startled.

  “Where have you been? We have been worried about you,” Amy scolded her, and Grace chuckled.

  “I am doing fine,” she said giving Amy a cautious hug back before she turned back to her cake.

  “How is your wound?” Steve asked her walking up to the counter.

  “It’s healed,” she said throwing him a smile, “thank you for asking.”

  She finished decorating the cake, and put it in the refrigerator.

  “So Amy,” she said, “what happened?”

  Amy threw her a startled look as Grace started cleaning up the mess she made.

  She sighed, “I will tell you about it later. For now, let us enjoy having you back.”

  Grace looked at her curiously, but she nodded her head as she grabbed a drink from the counter.

  They went outside, and they laughed and joked around as Ted grilled hamburgers.

  The phone rang not too long after and Grace froze. Artur noticed her reaction and put a hand on her arm, “Grace, what’s wrong?”

  Grace focused on the warmth of Artur’s hand as pleasant sensations rushed through her, and then she heard the answer machine picking up, and she glared at Ted.

  He only said, “I think it is a good idea to record the messages.”

  Grace only sighed, and Artur slowly took his hand away from her arm. Grace threw him a grateful smile although her eyes were wary.

  They stayed outside until almost dark before they headed back inside everyone helping to bring in dirty dishes.

  “Go into the living room,” Grace told the men, “Amy and I will bring dessert in to you.” Grace wanted to use this time to find out what happened with Amy.

  The men went into the living room as Grace pulled out the cake, she said, “So tell me what happened? Have you let Steve mark you yet?”

  Amy blushed as she got down the plates, and started the coffee. She sat down at the kitchen counter watching as Grace cut the cake.

  “My dad kicked me out of the house because I would not try to stay on Bryan’s good side,” she confided, and Grace could see the sadness in her eyes.

  “Your mom was okay with your decision though,” Grace asked as she laid a slice of cake on each plate.

  Amy smiled as she nodded her head, and then she blushed, “To answer your next question, no, Steve has not marked me yet. He knows that I am scared, and although I can feel his frustration he is waiting for my permission.”

  Grace laughed lightly as she said, “I would offer you to stay here, but something tells me that you already have a place to go, and you already gave him permission when you decided to move in with him.”

  Amy blushed again as she got up to pour the coffee, and putting the coffee and plates of cake on a tray, they walked into the living room. Amy’s eyes were flushed with awareness and joy, and Grace felt envious as her eyes fell on Artur and they walked over to where the men sat. Once everyone was comfortable, and eating his or her cake, Ted switched on the answering machine.

  Grace froze as soon as the answering machine started. “Uncle Ted,” she warned but it was too late.

  “Hi, Baby. You have been gone for some time, and I missed you. Where have you been? You should have called, and I could have gone with you to keep you company,” then the laughter that made Grace shiver but not with pleasure.

  Then the voice dropped to a whisper, “You probably should have stayed gone, but no matter where you go, you will never escape me. I will be coming for you soon, and we shall have some fun that I know you have been waiting for so be patient.” Then the laughter again before he hung up.

  Grace put down her plate as Ted stopped the machine.

  “Are they all like that?” Ted asked the hint of anger clear in his voice.

  Grace shook her head, as she said, “No, it sounds like he has more planned then just killing me.”

  Ted growled as Amy, Steve, and Artur looked at them.

  “How long has this been going on?” Artur said in a hard voice, and Ted looked at him.

  “For about two months, not too long after Amy and I talked about you, Steve,” she explained. She frowned for a moment as she amended, “Actually make that three months.”

  Amy frowned as she asked, “They started that night?”

  Grace nodded as she got up to start taking the dishes into the kitchen. She came back into the living room to gather the rest when Ted suggested, “Maybe somebody should stay with you for the time being. Telling Tomas would probably not help so the next step is to have someone stay with you.”

  Grace looked at him as she said, “Uncle Ted, nobody needs to stay with me.”

  “Actually, I think it is a very good idea,” Steve said, and Amy nodded her head. Grace glared at them, as Artur sat there for he wanted to suggest that he should stay and his wolf was howling at him to do so.

  Nevertheless, before he could say anything, Ted suggested, “Artur, how about you stay with Grace for a while?”

  All eyes turned to him, but he was interested in the violet eyes that filled with wariness and a little something else he could not define.

  “I think you should, Artur,” Steve said giving him a subtle stare.

  “Grace, let Artur stay with you,” Amy asked, “It would make us feel better knowing that someone is with you. Please?”

  Grace glared at her, and then sighed. “Artur may not wish to babysit me,” she added.

  Artur growled silently at her words because in his mind, he would not be babysitting her.

  “I do not mind,” he said looking at Grace as she glanced at him.

  “You don’t have to stay with me,” she started to say before Steve said, “Actually, he does. I do not want my mate getting worried because her best friend may get hurt.”

  Grace groaned before saying sarcastically, “Just great, not just babysitting, but a burden.”

  She grabbed the rest of the dishes and went back into the kitchen as Artur glared at the others.

  “You should take this opportunity, Artur,” Ted said, “So you two can get to know one another and gain each other’s trust.”

/>   “True,” Steve said, “Artur, you have been worried about her since she left, and I know that your wolf is siding with us.”

  Amy nodded her head, “Artur, I know that you are just as leery as Grace about the idea of a second mate, so what don’t you at least give it a chance? Besides, I think you will have a harder time convincing Grace than yourself.”

  Grace came back from the kitchen as she said, “Does anyone want anything else?”

  They all shook their head, and they got up to get going even Artur.

  Grace walked them to the door, and she watched as they got into their vehicles. Before Steve drove away, Artur looked at her and said, “I will be back in a little while.”

  Grace gave him a startled look causing Artur to smile before Steve drove off heading back to their pack house.

  Ted chuckled silently as he watched them drive off, and then he looked at Grace, “You always said that your father told you to stay and fight, never run away; so are you going to run away or see what happens?” She glared at him, and he only laughed as he drove away.

  True to his world, Artur arrived back at Grace’s house an hour later. As he drove up to her house, he saw that the lights were still on in the living room. He parked behind her motorcycle, and stepped out of his Camaro, and grabbing his bag from the back seat, he strolled to the door, and knocked as he tried to get his wolf to calm down. Grace opened the door, and his mouth almost dropped open as he got a good look at her. It was the first time he saw her dressed like that with her hair hanging down her back, which his wolf reminded him that they had only seen her a few times before now, and she was dressed in a spaghetti strap shirt with a pair of pajama pants. She blushed at his look then opened the door wider to let him inside the house.

  “I really do not see the need to have someone staying with me,” she said, “I have been doing fine on my own.”

  “They are just worried,” Artur said as he followed her up the stairs, and he could not help his eyes traveling to her lightly swaying hips as she led him to the guest room.


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